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SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ITHACA 24615 State Highway 58 Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581 School Board Meeting Minutes from January 13, 2016
1. Meeting was called to order by Mr. Huffar at 7:30 p.m. Verification of meeting notice – posted on web, doors of school, community gym and faxed to WRCO and Richland Observer. 2. Roll Call: Mrs. Burch, Mr. Huffar, Mr. Louis, Mrs. Mueller, Mr. Manning, and Mr. Huebsch were present. Mr. Magee was absent. 3. Motion made by Mr. Louis to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burch. Motion carried 6-0. 4. Minutes of December 14, 2015 were approved with corrections, Motion by Mr. Huebsch, second by Mrs. Mueller. Motion carried 6-0. 5. Citizens Forum: No one spoke 6. Finance Committee Report – Bills of note: Ck # 43193 to Bernard Food Industries, Inc. for $508.48 for baking supplies. Ck # 43802 to Hot Water Products, Inc. for $8,527 for hot water heater replacement. Ck # 43828 to AUL for $21,000 to pay HRA for Retirees. Discussion about current expenditures of the 2015-16 school budget with particular note of Gas for heating is at 9.93% of budgeted amount, Electric being at 43% of budgeted amount, Telephone 29.94% of budgeted amount, and Waste Management being at 46.8% of budgeted amount. 7. Administrator’s Reports 7.1. District Administrator – Mr. Smudde talked about the beginning stages of planning for the 2016-17 school year. Administrative evaluations have taken place and contracts are being negotiated. He also reported on state testing season beginning in earnest come February and March. Mr. Smudde reviewed the contract with Waste Management and informed the school board of some discrepancies with the billing vs. the contract. Mr. Wanless made Mr. Smudde aware of a leak in the renovated part of the elementary, and upon review with Kraemer Brothers and Roof Doctors, there is a feeling that snow is getting blown in under the roof. Mr. Smudde also attended a breakfast meeting with Community Education Cooperative that discussed the current year as well as what to do for future planning of the cooperative. The Richland School District is re-districting a piece of non-taxed property back to the Ithaca School district. Their reasoning is that it is completely surrounded by our school district and it is not a residence. Mr. Smudde included correspondence from Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction about the revised Elementary and Secondary Education Act that was reauthorized in December. 7.2. Principal – Mr. Coenen spoke about the month of December ending on a very positive note. The school-wide Passages fund raiser raised 133 boxes of food and dry goods with an additional $270 came in to help the cause. Continued work on the Educator Effectiveness process. Formulation of the Wellness Committee has been completed with a good group of faculty, students, and community members. Have begun setting up for PBIS with Roger Berg from CESA 3, looking to get more training for staff in the upcoming months. Discussed a mentoring system for 6th grade students beginning 2016-17 school year in an effort to get students acclimated
January 13, 2016 Page 1 with middle school much easier. Mr. Coenen reported out on TAPS (Team Approach to Problem Solving) meetings which were an effort to increase communication among the staff regarding students and programs. Student health issues have increased and measures have been taken to ensure students are cared for in the best manner possible. We assisted the Lion’s Club and Richland County Nurse’s Office to complete the Kid’s Safe Phone and Spot Vision screener for all students 4k-5. Working on calendar for 2016-17 with input from the staff.
7.3. Transportation Director’s Report - Tabled 7.4. Athletic Director’s Report – Mr. Rice reported on the status of Girls’ Basketball, Boys Basketball, and Wrestling. He also reported out that Weston had Co-oped with Wonnewoc-Union Center in football for the upcoming 2016 football season. 8. New Business 8.1. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to approve the bills and balances with receipts of $ 1,325,663.79 and disbursements of $ 1,375,762.82. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Roll call vote –Mr. Huebsch-yes; Mr. Louis-yes; Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes; Mr. Manning-yes; Mrs. Mueller- yes. Motion carried 6-0. 8.2. No discussion. 8.3. Motion made by Mrs. Burch to approve the 2016-17 CESA 3 contract. Motion seconded by Mrs. Mueller. Roll call vote – Mr. Manning-yes; Mrs. Mueller-yes; Mr. Huebsch-yes; Mr. Mr. Louis-yes; Mr. Huffar-yes; Mrs. Burch-yes. Motion carried 6-0. 8.4. Motion made by Mrs. Mueller to approve the Student Meal Fee Collection Policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Motion carried 6-0. 8.5. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to approve the Food and Nutrition Programs Policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Manning. Motion carried 6-0. 8.6. Motion made by Mrs. Burch to approve the Competitive Food Sales to Students Policy. Motion seconded by Mrs. Mueller. Motion carried 6-0. 8.7. Motion made by Mr. Louis to approve the Board Member Appointment Policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Huebsch. Motion carried 6-0. 8.8. Motion made by Mrs. Mueller to approve the Open Enrollment Policy. Motion seconded by Mr. Manning. Motion carried 6-0. 8.9. No action on Cross Functional Staff Listening Sessions will be discussed at next board meeting. 8.10. Motion made by Mrs. Mueller to approve February 8, 2016 at 7 pm as the next scheduled school board meeting. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burch. Motion carried 6-0. 8.11. Agenda items for next board meeting to include Staff Listening Sessions, Technology Manager’s Report, and Administrative Contracts. Discussion only. 8.12. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to set next Finance Meeting for February 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Motion carried 6-0. 9.1 Discussion about the status of the formation of the School Wellness Committee. 9.2 Table discussion on Water Softener bids due to lack of comparable bids. 10. Motion made by Mr. Manning to adjourn to closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1) (c) for “Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility”.
January 13, 2016 Page 2 Seconded by Mr. Louis. Roll Call vote: Mrs. Mueller – yes; Mr. Huebsch-yes; Mr. Louis – yes; Mr. Huffar-yes, Mrs. Burch – yes, Mr. Manning – yes. Motion carried 6-0. 11. Motion made by Mr. Louis to reconvene to open session. Seconded by Mr. Huebsch. Motion carried - 6-0. 12. Motion made by Mr. Manning to approve the hiring of Ms. Jenna Alt as the 4K-2nd Grade Special Education Teacher. Motion seconded by Mr. Louis. Roll Call vote: Mr. Louis – yes; Mr. Huffar – Yes; Mrs. Burch – yes; Mr. Manning – yes; Mrs. Mueller – abstain; Mr. Huebsch – yes. Motion carried 5-0. 13. Motion made by Mr. Huebsch to accept the resignation of Mr. Ken Anderson as JV Softball coach with appreciation for all his efforts and work. Motion seconded by Mrs. Burch. Roll call vote: Mr. Louis – yes; Mr. Huffar – yes; Mrs. Burch – yes; Mr. Manning – no; Mrs. Mueller – yes; Mr. Huebsch – yes. Motion carried 5-1. 14. No action on Coaching Positions for 2015-16. 15. Motion made by Mrs. Burch to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Mueller. Motion carried 6-0.
Submitted by Pat Magee School Board Clerk
January 13, 2016 Page 3