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January 2008

 For best viewing results save this PDF file to your PC, then click on the hyperlinks.  This monthly current awareness service, produced by the NFER Library, highlights recent reports, publications and useful documents from prominent educational research-related websites.  Items are arranged by keyword and some items may appear more than once if more than one keyword has been used. Details of publishers’ websites can be downloaded from the NFER website  Copyright of items listed in ontheweb remains with the copyright owners of the websites listed. It is not meant to be exhaustive and inclusion is not an endorsement of an organisation's website.  If you find this service useful, have any comments or are aware of useful websites, please contact [email protected] who will add them to our list for review.

16-19 (1) Further and Higher Qualifications (1) Academy schools (1) education (1) Reading (3) Admissions (1) Further Education staff (1) Refugees (1) Adult learning (1) Geography education (1) Rehabilitation (1) Apprenticeships (1) Globalisation (1) Research funding (1) Assessment (2) Healthcare (1) Rural areas (1) Asylum seekers (2) Higher education (4) Safeguarding (3) Attendance (1) Higher education courses School funding (1) Bullying (1) (1) School improvement (1) Challenging schools (1) ICT (3) School management (1) Child abuse (1) Independent education (1) School to work transition Children's attitudes (1) Indigenous education (1) (1) Children's Centres (1) Initial teacher training (2) School trips (1) Children's literature (1) Justice system (2) Science education (2) Children's Services (3) Labour market (1) Secondary education (1) Citizenship (2) Learning support (3) Selective education (1) Community cohesion (2) Literacy (1) Service delivery (5) Community support (1) Local authority role (4) Social care (1) Discrimination (1) Mathematics education (2) Social inclusion (3) Domestic violence (1) Modern foreign languages Social mobility (1) E-learning (1) (1) Student attitudes (1) Early childhood (1) Multi-agency working (1) Student experience (1) Early intervention (3) Museums (1) Sustainable development Education systems (1) New Zealand (1) (1) Education Welfare Services Not in education, Teacher attitudes (1) (1) employment or training Teacher quality (1) Educational policy (5) (NEET) (3) Teacher recruitment Employers (2) Parental attitudes (2) retention (1) Employers' attitudes (1) Parental choice (1) Teacher workforce (1) Employment (3) Parental involvement (1) Underachievement (1) English as additional Parenting (2) Universal education (2) language (1) Partnerships (1) USA (2) Equality (1) Peer influence (1) VET (1) Ethnic minorities (3) Play (1) Vulnerable children (2) Every Child Matters agenda Post-graduate education (1) Wales (2) (3) Poverty (1) Wellbeing (2) Extended schools (2) Primary education (1) Work skills (1) Faith schools (1) Primary Review (4) Young offenders (2) Families (1) Primary to secondary Youth engagement (3) Family support services (5) transition (1) Youth support (1) Fathers (1) Pupil attitudes (2) Pupil performance (1) 16-19 Nixon, L., Gregson, M., Spedding, T. and Mearns, A. (2008). Practitioners' experiences of implementing national education policy at the local level. An examination of 16–19 policy. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. [online]. Available: fileticket=G1y7NwN67Z4=&tabid=2326&mid=4313 [January, 2008]. Website: EPPI Evidence for Policy & Practice Information & Co-ordinating Centre

Academy schools Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008). Academies and Trusts: opportunities for schools, sixth-form and FE colleges. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Admissions Coldron, J., Tanner, E., Finch, S., Shipton, L., Wolstenholme, C., Willis, B., Demack, S. and Stiell, B. (2008). Secondary school admissions. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Adult learning Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (2008). Informal adult learning - shaping the way ahead. Consultation paper. London: DIUS. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

Apprenticeships Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (2008). World-class apprenticeships: unlocking talent, building skills for all. The Government's strategy for the future of apprenticeships in England. London: DIUS. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

Assessment Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (2007). National Assessment Program. ICT Literacy Years 6 and 10 Report 2005. Carlton South, VIC: MCEETYA. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA)

National Center for Education Statistics (2007). The nation's report card: mathematics 2007. Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

Asylum seekers Home Office. Border and Immigration Agency (2008). Better outcomes: the way forward. Improving the care of unaccompanied asylum seeking children. London: Home Office. [online]. Available: ns/uasc/betteroutcomes.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Border and Immigration Agency

Reacroft, J. (2008). Like any other child? Children and families in the asylum process. London: Barnardo's. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Barnardo’s

Attendance Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008). Ensuring children's right to education: guidance on the legal measures available to secure regular school attendance. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: 2007.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Bullying Parentline Plus (2008). "She simply snapped - she'd had enough!" What parents say about bullying. London: Parentline Plus. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Parentline Plus

Challenging schools Dwyer, C.A. (2007). America's challenge: effective teachers for at-risk schools and students. Washington, DC: NCCTQ. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality (NCCTQ) - USA

Child abuse Brandon, M., Belderson, P., Warren, C., Howe, D., Gardner, R., Dodsworth, J. and Black, J. (2008). Analysing child deaths and serious injury through abuse and neglect: what can we learn? A biennial analysis of serious case reviews 2003-2005. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Children's attitudes Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2007). 2007 TellUs2: children and young people survey. Technical report. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: hnical%20report.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Children's Centres Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2008). How well are they doing? The impact of children's centres and extended schools. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: schs.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Children's literature Cremin, T., Bearne, E., Goodwin, P. and Mottram, M. (2007). Teachers as readers in the 21st century. Leicester: UKLA. [online]. Available: %20Readers%20Report%20140607.doc [January, 2008]. Website: United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA)

Children's Services Audit Commission (2008). National school survey results 2007. Schools' views of their council's services and the services provided locally for children and young people (England). London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/5E5DC5F0-63A1-493f-8F30- 1A1690408A2B/SchoolsSurvey2007EnglandJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Audit Commission (2008). National school survey results 2007. Schools' views of their council's services and the services provided locally for children and young people (Wales). London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/7A1DE190-91AA-4fb5-9EF9-AA89A1EE7373/SchoolsSurvey2007WalesJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Kinder, K., Lord, P. and Wilkin, A. (2008). Implementing integrated children's services. Part 1: managers' views on early impact. Slough: NFER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) - UK

Citizenship Audit Commission (2008). Focusing on citizens, users and diverse communities. Learning from comprehensive performance assessment and inspection 2006/07. London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/0168CA25-997E-4d82-A40A- 49440D2CA04F/FocusingOnCitizensUsersAndDiverseCommunitiesJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Department for Communities and Local Government (2008). Citizenship survey April-September 2007, England & Wales. Race, cohesion and faiths: statistical release 2. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Community cohesion Department for Communities and Local Government (2008). Citizenship survey April-September 2007, England & Wales. Race, cohesion and faiths: statistical release 2. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Osler, A. (2007). Faith schools and community cohesion: observations on community consultations. London: Runnymede Trust. [online]. Available: %20Nov2007.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Runnymede Trust

Community support Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P. and Wilson, I. (2008). New Deal for Communities: a synthesis of new programme wide evidence: 2006-07. NDC National Evaluation Phase 2. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Discrimination Gervais, M.-C. (2008). The drivers of Black and Asian people's perceptions of racial discrimination by public services: a qualitative study. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Domestic violence Rose, W. and Barnes, J. (2008). Improving safeguarding practice: study of serious case reviews 2001-2003. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

E-learning Australian Flexible Learning Framework (2007). "Put the hard word on 'em" campaign report. Brisbane, QLD: Australian Flexible Learning Framework. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Australian Flexible Learning Framework (FLF)

Early childhood Kazimirski, A., Dickens, S. and White, C. (2008). Pilot scheme for two year old children: evaluation of outreach approaches. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Early intervention Kazimirski, A., Dickens, S. and White, C. (2008). Pilot scheme for two year old children: evaluation of outreach approaches. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.-A. and Cullen, S. (2008). Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder evaluation: additional study of the involvement of extended schools. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.-A. and Cullen, S. (2008). Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder evaluation: 2nd interim report. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Education systems Shuayb, M. and O'Donnell, S. (2008). Aims and values in primary education: England and other countries (Primary Review Research Survey 1/2). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-2_report_Aims_and_values_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

Education Welfare Services Pattison, S., Rowland, N., Cromarty, K., Richards, K., Jenkins, P., Cooper, M., Polat, F. and Couchman, A. (2007). Counselling in schools: a research study into services for children and young people, commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government. Lutterworth: BACP. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Educational policy Machin, S. and McNally, S. (2008). Aims for primary education: the changing national context (Primary Review Research Survey 1/3). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-3_report_Aims-national_context_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

