ETEE1123 Homework #7 Chapter 6 Part I

Parallel Elements: 6-1. For each configuration below, determine which elements are in series and which are in parallel. For each blank in the table write one of P, S, N, or B. Write P if the two elements are in parallel. Write S if the two elements are in series. Write N if the two elements are neither in parallel nor in series. Write B if the two elements are in both in parallel and also in series.

2 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X X 3 X X

6-2. For the network below, determine which elements are in series and which are in parallel. For each blank in the given table, write one of P, S, N, or B. Write P if the two elements are in parallel. Write S if the two elements are in series. Write N if the two elements are neither in parallel nor in series. Write B if the two elements are in both in parallel and also in series.

R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 E R1 R2 X R3 X X R4 X X X R5 X X X X R6 X X X X X R7 X X X X X X

Total conductance and resistance: 6-3. Find the total conductance and resistance for the circuits below:

1 6-5. The total resistance in each circuit below is specified. Find the value in ohms of all the unknown resistances.

Parallel circuits 6-8. For the network below: a. Find the total conductance and resistance. b. Determine Is and the current through each parallel branch. c. Verify that the source current equals the sum of the parallel branch currents. d. Find the power dissipated by each resistor, and note whether the power delivered is equal to the power dissipated. e. If the resistors are available with wattage ratings of ½, 1, 2, and 50 W, what is the minimum wattage rating for each resistor?

6-9. Repeat problem 8 for the circuit below:

2 6-13. Determine the currents I1 and Is for the networks below: