Beginning of Scene 1
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23 Heroes [email protected]
Beginning of Scene 1
INT-Maddy’s Room. Maddy, a 16-year-old redhead sits on her tan bedspread, with black headphones on. She pretends to bang on an imaginary pair of drums. Her best friend, a tall 18 years old named Chelsea. Chelsea watches her and laughs. Maddy takes off her headphones and grins.
CHELSEA Nothing, I’m just happy
MADDY Oh, maybe it has something to do with the fact Chandler asked you out?
CHELSEA Shut up!
Maddy jumps on the bed
MADDY Ha! It is! You’re blushing!
Suddenly the door BANGS open and Jordan, a jock 16 year old boy, and Drew a tall 14 year old boy with brown hair, and Chelsea’s brother, stand in the doorway. Jordan is carrying a paintball gun and Drew is carrying chest protectors. Maddy takes her headphones off.
MADDY Do I want to know?
JORDAN No, not really. I have unfinished business with someone
Maddy shrugs
MADDY Ok, sure. Have fun with that
Jordan shuts the door and Maddy smiles
CHELSEA Oh no, I know that look. I’m hiding the laptop.
MADDY No! Not if I get to it first!
Maddy chases Chelsea around her room before finally collapsing on the floor.
MADDY Fine, you win. Take the laptop. Ugh, I am out of shape.
CHELSEA Ha, see. No more songs. You need to stop for a while. MADDY The songstress must continue!
CHELSEA And you must get over your boy problems
MADDY Hard to do that when he’s the first guy you ever liked.
CHELSEA So? The best way to get over him is to stop.
Suddenly there is a loud CRASH downstairs. Chelsea jumps, and some dust rains down from the ceiling.
MADDY Either Jordan really isn’t happy, or someone is breaking in.
CHELSEA What do we do?
Suddenly Jordan and Drew burst in, and drop the paint gun, splattering it across Maddy’s walls.
What was THAT?
MADDY I don’t know, you tell me!
They rush downstairs, to find their parents gagged and men in tight black suits standing over them. They slowly step around the corner.
DREW Anybody got any genius ideas?
CHELSEA No. But I’m thinking we shouldn’t go over there. OH NO!
CHELSEA This cannot just be happening here. THEY COULD BE AT MADISON’S HOUSE!
MADDY We have to go over there. But how do we get out, and we have to make it fast.
JORDAN Motorcycles. Now!
MADDY Ok follow me now, out the back.
The four of them climb out the back and crawl through their childhood play place, a connection into the garage. They climb onto the motorcycles and Drew opens the side door. As he is about to open the garage door, the men, who have entered into the garage, grab him from behind. Maddy hurls a two by four at his head. It pokes the first man in the eye, and he drops Drew. Jordan looks at them, then at the garage door. He bursts through the side door, then takes out the fence and hurls onto the street. Maddy pounds the seat.
Drew hops onto the back and Maddy follows Jordan out. She zigzags through her street out onto the main road. Heading in the direction of Madison’s house, she looks around frantically for Jordan. Suddenly Jordan appears 3 cars ahead. She guns the motorcycle and follows after him. Drew suddenly whispers into her ear, “They’re coming!” she turns around for a second and sees a black car dodging around cars to get to them. She zips through three cars, passing Jordan. Drew flips him towards the right, indicating they should take the long way. They head towards the undeveloped part of their town, going through ranches and finally coming out onto Madison’s road. They reach her house and Jordan opens the garage door, and they put the motorcycles inside. Jordan shuts the garage door and makes his way inside. He makes the girls stop at the door, and he and Drew walk in. JORDAN Madison? Hey it’s your brother! Please tell me if you are okay.
Jordan waits ten seconds, and comes back out.
Something happened. Where could those men have taken them?
DREW Uh, wait. Is that Ben?
Ben cautiously steps out from the dark shadows. A small 10 years old with shaggy brown hair, he looks terrified as he inches toward Jordan. Drew steps forward.
DREW Ben, what happened? Is everyone okay?
BEN They are okay. They got to Emma’s house. But they left me. It was so scary. Men in black suits with masks on came in and they took our parents! They took our parents. We hid—
JORDAN Wait what? They went to Emma’s house? BEN Yes CHELSEA Ben, car keys…now. I know Madison gave them to you in times of emergencies.
BEN Fine, but I’m taking my ATV back to the house.
CHELSEA Do what you want, but I need to borrow your car. We need to get back, ASAP!
MADDY Speaking of the guests…GET DOWN!
Everyone screams and hits the floor as the front window shatters. Two hooded figures jump in, and Ben screams. Jordan claps a hand over his mouth and hauls him out to the garage. He pulls Chelsea and Maddy with him. Going back for Drew, he is grabbed behind by one of the hooded figures. He screams as his arms are pulled tighter and he is gagged with a blue cloth. Drew comes up out of the dark and punches the man in the face, then disintegrates into a blob of poison, encircling the intruder’s feet. The man drops Jordan and his feet shrivel up. Jordan looks at the ground, then up at Drew, who is shaking.
JORDAN You know, I would ask, but this day has been weird enough
DREW I don’t think I want to know anyways. Let’s go.
End of Scene 1
Beginning of Scene
EXT-Jordan’s garage.
Jordan nods and they run out to the garage. The car is already gone, and they take the motorcycles and race back towards Emma’s house, taking the main streets across town. As Drew cuts off a car, his motorcycle catches on fire. He removes his hands from the handlebars and the motorcycle starts to drift into the other lane. Jordan flips up his helmet.
Drew moves his motorcycle close to Jordan’s and jumps on. Jordan grabs his arm and pulls him up, dodging a Range Rover and taking a sharp right to Emma’s house. He pulls up to the house and they burst inside. Madison jumps up at them, fists bared. Jordan grins
JORDAN Put those away before you hurt yourself, little sister.
MADISON Shut up, that wasn’t funny! WE have been through more in the last hour than anyone has in their entire life!
JORDAN And that’s not my fault!!!!!!! Someone took our parents away, they took them all away!
Abby, a short skinny 12 year old red head, and Jacklyn, a tall brown haired 12 year old emerge in the room. Abby is holding an ice pack to one side of her face which is bruised and bleeding. Jacklyn is holding an ice pack to her elbow, which is bruised and puffy.
JORDAN WHOA! What happened here?!
JACKLYN We fell off the ATV’s coming back here, which sorry to say Ben (Looks at her brother.) Yours is sort of um, trashed.
BEN No! Come on I just got that for my birthday! I looked for that everywhere in the garage. WHY did you have to take it?!
JACKLYN Sorry, oh wait no, please don’t cry! JORDAN Hey Ben, it’s okay. You can have my old motorcycle.
BEN Thanks Jordan (Sniffles and Smiles.)
Suddenly Maddy pokes her head over the railing.
MADDY HURRY! Upstairs! We have found something!
Drew grabs Madison and Emma from the basement and they rush upstairs to Maddy’s room. Ben, Abby and Jacklyn are sitting in a circle around her bed, Jordan is in her big egg chair by the window and Chelsea is sitting on the bed next to her, reading a piece of paper. Chelsea is trying to make the words come out, but is stuttering. Tears are forming in the corners of her eyes.
JORDAN Please just read it!
MADDY My turn to read the paper.
Maddy takes the paper from Chelsea, pushes back her blue reading glasses and begins to read. MADDY Dear Kids.
BEN Wait who is it from?
MADDY Our parents, now no more interruptions!
JORDAN Yes m’am Mrs. Bossy.
Maddy picks up her Blue pillow and chucks it at his head.
MADDY Anyways…Dear Kids, by the time you read this, it may be too late. In case you have to find out this way, we are sorry and we hope you can forgive us. You may wonder why we never speak of our college years. These are the unspeakable times. And now it seems we have to tell you why.
EMMA Pause! This makes NO sense. What are we supposed to find out? Why can’t they talk about the college years with us? What happened?
MADISON THESE are the questions that puzzle us.
JORDAN Maybe if you would let Maddy finish, then we would have those questions answered!
MADDY (As she is reading, the camera fades out and back to 1987, telling the story.)
Thank you Jordan! Now…This story is going to be life changing for all of you, and we don’t know what your reactions would be. But please be there for the younger kids. On the night of May 24th 1987, we were heading to our college graduation in downtown Los Angeles. STYX was set to play at the Coliseum. We were beyond excited. But what we didn’t know was the plan of our fellow classmate, Valedictorian Reginald. K Arthur. He was brilliant, the best in our class. And he was scheming that night, to take some humans away for “experiments” we found out later all he wanted was their DNA so he could move to another planet and create his own version of earth. While they were running sound check, he put toxic chemicals into the fog machines, enough to knock a person out for several days at a time. When they started playing their first song, the fog machines turned on. The toxic chemicals raced out, knocking out everyone in the first few rows. We were in the 6th row, but somehow it didn’t affect any of us. We knew what was going on, that there was something wrong, but we didn’t know who was behind it. So we ran as fast and as quickly as we could out of the stadium. We didn’t even stop to breathe until we reached Bryan’s apartment. We inspected every inch of each other, but found nothing wrong. So we departed and went home safe, ready to begin our new lives after college. But what we didn’t know was that Reginald had followed us out of the stadium, and permanently put us on his radar. He-
As she is reading, Jordan slides her computer off her bed, sits back down and begins typing furiously.
MADDY He installed a tracking device we found later on Bryan’s, Jon’s and Glenda’s car. So he could follow us any time anywhere, where eventually, it led to him finding out a secret we didn’t know anything about. 2 months after graduation, we were at Paul’s apartment complex, having a party. Madison and Jordan, you should know your dad was the first to find out about this.
BEN I really hope we get to the point of the story before I turn 80.
MADDY Me too. Anyways, your dad went to lift up the corner of a couch. It came off the ground, light as a feather. It was then we discovered that the chemicals had given us super human powers. This happened to all of us. But when we discovered this, it was too late. Reginald had tracked us down and was waiting outside the window. We had to get out of there. We quickly split up and half of us moved out to Los Angeles and half of us moved to New York, all in a matter of two months. Eventually we all got married and you guys were born. We were shocked to discover you were born with superpowers too. This explains why you have lived a sheltered life. Because when we were around you, your powers were cancelled out. If you are reading this letter, it means Reginald has found us, just as he has threatened to do for the past 18 years. I wish you well and I hope you will make the right choices with the powers. You have friends in Los Angeles you have never known about who are ready and willing to back you up. Call on them whenever you need. We love you and you are superstars. Love, You’re Parents.
Maddy finishes reading the letter and takes a sip from the drink on her bedside table, she looks around at everyone, who is staring openmouthed, at Ben who is floating ten inches off the ground.
MADISON Now we know what Ben’s super power is.
BEN THIS IS EPIC! JORDAN Do us a favor and sit down; I have something to show you guys.
MADDY How did you get the computer way over there?
JORDAN Easy. Now ladies and gentlemen, please turn around and look at the projection screen to the right of you.
Everyone turns to the right, where Jordan is showing a picture of a middle aged man scowling at the camera.
CHELSEA Your point is?
JORDAN My point is, that is Reginald. He has been housed at the Howard Detention Center since 1999.
CHELSEA Yeah I don’t think so. Read down.
Jordan starts to read, then blushes JORDAN And he also broke out of jail in 2006, and no one has seen him since
EMMA How much do you want to bet that the men who took our parents are working for Reginald?
CHELSEA It does make so much sense. No one has seen him since. But how would he track our parents down? It makes no sense.
MADDY Facebook, Twitter? It’s really not that hard.
CHELSEA Oh how I love social networking. So what do we do? Nicole and Lexie will be back from their 4 day trip to the lake soon. We have to tell them!
JACKLYN They have already figured it out, trust me. Lexie’s superpower is Hypnotism, and Nicole can morph into any animal she desires.
BEN And your power now is that you know it all now.
JACKLYN Hey! I do! You ate the last cookie out of the cookie jar yesterday.
BEN No! Not true.
MADDY The last thing we need is fighting! Okay here is what we have to do. We have to get our parents back! And we should get in touch with these mysterious people in Los Angeles. They could help.
JORDAN There is a big problem with that. One, we don’t know where they are, and we don’t know where to start! And two, the parents didn’t tell us who they were, those people in Los Angeles. We are stuck! And what will we do about school?
CHELSEA Here is what we do. We have close to a month left of school before I graduate. But now with this, I don’t plan on leaving right away to go to Connecticut like I was. I can even take a semester off if I want. This is so much more important. Jordan, Maddy and I can drive. We will take you guys to school. But first, we have to split Jacklyn, Ben and Nicole up into our houses.
ABBY How about we take Nicole in? (Looks at Maddy.) Please?
MADDY Sure. And Jacklyn and Ben can stay with Chelsea, Drew and Lexie. Is that okay with you?
CHELSEA Sure, I don’t see why not.
MADDY Okay then, it’s settled. I’m pretty sure. (Looks at watch, then at Chelsea.) That you have to go pick them up.
CHELSEA You know, that could help. I’ll see you all later. I plan on having your guys’ house partially vacated out by tonight. I better get some help.
Maddy reaches up and tosses Chelsea her car keys, then turns to Jacklyn and Ben.
MADDY Are you ready to move out?
JACKLYN Yes. Come on; let’s go to our house now.
MADDY Bye guys!
Beginning of Scene 3
INT-New York High School, 1pm.
Chelsea is sitting in science class, writing in her journal. She breathes on the glass she is sitting next to, and then draws a sad face. Her teacher, Mrs. Ramirez a short round little women with gray hair and glasses, starts speaking to the class.
MRS. RAMIREZ Seniors. (Pauses.) I am looking forward to watching you graduate tomorrow. I know what each and every one of you will choose to be successful. I know this past month has gone by so fast, but I just wanted to let you know I will be sad to see you go. I will miss you. But first, I would like to honor our Valedictorian and the ONLY senior to be awarded a women’s basketball scholarship to UCONN, Chelsea!
Everyone starts applauding Chelsea and she smiles halfheartedly. When class is over, she trudges down the two flights of stairs to her locker and opens it. She pauses and stares at all the pictures that have documented the past ten years of her life, from her as a smiling 8 year old to being lifted onto the shoulders of her teammates last year as they celebrated their state championship win. She reaches into her backpack and opens up an envelope, then starts neatly placing them into the envelope. She cleans out her locker, and then shuts it for the last time. She abruptly turns around and finds Maddy smiling at her, holding the car keys and a 20 dollar bill.
CHELSEA What do you want? MADDY Huh? Are you okay?
CHELSEA No I’m not actually! You know, I gave up my college dreams for this, and it sucks because we haven’t gotten anywhere. This past month has been a waste of time! You know this as well as I do that we are no closer to finding them than we were in April! I cannot believe this.
Maddy grows quiet.
MADDY Well if you feel that way, fine, nothing is stopping you from leaving us and going to UCONN. We will miss you, but it’s got to be what makes you happy. I’ll see you later.
Maddy turns around and trudges off down the hallway, then out the door and to her car. Chelsea sighs, and collapses against the locker. Tears come out of her eyes and she looks up at the sky.
CHELSEA Mom, what would you do? I need to know. These are my dreams. This is the rest of my life.
Chelsea picks herself up and walks out to her car. Later that night, Madison and Emma are lying on their backs, looking up at the sky. Madison sneezes and turns to Emma.
MADISON Last day of Middle school, can you believe it? Next year we will be freshman. Ruling the halls with an iron fist, yeah that sounds about right.
EMMA Or getting pushed around by the seniors who are 3 xs bigger than you. Not to mention the juniors and sophomores.
MADISON Ah fine, but I can dream!
EMMA Dream away.
MADISON I cannot believe it has been a whole month of school and we still haven’t gotten any closer to finding our parents.
EMMA I know. That was so stupid to go to the Howard Center. We almost had it! I could tell the prison guards knew.
MADISON Maybe Reginald hypnotized them!!! EMMA Yeah, right. It worked, until Nicole decided to grow a tiger tail, and oops we had to leave.
MADISON Yeah, and it stayed.
EMMA Well, you know what we haven’t done?
MADISON What’s that?
EMMA WE haven’t looked up the phone numbers!
MADISON You are right! I got numbers, you get face book, and we will both do yearbook!
EMMA Sure captain, let’s go.
The two girls pull each other up, and open the sliding door back into their house, finding Drew sitting on the kitchen table, meditating. Madison raises her eyebrows.
MADISON A, How did you get into my house? B, Why are you here?
Drew slides off the table, landing on the floor. He takes off his shoes and throws them aside, almost hitting a vase. Emma lunges for it and grabs it.
DREW A, Your brother! B, because I can’t go back to my house, or yours for that matter! (Points at Emma.)
EMMA Why, may I ask?
DREW Because your sister made my sister mad.
MADISON Oh I heard about that!
DREW You’re not talking in this. She wanted to go out to lunch or something, and my sister blew up on her, which I don’t blame her! She wants to live her life and go to UCONN, not here! She thinks this is a waste of time.
MADISON So you uh, came over here just to sit on my kitchen table, just to tell me that? And I’m pretty sure Chelsea is okay with this. She agreed to give up UCONN!
EMMA No, it’s quite okay. Keep going Madison. You are making a good argument of this!
MADISON Thanks Emma! Anyways, we need to get them to make up! No talking at all??
DREW None! They are both sitting in their houses steaming.
EMMA Well, that’s great. Right now, we are people finding.
DREW I wanna help people find!
MADISON No, go back to your casa and get your stuff. You’re staying here tonight.
MADISON Because I said, please go. I don’t want you to have to deal with this.
Drew leaves and they run up the creaky stairs to Jordan’s room. They burst in, looking around at his full size bed, his array of clothes and his two chairs. Madison kicks the POWER button with her foot and the computer revs to life. Emma pulls up the chairs and Madison gives her brothers room a disgusted look.
MADISON My brother is just a work of art ain’t he! Hey can you get us two sodas and my mom and dad’s cell phone? Then use yours to text Drew and tell him to bring the cell phones.
EMMA Sure, but wouldn’t one phone be enough?
MADISON You never know with people these days. They may have lost contact and don’t know anyone!
Emma sighs and runs off.
End of scene 3
Beginning of scene 4
INT-Embassy Suites Hotel Los Angeles, California 9pm
Courtney, a short 18 years old girl with medium length hair and freckles, sits in a chair around her teammates. It is the end of the Soccer season, and her team is celebrating their 2nd state championship win. She is dressed in a black sundress, and her hair is curled. She turns and looks at her sister, Kaitlyn, who is texting under the table. Her brother Daniel is running his hand over his short blond hair, awkwardly looking at the adults around them. Feeling sorry for them, she turns her attention back to the screen. Her picture is flashing on the screen, saving the goal that could have cost them the championship. Her coach calls her name, and she smiles and stands up, accepting the MVP of the Class 6 State Championship soccer cup. She holds the trophy, smiling for pictures and her teammates circle around them. She looks out at her brother and sister who are smiling at her and feels a pang of sadness, missing her parents. After the banquet, she heads out with her brother and sister to the car. She climbs into the driver’s seat, backing out. Kaitlyn looks at her halfway through the drive.
COURTNEY If you are asking there is nothing wrong with me!
KAITLYN Stop lying. Ever since our parents were taken away, you have been a wreck! Everyone can tell. Stop lying.
COURTNEY You said that twice. I am fine! I just can’t shake the feeling that there are some other people out there with the same situation!
DANIEL Maybe there is and maybe there isn’t! But we have to focus on finding our parents.
There is a sharp bang, and Kaitlyn stiffens. She turns around and glares at her brother, who is now missing an arm.
KAITLYN There is a need to make your arm explode because?
DANIEL It’s fun! (Grins)
Kaitlyn raises her eyebrows and turns to the front. Courtney honks at a car in front of her, looking irritated. Suddenly Daniel’s phone buzzes, and he plugs it into a cord connected to the car. Reaching forward, he turns a small silver screen on. Tanner, a skinny 13 year old, sticks his face into the screen. His brown hair flops over his eyes, and he pokes the camera.
COURTNEY Tanner, you’re on. What’s up?
TANNER Meeting at Gabe’s house in twenty minutes!
COURTNEY That’s nice. Is your brother at home?
TANNER No, I need a ride. So does Hayden. COURTNEY Okay, we are going to pick you up at 9:30pm. Why does Gabe want to call a meeting?
TANNER Don’t ask me. Ok bye!
The screen goes black and Daniel unplugs his phone. Courtney gets onto the freeway and drives across town to Tanner’s house. She stops in front of a three story mansion. Honking the horn, Kaitlyn rolls down the window. Two seconds later, two boys run outside, lock the front door and jump into the car. Hayden, Tanner’s younger brother, a tall blonde ten year old, slides in next to Daniel, banging his feet on the seat. Daniel smiles as Tanner climbs in and shuts the door.
HAYDEN Wait, take us out to eat!!!!
COURTNEY Where? And Why?
HAYDEN Somewhere good! Because Jake didn’t feed us before he left for baseball!
COURTNEY Fine. Daniel, call Gabe and tell him we will be five minutes late.
DANIEL Sure thing.
Courtney starts the car up and drives to Rubio’s. She buys for everyone, and heads over to Gabe’s. Parking her car in the driveway, everyone climbs out and walks up to the wooden door. Hayden knocks on it, and it is opened by Alex, Gabe’s younger sister. She is 14 years old, has long brown hair and is wearing skinny jeans and a long sleeved blue t-shirt. She smiles at them.
ALEX Hey guys! Come in. You know where everything is.
She holds the door open for everyone as they walk in, and runs into her brother’s room, banging on the door. Megan, Gabe’s best friend raises her head from the computer screen. Her hair is tied in a tight knot and she is dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt
ALEX Come on, come on! Everyone is here!!!
MEGAN Gabe and I will be coming in two minutes!
Alex nods and runs into her sister’s room, alerting her to come. She makes her way into the living room, and sits down. Gabe, a tall muscular 17 years old, makes his way into the room, sitting down next to Megan. Everyone sits around him, on the couch, on the floor, and leaning against each other on the chairs.
KAITLYN So you called us over here for what?
GABE I think we may have found people who randomly know us!
DANIEL What do you mean, they know us? How do they know us?
MEGAN Some people in upstate New York contacted us, saying our parents were friends.
COURTNEY What are their names?
GABE Madison, Emma, and Drew.
MEGAN Yes! They say they know our entire life story!
ALEX I am putting them on the TV, so we can Skype each other. Alex climbs behind the fireplace, and plugs cords together, when she is done, Madison, Emma and Drew’s faces flash on the screen. Everyone raises their eyebrows.
MADISON Oh my gosh! Hi! Hi!
ALEX Who are you?
MADISON We come in pieces! She and Emma crack up.
DANIEL Uh, huh. Could you please not use corny jokes?
DREW Excuse them. I’m Drew, that’s Emma, and that’s Madison. Our parents left you to contact in case of emergency. They were friends with your parents in college. I’m assuming they have been taken away too?
COURTNEY Yeah, they have. But what do you have anything to do with it? We don’t know why they were taken.
DREW We have a letter explaining everything. Our parents were on top of things.
TANNER Watch it.
DREW We come in Peace. We are from New York. It says on here you guys live in Los Angeles? How cool is that? Do you see celebrities?!
MEGAN No. And this is just too weird!
Megan tears the remote out of Alex’s hands, and turns of the TV. Everyone looks at her.
HAYDEN What did you do that for?
MEGAN I don’t appreciate being creeped on. They know too much about us, and we don’t know anything about them!
ALEX Well, they might be the answer.
MEGAN Whatever. I still don’t trust them. But we have to go now. It’s a school night.
GABE Yes, mother. Come on guys, listen to Mother Goose.
MEGAN Ha, not funny! I have to go pick up Dillon and Aryn.
She picks up her bag and storms out the door.
GABE Let’s just call it a night. See you tomorrow.
Everyone departs.
End of Scene 4
Beginning of Scene
EXT-Rolling Hills elementary school New York, New York 1pm
It is recess time at Rolling Hills Elementary School. The kids play on the west side of the one story gray school. Jacklyn, Abby and Nicole and Lexie sit under the mural near the entrance, talking and eating lemon drops Abby bought.
NICOLE I wish we really had the same schedule the older kids do. I hate being in school a week longer!
JACKLYN Agreed. Now the only good thing is that we get to take the motorcycles to school every day during this week. ABBY Are you guys ok? I mean with losing our parents and all?
LEXIE No, but I am thankful we have our older siblings to take care of us.
NICOLE Here comes the wicked witch of the sixth grade.
Nicole groans and leans her head against the wall, shielding her eyes as Lauren and her posse approach. They are all wearing pink dresses, except for Lauren who has a red dress on. Lauren, a blonde girl with sharp blue eyes and high cheekbones, starts to scowl when Nicole interrupts.
NICOLE My eyes, my eyes! The sparkle blinds my eyes!
LAUREN Good. That’s the effect they should have on people.
JACKLYN No, she means that they are hideously blinding. Lexie high-fives Jacklyn and they turn back to Lauren.
LAUREN So Abby, I’m hearing you’re going to enter in the Turtle-Geek contest?
ABBY Yeah, can I use your face as an example?
Nicole cracks up, and the girls turn on their heels and walk away. The girls head into the building for lunch.
End of Scene 5 Beginning of scene 6
INT-Maddy’s room.
Maddy is sitting on her bed, pretending to play the drums and then looks around her and sadly stops. She lies on her bed with her feet up in the air, and sadly looks around. She looks up to see Chelsea standing in the door.
Chelsea smiles.
CHELSEA I remember a time when two best friends used to rock out in here. They were 8 years old and could be anything they wanted. They wanted to be superheroes, to be princesses, cowboys, Indians, rock stars.
MADDY Yeah, but that was awhile ago. One best friend is mad at the other now.
CHELSEA Yeah that’s true. But she isn’t anymore. She told the headmaster of UCONN, some other time and left. She may have just given up on her dream, but her friends will always more important. Now they are really superheroes. And she is committed to finding the parents and taking down the evil man.
Maddy slowly grins and they hug each other. They sit side by side on the bed, and grin and talk.
INT-Beethoven’s Pub, downtown New York. 11pm
The Pub is home to a few stragglers and a music player. The two bartenders sit at their stools, lazily flipping their rags in the air. One man comes into the bar, wearing a dark cloak over his head. He pulls out a gnarly hand from his sleeve and knocks on the wood.
MAN BARTENDER! Get me some scotch on the rocks now!
The bartender snaps to attention and immediately pours the man some. The drink disappears into the shadow of his face. He sighs and sips the drink.
MAN Ah, it’s been so long since I’ve had that delicious drink! Like smooth cherries.
BARTENDER Why? What was the reason that you haven’t had it?
The man suddenly grabs the bartender by the collar and whips his hood off, revealing a wrinkled face. The bartender grimaces.
MAN You do not ask questions to me! You do not speak to me! And you do not look at me! I am Reginald, and I am after kids that will destroy me and my plans to rule the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bartender backs away and runs into the back, taking his co-workers with him. Reginald whirls around, snapping at everyone who looks at them. Then he puts his hood back on and storms out of the pub.
Near Times square, downtown New York, 11pm.
Jordan and Drew make their way down the street, looking around for somewhere to stop. Jordan is wearing gray sweats and a black sweatshirt and Drew has on Jeans and a prep shirt. They cross the street in front of Beethoven’s pub, and Jordan jokingly lifts a sign out of the ground, showing of his super strength. As Reginald is walking out, he happens to notice them. He raises his eyebrows and walks over to them, smiling. He watches Jordan put the sign back in the ground and taps Drew on the shoulder. Drew turns around, and frowns.
REGINALD Hello sir, what great strength you have! Where did your friend get it from?
DREW Uh, sorry. No me speako Engliseeee
Reginald bares his fists, and then takes a breath, before speaking again.
REGINALD That’s still pretty impressive! It’s almost as if you had superpowers! Where are your parents?
JORDAN Oh, they’re gone. They’re on vacation.
DREW But can you keep a secret?
Reginald grins and nods, rubbing his hands together. Drew and Jordan look at each other, nod and Jordan turns to the man. JORDAN We are superheroes actually. We don’t know how or why we got them, but we have them. Now don’t tell anyone, promise?
REGINALD Oh no, don’t worry. I promise!
Jordan and Drew smile and walk on to a smoothie bar, and head back to their car, cutting through a construction site to save time. As they climb in and Drew shuts the door, Jordan rests his head against the wheel.
JORDAN That was stupid.
DREW What was?
JORDAN Telling him, because he looked almost happy to know that.
DREW Yeah I saw that look on his face. But maybe he’s just grateful to meet the last of our kind! JORDAN I don’t think so, I just don’t know about him! I’m getting a bad feeling. Jordan gets on the freeway and drives down towards the direction of their town. Fifteen minutes into their drive, Drew climbs into the backseat and opens the door of the trunk, looking for his hockey stick.
DREW Hey Jordan, is my hockey stick in here?
JORDAN Yeah, it still should be, from when I dropped you off at practice Tuesday night.
DREW Are you sure? I don’t think it is-AAAHHHHHH!
Drew jumps back, and slams the door shut.
JORDAN What was that?
DREW It was a hand! It grabbed me and tried to pull me in!
JORDAN Are you sure? I don’t remember putting a hand in there.
Jordan starts laughing DREW This isn’t funny! We’ve known each other for 14 years, do you really think I would lie? JORDAN Ugh, no fine I’ll pull over.
Jordan gets of the freeway and stops in front of a gas station. He and Drew climb out and stand in front of the trunk, Jordan’s hands shaking.
DREW What should we do?
JORDAN You know, we could start by opening it!
Drew nods and grabs a rock from the roadside. He comes back and aims it at the car while Jordan pries it open. Inside the trunk, next to Drew’s hockey bag, is a man in a black suit, lying still.
DREW That’s just like the man who took our parents!
At the sound of Drew’s voice, the man jumps and slams Drew’s neck onto the ground. Drew cries out as he struggles to get free. Jordan jumps on the man, flings him off and pulls Drew up. The man lies on the ground, and Jordan stands over him.
JORDAN Not so tough are you now that we have you cornered? The man doesn’t speak, and Jordan prods him with his foot.
JORDAN You want to answer me?
The man stands up and puts his hands up.
MAN Don’t look at me, Reginald made me do it! I swear, please don’t hurt me!
JORDAN Reginald you say? And how does this Reginald know us?
MAN He had a conversation with some boys, who look just like you, not even a half hour ago.
Drew’s eyes go wide as the man grins, his yellow teeth glowing in the dark night.
MAN So it is you? Well he will be most certainly pleased when I bring you in!!
JORDAN Don’t think so. Lights out for you.
Jordan PUNCHES the man in the face, sending him to the ground. He and Drew scramble to get back in the car. Jordan turns around and sneaks quickly back onto the OFF ramp, speeding down the freeway. He stops at Drew’s house, then to his own, where he bangs open the front door.
JORDAN Madison?! Where are you?!
After hearing no answer, he whips out his cell phone and dials her up. She answers, and he begins talking.
MADISON Hello? Jordan? Where are you?
JORDAN I’m at home. Where are you!
MADISON I’m at Chelsea’s. What happened?!
JORDAN Reginald discovered us. Dang it, I was just over there! I just dropped Drew off?
MADISON Oh yeah you did, well he is just sitting in front of the TV. Well!
JORDAN Well what?!
MADISON How did he discover you? How was it, was it cool?
JORDAN You are unbelievable! We could have been KILLED and all you ask is how COOL it was?! Come ON.
Madison hangs up the phone and Jordan collapses onto the couch, massaging his temples.
INT-Abandoned warehouse.
The scene opens on an abandoned warehouse, around 9pm. No one is around, but there is a light shining from the warehouse. Inside sits Reginald, speaking to a group of about 7 or 8 men in black. He claps his hands together and grins like a little boy in a candy shop.
REGINALD Two weeks ago, we caught our pray. Oh yes, like a deer in the headlight, we caught two of them.
The men cheer, but Reginald quiets them.
REGINALD Tomorrow, we will try PLAN A! I will call the police and give them the information of the whereabouts of the first boy. My wonderful sidekick followed him home and got the address of the boy. Three cheers for Luther!
REGINALDS MEN Hooray Luther! Hooray!
LUTHER Thank you, but what will we charge them for?
REGINALD Oh trust me, I have many……ideas. MUA HA HA HA HA!
EXT-Watertown Community Pool
Ben and his friends Liam and Lucas are at the pool, swimming. Liam is a small skinny 10 year old, dressed in blue swim trunks. Lucas is taller than Ben, dressed in a wetsuit. Ben is wearing orange board shorts and the three boys are splashing around in the pool and playing. Suddenly, Ben is pulled underwater. He kicks and pulls at his attacker, and is not allowed breathing room until he is lying in a chair. He shakes water out of his ear and opens his eyes. Jacklyn stands before him, gathering their towels and clothes into a bag.
BEN Hey, what’s the big idea?!
JACKLYN My phone just rang. We need to get to Jordan’s house, now.
BEN Why?
JACKLYN His house is being broken into. Everyone else is on their way, or probably all ready there
BEN But I can stay, if everyone else is there! Come ON Jacklyn, I want to stay and play with my friends!
JACKLYN Are you serious?! Dude, now! He’s your brother!
BEN Like a brother you mean. But what are the means of transportation?
5 minutes later, Ben groans as he carries Jacklyn in the air, flying higher so passerby below don’t spot them BEN This backpack weighs a ton! Why don’t you carry it?
JACKLYN Because I don’t feel like it! I hope no one sees us! Here, maybe I can be an airplane.
She spreads her arms out, and Ben rolls his eyes
BEN Ha, very fun—AAAAHH!
They are nearing Jordan’s house and two masked figures on jetpacks swoop in on either side.
BEN Jacklyn, you have to trust me! I’m going to drop you into Jordan’s pool and I’ll come down later!
Ben drops down to a lower altitude level and let’s go of Jacklyn. She drops into the pool, creating a huge ripple, taking off her shoes and jacket. Ben flies down to the front door, already smashed and throws the backpack aside. He looks around for the men who had been following him earlier, but doesn’t find them. Inside, he sees two CIA agents handcuffing Jordan, who is on the ground. Chelsea, Maddy, Emma, Madison and Drew sit pinned on the couch, finding no sign of Abby, Jacklyn, Lexie or Nicole. Ben walks up to the first CIA officer who has Jordan’s hands. Emma starts to warn him, but Ben taps him on the shoulder.
BEN YO! Dude, what’s the big idea?
CIA AGENT #1 This minor is arrested for mental instability and for stealing $500 dollars worth of technology.
DREW That’s a ridiculous accusation!
He is muffled by a third CIA agent. They shove Ben aside and haul Jordan out. The door SLAMS, breaking the glass. The house goes quiet. Ben is still on the floor, shaking. He and Maddy get up and look out the broken window. Their street is quiet, as if no one had been there. They turn around to look at Chelsea, Drew, Emma and Madison. They have tears running down their faces and Madison is holding her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth. Maddy sinks to the floor and Ben stands looking at everyone else.
BEN What are you guys doing?
EMMA It’s called giving up Ben. Have you ever heard of it? It means— BEN Yeah I know what it means. But I didn’t think we were ever capable of that.
MADISON We’re just kids. Kids can’t break my brother out of jail. Kids can’t find our parents! Kids just cannot do it anymore!
They are interrupted as Nicole walks in, followed by Abby, Jacklyn who is wrapped in a towel and shivering and Lexie.
LEXIE Look at how far we came. It’s been 3 months and we are still surviving! Madison I don’t know about you but I believe we can do anything NICOLE And whether or not you want to help us, we are going to break Jordan out.
DREW Well you won’t be doing it alone
JACKLYN What do you mean?
DREW We are going to help.
CHELSEA Well how do we start? MADDY Getting a hold of those people Drew talked to a week ago, but ended up creeping them out. (Shoots Drew a look.)
DREW Hey, they were blinded by my good looks. Flashes a movie star grin.
NICOLE Yeah if you ever grin like that again, you’re going to be chasing people away from you.
Drew rolls his eyes and Chelsea stands up.
CHELSEA So we get Jordan out of jail, how?
EMMA I know how. But we are going to need some disguises. What we need to do is dress up as inspectors, and go into the prison center. From there, we will ask for Jordan’s information and where he is being held. Then, we plan a late-night break in to the center and Bam! Jordan is out.
CHELSEA Sorry it doesn’t exactly work that way. We need to break through the prison security first.
MADDY We will sleep on it, how does that sound?
CHELSEA Good. Everyone be here tomorrow.
End of scene 8
Beginning of Scene 9
EXT-Outside Jake’s house, Noon
Jake, a stocky 16 year old, sits on his front steps, tossing a baseball up in the air and catches it. He does this about 5 more times before Hayden, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, runs out and jumps on his back. Standing up, Jake spins Hayden around once before setting him down. Hayden sits down next to him and Jake puts his head in his hands.
HAYDEN What’s wrong? JAKE Nothing, I’m fine.
HAYDEN No, you are not. You came home from Dillon’s house last night looking really worried!
JAKE Gabe is in the police custody, on his way to New York.
HAYDEN Why? He didn’t do anything!
JAKE I know! But we have no evidence, and no money to get him out!
HAYDEN What are we going to do?
JAKE I wish I knew. But in the end, he will end up staying there.
HAYDEN We’ve got to do something!
Suddenly Tanner, hair wet and wearing swim trunks, rushes out with Jakes phone in his hand, slamming the door shut. It is playing the ringtone “That’s all she wrote” By T.I. featuring Eminem and Megan’s picture is flashing on the screen, her hair long and straight and her eyes wide. Jake flips it open and begins to talk.
JAKE Hello?
MEGAN Jake. Okay you’ve got to start packing as soon as you get off the phone with me. Get Tanner and Hayden packing too.
JAKE Why? MEGAN Because! We are going to New York. We are going to get Gabe out.
JAKE Since when?!
MEGAN Since now! Alex got in touch with those people last night Aryn told you about. They are going to let us stay and they will help us break out Gabe too as someone of their friends is in police custody too.
JAKE That’s great! But who is going to take care of Bosco and Cloe?
MEGAN Bring them! Dillon is bringing Bandit.
JAKE Yes. A 1000 mile plus trip with two howling dogs in the car, that’s totally my kind of trip.
MEGAN (laughs.) Just get packing! Olivia and Aryn are going to come by in a bit and hang, I think.
JAKE Alright. Bye Jake hangs up the phone and turns to Tanner.
JAKE We have to go inside and get packed now. And drain out the rest of the savings. We have a trip to start on early tomorrow.
TANNER We are going to bust Gabe out?
JAKE Exactly, can you take Hayden on your motorcycle? Both of you go to the store and buy food, along with dog food. Bring the credit card. Then come back and pack.
TANNER Got it. Bye!
Tanner and Hayden run into the house and Jake calls Dillon. Dillon answers the phone, his mouth full.
JAKE Hey man. Are you packed up yet?
DILLON I almost am. Matt and I went on a burrito run. I’ll be back and fifteen minutes. Want anything?
JAKE Yeah. Chicken, Rice and Beans, with a large drink, okay? DILLON Got you.
Jake hangs up the phone and walks back inside. He walks up to his parent’s room, down a long hallway and into their room which is the size of the entire downstairs floor and drags three huge suitcases out, dropping one into Tanner’s room, one in Hayden’s and one in his. He checks his calendar, then calls Megan back.
MEGAN What’s up?
JAKE We are not leaving until later tomorrow night. Dillon and I have to play in the 18U Exhibition game.
MEGAN Alright, fine. But we are leaving after that.
Jake hangs up the phone and pulls clothes out. He packs 8 days worth of clothes and then puts his baseball uniform on top. He puts his toothbrush, toothpaste and everything else in, then sits on his suitcase. He pauses to look at the picture of him and Gabe smiling and shakes his head. He zips his suitcase shut and walks downstairs into his indoor batting cage. He turns on the monitor, starts the pitching machine and begins hitting. A half hour later, Aryn and Olivia walk down, pressing their faces into the cage door. Aryn, a 16 year old girl with shoulder length curly hair, watches Jake strike out and comments on his hitting while Olivia laughs. Jake stops and walks over to the door.
JAKE You think that’s really funny? OUCH!
He pauses as a baseball hits him in the back, then carefully steps around the machines target zone and turns it off. Olivia opens the cage door, and steps in, just as Jake warns her, and she ducks, avoiding a stray fastball.
OLIVIA You need to fix that.
JAKE Yeah I know. See my brothers?
OLIVIA No. Are you ready to go?
JAKE Yea, but baseball game first, and then trip. What’s the plan?
ARYN We are planning to drive all the way to Topeka, Kansas, stay in a hotel, and then hit up Detroit for a night before we drive to Philly and then to New York
JAKE Why all the way to Kansas the first night?
ARYN Because it saves money, driving and not spending 500 a night. We aren’t rich like some people.
JAKE You know I’ll offer money whenever you need it.
ARYN I’ll only accept it for as much food as possible. JAKE So I suppose you raided my fridge already?
ARYN Given, there is good food in there.
JAKE Ok, now run the pitching machine so I can practice catching.
Aryn walks over to the machine while Jake puts his catchers gear on. She turns the machine on and Jake goes into a catcher’s stance and Aryn directs the pitching machine to shoot balls all over the place, while Jake moves around to catch everyone. When the machine is empty, Olivia starts picking it up. Jake leans against the cage, takes off his mask and sighs. Aryn walks over to him.
ARYN What’s wrong?
JAKE I don’t know about this. We could be killed if we cross paths with the wrong people while trying to free Gabe.
ARYN Relax, will you?
JAKE How can I? This has been the longest two months of my life.
ARYN Hey. Jake, Hey. Look at me.
Jake looks at her, and she smiles.
ARYN We are going to be okay, trust me. We have superpowers, we can defeat anything, this is going to be alright.
JAKE Alright.
ARYN I’m going to head home, come on Olivia. See you at the game tomorrow.
Jake nods and she and Olivia take the elevator up to the main floor. He packs his baseball bag, and brings it upstairs, pausing to look around at the basement one last time. He is interrupted by Tanner who is sitting on the stairs, eating a bag of goldfish.
TANNER What’s a matter? It looks like you’re sad. It’s not like we are going to leave this place forever. We will be back soon.
JAKE You never know.
EXT-Los Alamos High School Baseball Field, Day
The Baseball field sits behind the two story rectangular school, a long drive up a winding hill to a small parking lot. The Baseball diamond has 4 rows of bleachers around it, with a STATE CHAMPIONS banner hanging on the press box. The Los Alamos baseball team warms up on their side of the field, while the 18U national baseball team is on the other side in the Visitors’ dugout. JT Smith, a lanky 17 year old boy with shaggy brown hair, and a missing tooth, glares at Jake and Dillon as they warm up. He pauses to watch, and his best friend, Ryan Matherson, comes up to watch him
JT I can’t believe they joined that team, TRAITORS!!!!!!!!
Ryan shrugs and continues to warm up in the bullpen. A muscular guy, he can throw in the high 60’s.
RYAN It’s okay. Today will be the last day they ever step foot on the baseball field here.
JT grins and they head into their teams dugout, decked in their school colors, Silver and Green. The bleachers begin to fill up on the 18U teams side, but the Los Alamos side only has a few parents and students who look like they’d rather be elsewhere. A shiny new Toyota Avalon pulls up and Alex steps out, wearing sunglasses and a Green sweatshirt. She shuts the car and walks over to the stands, where Megan, Courtney, Kaitlyn, Daniel, Olivia, Aryn, Tanner and Hayden sit. Courtney eyes her.
COURTNEY Really Alex? You had to show up in the high school colors?
ALEX Big deal, you guys know who I want to win, it doesn’t matter.
She sighs and Daniel gets up to get a hotdog.
EXT-Los Alamos High School, Day
It is the fifth inning of the game, and the score is tied 6-6. Jake is behind the plate, giving Dillon some much needed relief. Dillon is standing in the dugout, cheering when JT stands in the batter’s box. JT looks down at Jake and grins menacingly.
JT Say your prayers
The first pitch comes in and he takes a strike. Then two more balls. On the fourth pitch, he SLAMS the ball to the right fielder, who has to chase it. Jake whips off his mask and yells for it to be thrown in. As JT is rounding third, Jake catches the ball, putting him into a rundown situation. As Jake lets go of the ball to throw it to the third baseman, JT SLAMS into Jake, knocking him onto the ground, then scores. Everything becomes silent as Jake lies on the ground, holding his head. JT stands over him and spits on his mask. JT That’s what you get for going to the other team, Rich Boy.
At that moment, Dillon comes charging out of the dugout, still wearing his leg guards. He pushes JT away from Jake.
DILLON What was that for? Huh? He didn’t do anything to you. You have your head so far up your butt that you don’t know when to stop!
Dillon PUNCHES JT in the face and Ryan comes out of the dugout, just as Jake stands up. The other members of the 18U team try to come in and help, but Dillon waves them off.
JT The little punk deserved what he got!
RYAN Yeah. He ditched us, for the snobby rich and talented team.
DILLON Yeah, because he’s better than you! Now lay off!
Ryan and JT stand over Dillon, both towering over him.
JT Or what little man? You’re just as bad.
DILLON Oh, I wouldn’t say that.
JT Oh, I’m so scared! The shortie catcher is going to hurt us.
Dillon stands back and then runs full blast into Ryan’s stomach, knocking him into the fence. He looks at JT, who is backing away, but Dillon picks him up and throws him into the outfield. He stands up, breathing hard and looking at the Los Alamos dugout. They are sitting, openmouthed. Dillon then realizes what he did and looks at Jake. They look at Kaitlyn and everyone else who is shaking her head and motioning to the cars in the parking lot. Dillon and Jake run into the dugout, and grab their stuff, but are stopped by their coach.
COACH Whoa, where are you guys going?! I’m afraid I cannot let you leave. You are off the team and I’m calling the police for abuse.
Dillon faces the coach.
DILLON DO you REALLY want to try me right now?
Dillon squeezes past the coach and lifts up the fence. He and Jake run under it and out to the cars. Megan has already taken Tanner, Hayden and Dillon’s car, so Dillon climbs into Jakes car and they speed down the hill. At the bottom, police cars are starting to block the exit out of the school. Dillon and Jake look at each other, and Jake drives around them, into a ditch and out around. They are chased for 5 miles until they are out of the city limits. The noise dies down and Dillon falls back onto the seats in the back.
DILLON That was close. Where are we?
JAKE Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the city of Acton. Phew. Hook up the phone-TV thing and call Megan.
Dillon plugs his phone in and calls Megan. Twelve seconds later, her face appears, and she is looking towards the road. She looks down.
MEGAN Hi guys. Thanks for that show Dillon. What were you thinking?
DILLON He started it.
MEGAN So! You didn’t have to finish it! DILLON It doesn’t matter. Get over it. Where are you guys?
MEGAN Driving through a city called……Lancaster.
DILLON Well..We still have a long way to go before we hit Topeka.
MEGAN Yes, another 8 hours or so. We are stopping in Vegas and Denver for sure, and then wherever else we need to stop.
DILLON By the way, how is Alex driving? She is only in 8th grade!
MEGAN She’s more responsible than most people in our group. (Glares at them.)
DILLON Ok. We will talk to you later.
MEGAN Call me if you need anything. Bye.
Dillon shuts off the phone and they continue to drive.
INT-Rockwell Prison center-Night.
It is dark, and one light shines along the dimly lit hallway in the prison. Inside the cells, prisoners moan and groan. Jordan, dressed in a gray jumpsuit, sits in the cell, his head down. The door opens, and another boy, about 5 inches taller, comes in and sits down. The door shuts and Jordan stares into the darkness
JORDAN What are you here for?
GABE Arson. Which I don’t even know what that is. I was taken from LA.
JORDAN Wow. So this is a far distance for you to travel. What’s your name man?
GABE Gabe. I’m seventeen years old. I don’t know where my parents are, and now I’m here. And look at this.
Gabe conjures a fireball from his hand and Jordan’s eyes go wide.
JORDAN I know your situation better than you may think. GABE Oh really? Prove it.
Jordan takes a chain hanging on the wall and proceeds to break it in half. Gabe looks shocked.
GABE Let me guess. Your parents are gone too.
JORDAN Got it. Now how do we get out?
GABE I don’t know. Let’s just figure it out. But I need to sleep.
Gabe starts to fall asleep and Jordan eventually nods off too. Suddenly their cell door is ripped open. Jordan stands up.
JORDAN Who are you?
The man is dressed in rags and is seething. Two men stand behind him.
REGINALD I am Reginald. You know me very well, Jordan.
JORDAN Oh no. You’re the one who saw me lift up the street sign. You’re the one who took our parents.
REGINALD Yes I am, and now you’re going to answer a few questions for me, otherwise you’ll be at the mercy of my men here. They love to hurt people.
Gabe wakes up and sends a baseball sized fireball towards Reginald, but he blocks it and sends it back towards Gabe, where he ducks to avoid it.
REGINALD And now I am all powerful. You have nothing against me. Your powers do not affect me. I am going to destroy you.
GABE Jordan, what do we do?
Jordan smashes through the wall and he jumps two stories, landing on his feet. Gabe creates a fire snowboard and comes down on it. They run and burn through the prison fence. Jumping on two stray motorcycles, Gabe jump-starts each one, and they speed off through the dark. Reginald stands over the hole that Jordan made and growls, then whirls around to his men, who cower against the wall.
REGINALD YOU LET THEM GET AWAY! Why did you let them get away from me?!?!?!?!?
MEN 1 I’m…..I am sorry sir.
All the I am sorrys in the WORLD cannot make up for giving them the opportunity to escape. Now what do we do?! I am RUINED. NO more am I Reginald. I AM PROFESSOR LEVI!!!!!!!
MAN 1 No offense sir, but that doesn’t sound too much better.
REGINALD It’s evil scrambled you idiot! Get away from me you scum, you don’t deserve to even look at me!
Reginald PUSHES The man out the window and he falls onto the hard onto the concrete floor below. There is a sickening CRUNCH as he hits the floor. Reginald glares at his second in command.
REGINALD Do you want to meet the same end as him? MAN 2 No sir, no Professor Levi.
INT-Union Street Restaurant-Detroit, Early Morning.
Dillon, Megan, Kaitlyn and Courtney sit inside the restaurant, ordering food. They are tired, and people give them weird looks as they pass by. One lady even stops to ask if they have any parents, but Megan just barley nods. MEGAN At least a day more of driving and we will be there. Ready everybody?
KAITLYN Not really. I wonder how Gabe is holding up
COURTNEY They probably just put him in the cell until he is tried.
KAITLYN We have to get to him DILLON Aw Kaitlyn, do you miss him?
KAITLYN As much as you guys do!
DILLON Oh yeah, I’m so sure. Gabe, oh Gabe I love you!
Kaitlyn rolls her eyes.
COURTNEY So Megan, where is everyone else?
MEGAN Upstairs still. Alex needs to spend SO much time on her hair.
KAITLYN But what about the boys? COURTNEY Probably went to a batting cage, for Jake to break out his anger.
DILLON JT is a cocky guy, always has been. But it’s okay. We have to get going, ASAP. Okay? Anyone call the people that reside in New York?
MEGAN I talked to the one named Drew when I first left Topeka. But other than that, no. COURTNEY I wonder what we’re in for.
KAITLYN The way I see it, some good stuff, some stuff that stinks, and then a really big robot.
ALEX Hey guys!
MEGAN Well look, you finally showed.
ALEX Of course. I need my beauty sleep
OLIVIA More like makeup. Hey Dillon, why aren’t you with the boys? Daniel went with
DILLON Tired out of my mind. Aryn, did you get a good night’s sleep?
ARYN No. I haven’t slept well since we left!
DILLON Well, I’m sorry. But we need to get going. Where are Jake and Daniel and his brothers?
ARYN Beats me. We need to go though. END OF SCENE 12
INT-Chelsea’s house-Night 9pm
The two story blue house sits dark, with only one light on. Chelsea sits in her room, wearing a blue tank top and light blue pajama bottoms. She flips through the TV, and stops on the Channel 8 news. The screen is Flashing a picture of Reginald, pumping his arms at the entrance of the prison. Chelsea pauses the TV and screams for Jacklyn, Ben, Drew and Lexie. They come rushing in, Lexie’s hair untidy and Jacklyn pulling her robe on.
