Garden Clippings

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Garden Clippings

Garden Clippings McMinnville Garden Club Vol. 4 No. 6 February 2005

McMinnville Garden Club Organized in 1926 President’s Corner PO Box 386 February 21 Enjoying this warm McMinnville OR 97128 Meeting weather? Well, it sure is Information: 503 434 4344 different for January here Meeting Information in the Pacific Northwest. Meeting Day: Third Monday My worry is that the September through June plants will be tricked into 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Our February 21st blooming before they are Optional Brown Bag Lunch Meeting will be held at supposed too; I guess we Covenant Church, Fireside the The Covenant nd will just have to wait and Room, 2155 West 2 , Church (2nd & Hill Rd.). McMinnville, OR see. Meetings are open to the Tim Stieber from the February is here it’s public. Yamhill Soil & Water hard to believe time Executive Board Conservation District will passes so fast when you President Kim Jongedyk discuss the acquisition are having fun. January’s Vice President Marian Blank and use of the Frieda meeting was wonderful Secretary Judy Eggers Miller Estate which Treasurer Marilyn Coats and I heard from many of Conservation Pledge encompasses many acres you telling me so. Thank I pledge to protect and of natural forest and you for coming and conserve the natural resources meadow land. sharing in the day and of the planet Earth, and getting an art lesson as promise to promote education, so we may be caretakers to well. Shannon Ray loves our air, water, forests, land, to share art and was very and wildlife. interesting. Be sure next Ongoing Projects Our business meeting time you go to the Summer Garden Tour will begin at 11:00 with Lawrence Gallery, Fresh The Oregon Garden Support the program at noon. Palate Café say Hi to Scholarships for Horticulture Brown bag lunches are everyone there. We could National Garden Week optional. Our hostesses Garden of the Month tell they loved having the Blue Star Memorial Marker will be Joan Friese and Garden Club. City Beautification Lynda Corbin. Guests are Kim Jongedyk welcome! “Garden Clippings” is a Our garden tour field monthly publication of the trips will begin again McMinnville Garden Club. Contact Kim when weather permits. Garden Club Jongedyk, (503-434-9130), membership book or 503-434-4344 for info.

Garden Clippings 1 addendums were roses and more in full refining their gardens for distributed at the January bloom. The nurseries are your enjoyment. meeting. Thanks for your filled with the bounty of With the large Farmers hard work, Barbara! new plants waiting to be Market area available to taken home to beautify us this year for the Garden Club personal sanctuaries. I Garden Faire, be sure to Website Unveiled must admit that I planted encourage vendors you three pots of flowers for know to participate. our decks to enjoy during They should contact Gaye January. Stewart for more We have a wonderful information. Let’s share program planned for the our shopping garden finds February Club meeting. with the community. Be sure to check out the Invite your friends today Garden Club’s new and bring them to this website online at meeting. They might http://mcminnvillegarden enjoy getting to know The site Club members through includes club participation on a information, newsletters, committee preparing for Garden Tour and Faire the Garden Tour and The success of this updates, Yard of the Garden Faire. event is dependent upon Month, and links to Remember our the support of the club’s gardening resources. For membership goal for members. Several club suggestions and 2004-05? We want 10 members attended a comments, contact Patty new members; we're January planning meeting Sorensen, web manager. getting closer to reaching at Kim’s home. All our goal, but need several members are encouraged more people. Let's all to work on promotional work on building activities. We will pass membership! around the committee Gaye Stewart clipboards at the February Club “Sprouts” meeting. Please sign up to At this writing, your Garden Tour – 2005 help. More hands make Membership Chair is still Sunday, June 26 less work for a few. in Palm Springs in sunny Sharon Gunter and southern California Judy Eggers and their enjoying the blue skies, Sunshine committees are working sunshine and its warmth, We sent a card and hard to prepare for this and all the beautiful memorial donation for the year’s event. We bet the flowers. Everyone has loss of husband, Bob, to homeowners who are poppies, petunias, Arlene Wells. Our sharing their gardens are snapdragons, alyssum, also busy planning and

