No on Prop. 32 – Stop the Special Exemptions Act Sample Phone-Banking Script

All unions are encouraged to customize and personalize their phone-banking scripts. Below is some sample language to help you get started.

Note to volunteers: Mark “no” for NO on Special Exemptions Act

Hi, may I please speak to ______? Hi ___, my name is _____ and I’m a union volunteer calling other union members about Prop. 32, a deceptive anti-union ballot measure that threatens our union’s ability to fight for good jobs and wages.

 It claims to be about “stopping special interests” but it’s really a trick that was intentionally written to be confusing and deceptive. It would lead to MORE big corporate money flowing into Sacramento.

 That’s because the measure isn’t balanced like the anti-union millionaires behind it claim. It contains all kinds of special exemptions for big corporations, billionaires and Super PACs to spend with NO LIMITS in politics… while eliminating the ability for workers like us to have a voice.

 This measure is just the first of a one-two punch. If it passes the anti-union millionaires will immediately come after our priorities like safe working conditions, overtime pay, prevailing wages, pensions and even the right to have a union at all.

Can we count on you to vote NO on Prop 32?

If voting NO – That’s great. Thank you for your support and please encourage your family and co- workers to vote NO. Goodbye.

If voting YES – Thank you for your time. Goodbye.

If Undecided –  I know it’s confusing, but don’t be fooled – Prop 32 pretends to be about balanced campaign finance reform that would level the playing field in politics. In reality it makes things worse by giving special exemptions to corporations and the super rich while eliminating the voice of workers like us.

 The people behind this initiative aren’t interested in reform. They are really anti-union multi- millionaires and corporate CEOs with a history of spending big money trying to weaken unions. All the millionaires behind this measure wrote in special exemptions for themselves and their corporate friends so they can spend without limits, while our union would be prohibited from having a voice.

 Can we count on you to vote NO on Prop 32? Thank you for your time. Goodbye.
