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Merton Ira Staples s1

(Mailing Address Box)

Post # 1 Newsletter Editor AMVETS Post #1 Commander Adjutant: J. E. “Gene” Foster Marshall Archer

My apologies for a late June newsletter start – I wanted to get in a report from the department of Maine AMVETS 2017 Convention in Augusta as well as report the initiation of our new Post 1 officers. First, a wrap-up of Memorial Day activities. At least 27 Post 1 volunteers participated in one way or another to support our Memorial Day observance. This included folks who placed grave marker flags on cemeteries, attached flags to utility poles in Alfred Street, prepared the Biddeford Veterans Memorial Park (rototill, plant geraniums, monument cleaning, replacing 7 flags, placed ceremonial plaques & flags, and set up speakers stand. Even though the weather was threatening, the ceremony was well attended. The guest speaker, Maine Senator Angus King’s remarks were short and well received. All along the parade route through Biddeford and Saco, the Senator was often moving along the sidelines greeting children and adults alike. (A noon flight back to Washington D.C. precluded the Senator from enjoying the after parade, complimentary baked ham dinner at Post 1.) Next, the 2017 Department Convention. The convention was well attended. As a result of officer nominations and voting, the Department of Maine AMVETS has only one elected officer from Post 1. Gene Foster was re-elected as Department Judge Advocate. On another matter, individual post program recognition, several AMVETS posts in Maine have stepped up to the example set by Post 1 in recent years. This means that competition among posts for Department level program recognition and awards was spirited. The good news? Veterans, communities, and charities across Maine have benefitted immensely! AMVETS Post 1 took home honors and/or awards in the following categories:  1st Place for Most Service Foundation calendar books sold – for the 5th year in a row  1st Place for large post, donation and contributions for Sick & Hospitalized Veterans For a large post, second in these categories:  Americanism  Community Service  Veterans Services Without question, AMVETS posts across Maine are onboard with conducting programs and, importantly, reporting those programs. While Post 1 does a very respectable job when it comes to programs, sometimes we don’t remember to fully report everything to which we are rightly entitled. If we take the time and effort to do it, then we need to get credit that is due. At our Posts June meeting, the following officers were installed by the installing officer, Mr. Bill Thibodeau. Officers installed were: Post Commander – Marshall Archer, Post 1st Vice Commander – Rey Souliere, 2nd Vice Commander – Lionel Lamontagne, Finance Officer – Jim Thibodeau, Adjutant – Gene Foster, Judge Advocate – Kim Taylor, Provost Marshall – Guy Gowan, and 3-Year Trustee – Mike Daigle. Post Commander Marshall Archer filled the following positions by appointment as prescribed in Post 1 Constitution and Bylaws: Chaplain – Mr. Ray Hallczuk, Quartermaster – Bill Thibodeau, Sons Liaison – Jim Thibodeau, Auxiliary Liaison – Shelley Pelletier, Alliance Liaison – Lionel Lamontagne, Service Officer – Marshall Archer, Public Relations Officer – Archer & Foster. June 14th. Flag Day, Post 1 held a flag retirement ceremony. The ceremony was sparsely attended due to it being a work day. This year, Post 1 was able to donate two $500 scholarships to deserving Biddeford High School Seniors; Erica LeLand and Matthew Perkins. Congratulations and good luck to you both. In related business, Past Post Commander Lionel Lamontagne, on behalf of the Department of Maine Past Department Commanders awarded a $500 Education Grant to Gavin Powers, nephew of Post 1 members Terri and Guy Lamontagne. The next meeting date for Post 1 AMVETS is scheduled for Sunday, 16 July at 0900. The next D.E.C. meeting is Sunday, 9 July at Post 6 in New Gloucester, Maine. Convention corporation meets at 1000 and the D.E.C. meeting convenes at 1100.

(Neither the Ladies Auxiliary nor Sons of AMVETS provided items for this newsletter.)

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