Chapter 23; Page 537-544 Study Guide Answer Sheet

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Chapter 23; Page 537-544 Study Guide Answer Sheet

Chapter 23; Page 537-544 Study Guide


1. What were the three themes that dominated the history of Western society between

1750 and 1914?

2. The Industrial Revolution featured ______and


Forces of Change

3. Enlightenment thinkers challenged ______and a few


4. Define “population revolution”. 5. Population pressure drove many people into ______as they lost any real chance of inheriting property.

6. The population growth of the 18th century prompted a rapid expansion of

______in Western Europe and eventually in the U.S.

7. ______is when many people became full or pert-time producers of textile and metal products, working at home.

8. The first concrete revolutionary development occurred when ______

______in what was primarily a war for independence rather than a full-fledged revolution.

9. List the things that the American colonists resisted or resented.



10. Describe the Stamp Act of 1765 and its effect. 11. Colonial leaders set up a new government with ______as president.

12. After the United States won its freedom in 1789, it set up a new constitutional structure. Name all of the Enlightenment principles that this structure contains.




13. Give a definition of the French Revolution. 14. ______was the Bourbon monarch of France who was executed during the radical phase of the French Revolution.

15. What was the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen”?

16. The ______became the French

Revolution’s symbol.

17. What is a guillotine?

18. ______was the leader of the radical phase of the

French Revolution.

19. Many French people felt an active loyalty to the new regime --- to a state they believed they helped create. These feelings created a new spirit of popular


20. ______was a leading general who soon converted the revolutionary republic to an authoritarian empire. He reduced the parliament to a rubber stamp, and a powerful police system limited freedom of expression. 21. Napoleon’s campaign spread key revolutionary legislation --- ______

______such as aristocracy, church, and craft guilds --- throughout much of Western Europe.

22. What was the Congress of Vienna?

23. The Vienna negotiations were much less successful in ______

______. The idea was to restore ______and to ______.

24. What were Liberals?

25. ______accepted the importance of most liberal demands, but they also wanted wider voting rights. 26. ______urged the importance of national unity and glory.

27. The revolts in 1820 involved a nationalist ______against

Ottoman rule --- a key step in gradually dismantling the Ottoman Empire in the

______--- and a rebellion in Spain.

28. The Belgian Revolution of 1830 produced a ______and a


29. Key states in the United States granted ______

______and other political changes in the 1820s, leading to the election of a popular president, ______, in


30. In Britain, ______gave the parliamentary vote to most middle-class men.

Chapter 23 pages 558-564 Study Guide

Western Settler Societies

1. What were main causes that prompted a major expansion of the West’s power in the

world? 2. What motives did the Western Europeans have for trying to colonize Latin Americas

and Africa?

3. After the year ______Europe’s empires rapidly spread though Africa,

Southeast Asia, and parts of China and the Middle East

4. The United States was the only


before 1914.

Emerging Power of the US

5. What three large events in the early 19th century rapidly extended the United States

beyond the Mississippi River?

6. What major event occurred in the United States from 1861 to 1865?

7. What major differences were there between the North and South during this time

period? 8. The completion of ______to the Pacific opened

the West to further settlement in the United States.

9. ______brought the United States into the

“industrial big leagues.”

10. What developments confirmed the role of the U. S. as a world new giant?

European Settlements in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

11. During the 19th century ______

and ______filled with immigrants from Europe and established


______that aligned them with the

dynamics of Western civilizations

12. Sparse and disorganized

______offered little

resistance to the Europeans. 13. Unlike the United States, these nations

______though with growing


14. French hostilities in Canada were eased at the creation of a separate

______, named ______where the major amount of

French speakers was located.

15. ______brought settlement to

the western parts of Canada and a great expansion of mining and commercial

agriculture in the vast plains.

16. The British Australian colonies originated in what year?

17. Australia was originally made as a ______for the British Empire.

18. In 1851, the discovery of ______caused a major rush to Australia and

increased the population a lot.

19. New Zealand was visited by the ______in the 17th century but didn’t really

receive any attention from anyone until ______when Britain did so.

20. The British moved in to take full political control in ______. 21. Though industrialization never overshadowed

______in these areas, they basically

followed the patterns of Western civilization.

22. The spread of the western settler societies also reflected the new power of


23. Huge areas could be settled quickly while remaining in close contact with Western

Europe thanks to ______.

Diplomatic Tensions after World War I

24. Diplomatic and military tensions within Europe

______, particularly from the 1890s onward.

25. Bismarck (in the 1870s and 1880s) built a

______designed to protect Germany and divert European attention elsewhere.

26. The French took the opportunity to ally with Russia, when after 1890 Germany


______. 27. List the nations in each alliance.

Triple Alliance Triple Entente

28. Define Balkan nationalism.

29. By the late 19th century was that the ______got out of hand, encouraged by the absence of serious challenge from any other civilizations.

30. The rise of ______and the tensions in the ______simply complicated the growing nationalist competition.

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