Welcome: Chair Wanda Bowman Called the Meeting to Order at 9:07 Am

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Welcome: Chair Wanda Bowman Called the Meeting to Order at 9:07 Am

Youth Conservation Corps Commission Meeting 9:00 am, August 30th, 2017 YCC Building YCC Conference Room, 811 St. Michaels Dr. Suite 104, Santa Fe, NM 87505

Welcome: Chair Wanda Bowman called the meeting to order at 9:07 am

Members present; Chair Wanda Bowman; Stephanie LeMaster, Andrew Frederick, Beth Wojahn, Cindy Lovato-Farmer, Sharon Hickey and Erica Padilla. Not present; Ana Mangino, vacant PED position.

Chair Bowman asked everyone to take a moment of silence to remember the people affected by the flooding in Texas.

I. Chair Bowman asked Kristine Vigil to take roll call. Present Not Present Chair Wanda Bowman x Commissioner Ana Mangino x Commissioner Sharon Hickey x Commissioner Beth Wojahn x Commissioner Andrew Frederick x Commissioner Erica Padilla x Commissioner Cindy Lovato-Farmer x Commissioner Stephanie LeMaster x Vacant Position, Public Education Department Rep. x

A quorum was present.

II. Approval of Agenda: Chair Bowman – Action Item Chair Bowman asked for a motion to approve the agenda: Commissioner Lovato-Farmer motioned to approve the agenda as presented; Commissioner Fredrick seconded the motion. Chair Bowman asked if there was any further discussion. There was no further discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

III. Discussion and Approval of the March 30th, 2017 Meeting Minutes – Chair Wanda Bowman - Action Item Chair Bowman asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 30th, 2017 meeting. Commissioner Frederick so moved to approve the minutes as presented, Commissioner Lovato-Farmer seconded the motion. Chair Bowman asked if there was any further discussion. There was no further discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

IV. Discussion and Possible Approval of 2017 Open Meetings Act – Chair Bowman, Action Item Chair Bowman asked the Commission to review the 2017 Open Meetings Act Resolution. Commissioner Hickey asked that the word “calendar” be inserted in the sentence where the number of days for the notification of a meeting was required. Commissioner Padilla suggested “business” be used. The Commission discussed the issue and decided “calendar” would be the easiest to understand for the public. Chair Bowman asked if there was any further discussion. There was no further discussion. Commissioner Hickey motioned to approve the 2017 Open Meetings Act Resolution as amended, Commissioner Wojahn seconded the motion.

Chair Bowman asked Kristine to do a roll call.

Roll Call for 2017 Open Meetings Act Resolution For Against 1 Chair Wanda Bowman x Commissioner Sharon Hickey x Commissioner Beth Wojahn x Commissioner Andrew Frederick x Commissioner Erica Padilla x Commissioner Cindy Lovato-Farmer x Commissioner Stephanie LeMaster x

The Resolution was approved. (See Attachments)

V. Discussion and Report on the FY19 YCC Budget– Chair Bowman asked Executive Director Kent to discuss the draft FY19 YCC Budget to the Commission. (See Attached) Executive Director Kent presented the Budget to the Commission. Commissioners Lovato-Farmer and Hickey asked that the words “these are estimated amounts based on prior years” in the 54700 categories narratives. Chair Bowman asked for a motion to approve the budget. Commissioner Hickey moved to approve the FY19 YCC budget as modified, Commissioner Lovato-Farmer seconded. Chair Bowman asked if there was any further discussion. There was no further discussion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Break at 10:20 returning at 10:27.

VI. Discussion and Possible Approval New EDA for Wendy Kent – Chair Bowman (Executive Session Under NMSA 10-15-1(H)(2) Commissioner Wojahn moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing and developing the FY18/19 EDA for Executive Director Kent. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Chair Bowman asked if there was any further discussion. There was no further discussion. Chair Bowman asked Kristine to take a Roll Call vote.

For Against Chair Wanda Bowman x Commissioner Sharon Hickey x Commissioner Beth Wojahn x Commissioner Andrew Frederick x Commissioner Erica Padilla x Commissioner Cindy Lovato-Farmer x Commissioner Stephanie LeMaster x

Commissioner Hickey motioned to return from the Executive Session to the regular meeting. Commissioner Frederick seconded the motion. A Roll Call vote was taken.

For Against Chair Wanda Bowman x Commissioner Sharon Hickey x Commissioner Beth Wojahn x Commissioner Andrew Frederick x Commissioner Erica Padilla x Commissioner Cindy Lovato-Farmer x Commissioner Stephanie LeMaster x

VII. Discussion and Possible Selection of Vice Chair – Chair Bowman, Action Item

2 Chair Bowman asked if there were any nominations for the position of Vice-Chair. Commissioner Hickey nominated Commissioner Wojahn for the position. Chair Bowman asked Commissioner Wojahn if she would accept the nomination. Commissioner Wojahn accepted the nomination if voted in. Chair Bowman asked if there were any other nominations. There were none. Commissioner Fredrick seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

VIII. Report on the New Mexico Finance Authority Committee Meeting – Wendy Kent Wendy gave a report to the commission regarding the New Mexico Finance Authority Committee Meeting in Gallup. Mrs. Kent reported that the Department of Cultural Affairs may ask the New Mexico Finance Authority Committee to increase their percentage of the Governmental Gross Receipts Tax Revenue. If the Committee supports its request, the percentage would probably be taken from the New Mexico State Parks percentage share.

IX. New Business FTE/New Hire for YCC-Some of the Commission members will meet with EMNRD Cabinet Secretary Ken McQueen to discuss procedures for obtaining an additional FTE for the program. Commissioner Wojahn will make arrangements for the meeting.

X. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on, Monday, October 30th, 2017 from 8:30 am- 5:00 pm and if needed Tuesday October 31st, 2017 from 8:30 am – until completed. The location of the meeting will be at 811 St. Michaels Drive, Santa Fe, NM.

Chair Bowman asked for a motion to approve the meeting date/time. Commissioner Lovato-Farmer so moved, Commissioner Frederick seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously.

VIII. Public Comment None

IX. Adjourn- Chair Bowman- Action Item. Chair Bowman asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hickey motioned to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Wojahn. The motion was passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:25 pm.

Approved: Date: Wanda R. Bowman


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