1 IT Schedule 70 Earth Observation Solutions Special Item Number (132-41) Interact Draft Solicitation Posting Fact Sheet As of April 2017


GSA’s Integrated Technology Category (ITC) provides commercial products and services through IT Schedule 70. The $15 billion a year IT Schedule 70 Program is a contract vehicle through which agency customers can access the latest technology solutions.

The General Services Administration (GSA), Office of IT Schedule Contract Operations, intends to establish a new Earth Observation Solutions (EOS) Special Item Number (SIN) 132-41. GSA continually seeks to position IT Schedule 70 offerings to provide the latest in emerging technology and solutions. The earth observation industry has experienced accelerated growth with established companies as well as new entrants and newly deployed and acquired satellites

GSA is seeking to provide a one-stop-shop as new commercial imagery providers, capabilities, and data solutions emerge in the Information Technology market to meet the needs of Federal, State, Local, Regional, and Tribal governments. By leveraging strategic sourcing and shared services, GSA’s IT Schedule 70 is in compliance with OMB guidance and offers opportunities for cross-government savings.

Purpose & Benefits: The purpose and benefits of adding SIN 132-41, Earth Observation Solutions (EOS), are to: ● Address the federal government’s growing need for earth observation services which unite multiple technologies including satellite imagery/communication, distribution and content management, analytics and data products.

● Enhance IT Schedule 70 offerings for increased visibility and rapid access to commercially available solutions.

● Provide industry partners the opportunity to differentiate their Earth Observation Solutions.

● Meet the needs of government agencies to make strategic decisions and bring the full value and benefits of category management to government.

● Deliver customer agencies the tools and expertise needed through IT Schedule 70 to shorten procurement cycles, ensure compliance, and obtain the best value.

Contact Information:

● Media inquiries should be directed to Cara Battaglini at (703) 306-6426 or [email protected]

● Comments and all other questions should be sent to: [email protected]

Questions and Answers (Q&A): 2 Q: What is the onboarding process?

A: Existing industry partners: When the Earth Observation Solutions SIN is in place, vendors request a modification (eMod) to add the new EOS SIN to their contract. The SIN has a specific technical factor of relevant project experience, which requires submitting 3 project narratives with the modification (solicitation references are SCP-FSS-004 and CI-FSS-152-N).

New industry partners: Submit an offer (e-offer) for consideration to be awarded an IT Schedule 70 contract and the new EOS SIN. See www.gsa.gov/schedule70roadmap for a Guide to Submitting an Offer that provides the steps. Solicitation references are SCP-FSS-001-N, SCP-FSS-004, and CI-FSS-152-N.

Q: When is the new SIN anticipated to be in place? A: Early Summer 2017. Q: What agencies have expressed interest in using the new SIN? A: The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and several other Federal agencies as well as state governments have expressed interest. NGA has a Commercial Initiative to Buy Operationally Responsive GEOINT (CIBORG) initiative. The first major effort of CIBORG is to create a solution that allows for flexibility when purchasing GEOINT solutions against dynamic requirements. An RFQ for a government- wide BPA is anticipated to be released utilizing IT Schedule 70.

Q: I am interested to learn how the Trade Agreements Act impacts Commercial Satellite Imagery and Earth Observation offerings. The Trade Agreements Act applies to all Schedule contracts and orders.

A: GSA has Schedule contracts with U.S. and foreign designated country companies (See FAR 52.225-5 for the updated list of designated countries). Services provided, including satellite communications and imagery data services, are worldwide. Federal Acquisition Regulation sect. 25.402(a)(2), states that when analyzing the origin of services--to determine whether the services are of a "designated country"--the determination is made based on "the country in which the firm providing the services is established". Recent GAO decision confirmed that for services, country of origin is determined based on where a company is legally established, not on the location from which the service is ultimately provided.

Q: Will the new EOS SIN and CIBORG collaboration with GSA be eligible for Making it Easier programs of IT Schedule 70? A: Yes. The plain language roadmap provides information to help vendors prepare an offer to IT Schedule 70 (Website: gsa.gov/schedule70roadmap). The IT Schedule 70 Startup Springboard initiative focuses on innovative IT companies with fewer than two years of experience (gsa.gov/springboard). Vendors planning to submit an offer or modification to IT Schedule 70 may receive shorter processing times under the FAStlane program (gsa.gov/fastlane). Any FAStlane questions may be emailed to [email protected] with a subject line of EOS SIN.