Unit 6 OK. No problem! Read the article on page 41.

Conversation p. 36 J: Have you noticed how forgetful Dad is getting? He’s always forgetting where his car keys are. It drives me crazy. L: And he can never find his glasses either. J: I know. L: You know what drives me crazy about Mom? J: What? L: Those awful talk shows she watches on TV. She just loves them. J: Yeah, I think she watches them for hours every day. L: Oh, well, I guess they’re just getting old. I hope I never get like that. J: Me, too. Hey, Let’s go and play a video game. L: Great idea. By the way, have you seen my glasses anywhere?

3. 2. Turn off the TV, please. The music, the lights, the radio 3. Clean the mess up, please. The kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the desk 4. Please put away the groceries. 5. Please turn down (up) the radio. TV… 6. Please take off your cap. Hat, boots, jacket, coat put on 7. Please hang up the phone. The coat, jacket. 8. Please take out the trash. Old clothes, old books, newspapers Throw out 9. Please let the dog out. 10. Turn on the lights. The music

#5 p. 38

The kitchen: Please clean up the mess. Take out the trash. Take out then newspaper. Clean up the floor. Verbal phrase, phrasal verb

The living room Clean up the table. Turn down the TV. Turn on the lights. Clean up the sofa.

The bathroom Clean up the mess. Turn off the light. Turn off the faucet. Put away the towels. Put away the dirty clothes.

The bedroom Hang up the coat. Put away the bags. Turn off the computer. Turn down the music.

clean up: the mess, the kitchen, living, room, Hang up: the coat, the jacket, the phone, Pick up: the mess, the coat, the newspapers, the towel, the toys Put away: the newspapers, the groceries, the towels, your things Take out: the garbage, the newspapers, the dog, Throw out: the garbage, the trash, the old things Turn off: the lights, the computer,. The laptop, TV, the radio… Turn on

#9 p. 40 1. Would you mind not playing the piano after 10 PM? 2. Would you mind cleaning up your yard? 3. Would you mind not parking your car in my driveway?

Listening p. 38 J: Welcome to this week’s program, Do Men Have it Easy?, where we’ll take a look at the roles and responsibilities of men and women in families. First, thanks to all of you who responded to our survey, John? J: Thanks, Jennifer. Later on in the program, we’ll be talking your phone calls and talking to Dr. Walters, a family psychologist, who will answer your questions. And now for the results of the survey, Jennifer? J: Well, in response to the first question, “Who is the messiest person in the house?” the answer was boys! Ninety-two percent of you said that your sons or brothers don’t help much around the house. They don’t pick ;up their things, don’t hang up their clothes, and leave their clothes lying around. J: Interesting. And what about the second question, Jennifer? That was, “Who does most of the work in the kitchen?” J: Well, 84 percent of you answered women. Many of you also explained that the boys and men usually take out the garbage. The girls and women tend to cook, do the dishes, and clean up. J: And what abut the groceries, Jennifer? J; Well, according to our results, boys and girls usually put the groceries away. J: That’s surprising. So what else do the women do? J; Ah, well, that’s our next question, “Who worries most about expenses?” In the majority of homes, it seems that women worry most about household expenses. One young man wrote to us saying, “My mother always nags me and my sister. She tells us to get off the phone, to stop spending so long on the computer, to turn off the TV, well, everything really. I always thought she just liked to nag, but maybe she’s really worried about money.” I think that’s probably true, don’t you, John? J: Yes, very interesting. And now I’d like to introduce Dr. Walters…

B Listen again. According to the survey, what specific chores do men, women, boys, and girls usually do? Take notes.