Adult High School

Ms. Karen Dion


This guide is intended to provide a link between the Ontario Curriculum (revised 2008) and the text book; Nelson: Physics 12 (2003). The overall expectations for each strand of the course are listed here. Topics that relate to the specific expectations of the course are page referenced from the text book.

Students are encouraged to use this as a checklist of problems to solve and topics to read about on an ongoing basis throughout the course.

Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide


Math Review:

Topic Page Reference Metric Prefixes and conversions Pg. 774 Significant Figures and Uncertainty Pg. 748 Trigonometry and Algebra Pg. 750

Physics Review:

Grade 11 Review Topic Page Reference Review of one dimensional # 1 – 6 Pg. 7 motion # 7 – 13 Pg. 10 # 14 – 17 Pg. 13 # 1 – 7 Pg. 17 These Two dimensional motion #18 – 20 Pg. 16 topics are # 8 Pg. 17 review of Acceleration in one # 1 – 7 Pg. 20 grade 11 dimension # 8 – 14 Pg. 24 and can Constant acceleration in one # 15 – 24 Pg. 27 be used, if dimension # 1 – 14 Pg. 30 you wish # 17, 18 Pg. 31 as extra Acceleration in two # 25 – 29 Pg. 29 practice. dimensions # 15 – 16 Pg. 31 Acceleration due to gravity # 1 – 4 Pg. 32 # 5 – 8 Pg. 35 # 9 – 18 Pg. 37 # 19 – 23 Pg. 39 # 1 – 16 Pg. 40 Projectile motion # 1 – 7 Pg. 46

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide


A1. Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analyzing and interpreting, and communicating).

Topic Page Reference Planning an Investigation 764 Analyzing Experimental Data 751 Error Analysis in Experimentation 755 Lab Reports 768

A2. Identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields.

Strand Specific Career Page Reference B. Dynamics Atmospheric Physicist 1 Commercial Airline Pilot 155 Certified Prostheticist 155 Physiotherapist 155 C. Energy and Momentum Astrophysicist 173, 296 Forensic Scientist 296 Sports Equipment 296 Designer D. Gravitational, Electric Microstructural Scientist 313 and Magnetic Fields Automobile Engineering 425 Designer Industrial Electrician 425 Electronic Engineering 425 Technician E. The Wave Nature of Light Theoretical Physicist 439

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

Lensemaker 543 Photonics Engineer 543 Astronomer 543 F. Revolutions in Modern Particle Astrophysicist 557 Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity Nanoscientist 733 Physics Teacher 733 Radiologist 733

STRAND B. DYNAMICS B1. Analyse technological devices that apply the principles of the dynamics of motion, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact.

Decision Making Page 765

B2. Investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, forces involved in uniform circular motion and motion in a plane, and solve related problems. and B3. Demonstrate an understanding of the forces involved in uniform circular motion and motion in a plane.

Topic Page Reference More complex projectile motion # 8 – 10 Pg. 50 # 1 – 11 Pg. 50, 51 Frames of reference and relative motion # 1 – 4 Pg. 56 # 1 – 6 Pg. 57 Forces and free-body diagrams # 1 – 3 Pg. 71 These # 4 – 8 Pg. 73 topics Equilibrium # 9 – 11 Pg. 75 are review # 1 – 6 Pg. 76 of

Newton’s first law # 1 – 9 Pg. 80 grade Newton’s second law # 10 – 15 Pg. 83 11. # 16 – 19 Pg. 84 Newton’s third law #20 -22 Pg. 86 Newton’s laws # 1 – 12 Pg. 87 More complex force problems # 1 – 9 Pg. 92

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

(including pulleys) # 10, 11 Pg. 94 # 1 – 13 Pg. 95 Friction # 1 – 9 Pg. 101 # 1 – 4 Pg. 106 Inertial and Non-inertial frames of # 1 – 3 Pg. 110 reference # 1 – 4 Pg. 111 Circular motion # 5 – 11 Pg. 126 # 1 – 9 Pg. 127 Centripetal force # 1 – 11 Pg. 132 Rotating frames of reference # 12 – 16 Pg. 136 # 1 – 11 Pg. 138 Apparent weight # 7, 10 Pg. 150 Chapter and Unit Reviews Pgs. 62 – 67, 114 – 119, 156 – 161, 164 - 171

STRAND C. ENERGY AND MOMENTUM C1. Analyse, and propose ways to improve, technologies or procedures that apply principles related to energy and momentum, and assess the social and environmental impact of these technologies or procedures.

Decision Making Page 765

C2. Investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, through laboratory inquiry or computer simulation, the relationship between the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum, and solve related problems. and C3. Demonstrate an understanding of work, energy, momentum, and the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum, in one and two dimensions.

