Module Specification Template s4

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Module Specification Template s4


MODULE DETAILS Module title Decision Making in Assessment, Risk and Protection Module code SS789 Credit value 20 Level Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 x Level 8 Mark the box to the right of the Level 0(for modules at foundation level) appropriate level with an ‘X’ Entry criteria for registration on this module Pre-requisites Registration on and successful achievement of all Year One learning on MSc Specify in terms of module codes Social Work or equivalent Co-requisite modules Specify in terms of module codes or equivalent Module delivery Mode of delivery Taught X Distance Placement Online Other

Pattern of delivery Weekly Block Other X Intensive module teaching block at start of academic year, with subsequent teaching days over term 1

When module is delivered Semester 1 X Semester 2 Throughout year Other Brief description of module Social Workers practice in difficult, uncertain, challenging and stressful contexts. content They also work with individuals at risk of harm and neglect. Social workers are Overview (max 80 words) charged both with positive risk taking - promoting change to improve users’ and carers’ life opportunities - and also with taking immediate action to protect individuals, families, carers and communities from risk of harm. Such practice occurs in the context of practice guidance, legislative requirements and systems of accountability. This module builds on Year One learning, exploring further and in-depth the challenges of making decisions in assessments and interventions with vulnerable individuals, it also examines typologies of risk, the practice frameworks and challenges and dilemmas involved in making decisions in the process of protecting and safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. The module also examines safety, care and protection of self in challenging situation. Thus, learning and teaching very directly supports learning and assessment in relation to the College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework and the Health and Care Professions Councils’ Standards of Proficiency for Social Workers in England and Wales.

Module team/ author/ Lindsay Hill, Jem Price, David Watson, Julia Stroud, coordinator(s) School School of Applied Social Science Site/ campus where delivered Falmer Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course Course Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional) MSc Social Work Mandatory

Module descriptor template: updated Aug 2012 MODULE AIMS, ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORT Aims The aims of the module are: . To prepare students for assessments and decision making with service users in complex ,challenging and uncertain practice situations, where risk, protection and safeguarding and may be an issue.

. To develop further students’ knowledge of relevant law, theoretical perspectives, research evidence and practice guidance which informs decision making in situations involving risk, protection and safeguarding

. To develop a critical and reflective approach to working with children and adults at risk and in need of protection and safeguarding

. To develop awareness, strategies and skills for personal safety and well -being.

Learning outcomes On successful completion of the module the student will be able to demonstrate: 1. Systematic appraisal of the presenting issues in situations involving risk, protection and safeguarding

2. Detailed understanding of knowledge, research, law and guidance relating to risk, protection and safeguarding and their critical application in assessment and decision making by social workers and social work organisations

3. Reflective analysis and evaluation of complex assessment and decision making in risk, protection and safeguarding with regard to individual and competing rights and needs

4. A critical and reflective account of the dilemmas involved in assessment and decision making, with reference to social work values, to assessments by other agencies and professionals, to service user and carer perspectives and rights. Content . Differential theoretical perspectives on risk: positive risk taking, protection and safeguarding from the risk of harm.

. Developing skills in the appraisal, analysis and assessment and management of crisis and risk situations

. Physical and emotional protection and safety of the self when engaged in practicing in challenging and demanding situations: the promotion of resilience

. Risk and service user and carer rights, autonomy and self-determination: strategies for empowerment when using statutory interventions. Social work values , anti discriminatory and anti oppressive practice and protection.

. Legislative frameworks and practice guidance for the protection and safeguarding of adults and children revisited and further developed

. Practice guidance on protecting andsafeguarding children and adults, including multi agency roles, working and responsibilities

