THE BENTLEY COMMUNITY & BUGLE CHURCH NEWS Please mention the Bentley Bugle when responding to Adverts

MOT’s - Class 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 Servicing & Repairs Tel: 01473 730002 or 730033 Fax: 01473 730269

NELSEPTEMBERSON P O2015TTERR QUALITY FENCING & GARDEN BUILDINGS Fence Panels, Trellis, Willow Panels, Post & Rails, Poles, Stakes, Wire Netting, Sheds & Summerhouses Local Deliveries £5 TEL: 01473 311905 Dodnash, Bergholt Road, Bentley IP9 2DQ

Advertise your business here for only £30 per issue and reach every house in Bentley. Contact Peter Day Tel: 01473 310518 Email: [email protected]

PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TRADERS Copy for Apr 2019 – May 2019 should reach us by Friday 22nd Mar. Parish Diary

FEBRUARY 2019 6. Bentley Comrades - Village Hall Committee Room - 7.30 pm. 6. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 7. Coffee and Company - 19, the Link - 10.00 to 11.30 am. 7. Bentley Parish Council Meeting - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 12. Tuesday Club -“ The History of the River Gipping” - Lewis Tyler - Village Hall at 2.00 pm. 13. W.I. - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 14. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. 15. Horticultural Society - Tim and Jan Burton - “Bentley’s Friendly Beekeepers” - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 20. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 21. Link Lunch - Village Hall at 12 Noon. 26. Tuesday Club - Craig Whale - “One Man Quartet” - Village Hall at 2.00 pm. 27. Case Book Club - 7.30 pm in the Case. 28. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. For Events at The Case see pages 15 & 16

MARCH 2019 6. Bentley Comrades - Village Hall Committee Room - 7.30 pm. 6. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 7. Coffee and Company - 19, the Link - 10.00 to 11.30 am. 7. Bentley Parish Council Monthly Meeting - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 12. Tuesday Club - “Antarctica” - Sandra Davies - Village Hall at 2.00 pm. 13. W.I. - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 14. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. 15. Horticultural Society - Matt Tanton Brown - “Growing Tomatoes indoors and outdoors and other salad vegetables” - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 20. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 21. Link Lunch - Village Hall at 12 Noon. 26. Tuesday Club - Chair Aerobics and visit from Coffee Caravan - Village Hall at 2.00 pm. 27. Case Book Club - 7.30 pm in the Case. 28. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm.

OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE VILLAGE. CARPET BOWLS - Every Tuesday 7.30 pm & Wednesday 2.30 pm – Village Hall. AEROBICS CLASS - Tuesday morning at 9.45 am (Term Time only) – Village Hall. PILATES CLASS - Tuesday 11.00 am to noon (Term Time only) – Village Hall. Contact Mrs Jill Sharp for information – 01473 311546. TODDLER GROUP - Monday and Wednesday mornings 9.30 am to 12 noon (Term time only) at Village Hall.

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 2 Bentley Directory

PARISH, DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILS Parish Council - Chairman Dr Michael Bamford 01473 730164 Parish Council - Clerk Mrs Joy Scott 01206 298174 Councillors Mr John Hinton 01206 298309 Mr Stephen Williams 01206 298877 County Councillor Mr Gordon Jones 01206 262799 Police Community Support Officers Stephen Cooper, Melissa Cohen 101

BENTLEY ORGANISATIONS AND CLUBS Bentley Primary School (Head Teacher) Mrs Jo Austin 01473 310253 (Chair Governors) Mr Dennis Kell 01473 730087 (Chair PTA) Aimee Louis 07906 696454 Bentley Community Pub (The Case) Mrs Kate Spicer 01473 314187 Bentley Comrades Mr Ray Savage 01473 311122 Bentley Community Stores Mr Bob Feltwell 01473 310182 Bowls Club Mrs Lillian Calvert 01473 311756 Carpet Bowls Mrs Jill Mills 01473 311103 Coffee and Company Mrs Sandra Mehen 01473 310383 Computer Clinic Mr John Blackmore 01473 310655 Footpath Society Mr Allan Cribb 01473 310623 Horticultural Society Mr John Blackmore 01473 310655 Link Lunch Group Mrs Veronica Howe 01473 310344 Parent and Toddler Group Mrs Pam Rayment 01473 310283 Recorders Mrs Moira Usher 01473 310322 Scrabble Club Mr Robin Owen 01473 311844 Tree Warden Mr Colin Hawes 01473 310678 Tuesday Club Mrs Margaret Blackmore 01473 310655 Village Hall – Bookings Mrs Margaret Blackmore 01473 310655 Village History Recorder Mr John Tombs 01473 310737 Whist Club Mrs Veronica Howe 01473 310344 Womens Institute Mrs Sandra Ford 01473 310072

ST MARY’S CHURCH, BENTLEY Rector Rev Annette Shannon 01473 807674 Benefice Administrator Ms Hayley Purnell 07904 972116 Churchwarden Mr Peter Day 01473 310518 Verger Mr Ray Savage 01473 311122 Assistant Priest Revd Don Mehen 01473 310383

BENTLEY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Craig Whale 01473 311976

Bentley Parish Council website is at Further information about Bentley can be found at Other Village Web sites are listed on page 25

Page 3 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 THE BENTLEY BUGLE - COMMUNITY & CHURCH NEWS COORDINATORS The Bentley Bugle is published and distributed bi-monthly on a voluntary basis for the benefit of the local Village and Church community. Information is published in good faith and we reserve the right to edit copy submitted. Errors and exceptions are regretted. Advertising in these pages does not constitute a recommendation. Editor / Production Robin Owen 18 West Mill Green, Bentley, IP9 2BN Tel: 01473 311844 Email: [email protected] Treasurer Michael Anderton 26 West Mill Green, Bentley, IP9 2BN Tel: 01473 310014 Email: [email protected] Advertising Peter Day Greenacres, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2BL Tel: 01473 310518 Email: [email protected] Copy / Distribution Adrian Mills 15 West Mill Green, Bentley, IP9 2BN Tel: 01473 311103 Email: [email protected] Church Correspondent Sandra Mehen 19 The Link, Bentley Tel: 01473 310383 Email: [email protected]

COPY FOR THE APRIL 2019 - MAY 2019 ISSUE SHOULD REACH ADRIAN MILLS BY FRIDAY 22ND MARCH. Copy can be submitted either on paper or electronically (preferred). Please try to ensure that any copy submitted electronically is in a standard format, e.g .DOC, .DOCX, .JPG .PDF or .TXT, and the preferred font is Arial 14 pt. We will always try to include copy that arrives after the published deadline subject to space and time constraints.

APOLOGIES FOR THE OMISSION OF THE VICTORY DANCE REPORT On Saturday November 10th 2018, a Victory Dance was held in Bentley Village Hall to commemorate the end of the First World War, and a capacity crowd thoroughly enjoyed the evening, when some £600 was raised for the British Legion on the night. Unfortunately I experienced some IT problems when getting this item ready for publishing, and the report of the event was not included in the December issue of the Bugle. To all who were involved in whatever way, please accept very sincere apologies from the Bugle Team. Adrian Mills

FRONT COVER “Spring is on it’s way” - Photo by Dorna Owen

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 4 ✞ St Mary’s Church News

SERVICES IN FEBRUARY 3rd February Family@Church 10.00 am 10th February Family Communion 10.00 am 17th February Morning Worship 10.00 am 24th February Family Communion 10.00 am

Ash Wednesday Family@Church There will be a special Ash Wednes- Alison and Kirtsy from day Communion Service will be leading a special with imposition of ashes Family Candlemas Service at Church on at 10.00 am on February 3rd 6th March at 7.30 pm

SERVICES IN MARCH 3rd March Family Service 10.00 am 10th March Family Communion 10.00 am 17th March Morning Worship 10.00 am 24th March Fammily Communion 10.00 am 31st March Mothering Sunday 10.00 am

Mothering Sunday A special Family Service to remember and celebrate mothers and carers Sunday 31st March at 10.00 am Posies for Mums and all Ladies present Refreshments served after the service

Delicious refreshments are served after all our Sunday morning services. Look out for special Palm Sunday and Easter Day Services.

For services in other churches in our group of parishes please see ‘In Touch’

Page 5 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 St Mary’s Church News

Need someone to pray with you or for you? Lonely? Need a Listening Ear? Do you know of anyone in the village who would like a visit at home or in hospital? Would you like someone to visit you? Would you like someone to pray with you or for you? Please call Doreen on 311122; Carolyn on 311090; Jane on 310518; or Sandra 310383.

Home Communion – we hold a short service of Communion on the first Wednesday of each month, in a home setting. If you would like to join us please contact Sandra on 310383 or Carolyn on 311090.

COFFEE AND COMPANY You are invited to join us for coffee or tea and biscuits at 19 The Link and have a chat on the first Thursday of each month between 10.00 am and 11.30 am. Everybody welcome - please come and bring a friend.

Easter Lilies – Many people like to contribute towards the cost of lilies to decorate Bentley Church for Easter, often in memory of a loved one. We suggest a donation of £2. If you would like a dedication in memory for your loved one please let us know the name or names and let us have them with the donation by Palm Sunday 14th April. Sign the list at the back of the church or contact Doreen - 311122, Carolyn - 311090 or Sandra - 310383

CAN’T GET TO CHURCH? Would you like to come to church but need a lift? Please let us know and we can organise lifts. Please contact Doreen on 311122; Carolyn on 311090 or Jane on 310518.

Annual Church Meeting (APCM) - Bentley Church APCM will be held in Bentley Church on Monday 1st April starting at 7.00 pm with the election of Church Wardens. Anyone on the Electoral Register is invited to attend and vote for the new Church Wardens. Please support your PCC by coming to the meeting and finding out what goes on in Bentley Church and what our hopes and plans are for the church.

For weddings, baptisms, funerals and any other church matters please contact:– Rector – Rev. Annette Shannon on 807674 Church Warden – Peter Day on 310518 Verger – Ray Savage on 311122 Assistant Priest – Rev. Don Mehen on 310383 Benefice Administrator – Hayley Purnell on 07904 972116 Email: [email protected] (Please note Hayley only works part-time, so may not get back to you immediately)

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 6 St Mary’s Church News Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Services at Bentley Church. It was lovely to see so many people joining us at the Christingle Service, the Carol Service, The Crib Service and the Christmas Morning Communion. Thanks also to all who came to Mulled Wine and Carols this year, especially the children who sang for us, making it a special occasion. And very special thanks to Ray, Ken and all their helpers who made the church look so spectacular again this year. If you missed them this year then make a note to come in 2019, it’s well worth the visit. Some of the beautiful knitted sheep who did not find new homes last year played a starring role in the Church Christmas decorations this year and in many of our Christmas scenes. They were soon spotted by the children some of whom offered them new homes, but they seemed happy with their friends tor this Christmas. Instead this year the children had angel visitors, who had lots of exciting adventures with the children and each child in the family had a small angel in memory of their special visitor. I wonder who will come visiting next Christmas? Lent Group - We hope to hold a Lent Group in our parish again this year. It will begin during the week beginning Sunday 10th March - day and venues and dates to be decided. Each session starts at 7.30 pm and will finish by 9.30 pm. If you cannot make all sessions just come to as many as you can. More information will be given out at church closer to the date. If you are interested please contact Sandra on 310383.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who gave us Christmas gifts for needy families this Christmas. Your generosity helped make lots of people feel cared for and cared about.

Thank you also to the people who continue to donated unwanted sheets, towels, duvets and other bedding for West Villa. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

Easter Eggs – We will be collecting Easter Eggs for West Villa Homeless Families Unit this year. If you would like to help please can we have the eggs by Palm Sunday, 14th April. They can be left at church at Sunday services or at 19 The Link, or phone 310383

Pause for thought – Have you noticed how the seasons seem to overlap each other? Christmas seems to start creeping in about September, Hot Cross Buns are on sale all year and the January sales start almost before Christmas. The garden seems to do the same. We have summer flowers still blooming, spring bulbs getting taller each day, and camellias in flower. It seems as if everything is in a rush to get ahead. So perhaps it is a good time to stop rushing and take time to reflect. Reflect on the support of family and friends. Take time to rest in God’s presence and allow his love to refill our batteries and send us out refreshed and encouraged in all he wants us to accomplish. With God we can do so much more.

Page 7 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Chairman – Cllr M Bamford Mrs J Scott Bentley Parish Council Clerk – Bentley Parish Council Telephone: 01206 298174 e- mail:[email protected]

BRIEF SUMMARIES OF BENTLEY PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS (December 2018 and January 2019) The Parish Council Meeting held on 6th December 2018 was attended by seven councillors - apologies were received from Cllr Cross and District Cllr Hinton. Two planning applications were considered: Southern Elms, Link Lane - Conversion of garage to additional living accommodation. The application was recommended for approval. Rowan Acres, Capel Road, outline planning permission for erection of two storey dwelling and new vehicular access - the application was recommended for refusal on the grounds of over-development. Grants of £200 each were approved to Bentley Outdoor Bowls; Friends of Capel Library and The Tuesday Club. The Parish Council meeting on 3rd January 2019 was attended by six councillors - apologies were received from Cllr Hutchings; Cllr Wheals and County Councillor Jones. There were no new planning applications. The Precept Charging Authority form was signed requesting a precept of £14,500, which is unchanged from last years’s precept. Grant applications were considered to the following charities: Citizens Advice Bureau (); SARS and Headway. Grants of £200; £100 and £100 were awarded respectively. The Parish Council agreed to support the cleaning of road signs in the village. It was proposed to assemble a volunteer working party to clean signs on 23rd February 2019. Cllr Moxey provided an update on the Neighbourhood Plan. To date 282 questionnaires had been returned which represents a 34% response. Following previous discussions on new signage for the Village Hall, an analysis on the necessity for such signage was considered. It was decided that no such signage was needed at this time. Andrew Graffham

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 8 BENTLEY REFORMED BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor- Craig Whale 01473/311976 Admin - Caroline Kent - 07814/465222 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8 Weekly Services Wednesday at 7.30 pm – Prayer and Bible Study Sunday at 10.45 am and 3.00 pm – Worship Services Monthly Events Saturday Bible Club (Free to all 5 -11 years) 10.00 am - 12 noon February 2nd and March 2nd For further information: Telephone: 01473 311976 / 07814 465222 . [email protected], Or find us on Facebook Bentley Reformed Baptist Church News. 2018 proved to be an eventful year for Bentley Reformed Baptist Church! We rejoiced to welcome new members into the Church, formally appointed Craig Whale as our Pastor (although of course he’s been doing the job for a while now), launched a new website, trained and appointed our safeguarding and first aid officer, completed our GDPR requirements (yawn), held our first Holiday Bible Club, had our first fire safety inspection, were privileged and humbled to share with the village at the Remembrance Day service, installed a wonderful new heating system and began our monthly Saturday Bible Club on 22nd December (phew!). We are praying for a busy and positive 2019 but we wait on the Lord for His aid since, as our motto text for the year reminds us, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8. Saturday Bible Club. We have been thrilled with the feedback from the children who came to our first Saturday Bible Club and will be holding these monthly (God willing) on the first Saturday of each month during term time. All the dates and booking forms with further details are available on our website:

INVISIBLE DOG WALKERS I and some others are very concerned about people walking in the dark on the back roads, dressed in black jackets, dark trousers, black hats and shoes, usually with dark coloured dogs! Some have torches, some don’t. Please wear something light or preferably reflective and keep your dog on a lead, preferably also reflective. Even people working during daylight often have to wear reflective jackets for THEIR safety. BE VISIBLE NOT INVISIBLE. Bob Mawkes

Page 9 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Bentley CEVC Primary School News What a start to the new year! Our feet barely touched the ground after the Christmas break, before we were straight back in to exciting learning opportunities and visits out. Our first adventure was to the Wolsey Theatre to see the Rock and Roll Panto, Cinderella. We took every child from the school, which was no small logistical feat! We thoroughly enjoyed our ice lollies in the interval and the children were enthralled by the hilarious performance. Our huge thanks go to the PTA who kindly donated half the money towards the cost of the whole trip, thereby making it much more affordable for parents. Thank you. All the children in years 2-4 resumed their weekly swimming lessons this term. This is the second year that we have been able to secure the booking for the beautiful, warm and clean First Strokes pool; we have the whole pool to ourselves for a whole afternoon, allowing us to provide swimming lessons for so many of our children. Some of the children from Adders class took part in a morning of first aid training, designed specifically for children of that age. The children all agreed that they learnt some really valuable lessons and that it had been time well spent. Events like this are just part of all the life skills we teach our children in the federation, so they leave us as confident and responsible young people. Coming up this term, we are focussing a great deal on Internet Safety and Science Week. We have lots of lessons and activities planned around helping our young people to keep themselves safe online. Children and parents alike will be invited to explore what threats are out there and how to prevent themselves from becoming a victim. Science week is our other focus, with a whole week of hands on interactive events planned, culminating in a final day of celebration of scientific learning at Village Hall. STEM is hugely popular with our pupils; who knows, the next great scientific discovery could come from one of our children. Other events we are looking forward to include the Spelling Bee Competition at High School, and basketball competitions for children in different age groups. As ever, if you would like to volunteer in our school, or if you are a parent who would like the opportunity to come and have a look round, please do contact us on: Bentley – 01473 310253

BENTLEY TODDLER GROUP Thank you to everyone who helped and supported our latest jumble sale and made it a great success. If you missed this last sale, there will be another in April/May 2019. so watch this space! Please save all your goodies, but, if this is a problem, we can collect before then. Pam Rayment

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 10 ST MARYS CHURCHWARDEN’S REPORT 2018 2018 has been an active year for St Mary’s Bentley. HIGHLIGHTS (in no particular order) �� Our letter to the village “Your church your heritage” asking for help resulted in several responses – all gratefully received. �� Notice boards painted and new ones put up in the porch. St Mary’s Bentley Notice board (located outside BJ’s salon) was completely refurbished and re-erected by Graham Cooper. (Graham originally made the notice board some 25 years ago!) �� 3 outside benches were re-painted �� Garden of remembrance area re-painted, more bulbs planted. �� Porch entrance spruced up and outside both doors re-oiled. As were the font cover and the “wire doors” leading into the porch. Black lamps and drainpipes re-painted. �� Our grounds have never looked so good. Path widening and weeding and partial re-surfacing has taken place. Gulleys and soakaways cleared and a trench dug around the tower to try and combat the damp. �� Bushes, trees and hedges pruned making entrances to the car park, graveyard and church more accessible. �� The north side of the churchyard has been “reclaimed from nature” – with weeds being cut down and the area rotovated in preparation for making a tea garden/BBQ lawned area, for summer gatherings. �� Plans have been drawn up and discussions taken place with various interested parties regarding the construction of an inside toilet in the tower and a kitchen/meeting room in the vestry. We are ready to go to faculty on 5th February 2019. The new “tea garden” will be accessed through the current vestry door. �� A new shed was donated, installed and painted inside and out as the old shed had become dilapidated and was too small and storage will be a bigger issue once the tower and vestry are remodelled. �� A new lighting system was installed and paid for by the Friends of St Mary’s Bentley. These low energy bulbs should only need changing about every 25 years and reduce our carbon footprint and electricity bills as well as providing more electrical capacity we will need for the new kitchen. Colin Hawes advised us on a number of eco-issues: �� Wildflower garden. �� 4 trees in north side of churchyard leaning alarmingly. �� Bird boxes/bug houses etc. (providing a contact for a cheap purchase). �� The lime trees. �� The Yew trees. �� He advised against planting any additional saplings in the churchyard. �� St Mary’s won a bronze eco church award during the year. Continued on page 12……

Page 11 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 ….Continued from page 11 ��The church was beautifully decorated for our Christmas festival of lights. This year’s theme was Christmas Carols. In addition to the hardworking PCC we had the front porch entrance decorated by Diane Goodwin who made a beautiful arch depicting “The Holly and the Ivy”. ��Our service book holds 75 entries this year – showing the importance of the church to the Bentley community. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, AND THANK YOU Friends of Bentley Church ��Dick Leach, Ray Bloomfield, Peter Evans and Peter Baldwin ��Graham Cooper ��Diane Goodwin ��Don and Sandra Mehen, Ken and Janet Felgate, Jane Day, Carolyn Evans, Ray and Doreen Savage, Ann Little. ��To all our worshippers and village supporters. May God bless you all. Peter Day, Church Warden

BENTLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE The whole village has been busy since the last update! We’ve had an excellent return on the completed questionnaires – 283 responses from the adults, a 34% return, very much higher than many villages have managed. It’s great to be part of such an engaged community! The next step with these is to do the data analysis on the responses to see how what the village wants translates into statements relating to sections of the National Planning Framework. This is an enormous document and will take some time; this work will be the team’s focus for the next few months. We’ve managed to secure a grant for some consultancy time up to the end of March, to make sure we’re progressing in the right direction and not missing any crucial steps. This small grant is also good news because it means that we are likely to be accepted for a larger grant next financial year, to help us with the more technical aspects of the work, and to commission one or two surveys to support our evidence base. Some of the questionnaire data is already being used. We’ve pulled out peoples’ responses to the question around infrastructure improvements, and that will be used in the Parish Infrastructure Improvement Plan, which will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting (7th Feb). The children in the village school have been busy too; as well as completing their own questionnaire, they’ve been taking part in a competition to draw the cover image for the Neighbourhood Plan documents. Well done to George! The Neighbourhood Plan is still on target to be completed by September. Lots of hard work still to do, but having such a good questionnaire return means that the document can accurately reflect the views of a broad section of the village. Thank you! Nicky Moxey - Chair, Neighbourhood Plan team.

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 12 W.I. We had a busy December with a Christmas meal at the Ipswich Hotel, Copdock and it was our turn to host the group Carol service at St Mary's Bentley. All were amazed at the Christmas decorations in the church and appreciated the singing of Bentley community choir on their first performance. Thank you very much to all the choir members. After the service we enjoyed sausage rolls and mince pies. The next day we had the monthly meeting when we made beaded Christmas tree decorations under the guidance of Linda Bloomfield. Our guest speakers in January were two ladies from Capel St Mary who spoke about a local charity 'New Dawn India'. New Dawn India supplies the funds for Vidiyal (Tamil for a New Dawn) which works with the street and slum children and their families. Over 300 children come daily to the Vidiyal drop-in centres which operate in the Madurai slums. For our 70th Anniversary on 10th April we are having a small party. If any ex- members would like to join us they will be very welcome. There will be a small charge of £3.00 towards refreshments and entertainment. Please let Sandra know by 22nd March if you would like to come. The next meetings are:- February 13th. Hand Made Card. Sandra Mehen March 13th. When Neanderthals Met Humans. Anne Owen This is an open meeting so if you would like to come please ring Sandra on 310072. Diane Clover St Mary’s Decorations

Page 13 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH

Are you concerned about the traffic flow through the Village, up to and sometimes over 300 vehicles an hour. Are you concerned about the speed of these vehicles ? Fastest recorded so far 76 mph. New Members are needed to help with CSW. Only a couple of hours every two weeks, training provided along with reflective jacket Please Contact Bob Mawkes on 07855214463

