NAME: ______Review – Chapter 2

Just the Facts Match the Ottomans: Osman Mehmet Selim Suleiman

______killed the male members of his family and conquered Mecca. ______began the Ottomans and is their namesake. ______achieved the greatest size of the empire and promoted culture. ______opened Constantinople to all faiths after conquering it.

___ Christian boys become Muslim warriors. A. Constantinople ___ regions for Christians and Jews. B. devshirme ___ most strategic location. C. ghazis ___ Ottoman system of taking children. D. janissaries ___ warriors for Islam. E. millets

Look up the Safavids: Which branch of Islam do the Safavids follow? ______Which religious tyrant conquered Iran and massacred Sunnis in ______Baghdad? Who were Isma’il’s army? ______Who created two separate armies and promoted cultural blending? ______Name two far away places that traded with the Safavids ______What product became a national product? ______

Know your Mughals: ___ Akbar A. ruled India for Jahangir. ___ Babur B. caused suffering along with Taj Mahal. ___ Hindus C. founded the Mughals. ___ Nur Jahan D. tolerated other religions and promoted culture. ___ Shah Jahan E. make up the majority of India’s population.

Explain why each of the three Islamic empires declined: Ottomans ______

______Safavids ______

______Mughals ______
