Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____ Genetic Disorder Research Project

Genetic disorders are more common than most people think. Your mission is to research one of the topics, build a presentation, and present your findings to our class. Disorder:______Due Date:______

To create Google Slide Presentation (one group member will do this and share with others): 1. Click Box in lower left-hand corner that looks like Tic-Tac-Toe board 2. Click Google Slides 3. Click plus sign (+) in lower right hand corner 4. In the upper left hand corner, click “Untitled Presentation” and rename as: PeriodNumberYourlastnameGeneticDisorder (i.e. 2JacksonSickleCell) 5. In the upper right hand corner, click Share. Share this (“can edit”) with ME ([email protected]) and your group members (their [email protected]). 6. Other group members should now follow steps 1-2 and click on this presentation in their menu (check “shared with me” if it’s not there initially). You can now all work on it simultaneously. Suggestions/Tips/Important info: 1. Do not type complete sentences! A PowerPoint should be an outline of what you will be talking about. Use phrases! 2. Use note cards. Do not face the projection screen and read. Look organized. Make sure you can pronounce the many tough scientific words you will encounter. 3. Slide appearance: Make sure your colors go well together and slides are easy to read. You must include at least 2 pictures in your presentation. 4. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any group caught using another’s information as their own will not receive credit. Put all information into your own words. Cutting and pasting is not allowed! Each group needs to submit a properly formatted work cited slide on the day of their presentation (See rubric) – You must have at least 3 sources (Google is not a source!) 5. Use spelling and grammar check. 6. Each person should have a copy of the note cards and presentation in case a group member is absent. 7. Everyone in the group must play an equal role in the presentation. 8. How you behave in class while working on the presentation and also during the presentations will impact your grade. 9. An additional classwork grade will be a notes sheet you will fill in during other group’s presentations.

Helpful sites: Genetic Disorder Library, University of Utah To learn more about different genetic disorders, browse through single gene disorders or chromosomal abnormalities) National Human Genome Research Institute National Institutes of Health

Genetic Disorder Presentation Each group will be responsible for presenting the following information about the genetic disorder that they have chosen using Google Slides. Each presentation should be 5-7 minutes in length and you must be in school the day of your presentation. This presentation should be at least 10 slides in length, however some topics may require more than 1 slide because of excess information. Be sure to follow the guidelines below. Slide #1: Title Slide Include your topic and the names of those presenting.

Slide #2: History of Your Disorder What is the history of your topic? What is the current research being done? Why was your topic given its name? What is the current status of the research?

Slide #3: Physical Features of a person with this disorder Describe the physical features (if any) of your disorder, signs/symptoms (Ex.: cognitive delays, wide-set eyes, etc.)

Slide #4: Medical Problems What kinds of medical problems do these people face? How are their daily lives affected? Include: body systems or organs disrupted (Ex.: the heart is impacted by congenital heart disease which leads to cyanosis). These problems are not the same as physical features.

Slide #5: Genetics How does this disorder relate to genetics and DNA? How does a person get this disorder (ex.: random mutation or passed through families)? Is this disorder due to a gene or chromosomal mutation? If gene: Which specific kind (i.e., if gene mutation, is it substitution/point? Is it insertion/frameshift? etc.). Is the mutation showing a Mendelian or Non-Mendelian inheritance pattern? What chromosome is this gene found on? If chromosomal, what chromosome is affected? What is wrong with the chromosome (mutation type)?

Slide #6: Treatments How can this disorder be treated (medications, therapies, surgery)? Or can it?

Slide #7: Diagnosis How is this disorder diagnosed? Are there specific tests?

Slide #8: Additional Information Include five facts/details you discovered during your research that are not already included above.

Slide #9: Statistics How often does this disorder occur (1 in how many births/people), Does this disorder affect a certain gender, ancestral background (i.e. people of European descent, women)? Slide # 10 Work Cited (Bibliography) Page Each group will be required to submit a work cited slide typed in proper format (APA or MLA format – try to help). No presentations will be graded without a proper work cited slide. You must include all the sources of information you used throughout your research, including where pictures came from.