02012 34 11 29 - Embedded Track Construction

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02012 34 11 29 - Embedded Track Construction


SECTION 34 11 29




1.1.A. This Section includes specifications for the construction of insulated embedded track as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Embedded track construction includes furnishing and placing reinforced concrete track slab in two separate pours; furnishing and placing Ri59N or Ri52N rails, precurved horizontally and vertically for some locations, using the two types of embedded track construction; furnishing and placing track drain and trackway drain for track cross drainage.

1.1.B. The construction of embedded track involves the following two types of installation for embedding Ri 59N girder rail:

1.1.B.1. Midblock embedded track construction using leveling beams assembly complete with welded anchor plates with weld-on shoulder and clips for fixation and utilizing rail boot and cuff for insulation. This type of embedment is typical for tracks running along side or center of the road at location midblock between road intersections.

1.1.B.2. Road intersection embedded track construction using elastomeric grout and precast concrete filler blocks for fixation and insulation. This type of embedment is typical for embedded tracks crossing road intersections.

1.1.C. The construction of embedded track shall include but not be limited to the following:

1.1.C.1.Construction of rail concrete track base slab (1st pour) and surface portland cement concrete infill slab (2nd pour).

1.1.C.2.Hauling construction materials.

1.1.C.3.Welding of Ri 59N or Ri 52N girder rail for continuous welded rail (CWR) construction.

1.1.C.4.Installation of track drains and trackway drain.

1.1.C.5.Construction of the two types of embedded tracks.


1.2.A. American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA), Manual for Railway Engineering, Volumes I and II




PAGE 1 OF 16 GAD 1.2.B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges

1.2.C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

1.2.C.1.ASTM C203 Standard Test Methods for Breaking Load and Flexural Properties of Block-Type Thermal Insulation

1.2.C.2.ASTM D149 Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies

1.2.C.3.ASTM D257 Standard Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials

1.2.C.4.ASTM D412 Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension

1.2.C.5.ASTM D471 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Effects of Liquids

1.2.C.6.ASTM D570 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics

1.2.C.7.ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics

1.2.C.8.ASTM D790 Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials

1.2.C.9.ASTM D2240 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Durometer Hardness


1.3.A. Submittals shall be as specified in Section 01 33 00, Submittal Procedures. Submit the following:

1.3.A.1. Construction equipment: Prepare a list of construction tools and equipment to be used during the trackwork construction. Submit the list to the Resident Engineer for review 30 Days before such equipment is used in the Work. The equipment will be subject to inspection by the Resident Engineer during its use on the project.

1.3.A.2. Detailed descriptions of construction method Work Plan 90 Days prior to commencing trackwork required for the work specified in this Section.

1.3.A.3. Samples as required for the work specified in this Section

1.3.A.4. All test results including electrical test for the work specified in this Section

1.3.A.5. Submit for the elastomeric grout the manufacturer’s current published application instructions and a detailed written procedures for the Resident Engineer’s review and acceptance 90 Days prior to commencing trackwork. Both documents shall address the following items:

1.3.A.5.a. Identification of material to be used by product number and description.

1.3.A.5.b. Shipping, storing, and handling.

1.3.A.5.c. Equipment identification, operation, and maintenance.


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Delete for Publication 1.3.A.5.d. Surface preparation to attain bond.

1.3.A.5.e. Mixing, applying, and curing.

1.3.A.5.f. Weather conditions.

1.3.A.5.g. Public safety.

1.3.A.5.h. Touch-up and repair.

1.3.A.5.i. Quality control implementation.

1.3.A.5.j. Conflicts between the manufacturer’s instruction, applicator’s procedure, and the Contract requirements shall be brought to the attention of the Resident Engineer for resolution.

1.3.A.6. 90 Days prior to commencing trackwork, submit the following for the rail boot and cuff:

1.3.A.6.a. Drawings for rail boot and cuff.

1.3.A.6.b. Length of production run.

1.3.A.6.c. Jointing procedure from boot to boot.

1.3.A.6.d. Cuff installation and isolation at joints.

1.3.A.6.e. Material composition of boot and cuff and identification.

1.3.A.6.f. Isolation values of boot and cuff.

1.3.A.6.g. For each production run, submit certifications and test reports as required in Article 2.01G.2.

