Strategic Intelligence and Innovatives Clusters
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Questionnaire performed on Wine sector in North Tenerife Canary Islands (SPAIN)
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -1- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: INDEX
1.2.1.- vine growing...... 3 1.2.2.- Oenology...... 5 1.6.3.- Marketing...... 5
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -2- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: 3.6.- TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT...... 27 3.7.- THE COMPANY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORK...... 27
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -3- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: I) QUESTIONNAIRE PERFORMED ON WINE SECTOR IN NORTH TENERIFE – CANARY ISLANDS (SPAIN)
Several issues associated with the growth of the wine-growing sector are considered and the answers have been obtained through a dialogue with all the stakeholders involved. In This sense, the STRATINC project sought the support and the opinions of everyone in the sector in Tenerife using a working method that was implemented in several phases:
a) Personal interviews to detect the “Cluster Building” needs in relation to the areas of wine growing, oenology and marketing.
b) Working meetings with specialists in each area, experts from the Regulating Councils, wineries, wine growers, restaurant owners and experts in marketing from each district.
c) Telephone surveys.
1.2.1) vine growing
In the last two decades of the 20th century, wine growing in Tenerife has used traditional methods with high costs arising from both the complicated nature of the terrain, fragmented ownership and small size of the vineyards (less than 1 Ha), on the one hand, and the fact that there is so little potential for mechanising production and the under-qualified workforce. At the same time, there has been a large number of old wine growers in the sector who have worked part time on maintaining and caring for their vines out of family tradition and love for the land, without giving any consideration to more efficient methods of vineyard management. The arrival of the 21st century, with the approval of the latest C.M.O for the wine growing sector and the significant financial aid devoted to modernising vineyards, enables us to look to the future of wine growing in Tenerife with a certain optimism. The period 2000—2006, is basically for reconverting and restructuring vineyards towards more competitive forms of management, replacing the traditional trailing system of growing vines with a system of
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -4- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: supports (trellises or arbours, making a selective replacement of varieties based on oenological interest and implementing improvement methods in wine growing management techniques. In this sense, there is also a trend towards recovering sections of the vineyards that had been abandoned in the previous decade. At the same time, there has been a move from Denomination of Origin to completing the range of varieties allowed in the zone, particularly with respect to red varieties.
A range of different companies focusing on the integral supply of wine making services, thus facilitating the continuity of professional wine growing in the area, while also becoming a practical solution for the generational change-over in the sector here. These new forms of organization foster an on-going wine growing advisory service that is required by wine growers and wine producing sector enthusiasts. The role played by cellars is paramount in the sense that it is the cellars that have to guide their traditional grape suppliers in the vineyard modernisation process that is taking place in Tenerife. At the same time, the sector is seeking interesting formulas for buying and selling quality grapes that will ensure a stable supply for cellars and enhance the profession of wine growing, making it attractive to the new generations that are coming through. In this sense, the graph below shows the factors, as a whole, that have an influence on obtaining quality grapes:
Professional wine grower Regulating Councils and Wine Quality other public growers Vines and private grapes partners Environment and landscape protection
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -5- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: 1.2.2) Oenology
Improvements in winery equipment, along with bringing oenologists into the district, have aroused people’s curiosities for new wines. From practically two kinds of wine; reds and young whites, the sector has diversified their produce to a large extent, producing the first cask aged wines, crus, reserve wines and sweet wines. It is true that most of this diversity has been provided by the larger wineries, which can provide stability for these wines in the market, as they have the largest quantities of litres apt for these wines.
The area of oenology has been marked by a control and search for better quality wines and stability. This encompasses the whole process from selecting the best grapes in the vineyards to obtaining a wine with greater organoleptic quality, by applying the best oenological practices and always opting for both training and re-cycling of the Classification Committee, which is directly responsible for Quality Control, and for seeking outside advice for training the winery managers and oenologists registered with this Denomination of Origin.
1.2.3) Marketing
Marketing these wines has emerged as one of the leading challenges for the coming years. Whereas in the previous decade, the Denominations of Origins were able to sell their wines, without any problems of surpluses, with an averagely intense promotional campaign, sales have become more difficult to make in this decade. It now requires an intense and co-ordinated effort in the constant struggle to maintain and increase market share. With regard to planning marketing, it is vitally important to have an idea of consumer preferences and their buying criteria. For this reason, we will continue our work with sensorial tests of consumers. Conclusions: 1) Challenges arising from growth of production and from the intensification of competition in the domestic and Canary Island market. 2) New challenges in wine growing, oenology and marketing wines; three inter-dependent areas in which developments should made it possible to consolidate, diversify and differentiate quality wine production. 3) In the area of wine growing, the aim of introducing new growing systems and improved varieties is to produce a grape that will allow continuity and improvements in making wines that can be differentiated by their
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -6- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: sensorial attributes. Controlling production costs by mechanizing trellis growing techniques will help to improve the value for money of the wines. 4) Opportunity to improve wine growing production with public support. 5) In the area of oenology, improving the quality of wines should be approached through oenological and sensorial definition, greater diversity through the creation of special wines and a search for stability of the quality, both within the same vintage and from one year to another. 6) It is essential that the wineries give clear signs of a wine growing industry that is immersed in a process of re-converting their growing methods, defining the varieties and other qualities required by the wine growing sector. An improvement in quality and a clear definition of wines is only possible with stable and two-way co-ordination between wineries and wine growers. 7) In the area of marketing, the growing competition in the wine market, due to the increased production of quality Canary Island wines and the appearance of new Spanish and foreign wines and advantageous value for money conditions, make it necessary to intensify the marketing effort both in the local market and further a-field. 8) The intensification of promotion efforts should be the task of wineries, Regulating Councils and other institutions. These efforts will have to be actively co-ordinated through multi-year promotional plans, seeking greater clarity and coherence in the sector’s demands for support from public institutions. 9) The defence of the island and regional market will involve harnessing all the advantages arising from the proximity of local consumers with oeno- tourism and general promotions. Maintaining and, as far as possible, increasing market share in the Canary Islands is a fundamental objective for the coming years.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -7- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: The wine sector’s main challenges arising from questionnaire of needs, are:
OENOLOGY WINE GROWING MARKETING Definition Standardisation Positioning Classification Mechanisation Intensification Diversification Varieties Diversification
There are ninety five small to medium sizes enterprises in Wine. Beside, one academic personnel who is involving in OKODEX SOLUTIONS (the company responsible for the work), is in charge of performing the interviews. Finally, the Average time of interviews 30 to 45 min.
Mancomunidad of North Tenerife constitutes the local steering committee (“LSC”) for monitoring composed by: politicians/officials, local coordinator, and leading local actors. Coordination and implementation of tasks will be done by a local working group (“LWG”): local coordinator, technicians from each sartorial cluster in the area: data collection, interviews, clusters surveys, management of communication flow at the intra-regional level. It will be responsible for the local dissemination of results, and local publication of the activities and results of the whole project.
In Tenerife there will be a sectorial leader in charge of the synthesis of the various clusters surveys in the wine sector, sartorial workshops and setting-up the sartorial PSIP. Sectorial activities will be co-ordinated and implemented by lead-LWG assisted by LWG of partners having clusters in the same sector.
LWG will manage the communication flow at the inter-regional level for the wine sector for which it is leader.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -8- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: In the wine sector there will be monitoring intra-sectorial activities which will be done by COCOM. At Inter-regional and inter-sartorial level: COCOM checks the proper use of common methodologies and tools decided by the partners. It is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation activities of the whole project..
The members of this committee are representing below:
Mr. Oswaldo Amaro Luis President of MANNORTE Scientific Board
LOCAL STEERING COMITÉ President, 8 politicians (mayors, officials,...), 1 local coordinator, and 2 leading local actors
All the local actors agreed to assume and carry out several duties in order to the good performance of the local steering committee.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -9- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: The mentioned tasks are these:
Elaboration of reports for the translational steering committee To survey and coordinate the works carried out in this zone of action. To send the propositions born in the territories and able to be supported by the promoting resources to the transnational steering committee. Coordination of the exchanges and advice which put into relation the actors of the zones of action. Coordination and technical follow-up of the tasks of the group created in the wine sector taking part in the project. Each partner will implement clusters surveys in its own area. Sector leadership (coordination of local working groups-LWG-, sector-based inter-regional synthesis) will be implemented North Tenerife for “wine (agro- food)”. Each sartorial leader will organize a sartorial workshop. Coordination of the project and technical study will be realised in Lorraine. Setting-up and testing sector PSIP will be done in each corresponding sector leader’s area using its web sites. The name of this Platform will be WINE-NET
The members of the local working group (LWG) are the following:
a) Seven companies involving in a Export Consortium. b) ASVITEN as a Viticultors Association.
Subcontracting is not the main scope of the enterprises. Beside the number of employees is between two and fifty.
Export is considered as very important but only seven (7) companies incluiding in a consortium are exporting up to Europe.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -10- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: 1.7) COMPANY MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIE
Many enterprises registered an industrial properties.
a) Cellars will start registering their industrial properties mainly in Denomination of Origin. b) Three drawing in the North (enterprises grouped in a cluster).
There are several motivations for guarantee the creation of networks. Bellow you will find some of them:
a) Grow quantitative production. b) Intensification of competition in the domestic and Canary Island market. c) Controlling production costs d) Diversify the customers. e) Rationalize the purchases. f) Develop the outsourcing. g) Create a lobbying.
The main informative mean is considered to be INTERNET. Apart from that there are:
Scientific & technical publications. Regional daily press. National daily press. Professional & specialized magazines like «Bodega Canaria ».
The information below shows the factors, as a whole, that have an influence on Wine sector as a fields of survey
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -11- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: Fields of surveys on Wine Sector- Tenerife Not relevance Some relevance Average relevance Great relevance Regulations Markets Technologies Competitors Suppliers Customers Products Process Recruitment Training Financing aids ans subsidies Management Sources of information
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -12- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: Not relevance Some relevance Average relevance Great relevance Employees Co-operation, alliances Customers Suppliers Competitors Universities, laboratories Consultancy businesses Professional Public/privateassociations research institutions Professional publications Exhibitions Internet Local or area institutional National institutional European institutional
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -13- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: II) WINE-NET A strategic intelligence pilot Platform for wine, designed by the Consortium “Mancomunidad of North Tenerife”.
The aim of the current Project is to design a portal offering users a wide range of services.
The portal is conceived for the purpose of providing a working tool to assist in handling information, making it available in a rapid and intuitive manner. Hence, it is intended to reach all net users regardless of their experience in the field.
It is made up of two parts: one public - where all users shall have unrestricted access - and another private - with restricted access allowed only to users who have a password and a priori authorisation. The following sections are planned:
1. Introduction 2. Presentation 3. The Consortium (Mancomunidad) a. The North of Tenerife b. Municipalities c. Canary Islands 4. Communication a. Technical articles b. News c. Bulletins d. News features and articles e. Notice board f. Surveys g. Forums and debates 5. Regulations a. Legislation b. Financial support
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -14- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: c. Seminars d. Useful links 6. Wine a. Introduction b. Regulatory Councils c. Wineries d. Prestigious product classifications 7. Training and seminars 8. How to contact us 9. Control panel a. Portal users b. News c. Bulletins d. Mailing lists e. Seminars f. Regulatory Councils’ news g. Winery management h. Project details
1. Introduction.
Based on an animated presentation using Macromedia Flash, here users choose a language version for access to the Portal. Initially, languages available will be Spanish and English; Spanish will be the choice by defect.
2. Presentation. The Portal and its contents are described, including the web site’s main menu. The entire range of contents can be accessed from this point, as well as the private section for members, once username and password have been validated.
3. The Consortium (Mancomunidad).
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -15- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: A brief description of the Consortium “Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife”, its functions, contact details, a link to the Consortium’s web site, among others. The paragraphs making up this section are self explanatory with the aid of text and images:
a. The north of Tenerife.
The northern area of Tenerife and its environment are depicted using explanatory notes and photographs.
b. Municipalities.
The boroughs encompassed by the Consortium, as well as pictures of each and a link to their official Web when available, are listed together with brief descriptions.
c. The Canary Islands.
The Canary Islands are described briefly using emblematic pictures and links to the Web sites of the island’s Local Councils.
4. Communication.
This will be the most dynamic of the Portal’s sections. It will be updated constantly with summaries of new entries related to news features, articles, etc. Authorised users will be able to submit sector-related news items in order to ensure a constant flow of totally updated information.
To this aim, any users can produce news items, articles etc. which, once checked by the Portal’s Supervisor, will be placed in this section (please refer to paragraph on Control Panel).
In addition, users who wish to do so may subscribe to a mailing list which will keep them updated on new entries (news items, articles, etc).
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -16- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: The section will comprise the following sub-sections:
a) Technical articles:
A selection of technical articles related with the world of wine, grouped under different categories, such as: wine growing, oenology, wine, etc. This will allow targeted search of Portal contents.
These articles will be included in the Portal by designated users, subject to a priori validation, using the Control Panel.
In all cases, prior acceptance from the Web site Supervisor will be required both to include a new technical article, as well as to place any other information in other sections.
b) News:
As in the previous case, here too authorised users will be able to produce news items for inclusion in the Portal. Once available, validation will be required by a Supervisor before they are placed on the Web site.
In all cases, a fixed number of news items will appear on screen, ordered by release date. Visitors wishing to search for any other news items will need to use the search tool. By introducing key words (the Google approach) users will home in on news item of their choice.
Items in this section will be handled using the Control Panel.
c) Bulletins:
The Portal’s news bulleting consists of a press release forwarded by e-mail to mailing list subscribers.
It allows users to keep abreast of the Portal’s new entries (new articles, documentaries, news items, etc).
Bulletins will be managed using the Control Panel. A written version will be supplied (please refer to Part II).
d) Documentaries and news features:
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -17- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: This section will include any news features and documentaries produced by wineries, Regulatory Councils etc.
OKODEX SOLUTIONS will take care of design and lay-out, including texts, photographs, etc.
e) Notice board:
Members may place in this section advertisements related with the world of wine, wineries, etc. Again, management is through the Control Panel.
f) Surveys:
“On-line” surveys will be conducted every fortnight on subject matters related with the Portal. They will be taken as visitor opinion polls, and will be handled through the Control Panel.
g) Forum and debates:
This section will enable both amateur users and professional experts in the sector to engage in debate, exchange experience, raise questions etc. on the Portal’s subject matter. There will be as many Forum or debate topics as necessary.
It is advisable, however, that this be limited to three at most, in order to generate a larger number of opinions. The forum will be moderated by the Portal Supervisor, to ensure that debates strictly adhere to the topics covered by the Portal.
5. Regulations.
This section covers institutional information. A list will be provided, with a short summary of contents and a link to the relevant Web page with complete details on the selected item.
It will be dynamic, with constant updates using the Control Panel. The different sub-sections included here are as follows:
a. Legislation.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -18- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: Here, titles and summaries of the legislation applicable to the sector are provided together with links to the full texts of each.
b. Financial support.
Provided are titles and summaries of the funding available for the sector – both public and private – with links to the full texts of each.
c. Seminars.
List of the diplomas and courses relevant to the legislation applicable to the sector, including course start dates, requirements, eligible candidates, etc.
d. Useful links.
Complete list of Web site links relevant to this section, that is, links to legislation, official bodies, funding agencies, etc.
6. Wine.
This section will attempt to provide clear and concise information on the world of wine and its intricacies, with special emphasis on the Regulatory Councils and prestigious product classifications of the island of Tenerife.
The following sub-sections are to be included:
a. Introduction.
Introduction to the world of wine, varieties, historical references, etc.
b. Regulatory Councils.
Information provided by Regulatory Councils themselves. Please refer to section on Control Panel.
c. Wineries
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -19- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: Full list of the wineries located in the nine boroughs that fall under the Consortium, with contact details, varieties under production, brands on the market, etc.
d. Prestigious product classifications.
