Title of Your Paper Here

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Title of Your Paper Here

Title of your paper here

Student’s Name Name of Class Date you hand in your paper Lastname 2

Start typing in your paper here. For your paper, the text is Times New Roman and 12 point type. You will also notice that the paper is double spaced. As you are typing you paper, you will use the notes bibliography Turabian style. This means that when you use a source in your paper, you need to note it at the bottom of the page.

Also, you need to change the Lastname in the header to your last name. to do this, just double click over the word Lastname. Type in your last name and the n click the red Close

Header and Footer button. DO NOT DELETE THE PAGE NUMBER.

Bibliography Lastname 3

The Bibliography page is the last page on your paper. This should be a new page and the word “Bibliography” appears at the top of the page. The word bibliography is centered. Notice that you have two blank lines between the word “Bibliography” and the first citation

This is where you type in your citations for your paper. Each citation is in Times New Roman and 12 point type. It is single spaced with a hanging indent.

Also, there must be a blank line between each citation and citations are listed alphabetically.

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