1.3.A.7. Submit the following for the leveling beam assembly, anchor plates, weld-on shoulders, rail clips, and composite nylon isolators:

1.3.A.7.a. Drawings of leveling beam assembly anchor plates, resilient rail clips, composite nylon isolator,

1.3.A.7.b. Properties of material and specifications,

1.3.A.7.c. Clip toe load and pressure transfer to rubber boot.

1.3.A.8. Provide Shop Drawings for track drain and trackway drain with formed concrete surfaces compatible with the proposed track components that will properly drain both flangeways, pavement surface, as shown in the Contract Drawings, for approval by the Resident Engineer prior to fabrication and delivery.




PAGE 3 OF 16 GAD 1.3.A.9. Qualifications: 90 Days prior to commencing trackwork, submit qualifications and experience record of superintendent and foremen proposed to be in charge of trackwork construction.

1.3.A.10. Working Drawings showing the proposed method for clamping the rail during installation of first pour concrete and/or elastomeric grout.

1.3.A.11. As built survey profile of the first pour embedded concrete slab.

1.3.A.12. Required rail temperature record forms for rail laying and rail fastening operations.

1.3.A.13. Six rail thermometers, as specified in Section 34 05 17, Track Construction, General Requirements, to remain as Sound Transit’s property.

1.3.A.14. Provide concrete lift drawings for placements including joint locations, concrete finishes, blockouts, and locations of other items within the concrete slab such as conduits and track drains.

1.3.A.15. Corrective Method Submittals: Submit to the Resident Engineer the following:

1.3.A.15.a. Where required, computer spreadsheets indicating the precise as- built concrete slab conditions showing the accurate cast-in-place concrete installation or the out-of-tolerance concrete installations.

1.3.A.15.b. Where required, computer spreadsheets indicating the established construction profile grade line to suit the existing as built concrete base slab surface conditions.

1.3.A.15.c. Where required, detailed narrative outlining one of the specified corrective methods to be used to correct the concrete slab. The narrative shall clearly describe the limits of the correction by station, the type of correction (removal or grinding), and the magnitude (height) of each correction for each rail trough.

1.3.A.16. Repair Procedures, as specified in Article 3.12


1.4.A. Embedded Track Tolerances: Refer to Section 34 05 17, Track Construction General Requirements, for track tolerances of embedded track.

1.4.B. Confirm the quality of materials and installation of Work in accordance with the written Test Plan for acceptance by the Resident Engineer in accordance with Section 01 45 00, Quality Assurance / Quality Control.

1.4.C. The Test Plan shall define the tests and measurements to be conducted, the instruments and equipment required, the frequency of tests, and the documentation of the results. Be responsible for Testing of the Work.

1.4.D. The Test Plan shall cover all phases of the Work, from material procurement and manufacture to trackwork completion, including at least the following specific items:

1.4.D.1.Material control and batch traceability.

1.4.D.2.Shipping, handling, and storage controls and measurements.


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Delete for Publication 1.4.D.3.Equipment maintenance including calibration measurements and tests for contamination of compressed air lines.

1.4.D.4.Surface preparation measurements.

1.4.D.5.Environmental measurements such as temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and rainfall.

1.4.D.6.Mixing, applying, and curing measurements such as component materials’ viscosity and density, mixing ratios, and material hardness at various cure times.

1.4.D.7.Provisions for test failure and retesting procedures.

1.4.D.8.Track alignment and geometry measurements and control.

1.4.D.9.Field rail welding and grinding control.

1.4.E. The Resident Engineer shall have access to witness quality control tests and measurements and to review documentation. Give notice or schedule to the Resident Engineer when tests are to occur.

1.4.F. Incomplete or inadequate Test Documentation will be sufficient grounds for rejection of installed materials.

1.4.G. The Work in this Section shall be supervised by a superintendent and foreman in charge of trackwork operations, each with 5 years’ documented experience in embedded and/or direct fixation track construction.


1.5.A. Embedded Track Work Plan: Prepare and submit to the Resident Engineer a construction Work Plan in accordance with the track requirements and tolerances specified herein for tangent and curved track. This Work Plan shall include the following descriptions and drawings:

1.5.A.1. Step-by-step construction sequence.

1.5.A.2. Survey control plan during and after construction.

1.5.A.3. Material handling procedure.

1.5.A.4. Special equipment and tools.

1.5.A.5. Shop drawings of leveling beams assembly and intermediate anchor plates.

1.5.A.6. Forming, placing, finishing, and curing of track slab concrete.

1.5.A.7. Forming, placing, finishing and curing of elastomeric grout.




