Welcome to the 2017–2018 Cookie Program The Girl Scout Cookie Program® is important to girls, their groups and to Girl Scout councils. The sale provides funds to support activities such as Girl Scout events, trips, camping and service projects. For councils, the sale provides funds to recruit and train adult volunteers, organize Girl Scout groups, provide council-wide programs such as science and career workshops, and provide financial assistance so all girls have access to the opportunities Girl Scouting offers. Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program girls develop these essential skills and more: goal setting, decision- making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. ------Family Adult Permission and Responsibility Form for the Cookie Program

My Girl Scout ______, a member of troop/group ______has my permission to participate in the 2017–2018 Cookie Program. In so doing, I agree to accept financial responsibility for all products and money she receives. I will see that she does not sell prior to the official starting date and that she has adult guidance at all times. To that end, I will review the safety guidelines with my Girl Scout for contacting customers, taking orders, selling and delivering cookies, including the latest online guidelines from GSUSA. Specific information will be given to you about each activity through the adult in charge whose contact information is below.

My daughter has my permission to engage in online cookie program activities under the supervision of myself and/or the Girl Scout adult in charge. Yes______No______

Signature of Parent or Guardian Telephone Date

Address City State Zip Code

Please check any areas in which you are willing to assist our group this Cookie Season: ___ Cookie Volunteer in Charge ___ Chaperone for Cookie Booth ___ Cookie Warehouse Pickup ___ Cookie Volunteer Assistant ___ Chaperone for Neighborhood Sales ___ Cookie Storage ___ Technology Assistant ___ Cookie Sale Signage with girls ___ Deliveries Assistant ___ Host cookie girl presentation/sale at work ___ Other:______Troop/Group Girl Scout Contact:
