Undergraduate/Pgce Withdrawal Process s1

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Undergraduate/Pgce Withdrawal Process s1




A NAME in full (use capital letters)……………………………………………………………………………………….Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms STUDENT NUMBER

COLLEGE ……………………… PROGRAMME……………………………………………………………………………………….. FEE STATUS (please circle): HOME & EU INTERNATIONAL Date of entry…………………………………….....……… Full-time / Part-time / Continuation Status (please circle one) Have you received a scholarship for fees and/or maintenance, for your current programme of study, from a Research Council or other sponsor? YES / NO. If YES, please give details ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Do you receive fees and/or maintenance from the US Federal Aid Scheme? YES / NO

B Information concerning your request to interrupt your studies The University recognises that students may wish to interrupt their studies for a variety of reasons. Each case is treated individually, but will require approval from your College. In any interruption of studies, the primary concern is to ensure that a return to study can be successfully made, and interruptions will therefore only be granted for 12 months in the first instance. A further interruption of 12 months may be granted in exceptional circumstances but no interruption beyond a total of 24 months is permitted. Please see points 3 and 5 overleaf and read carefully if applicable. I wish to interrupt my current programme of study between the following dates (please give day, month and year – DD/MM/YY): From: and return to my studies on: for the following reasons:  - Medical grounds  - Maternity Leave  - Personal reasons  - Financial reasons  - Job related work-load issues  Other (please specify)...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Attachments: You must attach a letter explaining the reason(s) for your request and documentary evidence, where appropriate, ie, medical certificates, to this form. Documents are required to be held on file but are treated in the strictest confidence. Student’s Signature……………………………………………………………………………………..… Date…………………….……

C Supervisor Approval Print Name………………………………… Signature…………...……………..…………………..…….… Date…………..………...

For a student in receipt of a Research Council Collaborative award, has the partner approved the interruption? YES / NO

D ESRC approval from HEI Nominated Contact in ???? I have checked that the student is within the funded period of their award and the request is: Approved / Not Approved Print Name…………………………………...... Signature…………...……………..…………………..…Date…………..………...

E For international students only

If you are a full-time International student you MUST see an International Student Adviser (see point 5 overleaf) International Student Adviser: Approved / Not Approved (please circle) Print Name………………………………… Signature…………...……………..…………………..…….… Date…………..………...

F Accommodation (for students in University accommodation only)

If you are in University accommodation, please visit the Accommodation Office to negotiate the release of your accommodation. Residence and room number.…………………...…...…… Agreed final date in accommodation Accommodation Office Signature...... Print Name…………..………………….Date………….. ………

Please return the form and UniCard to the Research Administration Office in the College who will complete section G.

G To be completed by College Administration Last day in attendance (to be completed by College Office) a) Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedure (HWSSP): Was the interruption granted as part of a formal Level 2 meeting (1)? YES / NO b) Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Procedure(HWSSP): Was the interruption granted as part of a formal Level 3 meeting (2)? YES / NO To be approved by the Associate Dean of Research or designated deputy:

Print Name………………………………… Signature…………...……………..…………………..…….… Date…………..………... Step 1: Complete your details in Section A and information concerning your request in Section B Step 2: Sign the form and visit your College to get a signature from your Supervisor in Section C Step 3: PGAdmin in Student Records must approve ESRC requests at Section D Step 4: International Students MUST see an International Student Adviser to obtain a signature in Section E Step 5: If you are in University Accommodation visit the Accommodation Office to complete Section F Step 6: Check your address details are correct by logging into the student portal at exehub Step 7: Return the form and your UniCard to the Research Administration Office in your College for Section G to be completed

(1) Students returning from interruption following a formal Level 2 HWSSP meeting will be referred to the College to confirm fitness to resume studies. If the interruption was on medical grounds a medical certificate will also be required. (2) Students returning from interruption following a formal Level 3 HWSSP will be referred to the Head of Student Support Services to confirm fitness to resume studies. If the interruption was on medical grounds a medical certificate will also be required.

Important information for students interrupting their studies

There may be serious financial implications if you interrupt your studies at Exeter. You must consult your College before completing this form.

Please also read the following document which gives guidance on all matters relating to your status and periods of study:-

Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students

1. Tuition fees: If you are liable to make a contribution towards your fees you will be asked to pay fees and charges for the period you have registered.

2. Accommodation Charges: You must vacate your room on the official date of leaving the University of Exeter. You will be required to pay the full charges for your University accommodation up to the date that you vacate your room. Please contact the Student Information Desk (Exeter Campuses) or Accommodation Office (Cornwall Campus) to confirm the date that you expect to leave; you may be liable to further charges if you do not confirm this date, vacate your accommodation and return the keys to the relevant residence reception.

3. Research Council Funded Students: You should refer to the Terms and Conditions of your award before completing this form. If in receipt of a Collaborative award the partner will also need to approve the interruption. Interruption requires the approval of the HEI nominated contact in Student Records which will be obtained by the Research Administration Office in your College.

4. US & Canadian Loans: If you are in receipt of a US/Canadian Loan the University of Exeter may be required to return part of your funding. Please contact [email protected] (Exeter Campuses) or [email protected] (Cornwall Campus).

5. Students in Debt: Please contact [email protected] (Exeter Campuses) or [email protected] (Cornwall Campus) without delay to make appropriate arrangements to settle your debt to the University of Exeter.

6. International Students: Please be aware that interrupting your studies may have serious implications for your Immigration status and the University is required to inform UK Visas and Immigration of your Interruption. Interruptions can only be approved if they are in the current academic year and you will need to return home if they are for longer than 60 days. Full-time students MUST contact the International Student Support Office for an appointment by emailing [email protected]. Part- time students can email for online advice.

7. Other: If your interruption is for medical reasons, you may be eligible for social security benefits during your period of interruption from your course, but not for the first six months. The Students’ Guild Advice Unit can give you further advice on this.

8. Address Details: Please ensure we have your correct home and correspondence address details on record by going to exehub. Please amend as necessary.

9. Please refer to the University Calendar for reference to the full Finance Regulations at: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/policies/calendar/part2/finance/

10. Access to Library Facilities: Interrupted students will not normally have access to Library facilities to withdraw items from the Library. Interrupted students will not have access to library electronic resources. In exceptional circumstances students may request (with support from their College/supervisor) to be allowed to borrow from the library during their interruption. Library Advice: 01392 723867 (Exeter Campuses), 01326 370441 (Cornwall Campus)

General advice: Students’ Guild Advice Unit - 01392 723520 (Exeter Campuses) or FXU Advice Service - [email protected] (Cornwall Campus) Academic advice: Contact your College Financial / Accommodation advice: Student Information Desk: [email protected]; 08444 724724 (UK); +44(0) 1392 724724 (International) (Exeter Campuses) or [email protected] / [email protected] (Cornwall Campus)

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