Topic Page Reference Work # 1 – 8 Pg. 181 # 9, 10 Pg. 182 These # 1 – 9 Pg. 183 topics are Kinetic Energy # 1 – 10 Pg. 186 review # 1 – 10 Pg. 188 of grade Gravitational Potential Energy # 1 – 8 Pg. 191 11. # 1 – 7 Pg. 194 Law of conservation of energy # 1 – 9 Pg. 197

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

# 10 – 16 Pg. 200 # 1 – 12 Pg. 201 Hooke’s law # 1 – 7 Pg. 206 Elastic Potential Energy # 8 – 15 Pg. 211 Simple harmonic motion # 16 – 22 Pg. 214 # 23 – 28 Pg. 217 # 1 – 18 Pg. 218 Momentum # 1 – 4 Pg. 233 Impulse # 5 – 11 Pg. 237 # 1 – 14 Pg. 238 Conservation of momentum 1D # 1 – 10 Pg. 143 # 1 – 12 Pg. 244 Elastic and inelastic collisions # 1 – 7 Pg. 248 # 8 – 16 Pg. 252 # 1 – 9 Pg. 253 Conservation of momentum 2D # 1 – 7 Pg. 257 # 1 – 6 Pg. 258 Chapter and Unit Reviews Pgs. 224 – 229, 266 – 271, 304 – 311

STRAND D. GRAVITATIONAL, ELECTRIC, AND MAGNETIC FIELDS D1. Analyse the operation of technologies that use gravitational, electric, or magnetic fields, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact.

Decision Making Page 765

D2. Investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields, and solve related problems. and D3. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, properties, principles, and laws related to gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields and their interactions with matter.

Topic Page Reference Universal Gravitation # 1 – 7 Pg. Review of 140 grade 11. # 8 – 13 Pg. 143

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

# 1 – 8 Pg. 144 Satellites # 1 – 6 Pg. 147 Gravitational Fields # 1 – 8 Pg. 276 # 1 – 10 Pg. 277 # 1 – 6 Pg. 279 Gravitational Potential Energy (General) # 1 – 5 Pg. 287 Electric Force (Coulomb’s law) # 1 – 7 Pg. 330 # 8, 9 Pg. 334 # 1 – 13 Pg. 335 Electric Fields # 1 – 7 Pg. 343 # 1 – 15 Pg. 347 Electric Potential, Potential Energy, Potential # 1 – 4 Pg. Difference 354 # 1 – 13 Pg. 358 Millikan Experiment # 1 – 6 Pg. 362 # 1 – 9 Pg. 364 Motion of charged particles in electric field # 1 – 5 Pg. 368 # 1 – 7 Pg. 371 Magnetism # 1 – 8 Pg. Review of 391 grade 11 Magnetic force #1 – 6 Pg. 396 # 1 – 18 Pg. 402 # 1 – 4 Pg. 405 # 1 – 7 Pg.

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

407 Chapter and Unit Reviews Pgs. 297 – 301, 304 – 311, 376 – 381, 426 – 429, 432 - 437

STRAND E. THE WAVE NATURE OF LIGHT E1. Analyse technologies that use the wave nature of light, and assess their impact on society and the environment.

Decision Making Page 765

E2. Investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the properties of waves and light, and solve related problems. and E3. Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of waves and light in relation to diffraction, refraction, interference, and polarization.

Topic Page Reference Waves, reflection, refraction # 1 – 3 Pg. 445 Review of # 4 – 9 Pg. 450 grade 10 # 1 – 9 Pg. 452 & 11 Diffraction # 1 – 4 Pg. 454 Interference in 2D # 1 – 3 Pg. 459 # 1 – 11 Pg. 460 Nature of light # 1 – 6 Pg. 468 Young’s double slit # 1 – 8 Pg. 473 # 1 – 10 Pg. 475 # 1 – 6 Pg. 478 # 1 – 8 Pg. 479 Polarization # 1 – 6 Pg. 498 Single slit diffraction # 1 – 7 Pg. 504 # 1 – 12 Pg. 507 Diffraction gratings # 1 – 4 Pg. 509 # 1 – 7 Pg. 511 Thin films # 1 – 4 Pg. 516 # 5 – 7 Pg. 518 # 1 – 8 Pg. 519

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

# 1 – 15 Pg. 524 Electromagnetic waves # 1 – 4 Pg. 533 # 1 – 7 Pg. 534 Chapter and Unit Reviews Pgs. 487 – 491, 544 – 547, 550 - 555

Strand F. Revolutions in Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity

F1. Analyse, with reference to quantum mechanics and relativity, how the introduction of new conceptual models and theories can influence and / or change scientific thought and lead to the development of new technologies. and F2. Investigate special relativity and quantum mechanics, and solve related problems. and F3. Demonstrate an understanding of the evidence that supports the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of special relativity.

Topic Page Reference Special relativity # 1 – 6 Pg. 568 # 1 – 4 Pg. 573 # 5 – 9 Pg. 576 # 10 – 12 Pg. 578 # 1 – 12 Pg. 579 Mass & energy # 1 – 6 Pg. 583 # 1 – 9 Pg. 584 Planck # 1 – 6 Pg. 597 Photoelectric effect # 7 – 15 Pg. 604 Compton effect # 17 – 21 Pg. 607 Quantum mechanics # 1 – 23 Pg. 608 De Broglie # 1 – 6 Pg. 614 # 1 – 13 Pg. 620 Standard model of elementary particles Pages 705 – 712 Pages 727 - 732

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008) Grade 12 Physics Recommended Text Book Problems and Topics Guide

Chapter and Unit Reviews Pgs. 587 – 591,

Nelson: Physics 12 (2003) Answers to problems start on pg. 781 Ontario Curriculum (Revised 2008)