Multimedia Project 8 – Film Producer Trailer

Overview: This project is designed to reinforce the simple concepts learned in flash. Your job is to come up with a 5 to 10 second trailer or splash page such as MGM’s roaring lion or Columbia’s “Lady” holding the torch that announces that the video you are about to see was made or produced by “Your” company. You will have to create your own little company name. Mine is “Bouncing Ball Productions”. Yours can be anything you want but realize you might have to make sure no one else out there is using the one you want. The software you will use is Flash CS4. To add sound, you can either create this in Flash CS4 or take your exported movie (.avi) clip into Premiere and add a sound track to it, then re-export it as a finished product.


Adobe Flash CS4 and/or Adobe Premiere Pro CS4


1) Come up with an idea for the name of your Production Company. 2) Try to do research and make sure no one else is using it. 3) Story board out how you would like to see it or envision what you are trying to create. Remember, it is only 5 – 10 seconds long. 4) Open Flash and create a new Flash Project with Actionscript3.0. Save the project immediately to the folder you found these instructions at on the external hard drive as “Project 8”. 5) Create a scene for each frame of the story board you sketched out. 6) Add objects, graphics, movie clips, etc. to your project. Edit until you are satisfied. 7) Add sound. You may do this either now or in step 9, which ever you are more comfortable with. To do it in Adobe Flash, use the help menu and look up how to add sound to the time line. 8) When finished, Export your movie as an .avi file (File, Export, Export Movie) and save it back to the project 8 folder on your external hard drive. 9) If you need to add sound and wish to do it in Premiere, import your .avi file into premiere and add the sound track, then re-export your video with the sound included. 10) Put the final copy of your movie trailer into my drop box.

** A note to you, you will use this 5 to 10 second trailer on all of your future projects as well. It will be appended at the beginning or end of all of your work from this point on, you could call it a trademark or copyright stamp if you would like but it will be like signing your name.