Title is 20 point Times New Roman Bold: Fun title Version (Basic/Advanced/Teacher) 16 point

Very brief introduction to the lab. In this lab, you will learn about gravity. We will use a computer and microphone to measure how quickly things fall under the pull of gravity.Blah blah blah blah and more blah. Blah blah blah blah and more blah. Just a few sentences is enough

Key Concepts: (Bold 14 point)  What fundamental ideas to you want the students to take away from this lab?  These should be useful for teachers to decide where the lab fits into a curriculum  Use 12 point regular font with bullet points and indented  Key Concepts can be vocab words or equations that are used  Vocabulary = a new word or concept that is being introduced for the first time  You can have equations such as: an object that starts from rest and then accelerates at a constant rate g, the distance it travels after time t is given by: 1 d = gt 2 2


Prerequisites: (Bold 14 pt) What are you assuming the students are capable of for the Basic and Advanced Lab. Generally, the basic lab should not include any math more advanced than basic arithmetic and the advanced lab should not include anything more advanced than Algebra 1. Also note if there are mobility requirements for the lab. E.g. each group will need a student or volunteer capable of walking around. Note any very special material requirements. E.g. This lab requires a microscope!

Complete List of Materials: (Bold 14 pt) List of things you need with quantities, per group List of things should be indented and bulleted Ideally, provide a picture of any nonstandard materials  30 2.5” x 2.5” gray paper squares  75 1” x 1” pink paper squares  Alcohol wipes  1 cup milk  2 pennies (per student)

Introductory Mini-lecture: (Bold 14 pt) Include a few short paragraphs to serve as the pre-lab lecture or discussion. The entire discussion should not take up more than 10 minutes. This is intended to be useful for teachers without a science background, so that they can just read straight from your pre-written mini- lecture to introduce the students to the subject. Good things to include: basic vocabulary words (in bold italics), oral questions to get the students to start thinking about what is going to happen in the lab, connection to the real world. Example: “ A pendulum is a long stick or string that has a weight attached on the bottom so that it can swing back and forth. Can you think of some examples of pendulums you have seen? The period of a pendulum is how much time it takes for one back and forth motion. What variables do you think will affect the pendulum's period in our experimental setup? ------

Part 1 – This is a heading 18 point bold centered (Title unnecessary if only one part)

This is a short description of what you are about to do. In this first part you will do something scientific. You will clearly lay detailed procedures on how to do the lab. This should be done numerically.

1. Cut a piece of string 20 cm long. Tie a pendulum between two rulers as shown in the pic- ture. 2. Label your beakers “A”, “B”, and “C”.

Make a prediction. If we pull the pendulum further out, what do you think will happen to its period (the time it takes to complete one swing)? This is the start of the next page. Try to format so the page breaks fall in natural places, so kids don’t have to flip pages back and forth. If there is a table or diagram that they have to keep refer- ring to, consider putting it at the end of the lab so that it can be ripped out and used separately from the rest of the lab.

3. Pull back the pendulum to an angle of 40 degrees. Measure the time it takes to swing back and forth 10 times. Record the result in the table below. 4. Calculate the period of the pendulum and record in the table below. 5. Repeat for an amplitude of 60 degrees.

This is a table where students can fill in data. It should be referenced clearly in the tasks, below a series of related tasks. Table should be centered, with column headings in 12 pt bold. Common columns are: Experimental Condition, Measured Number, Calculated Number.

For the basic lab, indicate on the table how to get the calculated value

Amplitude Time for 10 swings Calculated Period (column 2 divided by 10) 40 degrees 50 degrees 60 degrees

Here is a conceptual question. In can be multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, or short answer. How does increasing the amplitude of the pendulum change its period? (a) increase (b) decrease (c) stay the same

In the teacher's version only, here is the answer in red italic NOT in bold.

Teacher note: (in the teacher's version only) Here are some interesting points for discussion. Notice how the pendulum never went any higher than the initial height to which we pulled it back. In a perfect world the period will swing back and forth forever, so what makes it stop eventually? Helpful suggestions on how to explain concepts also don't hurt. E.g.: Use an analogy to pressing the gas pedal down in a car to explain the difference between acceleration and velocity.

6. There may be more steps to do. 7. And some more after that. Maybe even fill in another table

Length of Pendulum Time for 10 swings Calculated Period

20cm 40cm Here is something quantitative to calculate. Find the ratio of one measurement to another. Make a prediction about what would happen under a different condition. Calculate the percent error between a measured and predicted value. Formulas that involve more than the four basic operations should generally go in the advanced version only

Doubling the length of the pendulum made the period change by a factor of: ____ answer _____


Predict what the period will be when you have a 50cm long pendulum: ______

3. Make a 50cm pendulum and measure its period

Measured period is: ______

Calculate the percent error as compared to your prediction.

% error = (measured - predicted)÷ predicted = ___ answer ______

Here is a question that I am asking about what was just done. Why do you think this is true?

Here is the next italicized question about the part of the lab that was just done. Why do you think this is true?

Here is the next italicized question about the part of the lab that was just done. Why do you think this is true?

Part 2 – This is a heading 18 point bold centered (Title unnecessary if only one part)

This is a short description of the second part of you are about to do. In this part you will do something scientific. You will clearly lay detailed procedures on how to do the lab. This can be done numerically or with bullet points. This may not be necessary for all labs.

Same stuff as Part 1 but for a different aspect of the lab. If the first part involved a lot of computation, it's better if the other parts are more observational / conceptual. We will observe resonance between pendulums. And it will be awesome indeed.

[good place for a page break] Concept questions (18 point bold centered)

These questions should be numbered and can be free response or multiple choice or true or false. Draw a picture of Andy in the space below.

How would our measurements change if we repeated this lab on the moon?

Based on what you learned in this lab, make a real-world connection. Why does resonance matter to engineers worried about earthquake safety?

This is a multiple choice question. How do you feel?

A. You understand. B. You don’t understand. C. You are so confused you can’t answer.

Labs are awesome: True False This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing.

(such a page may be necessary if there are diagrams or tables that need to be ripped out and used throughout the lab. Such diagrams should always be on an odd-numbered page since we assume the lab will be printed double-sided)

While we’re at it, here is information that needs to be included on the website together with the lab but does not go in the body of the lab itself:

 Original author(s) of the lab  Contact person for the lab (a current email address for someone who can be contacted with questions concerning the lab)  References / citations: o If you use any chunk of text directly from a website (or anywhere else), cite it. Preferably, you should rephrase in your own words o If the majority of the lab outline was taken directly from a previously published lab, cite it. o Scientific content does not need to be cited. o General ideas (“use sound to measure time of objects falling”; “use pendulums to study resonance”) do not need to be cited o If your questions / lecture material came from an educational website, it is nice to cite it as additional information for teachers who want to explore the topic further (if you used any verbatim wording, definitely cite it) o Cite the source of any figures in the lab taken directly from another source, assuming the figure is sufficiently complex. You do not need to cite clip-art (ie: picture of a table or of a bunny), or generic photos (of a diffraction grating, for instance). You do need to cite a full-out diagram that someone else drew to demonstrate a scientific concept. Diagram 1

Here is a diagram used throughout the lab. It is on a separate page so that it can be ripped out and referred to separately. NOTE: anything that must be ripped out should to be on an odd-numbered page. Assume teachers will print double-sided. Feel free to include a page that says “This page intentionally left blank” in order to make this work out.