Saint Luke Finance Council Minutes Thursday, October 29, 2015 6:30 p.m. Fort Atkinson Rectory

Attendance: Term Member Office Sept. 4 Oct. 29 2016 Eric Dietzenbach Chair P P 2016 Vern Dietzenbach Vice C. P P 2017 Ben Kuennen Sec. P P 2018 Loren Franzen A A

Others in attendance: Rev. Nick March – Pastor, Wilma Meyer-Maintenance, Jody Steinlage-Parish Life, Terra Kuennen-Bookkeeper.

Father Nick opened the meeting with a prayer. Meeting called to order at 6:48 PM.

Sept. 2015 meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted.

The financial statements were reviewed. The financials were approved by consensus. The new TCS subsidy payments are $1,953.13.

Old Business:  The new dehumidifiers are taking out the moisture in the basement but the wall is still flaking. Wilma will make some calls to get a camera to check and see if the moisture is coming from a broken eaves trough. The next step maybe to dig around the outside foundation.  The Fred Jackson Tuck Pointing bill was paid. The cost was $20,050.00.  Wilma will contact Dale Kruse to get the rest of the rotten trees taken out.  Fr. will make some calls to get another member.

New Business:  The Harvest Dinner had a record profit of $9,672.41. The council members and Fr. are thankful to everyone who helped out with the event. Work schedules may need to be changed by adding another unit to help with the event. Jolene will be working on sending thank you cards.  Discussion was held over the next upcoming project for the church. The window wells in the choir and on east gable had moisture issues and need to be repaired. The basement floor will need resurfacing but this may have to wait until the moisture issue is taken care of.

 Fr. Nick asked the council for their opinion about setting aside a small percentage (1%) of the annual budget for works of mercy. The council agreed that the idea has merit. Fr. Nick will consult with other cluster members to build consensus on this issue.

The next council meeting is TBD.

Father Nick closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Bookkeeper, Terra Kuennen