Annual Report Of The University Council Of Social Entrepreneurship 2007

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Annual Report Of The University Council Of Social Entrepreneurship 2007

University Council of Social Entrepreneurs Annual Report 2007 This report was written and compiled by Grant Ennis, with editing by Sarah Berg, Michelle Gabriel, Scott Blankenship, and Laura Marshall. Special thanks to Jerry Hildebrand for all his help with the Council, and in bringing the mission, and spirit of Social Entrepreneurship to Pacific. June 18, 2007

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Forward By Council President Grant Ennis II. Council Formation III. Expeditions A. Roots of Peace Expedition in San Rafael with Heidi Kuhn B. Stanford Center For Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship Conference C. Conference in Chicago D. Better World Books Conference in San Francisco E. Social Entrepreneurship Alliance 8th Annual Conference in Long Beach F. Northern California World Trade Center Forum G. Roots of Peace/Afghani Ambassador Reception in San Rafael IV. Activities/ Speakers A. Heidi Kuhn B. Charles Berolzheimer C. Sakeena Yacoobi D. Xavier Helegesen E. International Job Faire V. The Internet A. B. Website VI. Publications A. 501(c)(3) B. Internship C. Brochure VII. Incubator Apprenticeship Program A. Ties to the World B. Dream Generation C. Healing Hands VIII. Specific Council Projects A. Better World Books Book Drive B. Sweets for Sakeena (Desert Fundraiser) C. Sakeena Yacoobi Dinner (Fundraiser) D. Pennies for Peace Fundraiser E. Cal Cedar Baseball Promotion Project IX. Funding A. ASUOP B. Social Justice C. Better World Books X. Internship Prospects XI. Research XII. Recommendations and Conclusion XIII. Appendices A. Council Roster B. Sample Meeting Agenda C. Expedition Reports D. Internet Works and Publications

3 FORWARD Anytime you start something new, you are setting a precedent. In starting the University Council of Social Entrepreneurs at Pacific, we set precedent as we worked. By the end of the semester we had achieved the unimaginable; we had twenty three members, we had brought practitioners to campus, attended and sent members to conferences and workshops, held four fundraisers for social enterprises, and most importantly, we could define Social Entrepreneurship in our own words. As we now well know, social entrepreneurial approaches to development are those that break away from traditional non-profit models. While traditional non-profits have to constantly ask for money, social entrepreneurs think innovatively to better our world, generating their own income without strings and mission drift. Social Entrepreneurship aims address society’s ills in an innovative manner striving for increased sustainability of the target group. Once defined, step two was getting the Council together, and it was not easy to get all twenty three members on time to meetings at eight in the morning on Wednesdays. Especially true when you are competing with sleep, other jobs, and schoolwork. With the enticement of coffee and breakfast picked up fresh that morning by myself and other members, we managed to get at least ten people at every meeting, the others volunteered their time on special projects. Making our work interesting, and keeping everyone involved was at times the most difficult task, as I was often grasping at straws in my first leadership position. However, by finding and working on substantive projects, we increased interest so that as the semester progressed, not only was there more interest in the Council, but at every meeting, we each had our own work to report. This helped not only in spreading awareness of social entrepreneurship as it got on the tips of everyone’s tongue, but in aiding our recruitment efforts. We started and continue to follow a mission to promote all aspects of social entrepreneurship on campus: research, documentation, coordinating internships, bringing speakers to campus, organizing forums, beginning joint ventures, and establishing career opportunities for students. We now have members from six of the nine schools at Pacific, and prospects in the others. This semester we have become a group of students taking the lead in a new field that combines the idealism that college students often hold to solve the world’s most pressing social issues with the sustainability of sound business practices. In doing so, we are conducting cutting-edge research and documentation, facilitating internships with sustainable non-profit companies, networking with other schools and social entrepreneurs, and bringing to Pacific some of the foremost practitioners in social entrepreneurship. In order to meet with other Social Entrepreneurs, we sent members to Los Angeles, Chicago, Sacramento, Stanford, San Francisco and San Rafael where they attended conferences workshops and special events. There we were able to gain experience working independently and in a professional environment to achieve goals for the Council and learn about social entrepreneurship and our world. In founding this Council, I had no idea we would be able to get so much done, involve so many creative people, nor achieve so much so quickly. While this semester has been a lot of work getting everything together and getting all of our projects set up and done, it has been more than worth it. Through the Council, I learned how to lead, organize, and make use of the people skills I had never before seen as so valuable. I am confident these skills will only continue to work for me in the coming years, and the experience I gained will not be soon forgotten. I feel confident that the Council will be a success in the coming years as it fulfills its purpose of creating a culture of Social Entrepreneurship at Pacific, the community, and,

4 hopefully, in spreading awareness throughout the world. The following report is a summary of a wonderful semester, and the events that unfolded, the activities of the Council, and the story of its creation.

Grant Ennis Founder and President of the University Council of Social Entrepreneurs at Pacific

5 COUNCIL FORMATION Mission: Official Statement: The University Council of Social Entrepreneurs is the primary student-based organization to promote all aspects of Social Entrepreneurship on campus: research, documentation, internships, speakers, forums, joint ventures, and career opportunities. It is composed of interested students from all Schools within the University and is headquartered at the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship in Callison Hall. (See Appendix A for official membership roster)

In the words of a Council member: “We’re students on campus that are taking the lead in a new field that combines the ideal to solve the world’s most pressing social issues with the sustainability of sound business practices. In doing so, we are conducting cutting-edge research and documentation, facilitating internships with sustainable non-profit companies, networking with other schools and social entrepreneurs, and bringing to Pacific some of the foremost speakers on social entrepreneurship.” -Scott Blankenship Recruitment: Recruiting membership to the Council was problematic at first, since we were introducing a whole new concept on campus. The Council worked to address a problem that much bigger organizations, such as ASUOP, still struggle with; how to get membership from as many schools as possible? The Council worked hard to solve this problem by each member calling all of their friends and acquaintances. They networked and enticed, and managed to get their initial weekly meeting attendance of five, to an average of ten by the end of the semester. They brought coffee and coffeecake, and tried hard to accommodate everyone’s schedule, however, eight o’clock in the morning was the only time when most people could make it. Grant Ennis prepared the agenda (See Appendix B) for the weekly meetings and made wakeup calls, sent wakeup text messages, and even did wakeup knocks on doors. It worked. Two events were organized in order to increase awareness, membership, and solidarity. One in the middle of the semester, a dinner at Mike’s Pizza, and one at the end, an open house at Callison Hall. Twenty five came to the open house where we talked about the Council, its projects, its future, and the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship. For some specific projects, it became necessary to have smaller meetings at nights to decide on what the role of the Council should be, where it fit in within the larger University, and what its association was to be with the Center. The mission came out of these smaller meetings, and how they worked with it through the semester is truly the fruit of their labor.

6 Council Structure: The Council’s president functioned in the role of coordinating the efforts of the other members on projects, while leaving as much autonomy as possible so as to promote individual growth and as there was so much going on, he could not do everything himself. These things would not have been completed without that of the Vice-President and some very willing and helpful Council members to call on. The secretary kept track of all meetings and prepared notes and summaries, which were later emailed to the rest of the members before next week’s meeting. With everything going on, the role of the secretary was one that ideally serves to keep everyone on track and future Councils should make sure this position is executed with the most care possible, to document all events, meetings and projects for future reference. The student coordinator was a work study paid position which included research on social entrepreneurship, planning of events and expeditions, and coordination of Council activities. All Council members shared in the responsibilities, and all were able to work on their own to complete projects for the Council by delegating these tasks and making all members independent actors within the Council, the Council became a team but each member taking on their own roles.

Activities: The Council undertook many activities this semester. They went on Social Entrepreneurship Expeditions in order to see first hand what the rest of the field was working on. They brought speakers to campus to get a firsthand understanding of the practitioners’ roles, and to spread awareness to the local community, and throughout the Pacific campus. They also worked on publishing documents and gaining visibility online. All of this was done simultaneously with looking for funding, establishing the Council on campus, member recruitment, and doing their best to find and set up internships and apprenticeships for Pacific Students with national and international non- profit organizations, such as with the Incubator Apprenticeship Program. This was an impressive semester, and it is hoped that much insight can be gained from it in creating councils at other universities, as well as strengthening the Pacific Council in the future.

7 SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP EXPEDITIONS Activity Focus: To take the Council on the road to gain greater insight into what practitioners and other universities are doing in the field of social entrepreneurship. (See Appendix C for Reports)

First Social Entrepreneurship Expedition to the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) in San Francisco In order to have further contact with development non-profits and gain further understanding on how other organizations were finding internships for their students Grant Ennis and Jerry Hildebrand met with FSD in San Francisco. Grant did the advance research on FSD and prepared bios on FSD’s executive staff Eric Younger and Robin Waldroup. During the meeting with FSD they discussed potential opportunities for Pacific students through participate in FSD’s network for interns, and to establish an ongoing relationship that would be most beneficial to both parties.

Expedition to Roots of Peace in San Rafael On January 19th Grant Ennis, Nancy Huynh and Suhaila Aziz drove to San Rafael and met with Heidi Kuhn and her son Tucker. There they discussed what Social Entrepreneurship was, and how it could apply to her organization Roots of Peace. They also discussed the possibility of internships in Vietnam and Afghanistan and did preliminary work on setting up an internship for Nancy over the summer. At the end of this meeting they discussed connections between Pacific and Roots of Peace, possible internship opportunities, and future meetings.

Stanford Center for Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship: Make a Difference Forum Laura Marshall, Nancy Huynh, Scott Blankenship, Grant Ennis, and Sarah Berg drove in two cars to the Stanford Center for Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship’s “Make a Difference Forum” at Stanford University Campus Center for Social Innovation on Sunday February 25th 2007. They arrived to an extremely crowded forum, with speakers getting ready and people filing into the upstairs and downstairs areas. Small kiosks representing social enterprises were spread around the building. There they listened to the speakers from an upstairs balcony area, where they discovered that many of the questions they had been asking about social entrepreneurship, the audience, and the speakers themselves were also asking. This was a very encouraging discovery. They realized that although they were listening to practitioners; those practitioners did not necessarily understand the impact of what they were doing, although they were doing good work. It was a good experience for the Council because here they learned that although they often felt they were alone trying to understand this field, this feeling was shared by those at the Stanford Center.

8 Idealist Conference, Chicago (23-24 March) The Conference in Chicago is an annual conference in Chicago where thousands of idealists can get together and share and work on ideas. Grant Ennis attended, representing the Council and met the founder of Better World Books who he established contact with and brought back to Pacific as a speaker. One of the key insights gained from this conference, was the enormous need for the Center and its Council at Pacific. While this conference was great for generating ideas, it lacked practicability, or any planning and actual implementation. There was no concept of sustainability discussed in the communities of those peoples being helped. While this was unfortunate, it was great to know the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship and the Council were working on this problem.

Expedition to Better World Books in San Francisco Upon coming back from the conference in Chicago, Grant Ennis met with Xavier Helegesen in order to plan for him to come to Pacific to give a presentation. Grant met with him at his office in San Francisco. The meeting was successful and Grant arranged for Xavier to come to Pacific to give a presentation the following week.

Social Enterprise Alliance’s 8th annual gathering in Long Beach, California Laura Marshall attended this conference in Southern California. There she met with practitioners of Social Entrepreneurship and established many contacts for the Center. She also networked with fundraising contacts for the Center.

Northern California World Trade Center Developing an International Business Plan and Marketing Strategy forum in Sacramento Scott Blankenship went to this forum with the goal of learning how to fuse sound business concepts with non-profit ideals. This forum concentrated on how to then take this fusion, and make it global. Scott learned at this conference how to integrate business models with ideals and non-profit goals. In addition, he established contact for the Council with Jennifer Younathan, a School of International alumnus of the class of 2004. She was the program manager of the forum and was very interested in continuing contact with the school and possible internships for students, as she was an intern during her time at Pacific.

Roots of Peace and the Afghani Ambassador Reception in San Rafael Suhaila Aziz and Nancy Huynh drove to a dinner in San Rafael hosted by Roots of Peace founder Heidi Kuhn. There they met and spent the evening talking with the Mayor of San Rafael, Al Boro, the Afghani Ambassador and his wife Said Jawad and Shamim Jawad, Egyptian Consul General to San Francisco, Adderahman Salaheldin, along with many others. There they worked to establish contacts with the Council and gained experience networking and an understanding of how traditional non-profit s work.

