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Many Weeks Will Elapse Be­ Proposal to Let Him Wind »• • • • • * * * * CoBSU| uainH)'S 11^^^ From Dakotas - Fair sunda> nd ! <• Monday. " * Durango Meets a Hearty fore Adiooreneit Will lie His Long Arm Around •> Minnesota—Fair Sunday; Mon- naught of Little Republic • day fair; warmer. Response Like Tils Last Oie Next Reg­ Plan Comes from Bryan and Siluation There is Given Most ular Session Will lie a is Taken as Tip of a SALOONS KEPT of the Mexican Cabinet's nsy New Policy Attention OH » New AdmlDistralfan Has a Some of Ike Many Conditions Report of Ambassador Wilson Awaited-Bryan Ready leal AmMttoes Program That Would Enter Into I IN SEATTLE ,I Mead of It the Agreement to Confer ' • '1 - •' 4 I Mayor's Order to Close Them Washington, .Inly 1 R.-tfn;"response Washington, D. C., July 19.—Like Washington, July 19.—The new pol­ icy toward Nicaragua involving the to Consul Theodore Hnmni's rerpegt the mower who rests upon his scythe virtual control of affairs of that re­ I Turned Down by Judge for protection for Americans in the handle at the end of the swath and, public by the United States trust pro­ Durango section, the state depart­ mopping tho perspiration from his tectorate similar to that now exer­ 1 by Injunction ment. has demanded action from the brow, contemplates the uncut field cised over Cuba, wa3 outlined today Mexican federal authorities. The de­ •before him, your congressman pauses by Secretary Bryan at a private con­ partment. went further than usual, in these days to look about him and ference of members of the senate that it requested the 1'Vdcral govern­ view the legislative landscape o'er. foreign relations committee. Unsuccessful Attempt to Sup- ment to dispatch troops from Ton-eon. Here they've been in session since Secretary Bryan's proposal, coming Consul llaimii previously had re­ the first Monday in last December, as a complete surprise to most of press the Publication of ported foreigners, Irrespective of na­ barring the interval between March the members of the committee, had i tionality, ueing held by revolutionists 4 and April 15, and the prospect is been taken by many senators as a for ransom in Durango. The prison­ they will be at it for a couple of first pronouncement of the general the Daily Times ers; at one time included the arch- •months more, anyhow. Whenever policy on the part of the adminis­ bit hop of Durango. thejr do adjourn they will hardly get tration to extend American control Discussed By Cabinet. settled dowu at home before they will over countries surrounding the Pan­ Consideration of the -Mexican situa­ have to pack up " to come back in De­ ama canal and assure stability of! the Alleged That the Paper Was tion took .much oT the time of the cember for another Jong Vspell. Central American republics and the president and the cabinet at thn regu­ r For there is an arabltfous.^program domination by the United States ot < '- rt* Responsible for Seeent lar session today; Seuretary I/rvnn cut out for the nc»'''adntim8tration, their relations with other great pow­ had a loug conference'with tho presi­ a large section of fit dqvolyeiit upon ers. dent before the other members arriv­ congressional action. 'Revising tho Under the proposed plan, Nicara­ Rioting by Sailors ed. Although .repots are c.omhig in tariff is but a portion of it. There is gua, among other things, would agree legislation upon various subjects to that, war should not be declared Seattle, Wash., July 19.—The day I'roin various sources the <1 aniinis- 'bo passed, ,in order that the adminis­ without the consent of the United passed without, any disorder in the trafion is looking forward to lirst tration may fiiliil|l tho pledges of the States. down town streets, which last night. hand information from Ambassador democratic platform"so earnestly rdg- "No treaties to be made with for­ Erie, Pa., tJuly 19.