Nixon, L., Gregson, M., Spedding, T. and Mearns, A. (2008). Practitioners' experiences of implementing national education policy at the local level. An examination of 16–19 policy. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. [online]. Available: fileticket=G1y7NwN67Z4=&tabid=2326&mid=4313 [January, 2008]. Website: EPPI Evidence for Policy & Practice Information & Co-ordinating Centre

Rollock, N. (2007). Failure by any other name? Educational policy and the continuing struggle for Black academic success. London: Runnymede Trust. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Runnymede Trust

UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (2007). Dakar+7: top priority for integrated sector-wide policies. Executive summary. Dakar: BREDA. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (BREDA) White, J. (2008). Aims as policy in English primary education (Primary Review Research Survey 1/1). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: 1_report_Aims_as_policy_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

Employers Department for Work and Pensions and Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (2008). Ready to work, skilled for work: unlocking Britain's talent. London: TSO. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

Wedgwood, M. (2008). Higher education for the workforce: barriers and facilitators to employer engagement. London: DIUS. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

Employers' attitudes Scesa, A. and Williams, R. with Little, B., Locke, W. and Tang, W. (2008). Engagement in course development by employers not traditionally involved in higher education: student and employer perceptions of its impact. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. [online]. Available: fileticket=yam9TACKRSM=&tabid=2316&mid=4281 [January, 2008]. Website: EPPI Evidence for Policy & Practice Information & Co-ordinating Centre

Employment Cooke, G. and Lawton, K. (2008). Working out of poverty: a study of the low-paid and the 'working poor'. London: IPPR. [online]. Available: f=/ecomm/files/working_out_of_pov.pdf&a=skip [January, 2008]. Website: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)

Maley, S., Narey, J., O'Sullivan, J. and Williams, E. (2007). Getting out to work: employing young adults with convictions. London: Barrow Cadbury Trust. [online]. Available: %20employers'%20guide.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Barrow Cadbury Trust

Mestan, K. and Scutella, R. with Allen Consulting Group (2007). Investing in people: Intermediate Labour Markets as pathways to employment. Fitzroy, VIC: BSL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Brotherhood of St Lawrence (BSL)

English as additional language Arias, M.B. and Morillo-Campbell, M. (2008). Promoting ELL parental involvement: challenges in contested times. Tempe, AZ: EPSL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Education Policy Studies Laboratory (EPSL)

Equality Audit Commission (2008). Focusing on citizens, users and diverse communities. Learning from comprehensive performance assessment and inspection 2006/07. London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/0168CA25-997E-4d82-A40A- 49440D2CA04F/FocusingOnCitizensUsersAndDiverseCommunitiesJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Ethnic minorities Department for Communities and Local Government (2008). Citizenship survey April-September 2007, England & Wales. Race, cohesion and faiths: statistical release 2. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Gervais, M.-C. (2008). The drivers of Black and Asian people's perceptions of racial discrimination by public services: a qualitative study. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Rollock, N. (2007). Failure by any other name? Educational policy and the continuing struggle for Black academic success. London: Runnymede Trust. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Runnymede Trust

Every Child Matters agenda Department for Communities and Local Government (2007). The new performance framework for local authorities & local authority partnerships: single set of national indicators. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills (2007). 2007 TellUs2: children and young people survey. Technical report. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: hnical%20report.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills (2008). How well are they doing? The impact of children's centres and extended schools. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: schs.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Extended schools Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.-A. and Cullen, S. (2008). Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder evaluation: additional study of the involvement of extended schools. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills (2008). How well are they doing? The impact of children's centres and extended schools. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: schs.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Faith schools Osler, A. (2007). Faith schools and community cohesion: observations on community consultations. London: Runnymede Trust. [online]. Available: %20Nov2007.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Runnymede Trust

Families Fatherhood Institute (2007). The difference a Dad makes. Abergavenny: Fatherhood Institute. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Fatherhood Institute

Family support services Cabinet Office. Social Exclusion Task Force (2008). Think family: improving the life chances of families at risk. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/think_family_life_chances_report.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Department for Children, Schools and Families and Ministry of Justice (2007). Children of offenders review: a joint Department for Children, Schools and Families/Ministry of Justice review to consider how to support children of prisoners to achieve better outcomes. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/offenders_review_080110.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Kazimirski, A., Dickens, S. and White, C. (2008). Pilot scheme for two year old children: evaluation of outreach approaches. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Morris, K., Hughes, N., Clarke, H., Tew, J., Mason, P., Galvani, S., Lewis, A., Loveless, L., Becker, S. and Burford, G. (2008). Think family: A literature review of whole family approaches. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/think_family_report.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Nixon, J., Parr, S., Hunter, C., Sanderson, D. and Whittle, S. (2008). The longer-term outcomes associated with families who had worked with Intensive Family Support Projects. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Fathers Fatherhood Institute (2007). The difference a Dad makes. Abergavenny: Fatherhood Institute. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Fatherhood Institute

Further and Higher education Godden, N. (2007). Regional young people and Youth Allowance: access to tertiary education. Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt University. [online]. Available: %20people.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Charles Sturt University - Australia

Further Education staff Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2008). The initial training of further education teachers: findings from 2006/07 inspections of courses leading to national awarding body qualifications. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Geography education Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2008). Geography in schools: changing practice. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Globalisation Lauder, H., Lowe, J. and Chawla-Duggan, R. (2008). Aims for primary education: changing global contexts (Primary Review Research Survey 1/4). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-4_report_Aims-global_contexts_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

Healthcare United Nations Children's Fund (2007). The state of the world's children 2008. Child survival. New York, NY: UNICEF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: UNICEF

Higher education Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (2007). Building vibrant economies and good governance through knowledge partnerships. Ottawa, ON: AUCC. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)

Chevalier, A., Gibbons, S., Thorpe, A., Snell, M. and Hoskins, S. (2008). Students' academic self- perception. London: LSE, CEE. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Centre for the Economics of Education (CEE)

The Royal Society (2008). A higher degree of concern. London: The Royal Society. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: The Royal Society

Wedgwood, M. (2008). Higher education for the workforce: barriers and facilitators to employer engagement. London: DIUS. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Higher education courses Scesa, A. and Williams, R. with Little, B., Locke, W. and Tang, W. (2008). Engagement in course development by employers not traditionally involved in higher education: student and employer perceptions of its impact. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. [online]. Available: fileticket=yam9TACKRSM=&tabid=2316&mid=4281 [January, 2008]. Website: EPPI Evidence for Policy & Practice Information & Co-ordinating Centre

ICT Ainley, J. and Enger, L. (2007). Student use of, and engagement with, information technology. Camberwell, VIC: ACER. [online]. Available: dent_use_engagement.doc [January, 2008]. Website: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Australian Flexible Learning Framework (2007). "Put the hard word on 'em" campaign report. Brisbane, QLD: Australian Flexible Learning Framework. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Australian Flexible Learning Framework (FLF)

Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (2007). National Assessment Program. ICT Literacy Years 6 and 10 Report 2005. Carlton South, VIC: MCEETYA. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) Independent education Green, F., Machin, S., Murphy, R. and Zhu, Y. (2008). Competition for private and state school teachers. London: LSE, CEE. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Centre for the Economics of Education (CEE)

Indigenous education Kronemann, M. (2007). Education is the key: an education future for Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory. Southbank, VIC: AEU. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Australian Education Union (AEU)

Initial teacher training Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2008). The initial training of further education teachers: findings from 2006/07 inspections of courses leading to national awarding body qualifications. London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2008). Primary languages in initial teacher training: "If I can teach geometry in Spanish, I can do anything…". London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: uages.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Justice system Department for Children, Schools and Families and Ministry of Justice (2007). Children of offenders review: a joint Department for Children, Schools and Families/Ministry of Justice review to consider how to support children of prisoners to achieve better outcomes. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/offenders_review_080110.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Howard League for Penal Reform (2007). Parole 4 kids: a review of the parole process for children in England and Wales. London: Howard League for Penal Reform. [online]. Available: B.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Howard League for Penal Reform

Labour market Mestan, K. and Scutella, R. with Allen Consulting Group (2007). Investing in people: Intermediate Labour Markets as pathways to employment. Fitzroy, VIC: BSL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Brotherhood of St Lawrence (BSL)

Learning support Johnson, C., Page, R. and Munro, M. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Programme theory evaluation. Working paper 2 – signing up to a Learning Agreement. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Johnson, C., Newton, B., Usher, T. and Hillage, J. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Programme theory evaluation. Working paper 1 - incentivising participation in activity agreements. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) Maguire, S., Thompson, J., Hillage, J., Dewson, S., Miller, L., Johnson, C., Newton, B., Bates, P. and Page, R. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Process evaluation: year one report. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Literacy Baer, J., Baldi, S., Ayotte, K., Green, P.J. and McGrath, D. (2007). The reading literacy of U.S. fourth-grade students in an international context. Results from the 2001 and 2006 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

Local authority role Audit Commission (2008). National school survey results 2007. Schools' views of their council's services and the services provided locally for children and young people (England). London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/5E5DC5F0-63A1-493f-8F30- 1A1690408A2B/SchoolsSurvey2007EnglandJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Audit Commission (2008). National school survey results 2007. Schools' views of their council's services and the services provided locally for children and young people (Wales). London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/7A1DE190-91AA-4fb5-9EF9-AA89A1EE7373/SchoolsSurvey2007WalesJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Grace, C. and Martin, S. (2008). Getting better all the time? An independent assessment of local government improvement and its future prospects. London: IDeA. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA)

Kinder, K., Lord, P. and Wilkin, A. (2008). Implementing integrated children's services. Part 1: managers' views on early impact. Slough: NFER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) - UK

Mathematics education Baldi, S., Jin, Y., Skemer, M., Green, P.J., Herget, D. and Xie, H. (2007). Highlights from PISA 2006: performance of U.S. 15-year-old students in science and mathematics literacy in an international context. Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

National Center for Education Statistics (2007). The nation's report card: mathematics 2007. Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

Modern foreign languages Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2008). Primary languages in initial teacher training: "If I can teach geometry in Spanish, I can do anything…". London: Ofsted. [online]. Available: uages.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Ofsted

Multi-agency working Baginsky, M. (2007). Schools, social services and safeguarding children: past practice and future challenges. London: NSPCC. [online]. Available: df [January, 2008]. Website: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

Museums Museums, Libraries and Archives South East (2007). A summary report on the progress and findings of the South East Schools Database. Winchester: MLA South East. [online]. Available: July07.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Museums, Libraries and Archives South East (MLA South East)

New Zealand Hipkins, R. (2007). Taking the pulse of NCEA: findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2006. Wellington: NZCER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER)

Not in education, employment or training (NEET) Johnson, C., Page, R. and Munro, M. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Programme theory evaluation. Working paper 2 – signing up to a Learning Agreement. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Johnson, C., Newton, B., Usher, T. and Hillage, J. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Programme theory evaluation. Working paper 1 - incentivising participation in activity agreements. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Maguire, S., Thompson, J., Hillage, J., Dewson, S., Miller, L., Johnson, C., Newton, B., Bates, P. and Page, R. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Process evaluation: year one report. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Parental attitudes Coldron, J., Tanner, E., Finch, S., Shipton, L., Wolstenholme, C., Willis, B., Demack, S. and Stiell, B. (2008). Secondary school admissions. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Parentline Plus (2008). "She simply snapped - she'd had enough!" What parents say about bullying. London: Parentline Plus. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Parentline Plus

Parental choice Lacireno-Paquet, N. with Brantley, C. (2008). Who chooses schools, and why? The characteristics and motivations of families who actively choose schools. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University, EPRU. [online]. Available: EPRU.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Education Policy Studies Laboratory (EPSL)

Parental involvement Arias, M.B. and Morillo-Campbell, M. (2008). Promoting ELL parental involvement: challenges in contested times. Tempe, AZ: EPSL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Education Policy Studies Laboratory (EPSL)

Parenting Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.-A. and Cullen, S. (2008). Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder evaluation: additional study of the involvement of extended schools. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Lindsay, G., Band, S., Cullen, M.-A. and Cullen, S. (2008). Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder evaluation: 2nd interim report. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Partnerships Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P. and Wilson, I. (2008). New Deal for Communities: a synthesis of new programme wide evidence: 2006-07. NDC National Evaluation Phase 2. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Peer influence Clark, C., Osborne, S. and Akerman, R. (2008). Young people's self-perceptions as readers: an investigation including family, peer and school influences. London: NLT. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Literacy Trust (NLT)

Play Powell, R. and Seaton, N. (2007). 'A treasure chest of service': the role of toy libraries within play policy in Wales. Slough: NFER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) - UK

Post-graduate education The Royal Society (2008). A higher degree of concern. London: The Royal Society. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: The Royal Society

Poverty Cooke, G. and Lawton, K. (2008). Working out of poverty: a study of the low-paid and the 'working poor'. London: IPPR. [online]. Available: f=/ecomm/files/working_out_of_pov.pdf&a=skip [January, 2008]. Website: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)

Primary education Morrison Gutman, L. and Feinstein, L. (2008). Children's well-being in primary school: pupil and school effects (Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 25). London: WBL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning (WBL)

Primary Review Lauder, H., Lowe, J. and Chawla-Duggan, R. (2008). Aims for primary education: changing global contexts (Primary Review Research Survey 1/4). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-4_report_Aims-global_contexts_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review Machin, S. and McNally, S. (2008). Aims for primary education: the changing national context (Primary Review Research Survey 1/3). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-3_report_Aims-national_context_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

Shuayb, M. and O'Donnell, S. (2008). Aims and values in primary education: England and other countries (Primary Review Research Survey 1/2). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-2_report_Aims_and_values_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

White, J. (2008). Aims as policy in English primary education (Primary Review Research Survey 1/1). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: 1_report_Aims_as_policy_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

Primary to secondary transition Evangelou, M., Taggart, B., Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2008). Effective Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education 3-14 Project (EPPSE 3-14). What makes a successful transition from primary to secondary school? London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Pupil attitudes Ainley, J. and Enger, L. (2007). Student use of, and engagement with, information technology. Camberwell, VIC: ACER. [online]. Available: dent_use_engagement.doc [January, 2008]. Website: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Clark, C., Osborne, S. and Akerman, R. (2008). Young people's self-perceptions as readers: an investigation including family, peer and school influences. London: NLT. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Literacy Trust (NLT)

Pupil performance Auditor General Victoria (2007). Improving our schools: monitoring and support. Melbourne, VIC: Government Printer for the State of Victoria. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Auditor General Victoria

Qualifications Hipkins, R. (2007). Taking the pulse of NCEA: findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2006. Wellington: NZCER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER)

Reading Baer, J., Baldi, S., Ayotte, K., Green, P.J. and McGrath, D. (2007). The reading literacy of U.S. fourth-grade students in an international context. Results from the 2001 and 2006 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

Clark, C., Osborne, S. and Akerman, R. (2008). Young people's self-perceptions as readers: an investigation including family, peer and school influences. London: NLT. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Literacy Trust (NLT)

Cremin, T., Bearne, E., Goodwin, P. and Mottram, M. (2007). Teachers as readers in the 21st century. Leicester: UKLA. [online]. Available: %20Readers%20Report%20140607.doc [January, 2008]. Website: United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA)

Refugees Reacroft, J. (2008). Like any other child? Children and families in the asylum process. London: Barnardo's. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Barnardo’s

Rehabilitation Maley, S., Narey, J., O'Sullivan, J. and Williams, E. (2007). Getting out to work: employing young adults with convictions. London: Barrow Cadbury Trust. [online]. Available: %20employers'%20guide.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Barrow Cadbury Trust

Research funding Goozner, M. and Gable, E. (2008). Big Oil U. Washington, DC: CSPI. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) - USA

Rural areas Godden, N. (2007). Regional young people and Youth Allowance: access to tertiary education. Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt University. [online]. Available: %20people.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Charles Sturt University - Australia

Safeguarding Baginsky, M. (2007). Schools, social services and safeguarding children: past practice and future challenges. London: NSPCC. [online]. Available: df [January, 2008]. Website: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

Evans, K., Houghton-Brown, M. and Rees, G. (2007). Stepping up: the future of runaways services. London: The Children's Society. [online]. Available: oung_Runaways_5305_full.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: The Children’s Society

Rose, W. and Barnes, J. (2008). Improving safeguarding practice: study of serious case reviews 2001-2003. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

School funding Dowling, A. (2007). Australia's school funding system. Camberwell, VIC: ACER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

School improvement Auditor General Victoria (2007). Improving our schools: monitoring and support. Melbourne, VIC: Government Printer for the State of Victoria. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Auditor General Victoria

School management Wood, E., O'Sullivan, F., Rix, S. and Al-Bahrani Peacock, D. (2007). The baseline study of school business managers. Final report. Nottingham: NCSL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National College for School Leadership (NCSL)

School to work transition Zevenbergen, R. and Zevenbergen, K. (2007). School-to-work transitions: final report. Mt Gravatt, QLD: Griffith University, Griffith Institute for Educational Research. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Griffith University - Australia

School trips Museums, Libraries and Archives South East (2007). A summary report on the progress and findings of the South East Schools Database. Winchester: MLA South East. [online]. Available: July07.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Museums, Libraries and Archives South East (MLA South East)

Science education Baldi, S., Jin, Y., Skemer, M., Green, P.J., Herget, D. and Xie, H. (2007). Highlights from PISA 2006: performance of U.S. 15-year-old students in science and mathematics literacy in an international context. Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

The Royal Society (2008). A higher degree of concern. London: The Royal Society. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: The Royal Society

Secondary education Hipkins, R. (2007). Taking the pulse of NCEA: findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2006. Wellington: NZCER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER)

Selective education Coldron, J., Tanner, E., Finch, S., Shipton, L., Wolstenholme, C., Willis, B., Demack, S. and Stiell, B. (2008). Secondary school admissions. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008] Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Service delivery Audit Commission (2008). Focusing on citizens, users and diverse communities. Learning from comprehensive performance assessment and inspection 2006/07. London: Audit Commission. [online]. Available: REPORT/0168CA25-997E-4d82-A40A- 49440D2CA04F/FocusingOnCitizensUsersAndDiverseCommunitiesJan08REP.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Audit Commission

Cabinet Office. Social Exclusion Task Force (2008). Think family: improving the life chances of families at risk. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/think_family_life_chances_report.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Gervais, M.-C. (2008). The drivers of Black and Asian people's perceptions of racial discrimination by public services: a qualitative study. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government

Grace, C. and Martin, S. (2008). Getting better all the time? An independent assessment of local government improvement and its future prospects. London: IDeA. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA)

Marchant, R., Lefevre, M., Jones, M. and Luckock, B. (2007). 'Necessary stuff': the social care needs of children with complex health care needs and their families. London: SCIE. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Social care Marchant, R., Lefevre, M., Jones, M. and Luckock, B. (2007). 'Necessary stuff': the social care needs of children with complex health care needs and their families. London: SCIE. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Social inclusion Beatty, C., Foden, M., Lawless, P. and Wilson, I. (2008). New Deal for Communities: a synthesis of new programme wide evidence: 2006-07. NDC National Evaluation Phase 2. London: DCLG. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Blunkett, D. (2008). The inclusive society? Social mobility in 21st century Britain. London: Progress. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Progress

Morris, K., Hughes, N., Clarke, H., Tew, J., Mason, P., Galvani, S., Lewis, A., Loveless, L., Becker, S. and Burford, G. (2008). Think family: A literature review of whole family approaches. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/think_family_report.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Social mobility Blunkett, D. (2008). The inclusive society? Social mobility in 21st century Britain. London: Progress. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Progress

Student attitudes Chevalier, A., Gibbons, S., Thorpe, A., Snell, M. and Hoskins, S. (2008). Students' academic self- perception. London: LSE, CEE. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Centre for the Economics of Education (CEE)

Student experience Scesa, A. and Williams, R. with Little, B., Locke, W. and Tang, W. (2008). Engagement in course development by employers not traditionally involved in higher education: student and employer perceptions of its impact. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. [online]. Available: fileticket=yam9TACKRSM=&tabid=2316&mid=4281 [January, 2008]. Website: EPPI Evidence for Policy & Practice Information & Co-ordinating Centre

Sustainable development Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (2007). Building vibrant economies and good governance through knowledge partnerships. Ottawa, ON: AUCC. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)

