The City of Glory

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The City of Glory

The City of Glory Revelation - Lesson 23

Lesson 23 - The City of Glory Revelation 21:1-27 & 22:1-21 Questions

Day 1 - Review

1. What did you learn from the commentary notes in last week’s lesson?

2. What did you learn from the lecture?

3. What can you personally apply in your own life from last week’s lesson?

Day 2 - Revelation 21:1-8

READING: Revelation 21:1-8; Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1-3

Randy Alcorn writes, “Every joy on earth---including the joy of reunion---is an inkling, a whisper of greater joy. The Grand Canyon, the Alps, the Amazon rain forests, the Serengeti Plain---these are rough sketches of the New Earth. One day we may say, as a character in one of my novels said, ‘The best parts of the old world were sneak previews of this one. Like little foretastes, like licking the spoon from Mama’s beef stew an hour before supper.’”

4. What did John see in v. 1?

5. According to v. 3, how will God relate to His people?

6. Thought Question: What do you learn about the heart of God in v. 3?

7. What will be no more, according to vs. 1-4? 8. Compare Genesis 1:1-2 and John 1:1-3 and Revelation 21:6 and state what God began and finished.

9. Write the stark contrast between the fate “of he who overcomes” and “the unbelieving” recorded in vs. 7 & 8.

Day 3 - Revelation 21:9-27

READING: Revelation 21:9-27; Hebrews 11:10; Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 13:14; Philippians 1:23

Warren Wiersbe writes, “As the next stage of his vision unfolds, the apostle John moves from a description of the new heaven and the new in general to a description of the capital city of the eternal state. Since the text plainly identifies it as such, there is no reason to doubt that the holy city, new Jerusalem, is an actual city. The new Jerusalem is not heaven, but heaven’s capital. It is not synonymous with heaven, because its dimensions are given in 21:16. It will be the third city named Jerusalem in redemptive history. The first is the historic Jerusalem, the City of David, which currently exists in Palestine. The second Jerusalem will be the restored Jerusalem where Christ will rule during the millennial kingdom. But the new Jerusalem does not belong to the first creation, so it is neither the historic city, nor the millennial city; it is the altogether new eternal city.”

10. What do you learn about this new city from the following verses?

Hebrews 11:10-

Hebrews 12:22-

Hebrews 13:14-

11. Read Revelation 21:9-27 and write down the most magnificent aspect of this heavenly city.

a. From vs. 9-14:

b. From vs. 15-21:

c. From vs. 22-27: d. How do these verses encourage you today?

12. Why did John not see a physical temple in v. 22?

13. Why was there no sun or moon in v. 23?

14. According to v. 27, who occupies this city?

15. After reading about the heavenly city in Revelation 21, state why you understand Paul’s statement found in Philippians 1:23.

Day 4 - Revelation 22:1-11


16. List the things mentioned in vs. 1-6 that will be provided for the inhabitants of this heavenly city.

17. What is promised in v. 7? How do you keep the words of the prophecy of this book?

18. Why did the angel tell John not to worship him in vs. 8-9?

19. What lesson do you learn from this exchange between John and the angel in vs. 8-9? 20. Thought Question: Why did the angel tell John to let those who do wrong continue to do wrong and let those who are vile continue to be vile?

Day 5 - Revelation 22:12-16


21. List facts you find in vs. 12-16. (Hint: Use only the words of the text. Do not paraphrase.)

22. Write down lessons learned from the facts listed in vs. 12-16. (Hint: Look for principles, commands, and promises. What is happening that is good? What is happening that is bad? What do you learn about God?)

23. Write what you can personally apply to your own life. (Hint: Write your personal applications in the form of a question.)

Day 6 - Revelation 22:17-21

READING: Revelation 22:17-21; Isaiah 55:1; Matthew 5:6; John 4:14; Romans 3:24; Romans 5:15; Ephesians 2:8; Ephesians 2:9; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:13; Romans 10:9

24. Verse 17 records two invitations to “come”. Determine who is being asked to “come” in each invitation.

25. Verse 17 invites all who are “thirsty” to come. According to the following verses, what does it mean to “thirst” for God?

Isaiah 55:1- Matthew 5:6-

John 4:14-

26. Verse 17 also refers to “the free gift”. What do you learn from the following verses about this “free gift?”

Romans 3:24-

Romans 5:15-

Ephesians 2:8, 9-

27. What warning are you given in vs. 18 & 19 and how should you apply it in your own life?

28. The Revelation ends with John’s declaration, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Are you honestly able to agree with John’s request for the Lord Jesus to come?

The only person who can look forward to the Lord Jesus’ second coming is one who has placed trust in Him alone for their salvation. Do you agree with what the Bible says about you and how will you respond?

1-You are a sinner. Romans 3:23

2-The penalty for your sin is death (separation from God). Romans 6:23

3-The penalty was paid by Jesus Christ. Romans 5:8

4-Jesus saves those who trust in Him. Romans 10:13, Romans 10:9

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