Global History & Geography One
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Global History and Geography 9
Year Long 2015-2016 Darren Nahs PIONEER CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL EXTRA HELP: Room C156 Sign up for parent portal During the school day I am 716-492-9300 ext. 1356 available for help during student [email protected] lunch and DENS periods.
After school by appointment or prior arrangement.
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOALS Global History and Geography 9 is the first year of a two year study of the world’s history. It begins with a look at the world’s earliest peoples and ends with an examination of evolving political, economic, and social ideas and systems. Students will explore the first agricultural evolution, the rise and fall of great empires, the world’s great religions, major cultural movements, and the rise of Europe during the Age of Discovery. The course will challenge students to rediscover life before the advent of the Industrial Revolution. It is a window into the world’s past with considerable geographical, historical, and factual content.
LEARNING GOALS OF THE COURSE Given any essay prompt, students will be able to write confidently, and coherently on all major topics discussed in Global History. This is to include a variety of thematic and document based essays. After 2 years in Global History and Geography, students will perform satisfactory on the NYS Regents Exam.
World History: Patterns of Interaction, McDougal Little Text book web site with review quizzes and flashcards can be found at
GENERAL EXPECTATIONS: READY, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE Academic Honesty: The Pioneer Central High School policy will be adhered to in all cases of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is a serious offense. All work is expected to be your own, original undertaking. Using another’s work, with or without their permission and attempting to pass it off as your own is never permitted and will be severely penalized. (Consequences for academic dishonesty will be given consistent with the Code of Conduct).
Statement Regarding Student Conduct: Preparing to become a graduate of Pioneer involves more 1 than academic preparation in the classroom. Every day you need to demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with our Code of Conduct. All adults in our school will be watching to see that you are developing appropriate behavior and will provide you with feedback on your journey toward becoming world-class citizens.
Class Attendance and Active Participation: To achieve success, regular attendance is mandatory in this course. There is a direct correlation between student absenteeism and lack of student success.
Student Submissions of required work: ALL WORK IS TO BE HANDED IN ON TIME! Late work is unacceptable. No work is accepted after the teacher has handed an assignment back to the class.
GRADING Grades are not weighted but done by total points. Each assignment is worth a certain number of points. Basic Homework is usually 5-20 pts., Quizzes can be anywhere from 5-50 pts., Essays and DBQ’s are usually 50 pts., and Unit Tests are always 100 pts. For a student to calculate his/her grade, they simply add up the points accumulated and divide them by the points assigned to each assignment. EX. 20/30, 15/30, 40/50, 90/100 = 151/210 = 72%
Homework is given 2-3 times a week. Assignments can vary from small readings/questions to detailed writing (paragraphs). At times Essays and DBQ’s are given – usually 5 per marking period. There is a Unit Exam given after each unit covered.
Make-up work is to be completed in a timely manner/specified time upon returning from an excused absence. If the work is not made up, a grade of ZERO will be given for that assignment. Work missed due to an unexcused absence will receive a grade of zero.
*** Keeping a chronological notebook is important. Students should be studying from notes daily so as to be ready for an assessment/academic challenge. Being organized connects to good grades.
MAJOR LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS (there will be more assignments given at the teacher’s discretion):
Each unit will have the following: Quizzes and tests Homework- 2 -3 times a week 5 Thematic and/or DBQ essays per quarter 4 Major Unit tests/exams throughout the year Date Topic Due Date (if possible) 9.15 Neolithic Revolution Exit Assessment 9.15 2 10.15 River Valley Assessment 10.15
10.15 Compare/Contrast Essay: Hinduism- 10.15 Buddhism
11.15 Unit One Exam 11.15
11.15 Thematic Essay: Greek Geography 11.15
11.15 Ancient Greece Assessment 11.15
12.15 Ancient Rome Assessment 12.15
12.15 Greece/Rome Test 12.15
12.15 Asian Geography Assessment 12.15
1.16 Confucianism Assessment 1.16
1.16 Unit Two Exam 1.16
2.16 Islam Thematic Essay 2.16
2.16 Islam Test 2.16
2.16 Mali Reading Comprehension 2.16
2.16 Salt Mini-DBQ 2.16
2.16 Byzantine Empire Test 2.16
3.16 Justinian/Mansa Musa Essay 3.16
3.16 Mongol DBQ 3.16
3.16 Unit Three – A Exam 3.16
3.16 Feudalism Assessment 3.16
3.16 Feudal Manor Project 3.16
4.16 Power of the Medieval Church Essay 4.14
4.16 Crusades Assessment 4.16
4.16 Reconquista/Inquisition Assessment 4.16
4.16 Commercial Revolution Assessment 4.16
4.16 Unit Three – B Exam 4.16
5.16 Thematic Essay – Causes of Reformation 5.16
5.16 Renaissance/Reformation Test 5.14
6.16 Global One Final Exam 6.16
*These are sample assignments for grades in Global One. Any assignment can be given or modified at the teacher’s discretion.
3 Global History & Geography One Year Long 2015-2016 Darren Nahs, C-156, PHS
Parent(s)/Guardian: Please detach this page from the packet and sign below affirming you (and student) have received the course description, learning goals, course text and website, my expectations, and my grading procedures. I look forward to working with you in bringing to your teen the history of our world.
Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature
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