New Approach to Shop

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 14 Suffolk’s first Co-operative Pub! Tel. 01473 805575. If the Beast from the East strikes again this winter you will always find a warm and cosy welcome at The Case with lots to keep you entertained during the dark winter months and into early spring. Open Mic Night: Is on Tuesday 5th February come along and enjoy our local talented musicians, you might even feel like joining in yourself, all performers are very welcome. Bring your own instrument, PA is provided. Our March Open Mic will be held on Tuesday 5th March. Both start around 7:30 pm. Our fun and games evenings continue for the next few months; Saturday 9th February and Saturday 9th March. We have lots of old fashioned family board games plus a few more up to date ones ready to challenge your general knowledge and tactics. It can get rather noisy but it is all just good fun and if you have a favourite game bring it along! Our popular Quiz Nights for February and March will be on Saturday 23rd February and Saturday 23rd March. As usual a curry supper will be available from 6.00 pm onwards, last sitting 8.00 pm, quiz starts at 8.30 pm. Booking for the curry is essential. Beer vouchers for the winning team and a wooden spoon for those not quite so lucky! If you would like to host a quiz then please contact Chris at [email protected] and we’ll add you to the rota. Looking forward, we will be holding a Spanish evening on Saturday 16th March; food will be prepared by Esther our very popular visiting chef. So dust off your sombreros and practise your flamenco dancing! Booking essential. Please check our website or Facebook page for more details or ask at the bar. As always on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays we offer a delicious range of light lunch time meals, including sandwiches, soups and Ploughman’s, all prepared in house by Jane, from 12 noon to 2.00 pm. You can even pre-order if you are a larger group. Calling all gardeners! We had such a great time in November tidying up the garden and borders for the winter, we - by popular request from the gardeners themselves - have decided to hold a Spring, ‘spring clean’, so we are ready for summer. If you would like to join us just bring a trowel and a pair of secateurs. Again in return we will be serving hot chocolate and bacon butties for those who come along to give a hand. We will be getting out the gardening tools on Saturday 23rd March 10.00 am – 12 noon.(Weather permitting) If you would like to join us then please contact the Chairman at [email protected] so we can cater for the correct numbers. As you know our pub depends heavily on volunteers to keep it running. If you love the pub and want to see it continue to be successful, would you consider joining the team? Let someone behind the bar know or leave a note with your name and contact details or contact the Chairman at [email protected]. Continued on page 16………

Page 15 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 …....continued from page 15 Believe it or not on 17th April ‘The Case’ will have been open as Suffolk’s first Co-operative pub for 5 years and to mark this important occasion we are planning a celebratory few days starting on Saturday 13th April. The celebrations will begin with the Tyler Kemp Duo who will be playing a mixture of easy listening 40’s, 50’s and 60’s music and some light jazz, from 3pm until 5pm. During this time the bar will be open for free tea, coffee and canapés. For those who prefer a livelier occasion the Robbie Gladwell Band will be entertaining in the evening between 8.30 pm and midnight. Canapés and light bites will also be freely available during this session. We would like as many of our customers and locals as possible to join us in our festivities as we believe this is quite a landmark for co-operative pubs such as ours. Free tickets, for each session, will be available at the bar and from Bentley Stores - these will enable us to gauge the numbers for each event! If you have any queries please contact the Chairman at [email protected]. For the children we will be adding more entertainment to one of our family events later in the year.

CHRISTMAS AT ST MARYS CHURCH I want to take this opportunity to thank all the PCC for making our church look so magnificent throughout the Christmas festivities. I know it takes a long time to put all the decorations up around the church ( and of course the arduous job of taking them down again). I think they were better than ever this year. Also I would like to thank all those who ran the various services from the Christingle, Nine Lessons and Carols, and the fun Crib Service, which all my grandchildren thoroughly enjoyed. Well done everybody, your efforts to make Christmas special really paid off Linda Daynes and Family

THE CASE BOOK GROUP Meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm in The Case CONTACT John Wheals - 01473 310569

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 16 Village History

HOW BENTLEY BOWLING CLUB HAS SURVIVED SO LONG Oral evidence that in the 1914-18 War soldiers laid the Green behind the Old Shop remains unconfirmed. But certainly over 90 years ago bowls rolled there as in 1928 Major G.F. Law (1884-1937) of what was then Uplands (opposite St. Mary's Church) presented a challenge cup to the Club. The Club's long survival is the more surprising because of several disadvantages. Its mixed and largely elderly membership has always been small, rarely out of the 20’s, thus making it hard sometimes to field a full team or compete against big clubs. Also the Club faces heavy expenses avoided by the many clubs who meet indoors. In 1982, for instance, the Club, advised to obtain a much better mower in order to improve the Green, spent £150 on a second-hand Auto-Certes. On the other hand the Club enjoys some luck assisting its survival: the free use to date (2018) of the Green, thanks to George Roth (1903-2003) and his next-of-kin. The Club has continued for at least three other reasons. First members enjoy playing, whether in internal Club competitions or against other clubs in league, knock-out or occasional friendly matches even though the results are often mixed. This happened last season when Bentley convincingly won the Ipswich & District Triples League (Division 2), but filled the next-to-bottom place in the Samford League Division 1. The Club continues, secondly, because many members besides officers are generous to it with their time and talents. In 2005 alone one member provided the Green with a new gate, a second with a new sign while third and fourth members fitted the Hut on the Green with new kitchen facilities and a new back wall. Also many officers like Lillian Calvert, Secretary since 2004 and Treasurer since 1996, have given long service. The Club's survival has also resulted, thirdly, from members' ability to raise generally increasing amounts from various sources. In 1977 the largest source of income after subs (then £3 each) was a dance with £62. In 2000 the Lottery yielded £284, in 2004 the first Parish Council grant £150 and in 2009 the first quiz £477. The Club's team spirit along with Bentley's possibly increased population in 45 new homes west of Church Road should ensure a form of the game played in 1588 by Sir Francis Drake when the Spanish Armada came to invade will survive in Bentley for decades hence. John Tombs - Village Historian