PAGE 5 OF 16 GAD 1.5.A.8. Assembly and installation of rail boot, cuffs, rail, track drains, and trackway drains.

1.5.A.9. CWR handling and installation.

1.5.A.10. CWR adjusting, field welding, and anchoring to conform to the zero thermal stress requirements and to protect the slab structure.

1.5.A.11. Coordination with the installation of embedded special trackwork.

1.5.A.12. Field testing and inspection to conform to the quality requirements and tolerances specified herein.

1.5.A.13. Placing, finishing, and curing of track concrete pavement infill slab (2nd pour).

1.5.A.14. Repair procedures for damaged installation and non-conforming concrete.

1.5.B. Demonstration Section:

1.5.B.1. Verify the Work Plan by constructing a demonstration section for each two types of embedded track before beginning construction of trackwork on a production basis. Employ the exact procedure in the approved construction method for the demonstration section. The demonstration section shall be the length of at least one complete construction cycle but not less than 200 linear feet. If the demonstration section does not meet the specific construction tolerances and track-to-earth electrical test as specified in Section 13 60 15, Corrosion Control Testing, submit a revised work plan and construct another demonstration section or sections at no additional cost to Sound Transit. Remove non-conforming demonstration sections. Location of the demonstration section shall be as indicated on the Contract Drawings or established by the Resident Engineer and form part of the transit system.

1.5.C. Production Work: Use only the methods and procedures submitted and proven in the completion of the demonstration section.



Furnish the following track materials as required to construct an acceptable completed embedded track structure.

2.1.A. First pour track Slab Concrete shall be reinforced concrete Class 5000 (fc’=5,000 psi) as stated in Section 03 05 15, Portland Cement Concrete.

2.1.B. Second pour track slab concrete shall be reinforced concrete Class 5000 (fc’=5,000 psi) as stated in Section 03 05 15, Portland Cement Concrete.

2.1.C. Concrete Reinforcement shall be Grade 60, deformed bars as stated in Section 03 20 00, Concrete Reinforcing.

2.1.D. Anchor plates and leveling beam complete with welded support plates, weld on shoulders and leveling screws shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings. Approved equal anchor plates and leveling beam assembly with proven 5 years’ performance history and acceptable to Sound Transit may be substituted in lieu of the anchor plates and leveling beam described herein and as shown on the Contract Drawings.


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Delete for Publication 2.1.D.1.Leveling beams shall be W 4X13 ASTM A36 steel.

2.1.D.2.Materials and fabrication of leveling beams and anchor plates assembly shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of Section 05 58 00, Miscellaneous Metal.

2.1.D.3.Leveling beams and anchor plates with weld-on shoulder shall be adjustable for Ri59N girder rail with rail boot and shall provide minimum longitudinal restraint of 2,000 pounds per rail seat.

2.1.D.4.The combination of resilient clip and insulator used must not impart a load to the rail boot exceeding 400 psi, nor shall be applied in such a way as to damage the rail boot.

2.1.E. Resilient rail clips shall be in accordance with Section 34 11 37, Direct Fixation Fasteners.

2.1.F. Composite Nylon Isolators shall be Pandrol HD8X or approved equal to match other spring clip support system.

2.1.G. Rubber Boot and Cuff Extrusion:

2.1.G.1.Elastomeric rubber boot and cuff extrusions shall be preformed to fit Ri-59N girder rail and to a continuous extruded elastomeric material with a minimum length of 230 feet. Elastomeric rubber extrusion and cuff material shall be manufactured from Santoprene 591-73 W 175 Thermoplastic Rubber or approved equal.

2.1.G.2.Test Requirements

2.1.G.2.a. Submit certification from a testing laboratory that the material to be installed in track will pass the tests listed below. The testing lab and its testing program and procedures shall be subject to the approval of the Resident Engineer.

2.1.G.2.b. Test reports indicating acceptable material shall be received by the Resident Engineer prior to shipment of material to the job site.

2.1.G.3.Volume Resistivity

2.1.G.3.a. Test Method: In accordance with ASTM D 257, at 50 percent relative humidity and 77 degrees F shall be measured for a dry specimen and then for the same specimen after seven (7) Days’ immersion in a 3 percent NaCl solution. The specimen from the latter test shall only be wiped dry prior to testing and no more than 1 hour shall elapse between removal from immersion and performing the test.

2.1.G.3.b. Acceptance Criterion: 1012 ohm-cm minimum

2.1.G.4.Tensile Strength Test




PAGE 7 OF 16 GAD 2.1.G.4.a. Test Method: In accordance with ASTM D 412

2.1.G.4.b. Acceptance Criterion: 1000 psi minimum

2.1.G.5.Chemical Resistance

2.1.G.5.a. Test Method: In accordance with ASTM D471, oil swell, IRM 903

2.1.G.5.b. Acceptance Criterion: +60 percent by weight maximum

2.1.G.6.Absorption of Moisture

2.1.G.6.a. Test Method: In accordance with ASTM D570

2.1.G.6.b. Acceptance Criterion: Less than 0.45 percent water absorption by weight.

2.1.G.7.Durometer Hardness Test

2.1.G.7.a. Test Method: In accordance with ASTM D 2240, report for cured specimens and specimens aged 24 hours at 75 degrees F.

2.1.G.7.b. Acceptance Criterion: Shore hardness A: 65 to 75.

2.1.G.8.Submit certification and test reports from the manufacturer that the installed product will withstand:

2.1.G.8.a. AASHTO HS25-44 loading in an urban environment for a minimum of 5 years with no failure. Failure shall be defined as the product not capable of carrying a vehicle or pedestrian in a smooth and safe manner from pavement to rail, requiring replacement or repair of the product.

2.1.G.8.b. The pressure and abrasion of heavy bus and truck traffic with studded tires and/or chains, and shall provide a non-skid surface for a minimum of 5 years with no failure.

2.1.G.8.c. The strength of the adhesive used to join adjacent sections when it is at least 70 percent of the cohesive strength of the elastomeric rubber extrusion insert.

2.1.G.9.An acceptable rubber boot and cuff extrusion for encapsulating the rail shall be as supplied by Iron Horse Engineering Company PO Box 5398 Suffolk, Virginia 23435 Or an approved equal with a 5-year history of proven performance.

2.1.H. Protective Isolation Cap:

2.1.H.1.Protective Isolation Cap shall be designed to cover spring clips assembly to prevent concrete infiltration.

2.1.H.2.Protective isolation cap shall be made of polypropylene plastic material or approved equal. An acceptable protective cap shall be as supplied by: Iron Horse Engineering Company PO Box 5398 Suffolk, Virginia 23435


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Delete for Publication Or an approved equal with 5-year history of proven performance

2.1.I. Track Drain and Trackway Drain

2.1.I.1. Track Drain

2.1.I.1.a. The track drains shall be fabricated steel frame and grates that fit between the rails of one track to drain the pavement surface and the girder rail grooves.

2.1.I.1.b. The track drain shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings.

2.1.I.1.c. The track drain assembly shall be manufactured to fit Ri 59N or Ri 52N rail laid at the specified track gauge of 4 feet – 8-1/2 inches. The drain shall be constructed so that the top of the grate shall not exceed 1/4 inch below the top of railhead elevation. There shall be two separate grates per track drain with 1/2-inch gap between grates. Grate at railhead face shall allow a gap of 1 inch between face of lip at gauge point (3/8 inch below top of rail) and outside face of lateral grate bar.

2.1.I.1.d. The track drain shall be bolted to the angle side supports with galvanized bolts of a minimum 5/8-inch diameter, complete with hexagonal head nuts and spring type lock washers, isolated from the rail.

2.1.I.1.e. The track drain assembly shall be designed and manufactured to provide a grate that bolts to the drain box or single angles fastened into concrete as shown on the Contract Drawings and is capable of supporting AASHTO HS2544 loading.

2.1.I.1.f. Piping used for track drains shall be PVC in accordance with Section 33 40 00, Storm Drainage System.

2.1.I.2. Trackway Drain

2.1.I.2.a. The trackway drains shall be cast iron grates on cast iron drain funnel or box to be located to drain the pavement surface between tracks.

2.1.I.2.b. The trackway drain detail shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings.

2.1.I.2.c. The trackway drain assembly shall be designed and manufactured to provide a grate that locks or bolts to the drain funnel or box embedded into concrete as shown on the Contract Drawings and is capable of supporting AASHTO HS2544 loading.

2.1.I.2.d. Piping used for trackway drains shall be PVC in accordance with Section 33 40 00, Storm Drainage System.




PAGE 9 OF 16 GAD 2.1.J. Bonded Insulated Joint Kits shall be in accordance with Section 34 11 20, Bonded Insulated Joints and Compromise Rail.

