Terms of Reference s5

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Terms of Reference s5




1. St Helena, a remote UK Overseas Territory, is poised for the biggest transformation in the island’s history with the imminent construction of an airport. The next three years will see St Helena Government implement a number of reforms necessary to open the island’s economy to inward investment and increased tourism. Reporting directly to the Chief Secretary, the Lands Executive will play a key role in ensuring that a more development-friendly, non- discretionary planning regime, is implemented.

The Role

2. SHG is committed to economic development and creating an investment friendly environment on St Helena. Lands reform is a critically important enabler for this and fundamental to achieving these goals. The Lands Executive will contribute to this goal by driving and overseeing:

 Translation of policy direction into operation;  Implementation of institutional arrangements necessary to deliver the Lands reforms.

3. The Lands Executive will also advise on wider issues relating to lands reform, particularly in the context of developing an investment friendly environment and promoting economic growth on St Helena.

Key Objectives

4. The key objectives of the post are as follows:

 To co-ordinate and ensure joined up thinking on the various reforms, including: o The implementation and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Land Development Control Plan and accompanying legislation. o The implementation and ongoing review of the Estates Strategy. o The implementation and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Land Disposal Policy. o The implementation and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Housing Policy (including Government Landlord Housing and Affordable Housing issues). o The promotion of internationally acceptable and robust valuation systems within the public and private sectors. o The implementation and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of environmental assessment processes within all areas of SHG (including planning and estates). o The review, implementation and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of a modernised Land Registry system.

 To oversee the establishment of consistent, transparent and user-friendly processes and practices for the implementation of the new policies and accompanying legislation.

 To contribute to an economic development strategy for St Helena, from a Lands perspective.

Main Tasks

5. The main tasks to be undertaken are as follows:

 Co-ordination of ongoing reforms in accordance with the MOU Action Plan.

 Provision of advice and support for those reforms still at policy development stage in accordance with the MOU Action Plan.

 Oversight of the transition from policy development to policy implementation including: o Management of public consultation and dissemination of information; o Production of operational guidelines

 Assessment of training and development needs and provision of training for relevant staff members*.

 Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Lands Reforms,

*As part of the institutional arrangements, it will be necessary to ensure that that there is sufficient capacity to implement the reforms. Most of the staff currently engaged in Lands issues are locally-recruited, with varying levels of training. The Lands Executive will guide their further career development and training; he or she will be assisted in this (and in other aspects of these ToR) by two UK-qualified professionals: the Head of Planning and Development Control, and the Estates Management Advisor.


6. The Lands Executive will report directly to the Chief Secretary. However, in carrying out this role, the successful applicant will need to liaise closely with, amongst others, the staff involved in Crown Estate Management and Development Control, the Land Planning and Development Control Board, the Natural Resources, Development and Environment Committee, the Chief Executive for Economic Development, the Tourism Development Executive, the Director for Infrastructure and Utilities, and of course the clients of the Lands and Planning services. 7. The Lands Executive will have ultimate responsibility for the delivery of the reforms described in paras 4 and 5 above. The Head of Planning and Development Control within the Secretariat and the Crown Estates Manager within the Directorate of Infrastructure and Utilities will report to the Lands Executive on the reforms areas and matters directly related to the delivery of these. Day-to-day staff management responsibilities within these Sections will, however, remain with the Deputy Chief Secretary and Director of Infrastructure and Utilities.

Qualifications, Experience and Skills Required

8. The successful candidate should have:

Essential  At least a first degree in a relevant subject.  At least five years experience at a senior level in managing policy and operations relevant to Planning or Strategic Estate Management.  Commercial experience in ensuring VFM principals are achieved from land and building management, acquisition, development and disposals.  Demonstrable leadership qualities and proven ability to work under pressure.

Desirable  Relevant experience of Lands Policy issues in the wider context of contributing to private sector development, investment and economic growth.  Relevant experience in small islands.


9. The support is required over a two year period, with the start date as soon as is feasible in terms of relocation to St Helena. Appendix 1


1. The island of St Helena, an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, is of volcanic origin and covers 47 sq miles. It is located in the South Atlantic Ocean approximately 4,000 mile from the UK, 1100 miles west of the coast of Angola, and 1700 miles from Cape Town, South Africa. The island’s population has declined over the last 10 years from around 5,000 to just under 4,000, about one fifth of whom live in the capital, Jamestown. The economy is typical of small islands with high import dependency, a non-diversified economy, a large public sector, out-migration and a limited skills base. St Helena is in receipt of UK budgetary aid.

2. Economic growth is constrained due to St Helena’s isolation, its small and declining population and the lack of natural resources. These features have created an economy with a small domestic market, limited local production, negligible exports, and almost total reliance on imports, with a small tax base. The average income on the island has averaged around £4,900 in current prices over the last three years but even this level has been eroded somewhat given the worldwide recession (GNP per capita for 2009/10 is estimated at £4,761 in current prices). Unemployment peaked in the early 1990’s, but has over the last decade steadily fallen as offshore employment has risen, leaving the island with a rising elderly dependency ratio of 18% (2008 Census).

3. The Government is the majority employer with the balance of employment in the private sector in mercantile and retail operations, fishing, agriculture and construction. Opportunities for employment in the UK were boosted by the granting of citizenship rights, while Ascension and the Falklands have also contributed to out-migration through the availability of better-paid jobs. Recently the island has seen an increase in the volume of tourists although levels are unlikely to expand significantly given the constraints of accessing the island. The current means of access is by sea principally on the RMS St Helena.

4. Following a feasibility assessment of access options, HMG has agreed to proceed with the procurement of an international airport for St Helena, provided four conditions are met. These conditions were laid before the UK Parliament in a Written Ministerial Statement in July 2010. One condition relates to the liberalisation of St Helena’s economy to attract inward investment and tourism. DFID and SHG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in December 2010 which sets out the policy and institutional reforms SHG has committed to undertake in order to meet this fourth condition (Appendix 2). Paragraph 2.2 sets out the specific targets relating to Land policies. Appendix 2

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – December 2010

MOU 201210.pdf Appendix 3

Reading List

The following information is available upon request:

 The St Helena Land Development Control Plan (LDCP) 2007  The Land Disposal Policy 2008  Review of the Immigration, Investment and Land Disposal Policies: Issues Paper, October 2010  Establishing Protected Areas on St Helena: Phase 1 Report 1, April 2011, St Helena  Tourism Strategy, June 2011

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