CHELSEA Look at the TV!
She gestures towards it and rewinds the TV, playing the news clip over again. Everyone’s mouths fall open in shock and they turn to each other and start whispering.
BEN But why would he want to break IN?
CHELSEA Either he has Jordan and that other guy or Jordan and the other guy are out running by themselves.
DREW We have to find them.
The doorbell rings, and Ben runs downstairs to get it.
BEN Hey! There’s people here!
Drew pulls on a New York Islanders Sweatshirt, and runs downstairs. Megan, Dillon and Aryn stand at the door.
DREW Hey. Glad you could make it, welcome, come in! My name’s Drew, and this is Ben.
BEN Wait a second, you know these people? DREW They are going to help us get Jordan back.
MEGAN Yeah, and Gabe! So where are we staying.
DREW How many are here?
ARYN Eleven. DREW Well, I don’t think you’ll all be staying in my house. But tonight, you can. Tomorrow the boys will stay here and the girls will go to Maddy’s house.
MEGAN Sounds good! Let’s get our stuff.
DREW Well, I’m going to bed. Lock the door when you are done.
KAITLYN You just let people into your house like that?
DREW Yeah pretty much. Goodnight.
BEGINNING OF SCENE 14 INT-Maddy’s house-Day
Madison sits up with a start in the spare bedroom. She looks around, and stretches before walking into the bathroom. Shaking her head, she brushes her teeth and walks back through the basement and upstairs to get some breakfast. The doorbell rings, and she walks to open it. Drew is standing in front of the door, with Daniel. She raises an eyebrow, and Drew shuts the door. DREW Let’s go. I have to show you something!
MADISON What do you need to show me at 9 in the morning.
DREW Reginald’s hideout!
MADISON You seriously found in one night? And who’s that kid?
DREW This is Daniel.
She follows Drew out to the red Suburban, and they drive out of the neighborhood and get on the freeway. About 45 minutes later, they reach New York City. Drew quickly drives through the city, and into the harbor dock. He stops 100 feet from a large brown building, with no windows and one small door. Madison and Daniel sit in the car, shaking
MADISON There is a good reason, why you are never going to get your license. Do you know how many police cars passed by us? DANIEL 7. I counted.
DREW Okay, so my driving sucks! But we found the hideout! Jordan and Gabe could be in there!
MADISON How do you know that’s the hideout?
DREW We took a class field trip here four months ago. I went up close to it, and found myself sick and dizzy. I sat out for the rest of the day.
DANIEL What are you getting at Drew?
DREW Only Reginald would put a power depleting source, so we couldn’t find him. I can’t believe we didn’t figure this out right away!
MADISON So what do we do now?
DREW We break in, manually.
MADISON Right now?
DREW Yes right now. MADISON How do we do that?
DREW We get one unlucky little fellow we find on the street to come in and go in there.
DANIEL Sounds evil. I like it.
DREW Good. Let’s go find our puppet.
Drew backs up the car and drives back into downtown. He parks the car near a Macy’s store, and they get out. Drew throws Madison a sweatshirt and they walk around, looking at everyone who passes them. Suddenly, Daniel sees a 20-something year old man, wearing a trench-coat and jeans and converse. He motions to Drew, and they walk on either side of him. As soon as Drew spots an alleyway, they lead him in and jump on him, knocking him out. Madison throws open the back of the trunk, and they shut it, and drive away. Madison sits in the back, and looks disgusted as he stirs.
MADISON (Whispering) DREW! Hey Drew! He’s waking up.
DREW Hit him again, something! We are almost there. Madison punches him in the face, and 5 minutes later, Drew pulls up to the warehouse. He gets out and shuts the door, and he and Daniel open the trunk, and pull on two bank robbers masks, throwing one to Madison. They pull the man out and sit him up on the ground. After Madison ties a rope around his mouth, Drew starts speaking
DREW Listen to me. No talking and you get out free, you understand?
The man nods, and Daniel deepens his voice.
DANIEL We need you to go in that warehouse. Very carefully, so no one sees you. When you get in, you need to tell me exactly what you see. And if you see two boys in there, you get them out. Okay? Then you’ll be able to go. And there should be a button to turn off a “power depleting source.” Do all that.
The man gets up, and walks towards the door, Madison and Daniel follow him. As they get closer to the power depleting source, they hold each other to keep their composure. When the man is in, they stumble out to the suburban, breathing and shaking. Drew stands by the car.
DREW Let’s hope all this goes well.
They stand and wait for fifteen minutes, ignoring the cell phones ringing in the open car. Madison turns to Drew, her face streaked with sweat.
MADISON So, one question. Where did you tell Chelsea we were going?
DREW Out for a donut run. And that you were coming.
MADISON But we won’t be getting donuts, that’s for sure.
DANIEL I hope he gets back soon.
Five more minutes pass, and the man stumbles out, his arm bleeding. Madison stiffens, and grips Daniel’s hand. The man stumbles over to them, and Drew cringes, then starts speaking.
DREW Well?
MAN I saw….a bomb. I saw…..a button, which I pressed. I saw no boys. But I saw him….him with the menacing metal arms, and the metal eye.
DREW Well thank you sir, pleasure doing business with you. Goodbye.
They start to head to the car, when the man stops them
MAN Wait, won’t you just take me home?
No one answers, and the man grins.
MAN Well then, I’ll just have to show you my true form.
They stand and watch as he morphs into Reginald, and starts winding his metal arms closer to them. Picking up Madison, he squeezes her as she screams. Daniel and Drew look at each other, and then spring into action. Drew morphs into poison, and Daniel aims his arm at the metal hand that is holding Madison. The hand breaks and Madison falls. Daniel catches her one handed as his arm grows back and climbs into the car with Drew who is already in the car. They speed off, tearing through the streets, not stopping until they get to the front door of Chelsea’s house. Dillon and Jake are sitting outside, and they look up when Drew pulls into the driveway. Drew gets out, panting hard. Daniel and Madison follow him and Dillon stands up.
DILLON Dude, what happened?
DREW What do you mean? We just went for a donut run.
DILLON Funny. You got NO donuts, and you are shaking like a little girl (flicks Daniel in the head.) Where’d you guys really go? You were only gone for three hours.
DANIEL Nowhere, now move.
Jake stands to block the way, and they step back.
DILLON Tell us.
MADISON We went to see Reginald’s warehouse. Drew finally figured out where it was. But then of course we had to get blown up. We hired someone to go in, because it affected us. That person came out, and turned into Reginald, and tried to kill us. DILLON So let me get this straight. Someone morphed into Reginald?
MADISON We don’t really want to know how that happened. So let’s drop it. Where are the girls?
JAKE All over at Maddy’s house.
DILLON So, what’s the plan now?
DREW We break in, and find Jordan.
JAKE And Gabe. But there are so many of us. How do we do that? MADISON Yeah, he could have a hidden army we don’t know about.
DANIEL Let’s hope not. Well, I’ll drive Madison back to Maddy’s and then we will go out to dinner later tonight and we will have a grand discussion about this later. Okay? Bye!
As he gets in the car, the three boys still on the deck blow kissy faces, and Daniel sticks his tongue out at them, then gets in the suburban and drives out.
Downtown New York-Day
It is noon in downtown, and the streets are crowded. It has been two days since Jordan and Gabe were captured, and they are not surviving well. Jordan found two dollars in a collection basket, but their stomachs are growling, their hair is matted and have dark circles under their eyes. Gabe turns to look at Jordan as they head down the street.
GABE Jordan, we have to go back to your house!
JORDAN I’m telling you man, that’d be the first place that Reginald would look!
GABE You don’t have any other places where we could go?
JORDAN I do have one. Do you still have that dollar?
Gabe hands him the dollar and he runs to the payphone. After dialing the number to Chelsea’s house, he waits for five rings before Ben picks it up.
BEN Hello?
JORDAN Ben? Ben? It’s Jordan. Are you home?
BEN Jordan?! Hey hold on. (Covers the ear piece.) DREW! Get down here!
Jordan grins as Drew gets on the phone
DREW Jordan? Jordan! Where are you?
JORDAN I can’t say. But I will get home soon.
DREW Well you have to tell us! So we can pick you up!
JORDAN NO! Reginald’s men could be anywhere right now!
DREW Alright, alright calm down, how do you plan on getting home?
JORDAN By, ugh fine. Be in front of the times square billboard in an hour. Gabe is with me. Bye
Jordan hangs up the phone and looks at Gabe, who is laughing.
JORDAN That kid is sometimes like my brother. Let’s go.
They walk away.