Information on the island’s prestigious product classifications, with a description of the land covered, grape varieties, links to the different Web sites available, etc. This information is to be provided by Regulatory Councils. Please refer to Control Panel section.
7. Training courses:
This section will provide copious information on contents especially devoted to learning and acquiring information on the world of wine production, and wine culture. Training courses available will be listed, together with expert groups etc.
8. How to contact us.
Here, users will be provided with full details to contact those responsible for the Portal: telephone, fax, e-mail and a questionnaire for specific enquiries.
A registration sheet will also be placed on the site for those wishing to subscribe to the Portal’s mailing list for forwarding of news bulletins.
9. Control Panel.
This is the Portal’s main engine, since updating of the Portal’s contents will be conducted here.
Access to each of the sub-sections contained here shall be limited, on the basis of user status. So a user producing news alone, will only have access to the sub-section on news production and will not be allowed to generate users, validate news items, etc. unless authorisation is provided.
Each sub-section requires specific data which may be extended in time to meet user needs.
This section will be arranged so that the Supervisor is able to manage information and act as moderator, determining whether the contents of
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -20- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: the Portal are appropriate or not. The following sub-sections will be handled:
a. Portal users:
An unrestricted number of users may be created, edited or deleted. Each user will provide the following details:
. Company name
. Name and surname
. Telephone(s)
. E-mail address(es)
. Address
. Username
. Password
. ...
b. News:
An unlimited number of news items may be produced, edited and deleted. Operations will include, amongst others, the following:
. Validation of news items
. Editing news items
. Deleting news items
c. News bulletins or mailing list
An unlimited number of mailing list users may be created, edited and deleted. These are the recipients of news bulletins.
New users may be added to the mailing list automatically, once the user/s complete the relevant questionnaire providing the necessary details under section “How to contact us” (point 8), or via prior approval from the Supervisor.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -21- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: d. Seminars
Creating, editing and deleting entries on different seminars under section “Regulations” (point 5) and “Training courses” (point 7).
e. Management of news from the Regulatory Councils
An unlimited number of news items released by the Regulatory Councils may be created, edited and deleted. Operations will include, amongst others:
. Validation of news items
. Editing news items
. Deleting news items
f. Winery management
. Creating wineries
. Editing wineries
. Deleting wineries
Given the scope and variety of the information to be provided, we have opted for technology that allows a Web page as straightforward as possible, with speedy access to information, and maximum compatibility with currently existing Internet browse tools and search engines.
Hence, we opted for design of web pages directly in HTML format for contents that will remain unchanged, such as: contact details, descriptions of consortium boroughs, etc. HTML allows downloading pages more rapidly using current browsing tools and Web search engines.
For contents that will require updating, the language to be used is PHP together with the MySQL database manager, for storage of Portal information. This configuration provides added speed and improved search capability
Macromedia Flash technology will be applied for creating the animations featuring in the introduction and to render the Portal more attractive.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -22- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: 2.3.- SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL:
Design and construction of a Portal as specified in the current budget, in two language versions (Spanish and English). Most noteworthy features are: Graphic design of the Portal’s image. Producing pages following the guidelines approved in the design phase. Implementation of the entire database structure using MySQL. Development of the following items using PHP: o Control Panel. o Questionnaires. o Pages showing information. o Pages to search for information. o Overall management of news items. Delivery time: three months as from the date of signature of the current budget.
Storage space: Web space for storage (500 MB) FTP accounts. 500 e-mail addresses. Three MySQL databases. One Forum. One mailing list. 6 GB of monthly transfer capacity.
Communication Releasing ten news items per month, including photography, and production of new items. III) ACTIONS REGARDING PROMOTION AND OUTREACH RELATED TO THE STRATINC PROJECT’S STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM:WINE-NET MAGAZINE
The concept of the magazine stems from the idea of adapting the Portal’s image to the printed publication, and to adjust the publication’s format as described above. It will contain the information provided by the Consortium.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -23- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: The magazine will have a total of eight pages, including cover and back page, printed in colour (CMYK), or using four colours at most, on 170 gram shinny coated paper.
3000 copies will be printed every three months for each issue of the magazine. Of those, 500 will be distributed via a mailing list that includes all the postal addresses supplied by the Consortium, for recipients within Spain. The remainder (2500) will be delivered to the Consortium.
3.1.- THE MAGAZINE CONTENTS This first number are the following a) Greeting. b) Presentation of the entity. c) An internet platform on wine. d) Other Stratinc areas of application e) Internet platform contents f) Technical implementation of the project g) The company responsible for the work
The first number of the magazine WINE-NET, a publication that we hope to use as a vehicle to bring you all the latest developments in the world of wine. Our objective is to provide you with all the contents that are posted on the Platform or web site, as we are aware that, for one reason or another, not everyone in our target public has access to the Internet.
With this quarterly edition, we in the Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife, North Tenerife Association of Municipalities, and thanks to the Stratinc European project, would like to make a contribution to disseminating both domestic and international information on the wine growing industry, particularly about the technology used in this area.
In our pages, you will find reports, interviews and news of competitions, subsidies, training, developments, pests, gastronomy, wine cellars, studies, etc., and all so that farmers, technicians, businessmen, cellar owners and other professionals of the wine growing sector, and those interested in the industry,
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -24- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: have an up to the minute view. We hope that you will find Wine-net interesting, entertaining and, above all, useful.
This part is conceived for the purpose of promoting the entity. It starts with the following presentation:
“La Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife” (¨The North Tenerife Association of Municipalities) was founded in 1993 as an association of different municipal boroughs to work together in the solution of common problems and to improve the social and economic situation of the north of the island.
It is currently made up of nine municipalities: Buenavista del Norte, El Tanque, Garachico, Icod de los Vinos, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Ursula, La Victoria and La Matanza.
Other towns on the island also take part from time to time in certain joint programmes, without forming part of the Association. The Association is always open to any of these municipalities becoming a member or, if they prefer, to work together on a given programme.
Since the Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife was founded, it has sought to cover the needs that were outside the competence of each municipality, as well as promoting initiatives that would be difficult for individual local authorities to carry out on their own.
The services provided by the Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife include the design of action plans to improve the social and economic situation of the north of Tenerife with the implementation of common services and programmes, such as: training and computer literacy centres, equality, employment and self employment counselling, cultural programmes, communication, music, local development, etc.
The Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife is currently in the process of expansion. We continue to work on designing new targets and on broadening the range of public services we offer to improve the quality of life of our people.
The “Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife” is currently participating in the STRATINC European Project. This is a community initiative that forms part of
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -25- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: the “Interreg III-C: West” European programme. The aim of this plan is to implement technical modernization in a range of economic sectors, taking advantage of the emerging field of new information dissemination methods, which, in the case of Tenerife, will make it possible to create an Internet platform for disseminating technology related information in the wine growing sector and the benefits that can be derived from these new practices.
The basic idea consists of harnessing the technological developments that have appeared in recent years thanks to the scientific progress that has been made, especially in information technology, to apply these developments to key and fundamental sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, health or the textile industry, which will enable the people who work in these fields to discover the new techniques currently being applied in their field of work, and to get to know the machinery and other instruments that can improve the yield of their work.
In this project, the Mancomunicdad del Norte de Tenerife is working with other partners: the Regional Council of the Lorraine region of France; the Oslo Tecnopol, Norway; the Development Institute of Murcia; ZENIT, from Germany and the General Secretariat of the central region of Macedonia, in Greece.
Basically, STRATINC encompasses four sectors: the first is Agro-Industry (wine and juices); the second is the Wood sector; the third is Bio-Technology and the fourth sector is New Materials (textile industry, shoes and the garment industry).
Each partner will lead one or more of these areas, and will be the co-ordinator of this part of the project, and they will derive benefits from the areas in which they are not directly involved.
The Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife, together with INFO, Region of Murcia, is the leader of the first sector, i.e., Agro-Industry, placing special emphasis on the potential of new Technologies and their application in the wine growing and citric sectors.
