Statewide Fatherhood Training Conference s1

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Statewide Fatherhood Training Conference s1

CALL for PAPERS 15th Annual New England Fathering Conference “RETHINKING FATHERHOOD: THE 21ST CENTURY DAD” March 12, 13 & 14, 2014 Newport Marriott Hotel

Submission Deadline Thursday October 31st, 2013 Event Information Rhode Island will be hosting the 15th Annual New England Fathering Conference (NEFC) at the Newport Marriott on March 12, 13 and 14, 2014. This educational event brings dads, moms, family service providers, social workers, health professionals, educators, program directors, state and federal representatives, and family advocates together to learn and share information and experiences. As in the past, we are committed to featuring a talented, diverse array of speakers and presenters who will inspire and challenge attendees. The conference encompasses four arenas: Dads & Family/Community, Dads & Health, Dads & Education and Dads & Systems.

Workshop Content The NEFC Planning Committee is searching for professionals who work in the fatherhood field and would like to share their expertise and experience to enhance our work and expand interstate networks. Workshop proposals should be relevant to the following groups: fathers/family men, parents/couples, family service providers, fatherhood practitioners, educators, health professionals, legislators, government representatives, and researchers. Sessions should address topics including, but not limited to: curricula, program design and implementation, prevention, collaboration/leveraging resources, parenting, co-parenting, healthy relationships, child development, children with special needs, employment, education, health (mental and physical), addiction, incarceration, child support, domestic violence, cultural competence and working with diverse groups, etc.

Workshop Format Each workshop will be approximately 2 hours in length and should provide hands-on information for the participants to use when working with non-custodial parents as well as custodial parents, and also family men who play a paternal role for the children in their lives. Presenters should make the workshops interactive. The Committee is particularly interested in workshops targeted to one perspective (i.e., a workshop specifically for dads/family men, or a session to assist practitioners with a certain aspect of programming such as recruitment/retention)

PLEASE NOTE: Workshops are limited to a total of two presenters. No additional honorarium is available for presenters, and presenters are responsible for their own travel/accommodations.

Please complete the attached form and email to [email protected] or [email protected] by Thursday, October 31st, 2013. No other formats will be accepted. Any questions please call 401-458-4429/4519.

A one (1) paragraph bio for each presenter must be submitted with this form. Please do not submit more than one paragraph, as additional information (i.e., media, testimonies, etc.) will not be considered.

You will be notified via email whether or not your proposal was accepted by November 29th, 2013.


1) Conference Arena Please indicate the Conference Arena which best characterizes your workshop. Check only one:

Dads and Family & Community Dads and Education Dads and Systems Dads and Health

2) Workshop Title (As it would appear in conference materials, please limit to 10 - 15 words)

3) Workshop Description, include topics discussed (As it would appear in conference materials, please limit to 35 words)

4) Workshop’s three specific teaching goals




2 5) Content Level (Check as many as appropriate)

_ _Introductory (Participants will have little or no basic information about the topic.)

_ _Intermediate (Participants will have some knowledge/information about the topic.)

_ _Advanced (Participants have extensive knowledge about the topic.)

6) Target Audience

_Direct Service Provider Supervisor/Program Director_ _ Father/Family Man

7) Audio-Visual Needs

PLEASE NOTE: NEFC will provide a laptop, projector, screen and flip-chart/markers for all workshop sessions.

If you need any other audio/visual please list clearly below:


8) List one professional reference familiar with your experience as a presenter.

Name: Phone: Email:

3 9) Workshop Presenter(s) Workshops are limited to a total of two (2) presenters. Please be sure both persons are able to carry on the presentation in the event the primary presenter cannot make it. The first presenter listed here will serve as contact for the Planning Committee and will be notified regarding the outcome of the proposal.

PLEASE NOTE: Each presenter’s one paragraph bio must be submitted with this proposal. If these documents are not submitted, the proposal is considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.

PRESENTER 1: (Complete all information as it would appear in conference material.)

Name: Job Title:

Day Phone: Fax:

Cell or Evening Phone: E-mail:

Organization or Agency:

Complete Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip:

Highest Degree: Year Awarded: Briefly state your experience relevant to this workshop topic (35 word limit and indicate if you have presented the workshop before and if so, how often).

PRESENTER 2: (Complete all information as it would appear in conference material.)

Name: Job Title:

Day Phone: Fax:

Cell or Evening Phone: E-mail:

Organization or Agency:

Complete Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip:

Highest Degree: Year Awarded:

Briefly state your experience relevant to this workshop topic (35 word limit and indicate if you have presented the workshop before and if so, how often).


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