Garden Clippings 2 thoughts continue to go By-laws. The secretary 5 blossoms growing on her way. was asked to have 100 one stem. A gift and card were garden club membership Total in treasury: $6.80 sent to Rosina Morgan cards printed. Dorothy Mathiesen who was in the hospital Mrs. Hendricks read with a broken hip. She is an interesting article on Horticulture recovering at home now. “Wayside Planting” Hostas Keep healing. which advised that care A card was sent to be taken not to plant too Rosemarie Puntenney close to the pavement, who has shingles and and also not to plant in hasn’t been well for such a way that a good sometime. view of the highway be Hostas are shade A get well card was obstructed and the plants with showy leaves sent to Donnalee Blasier motorist be endangered. that are variegated, who has been ill for past Mrs. Gowdy offered puckered or ruffled and 3 months. daffodils and narcissus vary from oval to oblong, Joan Friese bulbs for highway narrow to wide. They planting. The matter of cover the ground from Club History unsightly parkings along late spring through fall May 9, 1928 the streets by which the and form stalks of narrow highway enters our city lily-like flowers. The was discussed. Motion leaves come in all shades made, seconded, and of green and many passed to have Mrs. cultivars have beautifully Sitton, a publicity variegated foliage in white, cream or yellow. chairman to write on this dex.phtml subject for the two town They are very hardy in The matter of the papers, and the Daily zones 3-8, surviving Garden Club withdrawing Reminder. temperatures to from the Civic It was passed that the -40 degrees. Improvement Club was Garden Club would Grow them in fertile, discussed. A motion was undertake the “Better moist but well-drained made, and seconded, and Homes” campaign as soil. Enrich soil with passed the club affect an outlined by Herbert compost or aged manure organization known as a Hoover’s Department of before planting. Most Garden Club. The Government. Mrs. require partial to full secretary was to notify Cartiledge would take shade. There are a few the Civic Improvement charge. that will tolerate a half- Club of such action. Mrs. Hendrick day of morning sun. Mrs. Tibbetts and Mrs. exhibited an interesting They are clump-forming Toney were appointed to “freak” tulip, which was perennials and can spread draft a Constitution and grown in Sheridan. It had from a miniature 6” to a

Garden Clippings 3 gigantic 6’ wide and a where you can watch the height of 2” to 3’ tall. wild birds come to feast. Committee Chairs The best time to divide More ideas at: Backyard Habitat them is early spring when Cindi Miller their buds are just starting yardwildlifehabitat/decor Garden Tour to show or in late fall. ating.cfm Sharon Gunter Their only downfall is Bird-Watching Myths Judy Eggers being very susceptible to You should not throw rice at Historian slugs. the bride and groom at Dorothy Mathiesen Hostas are excellent weddings because birds eat it and it swells up in their Horticulture Marilyn Coats lush foliage plants that stomach and kills them. Not Hospitality Margaret Roberts are easy to grow with true. If it were, there would Membership Gaye Stewart very low maintenance. It be exploding bird stories all Newsletter Patty Sorensen is very hard to pick and over the press every June. Parliamentarian choose as they are all Think about it. Lots of birds Sally Thompson great if you love foliage feast in rice fields every year, irritating rice farmers to Publicity/PR plants. distraction. Birds have no Bonnie Zachary-Yurk Marilyn Coats trouble digesting rice. I am Scholarship Cindi Miller all in favor of throwing Sunshine Joan Friese birdseed at weddings …but I Telephone Sandy Bolmer like the symbolism of Yard of Month throwing birdseed. Erika A.T. Bloom, Bird Watcher’s Bonnie & Shelby Backyard Habitat Digest. Cindi Miller Zachary-Yurk Yearbook Barbara Lofgren Give a Treat to the Birds February is National Website to Wild Bird Feeding Check Out Newsletter Deadlines Month. Gather up a Garden Information from The deadline for submission of bagel, yarn, peanut butter, OSU, Monthly Calendars articles for our monthly newsletter birdseed and/or popcorn is the last day of the previous or sunflower seeds. ebFile/garden/cal/gc.html#feb month. Please send them to Patty Sorensen. Thanks! 1-Cover the bagel with a ruary layer of peanut butter. Our next meeting Do you know of any prospective 2-Roll the covered bagel Garden Club members? Be sure in birdseed, completely is March 21, 2005, to let Gaye Stewart know their coating it. (Food items such at Red Hills Tasting Room names and addresses. We would as popcorn and sunflower in Dundee. love to send them our newsletter seeds may also be used.) for three months. 3-String the yarn through Please also note that the the center of the bagel. March meeting location in Tie the ends together. the booklet is incorrect. We 4-Hang the bagel outside will meet March 21 at the in view of a window Red Hills Tasting Room. The address is correct.

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