9 PRACTITIONER SPEAKER SERIES BROUGHT TO CAMPUS: Activity Focus: To introduce students first hand to the leading proponents of Social Entrepreneurship in the field.

Throughout this last semester, four speakers were brought to the University of the Pacific to speak through the University Council of Social Entrepreneurs. These speakers helped bring the Council together in a lot of ways, as members all played different roles in spreading awareness, or assisting in the preparation for the talks and meetings afterwards. With speakers Heidi Kuhn and Charles Berolzheimer, the Council played a key role in promotion and campus-wide involvement. was utilized by the Council to assist in bringing over seventy people to see Heidi Kuhn, and another thirty to see Charles Berolzheimer. These speakers later met with the Council after their presentations where they discussed with the Council a combination of efforts in order to create special social entrepreneurship projects. Sakeena Yacoobi was brought to the University of the Pacific with the assistance of Suhaila Aziz who organized the dinner and reception. At this dinner a check was presented to her for the money raised in the Sweets for Sakeena fundraiser to support her work with the Afghan Learning Institute. Xavier Helegesen met Grant Ennis at the conference in Chicago where Grant was representing the Council. After meeting with Grant in Chicago, and in San Francisco, Xavier later came to give a presentation in George Wilson Hall. Besides Practitioner Speakers, the Council also helped in putting together an international job faire with three multi-national corporations. Representatives from these corporations came and spoke at George Wilson Hall at Pacific and discussed careers internationally. They later met with students and did mock interviews.

THE INTERNET Activity Focus: To give the Council visibility and positioning on the internet. was a valuable asset to the Council of Social Entrepreneurs. It allowed them to bring in an audience for speakers and events at a moments notice, and spread awareness of the existence and activities of the Council. Through, Council members were able to coordinate their projects with their already existing networks of friends to advertise events, and promote their growing student group. Besides utilizing, a website (See Appendix D) is in the early stages of development and has been entirely created through the work of Hareem Cheema from the Eberhardt School of Business, and Grant Ennis.

10 PUBLICATIONS Activity Focus: To respond to a felt need on the part of the Council to fill a gap in the literature of Social Entrepreneurship.

This semester the Council starting working on two key projects for publication. One is to be a comprehensive, “Get an Internship while in the U.S. or Abroad Manual” and the other a manual on creating a non-profit 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. Besides these two main projects, they also created a brochure which discusses the focus of Social Entrepreneurship, the operations of the Center, and the involvement of the Council. The first draft of the Non-profit Handbook has been completed. The following semester should see its publication, and hopefully, its sale and distribution throughout the community. The Internship manual has been started, and will be completed with the work of next semester’s Council. With their work added on to what was completed this last year, it will be a vital tool to future students at Pacific looking for internships. Scott Blankenship from the School of International Studies and Michelle Gabriel from the Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences created the brochure (See Appendix D). Its completion was done in one night, and printing it took longer than any design work. After its completion, Grant and Scott requested two hundred dollars from the Peace and Justice Coalition’s budget, in order to print out two hundred copies. These funds were granted and the printing was done towards the end of the semester. It has become the official publication of the Center.

INCUBATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Activity Focus: To provide hands-on experience for Council members in assisting start-up non-profits with the tools to become viable, sustainable organizations.

The Incubator Apprenticeship Program is an initiative of the student-based University Council of Social Entrepreneurs at the University of the Pacific. Council members have been assigned as resource liaisons with fledgling social entrepreneurship organizations to provide assistance in sourcing information related to basic start-up needs such as accounting systems, business planning, web page design, fundraising, marketing, and internet research. Angie Carrillo is working with Ties to the World in Guatemala. She is providing technical assistance to the founder in web page and logo/brochure design, internet search for funding contacts, orientation for volunteers, and connecting Pacific to Ties to the World’s projects onsite. Ties to the World works with orphanages, providing a means of sustainability, and promoting youth leadership development and exchange programs between youth in Guatemala and the U.S. Suhaila Aziz founded Dream Generation, a non-profit working to create career opportunities for Afghani youth. She has already completed their website and brought the organization into 501(c)(3) status. Jesse Hammond is assisting Healing Hands in organizing as a 501(c)(3), as well as researching means of fundraising and the grant application processes in the United

11 States. Healing Hands is an organization that works in Nepal helping blind youth to generate their own income through therapeutic massage services.