EXT-Grocery Store-Day
Maddy, who is dressed in blue sweats and a white long sleeved t-shirt, climbs out of the car, while Chelsea gets out from the driver’s side and Nicole and Abby get out from the back. Nicole and Abby immediately run into the store, and Maddy waits for Chelsea.
MADDY So what else do we need besides Bread, milk and Soda?
CHELSEA Nothing. Unless Nicole decides to come back over to us at the end of this trip with a shopping cart full of crap. MADDY Let’s just buy it.
They head into the store and go about their business, buying food. When they get to the checkout stand, they run into Nicole and Abby, who are having a whipped cream fight. Maddy grins and they watch as the girls throw candy into the cart. After paying for everything, they walk out and drive home.
CHELSEA’s House-Mid-Evening.
Everyone sits in her basement, watching Drew, who is using a laser pointer, to point various stuff out on the projector. Hayden falls off the couch, landing on his butt.
DREW Okay, get it? We are going all in. Now. Let’s go.
Everyone goes upstairs and gets in their cars. Chelsea, Maddy, Courtney, Kaitlyn, Megan and Aryn are in one car. Madison, Emma, Drew, Daniel and Alex are in another. Jake, Dillon, Gabe, Jordan, Tanner, Hayden and Ben are in another, Abby, Jacklyn, Nicole, Lexie and Olivia are in another. They follow Gabe’s car out and down to the city. In Madison’s car, she is dressed like Lady Gaga, and Alex is Tina Fey. Alex pulls at her dress, and adjusts her glasses.
ALEX Why are we dressed like this again?
DREW Because we find out stuff. He has always wanted to see Lady GaGa perform, and has a crush on Tina Fey.
Alex makes a face, and Daniel grins.
ALEX But why ME?
DANIEL You have the face for it
Alex sticks out her tongue and Daniel grins again. They reach downtown New York in a half hour, and there is a huge stage. People are crowding around it and Madison gulps.
MADISON Is that for me?
DREW Yes. Have fun singing Bad Romance, and Poker face. Reginald will be in the front row.
Madison gulps, and walks out. Emma steps out with her, pretending to be her body guard as people crowd around her. She climbs up on stage and looks around. Spotting Reginald, she is surprised to see him wearing a blond wig with a flag with Lady gaga’s face on it. Tapping the microphone, she sees Drew’s car drive away. Emma nods at her.
MADISON Hey! So how’s everyone today?
People grow silent. Emma blushes and walks up to Madison. Turning off the microphone, she begins to whisper.
EMMA Gaga, doesn’t do like that! You KNOW What she sounds like.
Madison nods and Emma steps away.
MADISON Alright, I love you guys! Who wants to hear “Bad Romance?” Later we will have a special guest, TINA FEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She watches as Reginald jumps up and down, while the audience looks confused
EXT-Outside Reginald’s warehouse, Evening.
Hayden, Tanner and Daniel work around the warehouse, lining it with bombs they found. Inside, Jacklyn and Lexie search around for any bombs while Drew and everyone else dismantle various items in the warehouse.
MADDY Jake, why do we have to do these things again?
JAKE Because anything could be explosive. MEGAN, INCOMING!
Jake throws a table over the railing, almost hitting Megan.
GABE Drew, what was he talking about, a bomb?
DREW Some big bomb I know that. Courtney picks up a phone and accidently presses “0” when she drops it. It begins to ring and she and Chelsea look at each other. Suddenly the door BURSTS open and Drew is thrown back, rubbing his head. Everyone looks down in horror as body-guard size men come running in, carrying guns and swords. Megan makes a small squealing sound in her throat and Jake stands frozen to the railing. Chelsea walks over to him.
CHELSEA Jake…..what do we do?
JAKE We attack…very carefully. Please, go call Madison. Now.
Chelsea backs into a small closet and Jake runs to Nicole. She nods and turns into a hawk. Picking Abby up, she sets Abby down next to Drew. Abby casts a force field around everyone, shielding off the body guards. They begin shooting at the force field, but don’t break through. Drew, Nicole, Abby, Megan, Lexie, Jacklyn and Olivia hit the ground. Maddy plugs her ears, and looks at Jake
MADDY Now what do we do genius? Daniel Tanner and Hayden are still outside.
Jordan comes running up.
JORDAN No…..not anymore.
Everyone watches as Daniel, Tanner and Hayden come running in, with Ben following them. They jump on four of the men, putting each into a headlock and bringing them to the ground. Ben flies one man up, wrestling a machine gun out of his hands. Narrowly avoiding a sword, Ben drops him, landing him on top of Abby’s force field. He bounces off and then fries. Ben does a two finger salute and flies over to help Hayden. Jake and Jordan grin JORDAN Attack! Take out the gun first.
Everyone springs into action as Madison bursts through the door, riding on Emma who has turned into a Bear. Nicole immediately does the same, and they begin fighting two men off. Jake grabs Maddy and they run towards a room. They get inside and shut the door. Maddy looks at him.
JAKE We need to get that bomb Drew talked about, and dismantle it.
MADDY Alright. Are you sure it’s this room?
JAKE Positive. I’ve checked every other room!
They begin looking while outside, Alex pulls up a railing and throws it towards a man, knocking him out. Chelsea squashes three, but more come in. Chelsea grits her teeth.
CHELSEA There’s too many!
ALEX We’ve got to keep going! They keep fighting people off until Reginald bursts in. He looks around, worried, and he has a word with a body guard nearby. The body guard nods to him, and Reginald leaves with him, just as Courtney and Kaitlyn try to bring him down. Alex and Chelsea look at each other, and then run out the door. Courtney and Kaitlyn follow them. They watch as Reginald and the body guards climb into a jet in a nearby warehouse. Chelsea starts to follow, but Courtney pulls her back.
COURTNEY Chels, what are you doing?
CHELSEA We have to follow them.
ALEX They’re hiding something. Otherwise Reginald wouldn’t have left so soon.
Courtney nods and they follow them in. As the first jet takes off, Chelsea spots a small, four person jet. They climb in, with Alex in the pilot’s seat. Lifting off, Alex screams
They blast through the roof and hover for a few seconds before Alex finds Reginald. She tails him carefully, before paging him. ALEX This is Jet 4 to Jet 6, do you read me?
She gets no answer and flies towards him, slowly. Kaitlyn watches out the window. Suddenly Reginald flies the jet towards them. Alex pulls up, and Chelsea pulls out her cell-phone and dials Madison. Kaitlyn pushes her hand down.
KAITLYN What are you DOING?
CHELSEA Calling Madison Abby and Nicole for backup.
Kaitlyn sits back and Alex tries Reginald again. Suddenly a glowing fireball is shot towards them. Alex flips the jet to the side and looks around
ALEX Why don’t we get missiles?
Suddenly Madison comes up behind them. She grins as Abby and Nicole hang onto the doorways. Flying towards the jet, she steadies it, so Abby and Nicole land in. Nicole aims for the back and turns into a tiger, knocking the first two men out. Abby tries to kick Reginald out, and the jet tips to the side. Nicole falls out, then turns into a monkey and climbs back in. She morphs into herself and Reginald hits her. She falls out again, dangling by the rafters. She starts to cry and Abby looks at Reginald.
Abby grabs Reginald, and morphs into a saber-tooth tiger. She throws him out the door and into the water. She glares at the passenger until he drops into the water too. She worriedly looks at Nicole, who is screaming and trying to hang on. Trying to push the jet right side up, she looks down to find Nicole gone. Looking to her right, she sees Ben and Olivia carrying Nicole between them back to the mainland. She jumps into the water, and tries to swim. After a few minutes of struggling, she sees Olivia come back for her. She grins at Olivia, who in turn gives her a dirty look.
OLIVIA Would you please not jump into the water?
ABBY Fine.
They get back, and Olivia looks worried.
OLIVIA Dude, no! It’s a walk from where we are!
ABBY Why can’t you fly me? OLIVIA My powers are telepathy. Ben let bestowed me these powers for 15 minutes. We need to get back there! The place will blow any minute!
Olivia looks around, and finds a car. Abby shakes her head.
ABBY Oh no, we aren’t driving that!
OLIVIA Yes we are, and you’re starting it with your force field. Let’s go.
Olivia climbs in the driver’s seat and Abby climbs in next to her. She looks under and pulls wires together, then creates a force field between her hands. The car starts and Olivia begins driving. Abby stands up and begins bouncing up and down as Olivia drives over the roads.
Warehouse-Late evening.
Everything is in chaos. As Tanner, Hayden, Jake and Aryn throw out the last body guards, they collapse on the floor. But Gabe and Daniel stand over them
GABE LET’S GO! This whole place will blow in ten minutes. You set the bombs that way genius! We have to get as far out of here as possible!
He beckons to everyone to get out the door, and they climb into the cars. Speeding away, they get into the city limits before they hear a loud BOOM. Ben turns around in the car, to see a cloud of smoke in the air. He ducks down, then looks back up. They drive off into the sunset, and do not look back.