WHIST DRIVE Twenty two whist drives were held in the village hall during 2018. An average of thirty four people attended each drive, which enabled us to donate two hundred and fifty pounds to St. Elizabeth Hospice. The whist drives are held on the first and third Wednesdays in the month, and everyone is made very welcome. Veronica Howe

Page 17 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 BJ’S HAIR & BEAUTY STUDIO L’Oreal Appointed Salon FOR HAIR DESIGN

Special rates for senior citizens on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, transport available. Evening Appointments available for ● Free advice & information gentlemen. ● Local – for a fast response ● Discreet – unmarked vans ALTERED IMAGES ● Fully qualified & insured Pier Auge Gold Appointed Salon ● Highly accredited (NPTA) Face and body care for ladies only. We have a range of treatments to suit you, Email; [email protected] please call us to discuss your requirements. Opening Hours Tel: 01473 328092 Tuesday 9:00 – 5:30 Wednesday 9:00 – 5:30 Thursday 9:00 – 7:30 Friday 9:00 – 5:30 Saturday 9:00 – 4:30 For all Appointments please call 01473 311781 BJ’s Hair & Beauty Studio Capel Road, Bentley

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 18 BENTLEY COMMUNITY SHOP A New Approach Regular customers to Bentley Stores will have noticed the newly re-surfaced approach to the village shop. Previously, the car park was an uncomfortable combination of potholes, puddles and dust. Special thanks to our County Councillor Gordon Jones for assisting with the funding. The new car park will make parking easier for all customers and has a specifically marked-out bay for blue-badge holders close to the shop entrance to help those with limited mobility to access the shop as easily as possible. (Photo page 14). Looking back over 2018, store statistics show that the team of 43 active volunteers have carried out nearly 20,000 transactions amounting to over £70,000 worth of sales. The average spend for these 20,000 individual sales was £3.65 which is a steady business for the community shop. For anyone who has not yet visited the shop we’d encourage you to drop in and see what is on offer. Local produce is stocked where possible and is extremely popular. Many customers make a daily visit to the shop to pick up essentials and their choice of daily paper. Bread, eggs, dairy produce, cold meats and fruit and veg continue to rank highly as the most popular sales. The store’s Management Group is always looking to improve the service the shop provides to the local community and has purchased a new chiller cabinet to keep fruit and veg in a temperature controlled environment to keep everything as fresh as possible. They are also trialling revised opening hours for the first three months of 2019. During the trial period the shop hours will be 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on weekdays, and at weekends closing as usual at 12 noon. We will update you on this trial in the next edition of The Bugle. The volunteers are key to the success of the shop and the committee is always looking for extra hands to help, if you can spare a few hours a week please contact the shop on 01473 310182. Bob Feltwell

C Our next meetings will be on the 14th and 28th February and the 14th & 28th of March. S C R A B B L E We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the 2019 SEASON U month at 2.30 pm in the Village Hall Committee B Room. Anyone who would enjoy a game of Scrabble, a cup of tea or coffee and a chat is welcome to join us. Robin Owen

Page 19 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 BENTLEY CARPET BOWLS In the recent run of matches our improved form has continued with the exception of the game at Copdock where we lost heavily 1-9. At Gt. Blakenham we played well but still lost on aggregate 4-6, but at home versus and Belstead we recorded two 6-4 wins. However with the first half of the season completed we still find ourselves in the bottom three of the division with four home games and five away in the second half our efforts to keep in the first division will not become any easier, but we will remain positive! Our next matches are against , Barking, Gt.Blakenham and Claydon. David Howe

ShelterBox 28 November 2018 Dear Miss Lovell, A sturdy green ShelterBox. Hardwearing tools and equipment. The practical basics a family needs in the aftermath of disaster or conflict. It's astonishing what your generous donation of £814.00 can provide. Crucially, by fundraising for ShelterBox, you've allowed us to hand-deliver more than just simple items — together you've given vulnerable families around the world the power to transform despair into hope. More than solar lights, thermal blankets and cooking utensils —you've helped entire communities in desperate need begin the process of rebuilding not just their homes, but their lives too. Right now, that means sending teams to the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Lombok. It means assessing the needs of families made homeless in Kenya after an unusually severe monsoon season caused heavy flooding. It means supporting nomadic families in Somaliland with a variety of aid items such as tents, tarpaulins and rope, after the continuing drought has left entire communities displaced and destitute. And it means providing aid to families caught in extreme conflict zones including the Syrian conflict and the Lake Chad Basin crisis, whose homes have been left in tatters by bombing and fighting. If you haven't already, why not tune in to watch ShelterBox live on Facebook? A member of the Operations Team will brief you on these disasters and all our other current deployments. There's time too for your questions — so you can post a comment on behalf of The Village Of Bentley and we'll answer it there and then if we can! Watch live on Tuesdays at 2:30pm, or catch up at any time on our Facebook page: Please pass on our thanks to everyone at The Village Of Bentley for your amazing continued support. Your generosity means we can keep doing what we do best. We're determined, and we won't stop. Day after day, we'll keep hammering pegs, tying knots and building shelter. From all of us here at HQ, thank you for supporing ShelterBox. Sophie on behalf of your Supporter Care Team ShelterBox T+44 (0)1872 302606 President Falcon House, Charles Street,E [email protected] Her Royal Highness Truro, TRI2PH, UK The Duchess of Cornwall

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 20 BENTLEY COMRADES For December we continued with the centenary of World War 1 theme and watched a film highlighting the large number of Victoria Crosses awarded and detailing the exploits of selected recipients. Next on the programme was a film in the Massive Speed series presented by Chris Barrie charting the development of Fighter Aircraft from WW1 to the present day. The evening was completed with an episode of ‘Allo, ‘Allo entitled An Enigma Variation. Mince Pies and Sausage rolls were enjoyed during the break and final arrangements were completed for our Christmas lunch. For the Christmas lunch 16 members, friends and partners gathered at the Holbrook Compasses on Wednesday 19th December where we enjoyed a wide choice of items from the extensive Christmas 3 course menu. A small raffle took place to boost our operating fund. Our first meeting of 2019 took place on 2nd January with the usual 3 film format. First on the programme was a piece from the Weaponology series investigating the development of tanks, a particular interest to several of our regulars. Next we had a film in the Massive Machines series from Chris Barrie charting the history and development of Submarines. Finally we finished with an episode of ‘Allo, ‘Allo entitled Wedding Bloss. Bentley Comrades is a gathering of ex-service personnel and those interested in the British Armed Forces. We usually meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall Committee Room, supply our own refreshments and each make a contribution towards the hire of the hall. If you are interested in joining us please contact: - Ray Savage - tel. 311122 Michael Anderton

BENTLEY TUESDAY CLUB We held our Christmas Lunch at the beginning of December at Beth Chatto`s Gardens, when forty three members enjoyed a delicious festive lunch. We concluded 2018 with a Christmas Party in the Village Hall when members were entertained by Judy & Glynis (accordion duo), playing seasonal music including carols for members to sing along to. This was followed by afternoon tea, and a draw with everyone going home with a `Santa` present. The Club reconvened in the New Year on the 15th January, with a return visit by Moira Usher who gave us a very interesting talk on `Baltic Cities`, which she illustrated with slides. Later in the month we had our first session of `Chair Aerobics` followed by our `Annual General Meeting` when members had the opportunity to air their views and suggest ideas for outings etc, during the year. As always, new members and visitors are always welcome, and please phone if you are interested and would like a copy of our 2019 programme. Our fortnightly afternoon meetings for the February/March period are listed under the `Parish Diary` - in the front of the `Bugle Magazine`. Margaret Blackmore (Secretary) (Tel.310655 for further information).

Page 21 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 CLEANING SIGNS IN THE VILLAGE - SATURDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 2019 The Parish Council agreed to support the cleaning of signs in the coming year and proposed that a “sign clean” would take place on Saturday 23rd February 2019. Volunteers would be greatly appreciated – if you wish to take part please contact the Clerk . Joy Scott – Clerk, Whites Cottage, Heath Road, East Bergholt CO7 6RJ – E-mail: [email protected] – Telephone: 01206 298174

BENTLEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. At our December meeting we had a most enjoyable evening with Brian Thurlow as "The perennial Mr Potter", I hope that we shall see him again with another entertaining topic from his repertoire . On Friday 15th February we have two of our villagers Tim and Jan Burton - Bentley's friendly beekeepers to talk to us about making honey On Friday 15th March Matt Tanton-Brown will be making a return visit to us - his topic is "Growing tomatoes indoors and outside, and other salad veg" Our meetings are held in the Village Hall and commence at 7.30 pm. All are welcome - non members can join us for an individual meeting on payment of £3. We are now past the shortest day and can look forward to the evenings gradually becoming lighter. The snowdrops will soon be in bloom and primroses are already blooming. The photographic competition (Members only) held at the AGM in November 2019 - the topic is "Sunsets" taken in 2019 in the UK, Submitted as a 6"x4"(or equivalent) print in either monochrome or colour Pam Lovell

New Year`s Eve. Once again revellers enjoyed the `New Year`s Eve Dance` held in the Village Hall - with popular music provided by the` G.R.Disco`. Refreshments, supplied by the revellers themselves, offered a delicious choice during the evening and the Grand Draw contained an abundance of donated prizes. At midnight the New Year was welcomed in with the traditional singing of `Auld Lang Syne` and then was expertly and ceremoniously piped in much to everyone’s delight - by a Piper dressed in full regalia. Thanks are due to the small group of dedicated organisers and helpers who ensured that everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves. After expenses, a £380 surplus remained which was divided to three local charities :- ‘Bentley Parochial Church Council’, ‘Cats Protection Ipswich’, ‘The M.S. Therapy Centre’ - Claydon. A very worthwhile community effort and our thanks to everyone.

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 22 CONSTABLE COUNTRY MEDICAL PRACTICE – PRACTICE UPDATE JANUARY 2019 Missed Appointments - The high number of missed GP and Nurse appointments nationally has recently been highlighted by the press. Unfortunately, our practice also suffers from this problem. Through December 2018 the number of missed appointments and the time wasted was as follows: Doctors: 12 missed appointments, 2.5 hours wasted Nurse Practitioners: 3 missed appointments, 40 minutes wasted Practice Nurses: 24 missed appointments, 6.5 hours wasted Health Care Assistants: 7 missed appointments, 1 hour wasted Phlebotomists: 10 missed appointments, 75 minutes wasted When an appointment is booked, patients receive a text message confirmation, so please ensure we have an up-to-date mobile number recorded for you. Patients will also generally receive a reminder text message the day before their appointment, though not in every case. If you cannot make an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so it can be made available to other patients. There is nothing more frustrating than our clinicians preparing for a patient consultation or procedure only for them not to turn up. If you are going to be late then let us know and we will try to accommodate you, though it may not be possible if it will result in other patients being delayed. Community Connector Bus - If sometimes you wake up and think “more of the same” and wish for something different and interesting to happen in your life, or if one of life’s many challenges has been thrown at you recently and you don’t know where to turn for advice, or if you need to take greater care of your health and wellbeing or be more active physically or socially, or if you find yourself alone because of bereavement or other circumstances….. then the Community Connector scheme could be for you! The Community Connector bus will be visiting the practice at East Bergholt between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm on; Wednesday16th January, Wednesday 6th February, Tuesday 5th March, Wednesday 27th March. The scheme will connect you to others for support and advice on matters such as debt, benefits, housing, health and fitness, walking, cycling, dance, volunteering, social activities, clubs, arts and much more. This initiative is supported by Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Family Carers. No appointment is necessary, just turn up! National GP Patient Survey Questionnaires - You may receive a survey from Ipsos Mori over the next couple of months, requesting feedback on the how the practice has performed. If you receive one, please complete and return it. Feedback is really important to us. We have been working hard over the last couple of years to improve the service we offer and patient feedback is vital in understanding the progress we have made and which areas we need to focus on. Training Days - Just a reminder that the practice will be closed from 1.00 pm on the following dates for staff training: Wednesday13th February, Thursday 14th March. On these afternoons the Capel St Mary building will be open to enable access to the pharmacy but the Practice reception will be closed. East Bergholt reception will be open. Please note that there will be no clinicians at either building after 1.00 pm as they will be attending training off-site. If you phone the practice the recorded message will ask you to ring 111 for medical assistance if your problem cannot wait until the next day. Pete Keeble - Practice Manager