SPECIFIC COUNCIL PROJECTS Activity Focus: To spread awareness on campus of the activities of various Social Entrepreneurship organizations, as well as organize fundraising activities to support their projects.

In partnering with affiliated Social Entrepreneurship organizations, the Council has participated in several fundraising projects. The Pennies for Peace project was done for Roots of Peace and raised nearly $200 to help de-mining efforts in post conflict areas and replace them with vineyards. The Better World Books Book Drive was conducted by Grant. Over 225 books were collected and will be sold with the profits turned over to Room to Read. Room to Read runs literacy programs throughout Southeast Asia, and is a Skoll Foundation award recipient with its founder John Wood. This project will also create an expected $110 revenue for the Council, as they will receive 50 cents for every book collected. The Sweets for Sakeena project raised over $224 through the baking efforts of Council members for the Afghani Institute of Learning. This was presented as a gift when Sakeena Yacoobi came to speak in May. The Cal Cedar Baseball Project, while in the end canceled due to unforeseen circumstances at Cal Cedar, was spearheaded by Scott Blankenship through his negotiations on behalf of the Council, and Charles Berolozheimer the CEO of Cal Cedar.

FUNDING The Council is a registered student organization within ASUOP and has applied for $2000 to fund its activities next semester. The Council is also part of the Social Justice Coalition, from whom $200 was received in order to fund the printing of informational materials about the Council, the Center, and the promotion of Social Entrepreneurship. The Council has raised its won operating funds through its association with Better World Books and Room to Read and will soon be receiving its check for the two hundred and twenty five books which it collected and sent to Better World Books.

INTERNSHIP PROSPECTS Establishing relationships with other Centers of Social Entrepreneurship, student Councils, and practitioners themselves is a principal goal of the Council of Social Entrepreneurs. At the Stanford conference, a relationship was established between the Council and an organization doing great work in Argentina, Help Argentina. They work as an umbrella organization to place potential interns in contact with non-profits inside of Argentina. They have also expressed willingness to send a speaker to U.O.P who is currently working as their representative in Palo Alto. They are interested in establishing a stronger relationship with the Center and Pacific, in order for Pacific students to have an edge on internships while they study abroad in Argentina. The contact established by Scott Blankenship when he attended the conference in Sacramento is also of significant note. Jennifer Younathan is a School of International

12 Study alumnus, and is very willing to place interns with her organization in Sacramento, the Northern California World Trade Center. The Council will be working with her on further events in the future at Pacific and in Sacramento. The Council has contacted and will be working to place interns in Benetech, Better World Books, and College Summit. For this summer the Council has already placed interns with Dois Irmãos in Brazil, Roots of Peace in Vietnam, Safe Passage in Guatemala and the Katalysis Network in Honduras. The Council will be working with the Bechtel Center, and the Global Center to place interns with the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD). FSD has already been contacted by the Council and has large potential for assisting Pacific Students in getting an internship while abroad with development NGOs. International internships are extremely valuable to students at Pacific, and with the connections made by the Council and the Global Center, more options for students who study abroad can be established. A problem that comes up unfortunately is in students having to pay twice for internships, as often times many networks like FSD charge a fee, and then the student must pay the Pacific tuition to get credit for the internship. The Council proposes a solution to this problem. Why not count internships through institutions like FSD as transferable classes? This would allow the student to pay once to FSD, and then have the units transferred. Pacific can further help the student by covering the costs to FSD or other networks, such as Help Argentina, as they do with USAC and other study abroad networks. These units would then be acquired directly through Pacific. Either way this internship would not be charged to the student twice, and Pacific students would have a better chance at interning internationally, giving them the extra edge in finding a job when they graduate, or for applying to grad school. Through further coordination with the Bechtel Center and the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship, the Council has high hopes for the future of international internships through Pacific.

RESEARCH Much research was conducted by Council members on the subject of social entrepreneurship. Seth Wilson and Grant Ennis both worked to compile the initial archives on social entrepreneurship for the Center. These archives consist of binders on the subjects of Youth Entrepreneurship, University Centers of Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship course curricula and syllabi, Social Entrepreneurship Networks and Social Entrepreneurship case studies. A library of state of the art publications in Social Entrepreneurship has been created at the center.

