Article 1. Name of the Organization:

The name of this Organization is the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors.

Article 2. Purpose of the Albany Ambassadors:

The Albany Ambassadors is a public relations arm of the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce. As such, the Albany Ambassadors are involved in many community and Chamber activities.

Objective 1. To promote the Albany Area and the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce.

Objective 2. To welcome new firms and businesses to the Albany area and to recognize existing firms that make major changes by visitations and special opening days for these businesses.

Objective 3. To participate wholly or by special committee of the group in other events or projects as voted on by the Ambassador membership that fit into the general purposes of the Organization.

Objective 4. Assist in greeting guests at ribbon-cutting ceremonies, ground breaking, and other community events.

Objective 5. Encourage recognition, visibility and involvement of existing Chamber members.

Objective 6. To assist the Chamber staff in recruiting new businesses to join the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce.

Article 3. Membership:

Section 1: The Albany Ambassadors will have a limited membership of forty (40). Minimum requirements will be developed by the Ambassadors Executive Board. Application may be made in writing to any Executive Board member of the Ambassadors. Decisions will be made by the Ambassadors Executive Board. All Ambassadors shall be Albany Area Chamber of Commerce members in good standing. A. Annual dues will be established and reviewed annually by the Ambassadors Executive Board.

B. Regular attendance at quarterly meetings, Chamber meetings and visitations is expected of all Ambassadors. Since the only reason for the Albany Ambassadors is service, each member is expected to give of his or her time for the group activities within the framework of the group purposes as enumerated in Article 2 of this document. Successful accomplishment of the many activities of the Albany Ambassadors requires full participation by all members.

C. Each Ambassador member will be responsible for the costs involved with the purchase of the uniform, which shall consist of a red blazer, navy blue slacks/skirt, white shirt/blouse and approved tie. Ambassador uniforms will be worn only for Ambassador functions, Chamber events or to attend other organizations' conferences, seminars and events to promote the Albany area. It is imperative that when an Ambassador is wearing said uniform that professional and courteous conduct be displayed at all times. Remember you are representing Albany!

D. To maintain Ambassador status members should attend a minimum of four Ambassador events per year. In addition to the 4-event minimum, Ambassadors are expected to support and host a table at the annual DSA banquet.

Section 2. The Chamber office should be notified for any absence at an Ambassador function or Chamber event by an Ambassador. Lack of participation in Chamber events as determined by the Ambassadors Executive Board constitutes resignation from the Ambassadors. Those Ambassadors who choose to no longer be an Ambassador due to relocation or other issues are encouraged to turn in their Ambassador's uniform containing the Ambassador logo to the Chamber office.

A. A Chamber Ambassador who is unable to meet the regular attendance requirements may choose to become a sustaining member. A sustaining member will pay no less than double the normal Ambassadors dues. A sustaining member will not be required to meet the minimum attendance. Sustaining members will not be included in the quota of 40 Ambassadors.

Article 4. Officers and Elections:

Section 1: Officers of the Albany Ambassadors will consist of the following positions and have the following functions:

President: The President shall preside over all meetings of the Ambassadors. The President is responsible for overall management of the Organization's affairs.

1 st Vice President: The 1st Vice President shall preside at group meetings in the absence of the President and will chair the Nominating Committee. The 1st Vice President is the President Elect.

2 nd Vice President: The 2nd Vice President shall be responsible for Ambassador membership and attendance records. The 2nd Vice President will preside at group meetings in the absense of the President and 1st Vice President.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for a clear accounting of all Ambassador funds and disbursements. The Treasurer shall present a report at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Ambassadors. The Treasurer shall be responsible for coordinating record keeping with the Chamber's Bookkeeper. Section 2: The Ambassador Executive Board will consist of the President, 1st and 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Chamber President. The Board shall have the following functions:

A. The 1st Vice President shall chair and appoint a Nominating committee to consist of two (2) other Ambassadors in March of each year. The Nominating Committee will present a slate of names at the April Ambassadors regularly scheduled meeting. Nominations from the floor can be made at the April meeting. The election of Officers shall take place following the April Business meeting. Newly elected Officers will take office July 1.

Section 3: The term of office for each Ambassador Executive Board member shall be from July 1 through June 30.

Section 4: No President or Vice President can serve in the same position more than two (2) years sequential before waiting one (1) year following their last term of office.

Section 5: Vacancies of the Ambassador Executive Board shall be filled by election through special nominating procedure chaired by the 1st Vice President. Nominations may be made to the 1st Vice President prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting and voting shall be conducted.

Section 6: Officers who are unable to fulfill their duties either on a permanent or temporary basis must notify the President, or in the case of the President he/she shall notify the 1st Vice President.

A. An officer may request in writing, a specific leave of absence if they are unable to fulfill their duties.

B. Officers not fulfilling their duties may be relieved of their position by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the membership. The vote will be taken at the next scheduled business meeting no less than 10 days following the announcement at a regular business meeting. All members will be notified of the pending vote through the meeting notice.

Article 5. Administrative Duties:

Section 1: The Chamber President shall keep records of all meetings, and through Chamber staff, notify all members of quarterly meetings of any other special activity. The Chamber President shall have custody of all records, papers, and correspondence conducted by the Ambassadors and, through the Chamber staff, distribute same to members as requested.

Article 6. Amendment of By-laws:

Section 1: The Ambassador bylaws shall be reviewed in the spring of each year by the Ambassadors Executive Board. Section 2: These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the members attending a general membership meeting of the Albany Ambassadors. The vote will be taken at the next scheduled business meeting no less than 10 days following the announcement at a business meeting. All members will be notified of the pending vote through the mailing of the meeting notice.

Section 3: These by-laws are subject to approval of the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

Approved: 11/29/95

Revised and Approved: 6/26/2000