The Mancomunidad del Norte has a budget of 146,027 euros for addressing this ambitious European project. 75% of this Money has been provided in subsidies from the European Regional Development Fund.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -26- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: The Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife is currently working on creating an Internet portal to provide more information about the world of wine, aimed at the wine growers of the new member municipalities.
This is the “Wine-net Wine Platform”,, parts of which are already accessible. This initiative is part of the European project STRATINC that this supra-municipal association is a partner to.
The intention of the web site is to act as a meeting point on the Internet for wine professionals of the region, promoting their wines over the Internet and promoting wine-related gastronomic tourism.
The portal will have two parts: a public part, with free access for all users, and a private part, with access restricted to those who have a password and prior authorization.
The “Wine-net wine platform” will be available in two languages: English and Spanish, and it will be divided into different sections. In the section on the Mancomunidad del Norte, there will be a brief description of this association, its functions, internet links and descriptions of the north of the island, the municipalities that form part of the association and of he Canary Islands.
Moreover, there will be a communication section, a highly dynamic space that will be continuously up-dated, providing a summary of all the latest developments in the sector. Basically, this will be structured around several sections, such as a section of technical articles, another one for news, reports, notice board, surveys and a forum.
Another of the web site sections will be devoted to the regulations and legislation covering the wine growing sector, with specific chapters on legislation, subsidies and grants, courses and interesting links.
There will also be a specific space for wine, with clear and concise information on the world of wines and everything to do with it, with the emphasis on the Regulating Councils, wine cellars and denominations of origin from the island of Tenerife.
Users will, of course, be able to contact the Portal by e-mail, apart from receiving a newsletter with all the latest details offered by the service.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -27- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: Given the volume and the variety of information to be posted, the project has opted for a technology that will provide greater agility and flexibility for the web site, which will make it possible to load the site very quickly. Furthermore, we are working on making the service compatible with as many of the existing Internet browsers as possible.
This is why we chose a direct layout in HTML (Hyper Text Mark up Language) format for the fixed part of the site, such as, for example, contact details and descriptions of the municipalities that are members of the Mancomunidad, as this programming language is very simple and allows hypertext descriptions, that is, text presented in an organised and pleasant manner, with links to other related documents and information sources, and with multi-media insertions (graphics, sound).
For the dynamic part of the site, the part that will change over time, we have opted for the PHP language and a MySQL data base manager for storing the Portal information, which will make an information search faster and more effective.
Finally, Macromedia Flash resources will be used for creating animations, making a visit to more fun.
The company OKODEX SOLUTIONS has been chosen to develop and maintain this web platform. Their attractive project offered both power and user friendliness, bearing in mind the sector the portal is aimed at.
The Basic idea that the Mancomunidad del Norte wanted to get across to Okodex Solutions was to create a platform that will feed not only off information from the conventional channels of journalism, but also from contributions from users. Using this approach, we have designed a site structure in which user participation is given priority; an open site in which anyone with anything to say will have a space to do so, but which, at the same time, acts as a shop window for official announcements and news of interest for the sector.
Apart from the portal design, Okodex Solutions is also responsible for creating the “Innovators’ Clubs”. Local companies are being surveyed to gain an insight into the needs of the professionals working in the wine sector in Tenerife. We also take the opportunity of these interviews to inform these companies of the advantages that will offer for their businesses: Providing a shop window on Internet for their wines, their own e-mail address, receive
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -28- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: interesting information and, at the same time, having the chance to express their views on events related to the world of wines.
The Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife has considered that not all users have the same access possibilities to the portal, due either to a lack of technical means or because of lack of know-how concerning the potential of the Internet. For this reason, we will provide support for users who require it with the “technological cupboards”.
Okodex Solution’s in-depth knowledge of Internet is the best possible guarantee to ensure the success of this project, which is to benefit the portal users. They are the real leading players of this project.
MANNORTE – Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife Tel.: +34 922 34 61 72 Calle San Agustín, 7 Fax: +34 922 34 34 29 -29- 38.410 Los Realejos (Spain) URL: