Uh Hilo Faculty Congress s1

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Uh Hilo Faculty Congress s1


Members Present: Philippe Binder, Marilyn Brown, Kelly Burke, Jason Cabral, Keola Donaghy, Sevki Erdogan, Kerri Inglis, Barbara Leonard, Shuguang Li, Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Mark Panek, Jennifer Richardson, Helen Rogers

UHHSA Members: Aurora Manly

Ex-Officio Members Present: Steve Hora, Michael O’Donnell, Marcia Sakai, Rose Tseng

Others Present: Dan Brown, Rick Castberg, Anastasia Pavlovic

Meeting called to order at 3:09 pm by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard


1. Motion to approval of the minutes of the December 1, 2006 meeting http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu/uhh/congress/documents/Congress06-07Minutes12-01-06.doc Motion to approve: Gail Makuakane-Lundin, seconded by Sevki Erdogan Approved by acclamation

2. Report from Chair Barbara Leonard Request approval to change the scheduled Congress meeting from 2/23/07 to 2/16/07 since the Board Of Regents is meeting on 2/23/07 in Kona. All are encouraged to attend BOR meeting. A question and answer session with the BOR is in the works. Request to change the meeting date approved by acclamation

Reminder: Congress is scheduled to meet on 3/23/07, 4/27/07, and on 5/11/07. Elections for officers for next year will be held on 5/11/07, so please elect your Senate Chairs by this date.

Report on the ACCFSC meeting held on 1/12/07 and other meetings attended on behalf of Congress.

Discussed a role for UH Hilo in Kona. The Chair suggests an ad-hoc committee to address the role of UH Hilo in Kona and requests feedback from the faculty. Discussed articulation. Ged Ed at UH Manoa, especially in regards to transfer students from within the UH system vs. those transferring from outside the UH system, is problematic.

Discussed the role of Faculty Congress. At UH Hilo, the Faculty Congress is responsible for setting policy in certain areas with agreement from chancellor. Jane Panek will address Faculty Congress in March meeting to discuss Faculty Governance and Academic Freedom.

Congress has been asked to nominate members to serve on the Chancellor’s Awards Committee. Recommendation to nominate people who have won in the past to serve on the committee. Approved by acclamation

3. Reports from committee chairs

 Kelly Burke, Academic Policy Committee Academic Policy Committee charged with examining the status of University 101, specifically the objectives, academic standards, monitoring and oversight. Is the CAS Dean in charge of oversight, or not? Committee will meet next week.

 Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Admissions Committee Admissions Committee has had 2 meetings and will have 3rd next week. Looking at current admissions standards, gathering data from the Institutional researcher. Data is in draft form but will eventually be distributed to the Congress. Data is different than we might expect in terms of retention and student success.

 Barbara Leonard, Budget Committee The current form of the budget as it passes through the Governor's office on its way to the legislature is at http://www.hawaii.gov/budget/memos/budget%20in%20brief/22%20-%20University%20of %20Hawaii.pdf

Steve Hora reports that the Budget is still in flux and will not be finalized in its current form. Some items requested are not addressed in the current version of the budget. This budget reflects the system rejecting initial budget requests.

 Sevki Erdogan, Assessment Support Committee The Assessment Support Committee deals with quality assurance in the University. Committee is revising the forms used for assessment and dealing with “floating” programs like Women’s Studies and how to assess these.  Dan Brown, the Graduate Council The Graduate Council oversees the running of the Graduate Programs. Graduate activities at UH Hilo are increasing and gaining visibility. The Graduate Council is beginning to draft recommendations about organizing the Graduate Programs to ameliorate issues with naming, admissions and graduation requirements.

 Philippe Binder, General Education Committee General Education Committee polled both students and faculty. Students overall not happy with proposed General Education changes. Results suggest that students were uninformed regarding the changes and their implications.

Faculty survey sent to all faculty members via email. Received approximately 100 responses out approximately 400 faculty members. Survey Monkey offers no way to confirm that respondents only replied once. Faculty survey results point to a desire for a General Education curriculum that’s aimed at helping students become “more responsible, critical, better informed.” Results of the faculty survey distributed.

There has been much opposition to the proposed General Education changes based on insufficient outreach and explanation from the General Education Committee. The current General Education proposal is being laid to rest. The General Education committee needs more clarification from WASCC about rules and expectations.


1. Dean Michael O’Donnell regarding Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Memberships Has a grant to serve adults with continuing education courses and can qualify for an additional million dollars at the end of this year. Needs a minimum of 500 paid members to earn the grant; has 140 members. Campaigning for people to sign up at $25.

2. Proposal from the Executive Committee to establish an ad-hoc By-Laws Committee to suggest changes to the UHH Faculty Congress Charter and By-Laws, including: o Proposal for a biennial administrative review administered to faculty by UHH Faculty Congress o Establishing a permanent one course/semester teaching reduction for the Chair of the Assessment Committee because of the work load o Establishing a one course teaching reduction for the Chair of the Budget Committee in the Spring semester preceding the compilation of the biennium budget (one course every two years) o Establishing a teaching reduction rule for other Congress Committee Chairs based on agenda and work load Creation of an ad-hoc committee to revise the by-laws that will meet with the Vice Chancellor: Barbara Leonard, Mark Panek, Jennifer Richardson Ad-hoc committee will work on a proposal and bring it to the next meeting.

4. Proposal for a minimum of a four week break between Fall Commencement and Spring Advising to be forwarded to the President's office Vote in Principal: Approved by Acclamation, One abstention (Kelly Burke) Will be circulated via email for approval of the wording

5. Consideration of a proposed Social Contract and Dispute Resolution Process written by Rick Castberg Proposal distributed and information discussed. A vote will be taken next meeting.

6. The Chair points attention to a new Executive Policy prepared by IT on security and protection of student information. Notes that the University is required to share personal information with military recruiters unless students declare otherwise in writing. Students must go to the Records Office if they wish to keep their personal information private.

7. Discussion of legislation regarding changes in selection of BOR. Information regarding the enabling legislation will be sent to faculty via email.

The meeting adjourned at 4:37 by Congress Chair Barbara Leonard.

Respectfully submitted January 29, 2007 by Congress Secretary Jennifer Richardson

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