2.1.K. Wheel Detector Blockout and Cover:

2.1.K.1. The wheel detector blockout shall have fiberglass reinforced plastic covers to protect wheel detector mechanism inside the blockout as shown on the Standard Drawings.

2.1.K.2. The wheel detector blockout and cover dimensions shall conform to the Standard Drawings.

2.1.K.3. The blockout cover shall be bolted to a steel angle frame side supports with flathead countersunk stainless steel screw bolts of a minimum 3/8-inch diameter.

2.1.K.4. The thickness and dimensions of cover made of fiberglass reinforced plastic, or approved equal material, shall be capable of supporting AASTHO HS25-44 loading. Materials for the cover shall be non-metallic, except the embedded steel angle frame and bolts as shown on the Contract Drawings.

2.1.K.5. Physical properties of fiberglass reinforced plastic or approved equal cover material shall be non-carbon, ultraviolet stabilized, tensile strength of 17,000 psi in accordance with ASTM D638, flexural modulus of 1.06x106 psi in accordance with ASTM D790 and flexural strength of 25,000 psi in accordance with ASTM D790.

2.1.K.6. Wheel detector blockout shall be provided with drain as shown on the Standard Drawings.

2.1.K.7. Covers are a walking surface and shall be non-skid or non-slip. Covers shall not produce a tripping hazard by misalignment of more than 1/4 inch at edge of cover. Cover installations shall ensure that it remains connected and aligned under the above-specified loading and normal environmental conditions.

2.1.K.8. Girder rail flangeway inside the wheel detector blockout shall be cut and girder rail web drilled for holes, as required, allowing magnetic wheel detector installation by others as shown on the Contract Drawings. Required length of flangeway and drilled holes diameter, number and location shall be coordinated with the Systems contractor installing the wheel detectors. Girder rail flangeway cutting and web drilling shall be performed offsite by milling and drilling machines.

2.1.L. Joint Sealant shall be a two component permanently flexible polyurethane elastomeric sealant such as:

2.1.L.1. Sikaflex - 2C Non sag Self-Leveling premium grade high performance joint sealant manufactured by: SIKA Corporation Mill Creek, WA

2.1.L.2. Or an approved equal with 5-year history of proven performance.

2.1.M. Rail shall be Ri-59N standard or high strength rail in accordance with Section 34 11 25, Rail as indicated on the Contract Drawings.

2.1.N. Poured or injected in place polyurethane elastomeric grout to be used as undersealing and embedding material for continuous fixation of girder rails, for sealing areas where the rail boot is terminated and in other location shown on the drawings shall be as specified in Section 34 11 29.15, Embedded Special Trackwork Construction.


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Delete for Publication 2.1.O. Precast Concrete Filler Block inserted between rail and elastomeric grout shall be fabricated and installed in accordance with Section 03 40 00, Precast Concrete. Filler block size, dimension and rebar shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings. Filler block shall be attached to the rail with adhesive bonding material approved by the Resident Engineer.

2.1.P. Expanded polystyrene shall be a commercially available polystyrene board. Expanded polystyrene shall have a flexural strength of 35 pounds per square inch, minimum, determined in accordance with ASTM Designation: C 203, and compressive yield strength of between 16 and 40 pounds per square inch, at 5 percent compression. Boards shall be held in place by nails, waterproof adhesive, or other means approved by the Resident Engineer.



3.1.A. Construct embedded track in accordance with applicable requirements of Section 34 05 17, Track Construction, General Requirements, and all track installation work as shown in accordance with approved shop and working plan and the Contract Drawings, manufacturer's instructions where applicable, and the following requirements.

3.1.B. Subbase preparation and concrete work shall be in accordance with Sections 32 11 23, Aggregate Base Course and 03 30 00, Cast-In-Place Concrete respectively.

3.1.C. Electrical Circuits: Openings through the track concrete for electric wires shall be formed with PVC electrical conduits in accordance with applicable requirements of Section 20 70 26, Basic Electrical Material and Methods for Facility Services.


3.2.A. The concrete track slab surface for embedded track shall be to an acceptable profile grade line elevation and located as indicated from the top of rail profile and grade on the Contract Drawings.

3.2.B. Embedded concrete track base slab shall be constructed in accordance with the Contract Drawings and these Specifications.