13 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION The new paradigm in international development that is promoted through social entrepreneurship adds the component of self generated sustainability. Through products and services directly related to the mission of the organization, these non-profits can break away from the models of traditional aid organizations by generating their own income. Traditional organizations, as recipients of funds rather than generators, do not concern themselves sufficiently with their own sustainability, which then transfers to a lack of concern in their client’s ability to generate income and also be self-sustainable. They give aid to their clients asking nothing in return, continuing an old cycle of charity. This is problematic and in the words of Andrew Mwenda, a Ugandan journalist, “What man has ever become rich by holding out a begging bowl?”1. The example of how to get financial assistance, as set by the non-profits and copied by the recipients, is to wait, wish, and beg for help. By giving people things, you instill in them an understanding of the world which implies that they will receive again, and that when in need, they need only ask. Social Entrepreneurship is an emerging field to solve this dilemma. The Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship aims to be a hub for advancing this new field. The University Council of Social Entrepreneurs, as its student arm, takes responsibility for educating the student body on the pros and cons of different models of development. In the future, the Council should continue to be an integral part of the Pacific experience, coordinating with the Social Justice Coalition, ASUOP, OASIS, MSA and the wide variety of student organizations at Pacific, other schools, organizations and with non-profits and social enterprises themselves, in order to best achieve this aim. The Council should continue to focus on documenting their activities so that future operations may learn from the challenges and successes of the past. This report can also be turned into an annual or bi-annual publication by the Center that could be used as a model for other university centers. The Internship Manual can be another such publication, which will not only bring visibility to the Council, the Center and Pacific, but will genuinely be addressing a need for students at Pacific: getting them internships while abroad and domestically in order to better prepare them for their future careers as professionals. In order to encourage participation in the Council, and to get more complex research and projects completed, it is recommended that more work study positions be created, or independent study courses in Social Entrepreneurship be created. Possible coordination between the Jacoby Center on their Certificate of Civic Leadership could lead to this outcome, or perhaps a track in the new major in the School of International Studies, such as International Relations and Global Studies with a concentration in Social Entrepreneurship. The Certificate Program and M.A. in Social Entrepreneurship could also be used to achieve these ends or the Eberhardt School of Business could have a focus in Social Entrepreneurship which could be achieved through multiple years of Council participation and independent research. Work study positions, as a preliminary step to getting more students from the different Schools of Pacific involved, should be created by the Global Center for Social

1 Pontin, Jason June 17, 2007 What Does Africa Need Most: Technology or Aid? New York Times

14 Entrepreneurship. One work study position for each School would allow for students to find niches in their respective fields. They are the ones that know their field best and they, better than anyone else, have the ability to think innovatively using the skills they are learning at Pacific and the tools offered through social entrepreneurship. By giving these individuals a chance to research and write about social entrepreneurship in their field, they can then work with the Center and the Council to find more relevant internships for their colleagues, friends, and help the world in new innovative ways. This research could then be presented in weekly meetings and possibly even as part of the Social Entrepreneurship Lecture Series. Despite the incentives used to get the work done, research completed by Council members will be of value not only to themselves, but to the greater field of Social Entrepreneurship. In concluding this document, much thanks must be given to all those who have contributed to the founding of this Council. It was done through the hard work of wonderful people, working to create something truly new and unique.


Appendix A – Membership Roster Appendix B – Sample Meeting Agenda Appendix C – Expedition Report Appendix D – Internet Works and Publications

16 Appendix A – Membership Roster

List of Members as of May 19th 2007 School Of International Studies Grant Ennis - Graduated Senior, Founder and President, Student Coordinator, Conducted preliminary research on Social Entrepreneurship and compiled archives on current activities in many organizations, other Center s and schools, brought practitioner speakers to campus, and arranged successful meetings with other Center s and social enterprises. Sarah Berg - Graduated Senior, Vice-President. Coordinated many events, activities and meetings for the Council, worked to bring practitioner speakers to campus and attended many conferences. Scott Blankenship - Graduated Senior, co-created the brochure for the Council represented the Council on the Cal Cedar Project and attended the Northern California World Trade Center workshop on taking businesses global. Sandra Alves - Secretary, took notes at meetings, assisted in arranging events for the Council, successfully petitioned for funding from ASUOP. Suhaila Aziz - Worked to bring Sakeena Yacoobi to campus and planned her reception, also introduced Sharin Ebadi when she came to give her Gerber Lecture Series presentation; organized the Pennies for Peace project with Heidi Kuhn and raised money for Roots of Peace; launched her own 501(c)(3) Dream Generation to assist the youth in Afghanistan. Angie Carrillo - Graduated Senior, Works with Ibis Schlesinger in the Incubator Apprenticeship Program to get Ties to The World starting in Guatemala; designed the website, started the blog, ad worked on the summer internship program. James Cheston - Graduated Senior, Worked on the 501(c)(3) manual for the Council, and completed the first draft. Domenica Peterson - Council Member currently studying abroad and has an internship arranged by the Council in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Jesse Hammond - Assisted Healing Hands as part of the Incubator Apprenticeship Program in organizing as a 501(c)(3), as well as research in regards to fundraising and grant application processes in the United States. Nancy Huynh - Assisted multiple projects, key in meeting with Heidi Kuhn from Roots of Peace, organized the Pennies for Peace Project and working as a Roots of Peace summer intern in Vietnam. Seth Wilson - Graduated Senior, Created an up-to-date file on Youth Entrepreneurship for the Council and the Center. Joel Strauss - Council Member attended events and helped promote the Council. Jaycee Davis - Graduated Senior, Council member assisted in promoting the Council and its events. Mina Mohammadi - Assistant Secretary, took notes at meetings.

Eberhardt School of Business Collin Cooney - Council Member Hareem Cheema - Co-Created the Website for the Council

17 Benerd School of Education Tammy Hunt - Council Member

Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Michelle Gabriel - Co-Created the brochure for the Council, promoted the Council in Pharmacy presentations, and brought Martin Burt to guest lecture in a pharmacy entrepreneurship class.

School Of Engineering Tabitha Voytek – Council member

College of the Pacific Joshua Foster – Council member, worked to establish relations between the Council and ASUOP.

Department of Speech Language Pathology Laura Marshall - Indispensable in getting people to come to meetings at 8am, attended the Social Entrepreneurship Alliance’s 8th annual meeting in Los Angeles.


University Council of Social Entrepreneurs Agenda for Meeting on February 7th 2007

1. Pass around sign-in sheet. 2. Go over agenda for this week 3. Go over minutes from last week. 4. Announcements (new information) a. Status of Starbucks trip(Jerry) b. Status of Afghani Ambassador Visit. c. Status of funding with ASUOP emergency fund. 5. New Developments a. Progress of 501C3 Handbook b. Progress of contacts with Bechtel c. Status expeditions d. Assign tasks i. Monitor Social Edge ii. Booth for Job Fair 1. Booths for baseball games? iii. Team for handbooks iv. Resource Library Review e. University Alliance Status f. Status of possible Track in Social Entrepreneurship. Units for Council Participation? 6. Report on Social Entrepreneurship organization a. Discuss meeting with CalCedar Summary of Key Points of meeting and assignments for next meeting.

19 APPENDIX C – EXPEDITION REPORTS Stanford Center for Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship: Make a Difference Forum. Sunday February 25th 2007 Stanford University Campus Center for Social Innovation Attended By: Laura Marshall Nancy Huynh, Scott Blankenship, Grant Ennis, Sarah Berg Summary: The five of us drove in two cars to the conference; we arrived to an extremely crowded forum, with speakers getting ready and people filing into the upstairs and downstairs areas. Small kiosks representing social enterprises were spread around the building. We listened to the speakers from an upstairs balcony area, where we discovered that many of the questions we had been asking about social entrepreneurship, the audience, and the speakers themselves were also asking. This was a very warming discovery. We were not altogether impressed by the knowledge of the speakers, however, and felt that although they were practitioners; they in many ways did not understand the impact of what they were doing. Their knowledge was based on providing grants to sustainable organizations, but they did not have a full understanding of the theoretical implications of Social Entrepreneurship. After the presentations we went around the kiosks to find possible contacts for the Global Center at Pacific. We found Help Argentina to be most valuable; and in reality, most of the kiosks were not Social Entrepreneurship Organizations, but were non-profits using traditional fundraising techniques to sustain themselves, without self-sustaining innovation taking place. We benefited from this trip by gaining a deeper understanding of what is going on in the field of Social Entrepreneurship and by making contacts with some of the grant recipients and the Stanford Center for Social Innovation.

-Sarah Berg and Grant Ennis

(We were unable to get seats down below, and listened to the practitioner speakers from the above.)

20 Northern California World Trade Center Developing an International Business Plan and Marketing Strategy This seminar is apart of a larger series of courses called the International Business Leadership Certificate Program. They offer nine courses from a timeframe starting in March and ending in September 2007. People who attend six of these courses receive a certificate from the Northern California World Trade Center. I felt that this seminar was worth my time and money because it offered hard to find and sometimes expensive resource as well as the invaluable experience of the speaker. I was lucky to have arrived slightly early at the NCWTC suite because I was able to sit around the conference table and not along the periphery of the room like other participants. There were about sixteen people total in attendance, three of which were interns, a few businesses, and a few MBA students from Sacramento State and UC Davis. We were all given a notebook with all the materials relevant to the course inside. This includes: Power point slideshow Marketing Strategies and Plans Tips for E-commerce International Business Plan Template Speaker bio/participant info Guides to Exporting The speaker went through her power point slide while she added her own experiences. She has had a number of international companies, does marketing consulting and works at the trade Center for consulting as well. The basis of the lecture was planning to go global. Most of the information was more or less self evident coming from an SIS/international marketing education, but it was beneficial to see all this information laid out all together in a way that can be replicated by someone looking to create an international company. The most valuable part of the whole lecture was the resources that she gave us. There are organizations that are more than willing to try and help companies expand into international markets such as the World Trade Center’s, consulate offices, Centers for International Trade, etc. I talked to a number of people, including the program manager who is a SIS/Pacific alumnus (2004) with a major in Global Economic Relations. She had an internship at the NCWTC while at Pacific and was recruited into her job position after a recommendation from her boss. She mentioned that she had been trying to get SIS students involved with internships at the NCWTC but wasn’t getting any response. I told her I had never heard of these internships, and recommended her to get in contact with Jerry and gave her information about the GCSE. If our goal in social entrepreneurship is to fuse the ideals of non-profit organizations with sound business practices, then I think we should continue our involvement with the NCWTC, and follow up with the program manager to see what type of internships or other networking opportunities there are.

-Scott Blankenship

21 8th Gathering of the Social Enterprise Alliance Earned Income: Pathway to Sustainability

Long Beach, CA April 17-19, 2007

The 8th Annual Gathering of the Social Enterprise Alliance was an incredible learning experience. Practitioners from all over the country and the world gathered for three days to learn about different issues and ideas for social enterprises. These practitioners ranged in experience from decades in the field to months, or in my case, no experience whatsoever. This was a time for learning, networking and relaxing for many of the attendees. There were well over 600 attendees at the conference, making it a record year for the SEA. The conference was broken up into sections with a meal, keynote speaker and session in each section, with three sections per day. I attended the conference on Wednesday, the 18th. The first keynote speaker was Tony Deifell, a strategist at Kaboom!, a social enterprise, and an author as well. He challenged the audience to think about the places were their hearts might have grown cold, where they might have become cynical. I then attended the Positioning and Marketing Strategies Session. It was a very useful overview of basic marketing principles. The second session I attended was for advanced practitioners looking to use college students to help with their nonprofits. I found that most colleges with programs like this only use MBA students. Most do not attempt to use undergrad students. The faculty members specialize in this field, but most of them are not hired to specifically head up social enterprise programs. There are even practitioners who teach the courses in the programs sometimes. The Universities mentioned were San Diego State University and Western Washington University. I also attended a third session held by Aperio, a nonprofit consulting firm that helps other nonprofits strategize and pursue new ideas. The session was focused on how to brainstorm improvements for a nonprofit using a specific method. The other keynote speaker was Frances Hesselbein from the Leader to Leader Institute. At the end of the night there was a special screening of the movie Freedom Writers with two of the students who actually lived the events that took place in the movie. The day was absolutely full of learning experiences and there was so much to take in. However, I was left with some impressions that have important implications for the Council. The most interesting was that there are few, if any other programs like ours, programs that are based out of universities that work with undergrad students from majors other than Business.

- Laura Marshall

22 APPENDIX D – INTERNET WORKS Webpage for Council

Brochure for Council


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