—The Niagara, , nt almost the exact spot ,,where I'ei- graining ship Wolverine, of. Erie, in were lllled with rioting naval men Wilson, on his way from Mexio City ktercdjust g year ago., eign governments that will tend to robuilt fro n the hulk of the original I ry's cfiet. was grounded a century 'command of Captain .William L. Mor- and civilians intent upon the destruc­ It. authoritatively was stated again to­ (found to Be Busy Ses»ion. destroy her independence or. give flagship of Commodore Oliver Haz­ ; ago. The brig' vi%K t<^> have sailed j rso'n. • The Niagara js carrying a tion of the Industrial Workers of the day tlmt the attitude of the ;.'4ininis- - Aesutnlng tbftt currency will -be act- those governments a foothold. ard 'Perry, which won the r battle- of firora- -Erie Saturda*, TtHmully closing crew of-twelve men., A six4nch, line World and socialist meeting places, trat ion st ill was changed cd upon at this session, there re­ "No public debt to be contracted l^ake Erie, Spct. 10, l'JIS, left this tlie Perry .celebration in'this city, but 'fiOO feet long is being used .to ^ tow the and as night drew near the police felt This is that the administration will main chnnges in the interstate com­ beyond ordinary revenues. port' for Falrport where the second owing to a heavy sea the start was Niagara. Oflicers in. command expect hopeful of maintaining peace, al­ make no move in tlie iMexicah situa­ merce law, in the anti-trust law, in "The United States have the right week of Pory's victory centennial will delayed. Preceded by the United no difficulty should the little fleet though Judge Humphries of the su­ tion and will reserve nnnouneoment of labor Iaws,r in Immigration laws, in. to intervene at any time o preserve be celebrated. For ten hours the Ni­ States training slii|> -Essex, the Niag­ meet with storms,, as she is said to be perior court had set aside Mayor C'of- its future policy toward the Huerta judiciary questions, In relations with Xicaraguaii independence and have agara lay Just Outside of Erie harbor, ara was towed by the United States thoroughly seaworthy." icriU's order closing the saloons. The. government until after President Wi'- oversea possessions and a thousand exclusive right in. building a canal police regarded saloou patronage us, son and Secretary Bryan have had and one other matters. Then there across Nicaragua." •> • •> v <• •> <• •> dangerous. j an opportunity, to confer with Ambas­ are public buildings, river.,and har­ it is understood that Nicaragua is Public interest after the debris of : sador Henry Mlane Wilson, now on POSTMASTER NAMED bor improvements and other "pork willing to enter into the proposed socialist and Industrial Workers' route to a^hiugtoii Trom Mexico barrel" items of legislation. The reg­ treaty. , Robt. McWade. wreckage had bee.) swept away, cen- Washingtcn, D. C., July ID- ' -i 'i j'r'i >''• ular session is bound to be a busy The United States in return would i tered In the unsuccessful effort, of Upon the advice'and report of con­ Postmaster General Burleson has one. pay Nicaragua ?3,000.000, to ba used |Mayor Cotterill to prevent the puli-l ditions which Ambassador Wi'lsmi No one finds fault with the tariff in public works and education. appointed Ernest H. Fischer jlication of the SeaLtle Times today: Tcontinued on I'age o) legislation so lar as it has progress­ Nicaragua's willingness to accept, fourth class postmaster at Kel- jand tomorrow, the mayor alleging; ed. The flash in the pan preliminary it is believed, is because of the sta­ v ley$, Grand Forks County, vice that, incendiary articles in the Tines; work of the last house—Sn session bility t would give to the present Di­ • H. Kelley, resigned. V were responsible for the rioting. | / with a republican president—made az government and to the proposed • •> • •> •> •> • • HE II JIBSM'N i Judge Humphries came to the. tho tariff task easier. The house reorganization of affairs in the re­ Times' rescue with an injunction and i passed It with rccord speed. Neither public. a city edition of the paper came out I is thero unfavorable comment upon on time tills afternoon, when the po-1 the action of the senate. It is said lice guard over the mailing room was j that ouly the deliberation consistcut withdrawn. The city administration; with tho dignity of that body can be turn nm raiSi CALENDAR Of THE obeyed the restraining order with re­ F alleged against the consideration of A ftllt IXI/1N SIMM luctance. the bill by the conuuittce on finance. The statements that Secretary of A lively and very practical incent­ the Navy Daniels' reference to tlitij 1 ETESNHT RESIBKEI ive to speedy conclusion of the tar DmjPORIS Jamestown, N. L)., July lit.