PRESENT: Mayor Ken Ritter and Councilmembers: Jamison Abshire (Division A); Lauren Michel
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PRESENT: Mayor Ken Ritter and Councilmembers: Jamison Abshire (Division A); Lauren Michel (Division B), Matt Romero (Division C), Kenneth Stansbury (Division D); Dianne McClelland (Division E)
STAFF: Simone Champagne (CAO), Sally Angers (City Clerk), George Knox (City Attorney), Tim Robichaux (Parks & Recreation); Charles Langlinais (City Manager)
GUESTS: Gary Williams, Joyce & Gene Hamilton, Carrol Broussard, Dale & Brenda Langlinais, Larry Romero; Brian West, Sandra Broussard, Megan Segura, Phil Gallet, Cleda & Sherman Thibodeaux, Mark Simon, Charlotte Hebert, David Hebert, Linda Meaux, Mark Lalande, Hunter Clanton
Mayor Ritter called upon Councilman Ken Stansbury to lead the prayer and pledge.
AGENDA ITEM 1. Nomination and Appointment for Mayor Pro Tempore. Mayor Ritter called for nominations for Mayor Pro Tempore for the term 2015 – 2018. Councilman Matt Romero nominated Councilwoman Dianne McClelland. There being no other nominations, Mayor Ritter closed the floor for nominations. A motion was offered by Mr. Stansbury, seconded by Mr. Abshire, to appoint Councilwoman Dianne McClelland as Mayor Pro Tempore for the term 2015 – 2018, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
AGENDA ITEM 2. Mayoral Appointments. Mayor Ritter made the following recommendations as his appointments: a. City Clerk – Sally Angers b. Chief Administrative Officer – Simone Champagne c. City Treasurer – Ashley Sexton d. City Attorney – George Knox e. Street Commissioner – Sherman Thibodeaux f. Magistrate – Thomas Budetti g. Prosecutor – Ped Kay h. Auditor – Kolder, Champagne, Slaven and Company
A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Abshire, to approve the Mayor’s appointments as follows: City Clerk – Sally Angers, Chief Administrative Officer – Simone Champagne, City Treasurer – Ashley Sexton, City Attorney – George Knox, Street Commissioner – Sherman Thibodeaux, Magistrate – Thomas Budetti, Prosecutor – Ped Kay and Auditor – Kolder, Champagne, Slaven and Company, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland
01-08-2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 1 NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
Mayor Ritter also announced that he has chosen Pamela Gonzales-Granger as the new City Engineer.
AGENDA ITEM 3. Discuss appropriating funding for Drainage Master Plan & Study. Mayor Ritter stated that he is requesting funding in the amount of $137,500 for 50% of the proposed $275,000 cost of a drainage study and storm water management plan to be done by the Army Corps of Engineer as presented by Pamela Granger and more fully described in a document dated September 19, 2014 entitled “Scope of Work for the City of Youngsville Drainage Study and Stormwater Management Plan”.
Ms. Granger stated she has been told by the Corps that the City of Youngsville is at the top list for the funding and that all that is needed is for the City to submit the application.
A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Romero, to approve funding in the amount of $137,500 for 50% of the cost of a drainage study and storm water management plan to be done by the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and to authorize the Mayor to submit the application to USACE, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
AGENDA ITEM 4. Request for funding to add 10 police officer positions in the budget. Police Chief Rickey Boudreaux stated that he is requesting that the funding for the 10 police officer positions that were removed from the FY 2014-15 budget be reinstated. He said that these positions are crucial to his operations and the cost for the remainder of the year would be $178,993.
After much discussion and questions from the Mayor and Council, a motion was offered by Mr. Abshire, seconded by Ms. Michel, to approve amending the Police Department budget in the amount of $178,993 to provide funding for ten (10) additional police officers, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
Chief Boudreaux also presented a proposal for the cost of providing a fleet of vehicles to equip the new hires and the difference in leasing versus direct purchase.
Mayor Ritter stated that he will add this item on the agenda for the Special Council Meeting to be held on January 20, 2015.
2 AGENDA ITEM 5. Request for funding to astro-turf softball fields at the Sports Complex. Tim Robichaux, Director, stated that he is requesting funding in the amount of $227,000 to astro-turf the softball fields. He said that Geo-Surfaces will provide the material, labor and equipment for the four (4) softball fields, purchase the softball field naming rights in the amount of $175,000, and provide the turf logos and the logos for the three (3) remaining baseball fields at a value of $37,500. He said that a few of the benefits of doing this would be less man power for field maintenance, less paint, no rainouts, less chemical and water usage, less dust to fans, players and the facility and more attractive to sports organizations, more revenue for the city from greater field usage and the cities commitment to improve the facilities.
