North East Search and Rescue Association

Minutes of Meeting Held on September 12th 2006

Chairman’s Opening Remarks Gari informed the meeting that this would be the last attended by Tony Genge (NoTSRT) and Richard Holmes (NNPSRT) as team leader of their respective teams. On behalf of NESRA Gari thanked both for their support for NESRA and for the time they had commited to MR as team leaders.

Those Present and Apologies See attached list.

Minutes of Last Meeting These were accepted as true record

Matters Arising None

Incidents The teams reported a total of 23 call-outs since the last meeting. Points to note were:- . The Northumberland had a total of 11 call-outs which they put down to the fact that Northumbria Police now had a number of ‘Critical Incident Managers’ in post who had seen the benefits of using the resource provided by MR. . It was emphasised that team members reacting to call under the ‘First Responders’ scheme would not be covered by MR Insurance. . CSRT had had a number of difficulties with the Air Ambulance and in particular the Air Ambulance Control. Gari agreed to document evidence of problems over the past year in all NESRA region. Teams to liaise with Gari

SARDA Report Nothing to report other than there were 5 SARDA dogs and handlers a recent call-out at Brampton.

RAF Update The meeting was informed that:- . RAF Leeming had been involved in an incident in Patterdale . In 2007 9the actual date was unconfirmed) there was to be a ‘Lockerbie’ type incident at Catterick Camp at which there would be probable MR involvement. Further information would be released later.

Treasurer’s Report SP reported that she had . Paid the deposit for the NESRA training weekend . Paid for printing of student books to accompany NESRA Cas-care CD . Had received money from North Yorks police.

NESRA Training IT outlined the forthcoming weekend as follows- . Dates confirmed as 14th-15th October . Venue Kingsway Centre, Middleton in Teesdale . Format on Day 1 to be purely ‘team building’ exercises . Format day 2 to be a variety of MR based workshops . A ‘day rate’ of £8 had been agreed . There had been a problem with a clash of dates with NNPSRT and a lack of information received by their training officer. This had been resolved.

MRC Business There had been no recent meeting but the following points were raised. . There had been a problem with the NESRA Cas-Care CD package being advertised as someone elses work by the organisers of the MRC Conference. This had been resolved. . A PPE course had been organised by our rep to the MRC Equipment Sub- Committee which had been very successful although there had been two late drop-outs. . A stretcher inspection/maintenance course was being organised for late spring 2007. . ME thanked SMRT for the use of their facilities.

NESRA Medical Sub-Committee GB informed the meeting of the following . An Advanced assessment/refresher weekend ahd been organised for 9-10th December . Student notes had now been printed for Cas Care CD and would be available at £10 a copy. . CD was now on to version1.02. If teams brought their current copy to the next meeting they would receive an updated copy in return. . Teams were asked to make a donation of £30 towards the CD. Teams from outside NESRA would be charged £65. GB was thanked by the Committee for the work the Medical Sub-Committee had put in to this project.

TWSRT Presentation John Little (TWSRT) led a presentation of a web-based route log which the team was launching in the near future. This would enable members of the public to enter a route they intended walking on the site. If there was a problem Police/MR Teams could access this persons log and thus glean valuable information re. intentions. The meeting was enthusiastic about the project and teams were asked to contact DBS if they wished to be linked to the project.

Any Other Business . Chris Roberts (NESRA PRO) asked for information re. NESRA for press release for Training Weekend. JF agreed to do this. . The subject of Vehicle Breakdown cover was MR vehicles was raised and teams outlined their arrangement.

Date of Next Meeting This was confirmed for Tuesday December 12th at Durham Police HQ at 7.00p.m. NESRA: Attendee List 12th September 2006 Position Name Present (yes) Chairman* Gari Finch Yes Hon. Sec.* John Farnie Yes Hon.Treasurer/MRC Rep* Shirley Priestley Yes MRC Rep* Steve Old Yes MRC Medical Rep John Saxton Yes MRC Comms Rep Andy Crossley Yes MRC PISC Rep Anne Evens Yes MRC Equipment Rep Mike Evens Yes MRC Equipment Rep Adam Hearn Yes MRC Training Rep Richard Holmes Apologies NESRA Training Rep Ian Thompson Yes NESRA Med Sub – Co Chair Graham Brown Yes CSRT Rep (1)* Sid Bollands Yes CSRT (2)* Carl Faulkner Apologies NNPSRT Rep (1)* NNPSRT Rep (2)* NoTSRT Rep (1)* Tony Genge Yes NoTSRT Rep (2)* Kevin Heymann Yes SRSRT Rep (1)* Georgina Taylor Yes SRSRT Rep (2)* SMRT Rep (1)* Roger Swainston Yes SMRT Rep (2)* Paul Denning Apologies TWSRT Rep (1)* Chris Roberts Yes TWSRT Rep (2)* Dave Bartles Smith Yes SARDA Rep* RAF Leeming* Darren Summerson Yes RAF Boulmer Cleveland Police* Durham Police* Bob Danby Apologies Northumbria Police* North Yorks Police* Other TWSRT John Little Yes