—'I'lu Tribune Overlandert, arrived red flag in a .speech in Seattle had i Money Lacking lo Take Care is said to be found in the action of here this afternoon just ope dozen strong. The men and horses been taken by some rioters to mean j the senate in not only refraining are in cxc< Ilent condition and «re making a line appearance. they should run the socialists out of j Chicago, Ju.y 19.—Mrs. Ma­ town, were refuted by Secretary Ban-; of tlie Vital Statistics (Contined on Page 3) ry Welsh of Hillsdale, Mich., The boyti have traveled over S.V.t miles if measured on the shortest line possible. The force left th.' Tribune ollice April 22, making iels in a nr'ssage received here to- j saw her eight children for the United States Wins in the night. lie declared the reference he, first time today. She had been three months next Tuesday sine-;' starting. at This Place • This is the'largest newspaper enterprise jver put on in the made to the socialists and Industrial t blind for 50 years. Surgeons Workers were not pertaining to local j Contest at Wimble­ Northwest and is proving a real success. No paper in the state has Devils Lake, N. !>., .nity 19,--M^t&! * removed double cataract from conditions and were the sa ne state.-j meeting of the directors of the state TARIFF DEBATE IS her eyes. She was stricken ever increased its circulation at the rate the Tribune subscription incuts he recently made at the rail-' hoard of health held here today, it blind when 16 years old. She don, England list is now growing. The torce now consists of C. K. Neher. man­ road men's association in Washing­ ager, and II. G. Ilymes. A. L. Cibboney, II. I,. Stanley. (). (;. Shirk, •was decided to make the county was forced to do laundry work ton. to support her children and Wimbledon, England, July 19.—The C\ F. Johnson. II. L. Woll, R. U. Johnson. A. M. Holland, J. I£. Wil- health officers of the state, district- husband, who had become an United States lawn tennis team to­ loms, Arnold Michelson and Lester IJudlpng. ollicetfe, and a bill will be presented BEGUN IN SENATE invalid. day won the right to challenge 'Eng­ J. K. Dorau of the main olllee came down to spend a day or with' this in view at the next hearing <• <• <• • •> 'i« lish holders of the by add­ two with the men and aid in planning the next part of- the cam­ of the legislature. BREAKING PRAIRIE i The new officers will have chargfc ing a victory in doubles to the match paign. The men left Bismarck just four weeks ago for the second BKYAN LEAVES FOR LECTURE against Canada to two scored in sin­ start and have made the southern pail, of the state via Linton, 101- of ferricory to correspond with the Gauntlet TOUR. gles yesterday. Harold Hackett of lendale, LuMoure and all intervening territory and up to James­ i udicial districts and a sutticieut sal- Washington, July ID.— Secretary WITH AN OX TEAM la ry will be paid so that they can Now York and Maurice McLoughlin town today. of State Bryan left the capital today of San Francisco beat. R. 15. Powell, Monday the men start on a thorough canvass of Jamestown j give their entire time to the work, Throogk tipper Branch Dun Cent.;!1, X. I).. July 1!J Some-1 excluding the practice of medicine to fiill a series of lectin e engagements the Canadian champion, and B. P. and much of the country districts of Stutsman county. There nev­ what primitive methods of cultivation j ui conjunction, as is now the case, contracted before he accepted a seat Schwenger, the Canadian singles er has been a. newspaper campaign that has so interested the peo­ arc tollowed bv Henry Martin near I The health Bulletin, publishtd of Congress in President Wilson's cabinet. He will champion, in three straight sets, 6-o- ple a.s does this one of the Tribune and its Overlanders. After an here. He has 'a team of large oxen j monthly, will become a quarterly be absent about six weeks, during 6-3-12-10. , experience of three months the plan is to be enlarged and carried which time he will address numerous th t weighs 'l.-I'lO pounds. He origin- ' publication. Washington, July IS—Debate on on with more viiy than ever. The establishing of a bureau of vi­ tho tariff to the senate began in earn­ Chautauqua assemblies in Indiana, Il­ 'Duluth Oarsmen Win. ally purchased these fro breaking the linois, Iowa and other states of the St. Paul Minn., July 1!).