Page 23 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 LINK LUNCH GROUP At our very popular Christmas lunch a full house of 50 diners were treated to Roast Turkey with all the trimmings, followed by Christmas Pudding, mince pies and mints with tea or coffee. This enabled us to donate one hundred pounds to the cardiac unit of Ipswich hospital. At our first lunch of the New Year we served 48 diners with, Beef Cobbler, Mash and Savoy Cabbage, followed by cheesecake and ice cream, tea or coffee. Many thanks to all who have helped or supported us throughout 2018. Veronica Howe

BENTLEY BOWLS CLUB We shall be opening the green at the end of April, why not think about coming to join us. The game of bowls is an equal gender game and gets partners doing some- thing together. Our Quiz this year is on Saturday 4th May 2019 in the Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm. We hope you can come and join us. We are all hoping for another season like last year lovely and warm. Lillian Calvert - Secretary 311756

BUILD IT RIGHT WITH BABERGH AND MID SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCILS Thinking about; Building an extension; Internal alterations i.e. removal of walls; Converting your garage; Creating an annex ??? Your council can help. Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, have a dedicated, independent and impartial team with over 100 years combined specialist knowledge in the construction industry. They can help guide you through the processes to make that all-important alteration to your home, whilst ensuring you meet mandatory Building Regulations. We understand fitting home improvements around your job can be a challenge. Our team will find a way to support you that fits in with your diary. Inspections can also be booked by 10.00 am on the day too, so no need to forward plan if that’s not your style. If you want to find out more about the services your local council offers, just speak to one of the team by heading to the Councils’ website at:- - we’ll be happy to help or provide you with a quote. Did you know the council also deals with demolitions and dangerous structures? You can always contact us to report a dangerous structure online here:-

Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 Page 24 The Bentley Exchange Advertise your unwanted goods or requests for items you require, for FREE, in the Bentley Exchange. This service is available to Bentley residents only, no traders. Just call or email your details to: ADRIAN MILLS (contact details on Page 4) FOR SALE I have some Thomas the Tank Engine Jigsaw puzzles @ £2.50 each, and a big Wooden Train set table top suitable from 2 years plus, £30. All very good condition. The table is able to fit a lot of wooden brio or Thomas The Tank Engine wooden track on, in different arrangements and is fabulous. The table is high enough that you can fit boxes underneath. Cost £110 brand new. Please contact Jo Willis on 077332 98842. WANTED - garage or shed to store items during a build, may be up to 6 months. Call Alleyn on 07712583809.

BUGLE TREASURER - If there is anyone who would be interested in assisting in production of The Bugle by taking on the job of Treasurer please contact Michael Anderton for further information, or any of the Bugle team whose details are given on page 4.

SUFFOLK BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT (SBS) ‘Easing loss through group support’ Recently bereaved or suffering a delayed reaction to loss? Are you in need of help and support? Why not join a small focussed group, of 5-10, sharing bereavement issues? Groups are led by an experienced facilitator Creating a warm, safe environment In which to explore the many aspects of loss. Groups are free and open to Suffolk residents Able to attend the Hadleigh (afternoon) or Capel St Mary (evening) venues.

For more details or to reserve a place contact Patrick or Margaret Email: [email protected] Tel: 01206 299832 Web site: Main funder: Suffolk Community Foundation’s Rural Fund Also supported by Suffolk County Council through Councillors Gordon Jones and James Finch And by Hadleigh Town Council Suffolk Community Action registration No. CAS2398/16

OTHER VILLAGE WEBSITES Bentley Village Stores - Bentley CEVC Primary School - The Case is Altered -

Page 25 Bentley Bugle – Feb 2019 / Mar 2019 STUART’S HANDYMAN SERVICES CALL: 0 7 5 3 2 26 29 30 [email protected] QUOTE REF. HANDYMAN FOR 10% DISCOUNT !


Please mention the Bentley Bugle when responding to Adverts

ANDREW ABLETT JOHN KEEBLE Servicing and Repairs (BRAMFORD) LIMITED Diagnostic Testing, Servicing, SHIP LANE, BRAMFORD Repairs, M.O.T.s, Welding IPSWICH IP8 4AP 01473 742742 and Fault Code Reading. OVER 100 CARS IN STOCK Local Free Delivery VISIT OUR WEBSITE and Collection. Tel: 07917 223274 Email: [email protected]

Advertise your business here for only £30 per issue and reach every house in Bentley. Contact Peter Day Tel: 01473 310518 Email: [email protected]

PLEASEPLEASE SUPPORT SUPPORT YOURYOUR LOCAL LOCAL TRADERS TRADERS And mention “The Bentley Bugle“ when responding Copy for Apr 2019 – May 2019 should reach us by Friday 22nd Mar. Copy Deadline for April 2014 – May 2014 issue is Friday 21st March