3.2.C. Holes for drainage and electrical conduit openings shall be sealed if required using elastomeric grout as specified in Article 2.01, or approved equal, around the conduit to provide a complete insulating barrier.

3.2.D. The elevation of the top of the concrete tolerance shall be as specified in Section 34 05 17, Track Construction, General Requirements.

3.2.E. Slab penetrations, blockouts, and surface modifications for drainage structures, boxes and conduits shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings.




PAGE 11 OF 16 GAD 3.2.F. Personnel who have responsible charge of the Work shall conduct the inspection. Defects in the base material shall be corrected prior to placement of the concrete track slab.

3.2.G. First pour concrete track slab shall have a broom finish except for smooth trowel finish in some locations as shown on the Contract Drawings. Second pour concrete track slab shall be stamped and shall have skid resistant finish.

3.2.H. Expansion joints shall be no further than 60 feet apart for the two-pour system, with contraction joint at every leveling beam location. Each adjacent pour shall have a minimum time lag of three (3) Days to accommodate shrinkage.

3.2.I. Expansion joints shall not be located within 10 feet of utility crossings. Coordinate expansion joint layout with utility plans.

3.2.J. When track slab is to be installed on top of existing or modified utility vaults, install expanded polystyrene board (2 inches) between track slab and the vault lid below.

3.2.K. Electrical continuity of the reinforcing in the track slab concrete shall be as indicated on the Contract Drawings and Section 13 60 10, Corrosion Control.


3.3.A. Rail shall be drilled for insulated joints, track drain’s flangeway slotted holes, guard rails, and for system requirements according to the Contract Drawings and in accordance with Section 34 05 17, Track Construction, General Requirements.

3.3.B. CWR laying, clamping, and fastening shall be in accordance with Section 34 05 17, Track Construction, General Requirements.

3.3.C. Weld rail to produce continuous welded rail for installation in accordance with Section 34 11 16, Welding of Rail.

3.3.D. Cutting of girder rail’s flangeway for system connections shall be performed offsite using shop milling machine.


3.4.A. Install rail boot and cuff as indicated on the Contract Drawings.

3.4.B. Installation of rail boot and cuff shall be as recommended by the Supplier.


3.5.A. Install elastomeric grout as indicated on the Contract Drawings.

3.5.B. Installation of precast concrete filler block and elastomeric grout shall be as recommended by the Supplier.

3.5.C. Before pouring or injecting elastomeric grout, application surfaces should be free of standing water and if possible surfaces should be completely dry.

3.5.D. Pouring or injecting of elastomeric grout shall provide full bearing under the base of rail and full embedment to ensure elastic separation and electrical isolation between rail and concrete slab.

3.5.E. Exposed surface of elastomeric grout embedment at road intersection pedestrian crossings and walkways shall be a –non-slip or a non-skid finish.


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3.6.A. Install drains as indicated on the Contract Drawings.

3.6.B. Install drains so that the drain outlets connect to drain pipes as indicated on the Contract Drawings.


3.7.A. Bonded insulated joints shall be in accordance with Section 34 11 20, Bonded Insulated Joints and Compromise Rail, and as specified herein.

3.7.B. Bonded insulated joints shall not be located closer than 3 inches from the end of the insulated joint bar to the edge of anchor plate or support plate on leveling beam.

3.7.C. Bonded insulated joints shall be staggered at least 2 feet but no more than 2 feet – 6 inches from the insulated joint on the opposite rail, unless otherwise noted on the Contract Drawings or approved by the Resident Engineer.

3.7.D. Bonded insulated joints shall be encased in elastomeric grout for the full length and connected to the rail boot where applicable.


3.8.A. Install wheel detector blockout and cover as indicated on the Contract Drawings.


3.9.A. Construct blockouts and install electrical conduits as indicated on the Contract Drawings.


3.10.A. The final horizontal and vertical alignment, gauge, electrical resistance and impedance, cross level, and superelevation shall be within the tolerances specified. To determine the acceptability of finished track immediately after construction, the parameters specified above will be measured with a rail-mounted track inspection device capable of measuring with sufficient accuracy to establish that the track construction is within the tolerances specified herein.

3.10.B. Track geometry deviations, as disclosed by the inspection specified above, shall be corrected and re-inspection shall be performed to ascertain that corrections have been made prior to Final Acceptance.

3.10.C. Trackway slab shall be constructed using two pours to allow adjustment of gauge and profile prior to the second pour.