Mayor Ritter stated that there is enough funding remaining in the Sports Complex Construction fund to cover the cost.
A motion was offered by Mr. Stansbury, seconded by Mr. Romero, to approve funding in the amount of $227,000 for the astro-turfing of the softball fields at the Sports Complex, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
AGENDA ITEM 6. Resolution No. 2015-01 – A resolution of the City of Youngsville authorizing signatures for bank authorization cards and any other financial matters. A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Stansbury, to adopt Resolution No. 2015-01 – a resolution of the City of Youngsville authorizing signatures for bank authorization cards and any other financial matters, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
Prior to the vote, Mayor Ritter stated that this needs to be done whenever there is a change in administrations.
AGENDA ITEM 7. Resolution No. 2015-02 – A resolution of the City of Youngsville authorizing the Mayor to execute a third party agreement between the City of Youngsville, Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government and Lafayette Parish Water Works District North for potable water.
Mayor Ritter stated that this resolution will allow the City to provide water to Schlumberger on Russo Road and once the annexation is complete the agreement would be null and void.
01-08-2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 3 A motion was offered by Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Abshire, to adopt Resolution No. 2015- 02 – a resolution of the City of Youngsville authorizing the Mayor to execute a third party agreement between the City of Youngsville, Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government and Lafayette Parish Water Works District North for potable water, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
AGENDA ITEM 8. Sports Complex Update – Tim Robichaux. Mr. Robichaux provided the following update of upcoming activities for the Sports Complex: SSYS & LYSA spring soccer season is February to April and includes three tournaments BYYA baseball and softball youth leagues – March thru June Lacrosse tournament scheduled for March Chili cook-off in March 3 Cajun Express softball tournaments scheduled in May and June USSSA baseball tournaments from February – June Parish baseball and softball all-stars in June 14 Pony boys and girls baseball and softball tournaments in July Pony Mustang Boys World Series Tournament in August Adult Softball league in August USTA tennis leagues, St. Thomas More regional tournament, sanctioned junior tournaments scheduled.
AGENDA ITEM 9. Project Updates- City Engineer. The following updates were provided: Water Storage Tank – The contractor has excavated the tank foundation, prepared the soil cement foundation and placed limestone. The installation of limestone was halted by the design engineers due to the limestone being too saturated. (CHF) Griffin Road Drainage Improvements. IDIM submitted to lowest proposal in the amount of $140,060.36. Contracts are in the process of being executed and the Notice to Proceed will be issued. (CHF) Chemin Metairie Parkway Patching Project. Contract signed and a pre-construction meeting will be scheduled in early January. (CHF) LA Hwy 89 (Youngsville Hwy) & Fortune Road Roundabout. Final plans are expected to be complete in late January 2015 and submitted to LADOTD for final review. Right of Way plats are 90% complete and scheduled to be completed in January, 2015. LADOTD does not plan to let this project out until the fall of 2015. (CHF) Chemin Metairie Parkway Bike Lane Striping Project. Final plans have been submitted to DOTD project manager. (CHF) LA Hwy 89 South Pump Station & Force Main Project – MP Dumesnil Construction Co.: Project is complete. Griffin Road Sewer Extension – MP Dumesnil Construction Co.: Project complete.
4 Chemin Metairie Sewer Extension: DOTD and DHH permits received and plan submitted to Facility Planning for approval. Super One Store Sewer Pump Station & Force Main: DHH permit received. Project put on hold until City receives a firm commitment that the store will be constructed. Youngsville Recreation Facility - Erection of the building is ongoing. Concessionaire equipment will require additional circuitry – pricing will be requested from the contractor. Parking paving changes are being considered due to funding constraints.
AGENDA ITEM 10. Approval of Finance Report for December, 2014. A motion was offered by Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Stansbury, to approve the December, 2014 Finance Report, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury, McClelland NAYS: None ABSENT: None Motion was approved.
AGENDA ITEM 11. Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 11, 2014. A motion was offered by Ms. Michel, seconded by Mr. Romero, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 11, 2014, and the vote was as follows: YEAS: Abshire, Michel, Romero, Stansbury NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: McClelland Motion was approved.
Mayor Ritter announced that the Youngsville Mardi Gras Parade will be held on Saturday, February 14, 2015 and the starting time is 11:00
There being no further business to come before the Council, a motion to adjourn was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Ms. Michel, and unanimously carried.
/s/ Ken Ritter Ken Ritter, Mayor /s/ Sally M. Angers Sally M. Angers, City Clerk
01-08-2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 5