Middle Ages Research Project Name ______Date ______Pd.______What are we going to do? You have spent some time learning about the Middle Ages. Now is your time to conduct some research and identify the 4 things that interest you the most about this time period and evaluate the historical significance of the events through summaries and visuals. It's a good idea to develop a theme for your poster. Your options are:

ARMOR AGRICULTURAL PROGRESS ART WORK BANKING BLACK DEATH (The Plague) CASTLES CATHEDRALS CHARLEMAGNE CLOTHING CRIME AND PUNISHMENT CRUSADES FROM THE CHRISTIAN Point Of View CRUSADES FROM THE MUSLIM P.O.V. EDUCATION FALCONRY & HUNTING FOOD & FEASTS GAMES GENDER ROLES GUILDS & MEDIEVAL JOBS INVENTIONS KINGS/ROYALTY/NOBILITY KING JOHN (& the Magna Carta) KNIGHTS & CHIVALRY KUBLAI KHAN LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS LIFE IN A MEDIEVAL VILLAGE MARCO POLO MEDICINE & REMEDIES MONKS & MONASTERIES MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT RELIGION SAMURAI SERFS vs. PEASANTS TOURNAMENTS & JOUSTING TRANSPORTATION WARFARE & WEAPONS WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR WILLIAM WALLACE How are we going to do this? 1. You will create a poster that clearly explains the 4 topics that you have selected to research further and make sure that you are historically accurate in your understanding and explanation. 2. You will incorporate at least four clear detailed summaries of your 4 selected topics. 3. You will need to show your understanding of the topic through your visuals 4. You must be creative! 5. Your poster should use mixed media (including images from the internet)

How do I complete this project? Check off the steps as you complete each one! 1. Pick 4 topics that interest you! __ 2. Begin the research on the 4 topics in the Unami library first then Google after you have exhausted the 4 main sources in the library page. (World Book, ABC Clio, Student Resource center in context and the 7th grade custom Google search engine) __ 3. Check your summaries for typoes, good sentence structure and make sure they are grammatically correct __ 4. Creativity in your poster design is critical for an advanced grade. __ 5. Check the rubric to see what is expected for an advanced grade! __ How will we be graded? CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Content - 4 or more 3-4 pictures/symbols 2-3 pictures/symbols Less than 2 Accuracy pictures/symbols representing accurate representing accurate pictures/symbols representing accurate facts are displayed on the facts are displayed on the representing accurate facts are displayed on the poster. poster. facts are displayed on the poster. poster.

Required The poster includes all All required elements are All but 1 of the required Several required Elements required elements as well included on the poster. elements are included on elements were missing. as additional information. the poster.

Attractiveness The cartoon/poster is The cartoon/poster is The cartoon/poster is The poster is distractingly exceptionally attractive in attractive in terms of acceptably attractive messy or very poorly terms of design, layout, design, layout and though it may be a bit designed. It is not and neatness. neatness. messy. attractive.

Graphics - Several of the graphics One or two of the The graphics are made by No graphics made by the Originality used on the poster reflect graphics used on the the student, but are based student are included. an exceptional degree of poster reflect student on the designs or ideas of student creativity in their creativity in their creation others. creation and/or display. and/or display.

Explanation of The explanations of the The explanations of the Two or more of the The explanations of the 4 Topics pictures on the poster pictures on the poster explanations of the pictures on the poster do clearly relate to the notes clearly relate to the notes pictures on poster are not represent information support from the text vague, unclear, or are not from research relevant to the information about the topic

Your learning grade is based on an average of the above categories. You are awarded the following points based upon the average of ______:

3.7 – 4 = 10 pts. 3.5 - 3.6 = 9.2 pts. 3.1 – 3.4 = 8.8 pts. 2.7 - 3.0 = 8.5 pts. 2.5 – 2.6 = 8.1 pts. 2.1 – 2.4 = 7.7 pts. 1.7 – 2.0 = 7.4 pts. 1.5 - 1.6 = 7.1 pts. 1.1 – 1.4 = 6.8 pts. 0.7 – 1.0 = 6.5 pts. 0.5 – 0.6 = 6.0 pts.