—Duluth' raw prairie and they proved so cap­ tal statistics at Bismarck was aban­ est today with Chairman Simmons of doned. there being no appropriation middle west. In his absence John oarsmenwon the senior eights and able that he continues to farm with the finance committee proclaming the for this. Bassett Moore, counsellor of the de­ junior foul's, the principal events in thi in. This year he has eighty acres new bill satisfactory to a demand for New regulations for the transporta­ partment, will be acting Secretary of today'-B program of the Northwestern, PARACHUTE JUMPER ! LATEST ASPIRANT under cultivation and insists the oxen downward revision, and Senator Cum- tion of the dead were brought up, International Rowing association. Tliej are more satisfactory than horses, for mings, speaking from progressive re- State. but not adopted, at the meeting. Minnesota Boat club won the senior a small farm. publican standpoint, predicted it would doubles and Winnipeg won the canoe j KILLED AT SEATTLE TO PRESIDENCY carry the democratic party to defeat. and hundred-yard doubles. A stiff] Chairman Simmons replied to the breeze ruffled the surface and pre-; contention that the bill discriminated FHINII MUMS vented fast time. J •> • •> <• •> •> •> •> • •> •;* Douglas, Ari., July 19 Gen. • against the farmer. • Seattle. July 10.—F. L. Thayer, Cieroniino Treviuo is the latest •> WENT (IP IN A iSenator Cumaiings asserted that Welsh Given the Decision. , • the well known parachute jump- usplrant to the presidency of • the democratic party treated the far­ TO A FENCE POST Vancouver, July 19.—"Youug Phil­ •> er. was killed while making a ,>|»> Mexico, according to an an- •> mer as an outlaw, vigorously assail­ adelphia" Jack O'Brien for the first • descent from an aeroplane in a nouncement at the constitution- •> PUFF OF SMOKE ing President Wilson for participation time in his brief fighting career, at­ • parachute. alist Junta. •> in the bill-framing. Senator Cum- • Chicago, July 19—A young <• tempted a fifteen-round bout, at the <* <• • <• • v v SOUTH CHINA mings characterised it as abuse of <> woman was found hanging to a •> Brighthouse arena today against Winchester, Mass.. July 19.— * reddle Welsh, the British light-, power that had been "coercive''. fence post near the county high- <• BAPTIST CONGRESS AT STOCK­ EVELYN THAW SAILS FOR NEW The factory of the New England Washington, July 1!) Conditions in weight chaiipion, and though failing Chairman 8inkm.recounted that • way leading to Hansley park, • HOLM. YORK. Fireworks Company went up in China are becoming extremely alarm­ to defeat the Britisher, gave him the the farm ^products ^measure would • Illinois. She was identified as <• Stockholm, July 19.—The second London, July 1!) Evelyn Nesbit a puff of satoke. the result of an ing according to reports to the state worth of the argument. Wfelsh was «8> Miss Martha Winters, 25, a gress was opened in Stockholm to­ ing for today on the Minne- with it Manager Ernest Borelli ment in. Southern China is the cause. flour, catttle, etc., and said "every bout. iman whatever his occupation will he • Audubon, Iowa. The mystery «> day and will be continued until next tonka. Two weeks hence she is to and three "workmen. The American legation at Pekin re­ a beneficiary In some direction to a <• surrounding her death is not lift- • Playing For Golf Cup. -hursday. Baptists are stronger irt make her first American.vaudeville ap­ Borelli was instantly killed ported Shanghai has declared its in- greater or lesa degree of this general • ed and a coroner's jury refused • Home>vood Country Club. 111., July Sweden than in any other European pearance at a New York roof garden. and the workmen seriously in­ depiulence of the Pel"in government. system of reductions. In this respect <> to call it suicide. The girl was • 19.—The Western representatives favorites . for the total membership of 53,083, and with sent the same dancing act which re­ act cause of the explosion s un­ and that efforts are being made to free list or the,,duties have been • ers." • western amateur championship, nearly 65,000 children in the Sunday cently met with success at the Lon­ known. <• organize an independent government schools. greatly reduced. , which begins Monday. don Hippodrome. •j •> <• •> •> <• •> •> <• at Nanking.

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