. Service user and carer consent and capacity

Learning support Learning Materials. Core Texts: Adams R, Dominelli L and Payne M ( 2009) Critical Practice in Social Work. 2nd Edition. Basingstoke, Plagrave. Adams R, Dominelli L and Payne M ( 2009) Practicing Social Work in a complex world. 2nd Edition. Basingstoke , Palgrave. Clifford,D. Burke,B.(2008) Anti-oppressive ethics and values in social work. Palgrave. Banks, S. (2004) Ethics, Accountability and the Social Professions, Basingstoke, Palgrave Banks,S.(2010) Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work. Palgrave Macmillan. Braye,S. Preston-Shoot (2010) Social Work Law (11th ed). Basingstoke Palgrave. O’Sullivan T (2nd ed.) (2010) Decision Making in Social Work, Basingstoke, Palgrave Titterton M (2005) Risk and Risk taking in Health and Social Care, London, Jessica Kingsley Adults: Clements,L.&Thompson,P.(2007) Community Care and the Law. 4th ed. London. LAG. Galvani, S.(2012) Supporting people with alcohol and drug problems. Making a Difference. Social Work in Practice. Bristol. Policy Press. Penhale,B. Parker,J. (2008) Working with Vulnerable adults.Routledge Pritchard,J.(2008) ed. Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults. Jessica Kingsley Press Pritchard,J.(2009) ed. Good Practice in law and safeguarding adults: criminal justice and adult protection. Jessica Kingsley Press Mental Health: Bartlett,P.&Sandland,R.(2007) Mental Health Law : Policy and Practice. (3rd edition.) Oxford University Press. Duffy D and Ryan T (Eds) (2004) New Approaches to Preventing Suicide, London, Jessica Kingsley Golightley, M (2004) Social Work and Mental Health, Exeter, Learning Matters (3rd. edition) Langan,J. Lindow,V.(2005) Living with Risk; mental health service users involvement in risk assessment and management. London. Joseph Rowntree Foundation/Policy Press. Maden,T.(2007) Treating Violence: a guide to risk management in Mental Health. Oxford University Press. Children Broadhurst,K. Grover, C. Jamieson,J. (2009) ed. Critical Perspectives on Safeguarding Children. Wiley, Blackwell. Calder,M. (2008) The Carrot or the Stick? :towards effective practice with involuntary clients in safeguarding children work. Russell House. Calder,M.( 2008) Contemporary Risk assessment in Safeguarding Children. Russell House. Daniel,B. Wassell,S.andGilligan,R.(2010) Child Development for Child care and Child Protection Workers. Jessica Kingsley. London. DCSF(2008) Research Report RR129Brandon,M.Bailey,S.Dodsworth,P. Understanding Serious Case Reviews and their impact. A Biennial Analysis of Serious Case Reviews. 2005-7 HMSO London. Forrester,D.andHarwin,J.(2011) Parents who misuse Drugs and Alcohol. Effective Interventions in Social Work and Child Protection. Chichester. Wiley.

Module descriptor template: updated Aug 2012 Fergueson,H.(2011) Child Protection Practice. Palgrave. Macmillan. Horwath,J.(2013) Child Neglect. Palgrave. Macmillan. Hughes,L.&Owen, H. (2009) Good practice in safeguarding children: working effectively in child protection. JKP Laming H (2003) The Victoria Climbié Inquiry, London, HMSO Munro,E.(2008) Effective Child Protection. (2nded) Sage.London. Munro, E (2011)The Munro Review of Child Protection. Final Report. A Child centred System. London: The Stationery Office Munro, E (2011)The Munro Review of Child Protection. Progress Report. Moving Towards a Child centred System. London: The Stationery Office O,Dell.L.& Leverett(eds) (2010) Working with Children and Young People.Palgrave. Macmillan. Wilson, K. James,A. (2007) The Child Protection Handbook: the practitioners guide to safeguarding children.3rd edition. BailliereTindall Elsevier.

Teaching and learning activities Details of teaching and A range of learning and teaching strategies are involved in this module: directed learning activities reading and tasks require the student to first of all revisit their learning on relevant legislative, policy and practice guidance and to develop further their understanding of different perspectives on risk, protection and safeguarding. During intensive module teaching at the start of the academic year , learning focuses both on the development of the theoretical knowledge base (in formal lectures, workshops and presentations, some of which occur with student from other professions) and also upon the associated cognitive, and conceptual skills needed for practice in this area. In part, this will be addressed through the use of inquiry-based and experiential learning, fostering increasing self-direction and autonomy in learning and practice. Learning is synthesised and applied in the assignment, which focuses upon the analysis of practice in this area. Practitioners, users of services and carers contribute to direct module teaching Allocation of study hours (indicative) Study hours Where 10 credits = 100 learning hours SCHEDULED Lectures, workshops, small group work, including inter- 50hrs. professional learning days.

GUIDED INDEPENDENT STUDY Directed reading; Inquiry based directed learning; 150 hours Preparation of assignment; Private study


TOTAL STUDY HOURS 200 Please note this must amount to 200 hours for a 20 credit module

Assessment tasks Details of assessment for this All learning outcomes will be demonstrated through a 3000 word Decision module Making Analysis of a practice situation involving risk and protection Types of assessment task1 Indicative list of summative assessment tasks which lead to the award of credit or which are required for progression. WRITTEN

1 Set exercises,which assess the application of knowledge or analytical, problem-solving or evaluative skills, are included under the type of assessment most appropriate to the particular task. COURSEWORK 3000 word Decision Making Analysis 100%


EXAMINATION INFORMATION Area examination board SASS Qualifying Social Work Combined AEB/CEB Refer to Faculty Office for guidance in completing the following sections External examiners

Name Position and institution Date appointed Date tenure ends Dr Kim Bown Portsmouth University 2009 October 2013

QUALITY ASSURANCE Date of first approval 2005 Only complete where this is not the first version Date of last revision 2010 Only complete where this is not the first version Date of approval for this March 2013 version Version number 3 Modules replaced Specify codes of modules for which this is a replacement Available as free-standing module? Yes No x

Module descriptor template: updated Aug 2012

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