3.10.C.1. At Midblock Embedded Track Construction, track geometry inspection and weld testing shall occur after concrete pour No. 1 had been placed, rail with boot has been installed and fastened, but before concrete pour No. 2 has been poured.




PAGE 13 OF 16 GAD 3.10.C.2. At Road Intersection Embedded Track Construction, track geometry inspection and weld testing shall occur after concrete pour No. 1 had been placed, rail clamp and jig supported to final alignment and precast concrete block fillers attached to the rail web, but before pouring of elastomeric grout and/or before concrete pour No. 2.


3.11.A. As the work of this Section and Section 34 11 29.15, Embedded Special Trackwork Construction proceeds, perform track-to-earth electrical resistance tests at a minimum of one test for every 200 feet of completed track and at special trackwork.

3.11.B. Track-to-earth electrical resistance tests shall be in accordance with Section 13 60 15, Corrosion Control Testing.

3.11.C. At Midblock Embedded Track Construction, an intermediate track-to-first pour reinforcing steel electrical continuity test shall be performed after the rail with boot has been installed and final fastened, but before concrete pour No. 2 is placed. Electrical contact between the reinforcing steel and the rail shall be removed at no cost to Sound Transit.

3.11.D. The rail boot shall be inspected and tested for breakage, discontinuity, and construction damage before placing of concrete pour No. 2.

3.11.E. At Road Intersection Embedded Track Construction, track-to-first pour reinforcing steel electrical continuity test shall be performed after elastomeric grout pour No. 1 and pour No. 2 are completed. Electrical contact between the reinforcing steel and the rail shall be removed at no cost to Sound Transit.

3.11.F. Undertake corrective measures at locations that do not meet the track-to-earth electrical resistance requirements, as specified. The corrective measures shall extend to the next tested location that meets the specified requirements. Include corrective measures requiring removal and replacement of insulating materials in the track, until the requirements are met.

3.11.G. Retest the track-to-earth electrical resistance at the corrected locations, as specified.

3.11.H. The electrical continuity of track slab reinforcing shall be tested in accordance with Section 13 60 15, Corrosion Control Testing, before pouring of concrete.


3.12.A. Submit a repair procedure to the Resident Engineer to assist future repair, removal, and replacement of rails installed under this Contract. The procedure shall cover at least the following items:

3.12.A.1. Removal methods

3.12.A.2. Replacement materials including source, shelf life, and current cost

3.12.A.3. Bonding methods

3.12.A.4. Welding methods

3.12.A.5. Installation methods


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3.13.A. Pourable elastomeric materials shall be delivered to the place of application in the manufacturer’s unopened, original containers bearing a legible product designation, batch number, and date of manufacture.

3.13.B. Material shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s latest published instructions, and shall be protected as required by the manufacturer from damage, moisture, direct sunlight, and temperatures below or above those recommended by the manufacturer.

3.13.C. Containers of elastomeric materials shall not be opened except for immediate use. Materials in damaged containers shall not be used if the contents were lost or exposed.

3.13.D. Material with a shelf life shall be used within six months of its manufacture and in no case after the manufacturer’s recommended shelf life.

3.13.E. Trackwork materials shall be stored off-ground on pallets, timber dunnage, platforms, or other approved supports in a manner that permits easy access for inspection and identification.

3.13.F. Operations likely to cause scratching, notching, rubbing, scoring, or striking of the rails during handling operations shall not be used.


3.14.A. Material furnished shall be presented for inspection at the place of manufacture.

3.14.B. Afford the Resident Engineer access without charge, to necessary facilities to examine the work, at any time during this process, as well as the finished product, to ensure that the materials comply with these Specifications. Regular examination of the product will take place during normal working hours.

3.14.C. Material for inspection shall be presented in a safe area away from excessive noise and manufacturing activities. Excessive noise shall be considered sound or sounds in excess of 60 dB.

3.14.D. Present to the Resident Engineer written notice for inspection at least 30 Days in advance of availability for inspection.


3.15.A. Precurved rails shall be banded in groups and shipped together for each curve with rail head upward, if rails were stored at an off-site location. Each banded group shall be identified with stamped metal tag indicating:

3.15.A.1. The number of banded rail groups per curve

3.15.A.2. The curve identification




PAGE 15 OF 16 GAD 3.15.A.3. The total number of rails in the curve

3.15.B. Precurved rails shall be wedged and blocked for shipment to prevent accidental bending of the rail.



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