Information About Equal Opportunities Form

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Information About Equal Opportunities Form

Equality in Employment Form (Confidential)

Edinburgh College is committed to developing equality in employment. Edinburgh College operates an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy which aims to ensure our recruitment is fair and does not discriminate against any group. You can help us by completing this form. Please ensure you enter your name, contact details and references.

The information provided in the monitoring form is not used in the selection process. It is used purely to monitor the effectiveness of the College’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. Recruiters do not see the information contained in the monitoring forms.

In addition, if your application is successful, the information will be held on a computerised HR system and will be used to produce depersonalised statistical reports. Individuals cannot be identified from these reports.

Please return both completed forms electronically or via post to:

Post: Student President, ECSA Office, 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1QE

Email: [email protected] Post Applied for: Ref:

PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth: Marital Status:


Male Female Other Prefer not to say

Is your gender the same as the gender you were assigned at birth ?

Yes No Prefer not to say

Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual/Straight Bisexual Gay Man

Gay Woman/Lesbian Other Prefer not to say

Marital or same-sex civil partnership status:

Never married and never registered a same-sex civil partnership Married In a registered same-sex civil partnership Separated, but still legally married Separated, but still legally in a same-sex civil partnership Divorced Formerly in a same-sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved Widowed Surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership Prefer not to say

What religion, religious body or denomination do you belong to ?

Buddhist Christian Hindu Jewish

Muslim No Religion Sikh Prefer not to say Where did you hear about the vacancy?


Please select the ethnic group to which you belong:


Scottish Other British Irish

Gypsy/traveller Polish Other white ethnic group


Mixed White and Black Caribbean Mixed White and Black African

Mixed White and Asian Other mixed background


Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British

Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British

Bangladesh, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British

Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British

Other Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British BLACK, BLACK SCOTTISH OR BLACK BRITISH

African, African Scottish or African British

Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British

Black, Black Scottish or Black British

Other Black, Black Scottish or Black British


Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British Other ethnic group Disability

Many people who do not consider themselves to be disabled may be covered by the Equality Act 2010 because they have an impairment, health condition or learning difference that has an impact on their lives.

What do we mean when we say disability?

 Do you have a physical or mental impairment?

 Is it long term? An impairment is considered to have a long-term effect if it has lasted for at least 12 months or it is likely to last for at least 12 months.

 Does this make it difficult for you to do the things that most people do on a fairly regular and frequent basis?

Employees with a disability or health condition are entitled in law to ‘reasonable adjustments’ to address their needs for support in the workplace. Therefore we are interested in any disability or health condition that may require a reasonable adjustment to overcome any such barriers.

Do you have an impairment, health condition or learning difference that has a substantial and long term impact on your day-to-day life? Please select all that apply.

No known disability Two or more impairments and/or disabling medical conditions A specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D General learning disability (such as Down's syndrome) A social/communication impairment such as Asperger's syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder A long standing illness or health condition such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy A mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder A physical impairment or mobility issues, such as difficulty using arms or using a wheelchair or crutches Deaf or serious hearing impairment

Blind or a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses A disability, impairment or medical condition that is not listed above

Prefer not to say


I declare that to the best of my knowledge all the information provided in my application is true and correct and can be treated as part of any subsequent contract of employment.


By accepting this statement, you acknowledge and agree that the College is permitted to hold personal information about you as part of its personnel and other business records and may use such information in the course of their business. You agree that the College may disclose such information to third parties in the event that such disclosure is, in the view of the College, required for the proper conduct of the College’s business or that of any associated company. This clause applies to information held, used or disclosed in any medium.

Signature Date

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