Teacher attitudes Cremin, T., Bearne, E., Goodwin, P. and Mottram, M. (2007). Teachers as readers in the 21st century. Leicester: UKLA. [online]. Available: %20Readers%20Report%20140607.doc [January, 2008]. Website: United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA)

Teacher quality Dwyer, C.A. (2007). America's challenge: effective teachers for at-risk schools and students. Washington, DC: NCCTQ. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality (NCCTQ) - USA

Teacher recruitment retention Dwyer, C.A. (2007). America's challenge: effective teachers for at-risk schools and students. Washington, DC: NCCTQ. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality (NCCTQ) - USA

Teacher workforce Green, F., Machin, S., Murphy, R. and Zhu, Y. (2008). Competition for private and state school teachers. London: LSE, CEE. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Centre for the Economics of Education (CEE)

Underachievement Rollock, N. (2007). Failure by any other name? Educational policy and the continuing struggle for Black academic success. London: Runnymede Trust. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Runnymede Trust

Universal education Lauder, H., Lowe, J. and Chawla-Duggan, R. (2008). Aims for primary education: changing global contexts (Primary Review Research Survey 1/4). Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Education. [online]. Available: values/Primary_Review_RS_1-4_report_Aims-global_contexts_080118.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Primary Review

UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (2007). Dakar+7: top priority for integrated sector-wide policies. Executive summary. Dakar: BREDA. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (BREDA)

USA Baldi, S., Jin, Y., Skemer, M., Green, P.J., Herget, D. and Xie, H. (2007). Highlights from PISA 2006: performance of U.S. 15-year-old students in science and mathematics literacy in an international context. Washington, DC: NCES. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - USA

Lacireno-Paquet, N. with Brantley, C. (2008). Who chooses schools, and why? The characteristics and motivations of families who actively choose schools. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University, EPRU. [online]. Available: EPRU.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Education Policy Studies Laboratory (EPSL)

VET Curtin, P. and Loveder, P. (2007). Informing policy and practice in Australia's vocational education and training sector: reflections and futures. Adelaide, SA: NCVER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Vulnerable children Department for Children, Schools and Families and Ministry of Justice (2007). Children of offenders review: a joint Department for Children, Schools and Families/Ministry of Justice review to consider how to support children of prisoners to achieve better outcomes. London: Cabinet Office. [online]. Available: rce/think_families/offenders_review_080110.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Cabinet Office

Evans, K., Houghton-Brown, M. and Rees, G. (2007). Stepping up: the future of runaways services. London: The Children's Society. [online]. Available: oung_Runaways_5305_full.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: The Children’s Society

Wales Pattison, S., Rowland, N., Cromarty, K., Richards, K., Jenkins, P., Cooper, M., Polat, F. and Couchman, A. (2007). Counselling in schools: a research study into services for children and young people, commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government. Lutterworth: BACP. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Powell, R. and Seaton, N. (2007). 'A treasure chest of service': the role of toy libraries within play policy in Wales. Slough: NFER. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) - UK

Wellbeing Morrison Gutman, L. and Feinstein, L. (2008). Children's well-being in primary school: pupil and school effects (Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 25). London: WBL. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning (WBL)

Pattison, S., Rowland, N., Cromarty, K., Richards, K., Jenkins, P., Cooper, M., Polat, F. and Couchman, A. (2007). Counselling in schools: a research study into services for children and young people, commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government. Lutterworth: BACP. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Work skills Department for Work and Pensions and Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (2008). Ready to work, skilled for work: unlocking Britain's talent. London: TSO. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

Young offenders Howard League for Penal Reform (2007). Parole 4 kids: a review of the parole process for children in England and Wales. London: Howard League for Penal Reform. [online]. Available: B.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Howard League for Penal Reform

Maley, S., Narey, J., O'Sullivan, J. and Williams, E. (2007). Getting out to work: employing young adults with convictions. London: Barrow Cadbury Trust. [online]. Available: %20employers'%20guide.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Barrow Cadbury Trust

Youth engagement Johnson, C., Page, R. and Munro, M. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Programme theory evaluation. Working paper 2 – signing up to a Learning Agreement. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Johnson, C., Newton, B., Usher, T. and Hillage, J. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Programme theory evaluation. Working paper 1 - incentivising participation in activity agreements. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Maguire, S., Thompson, J., Hillage, J., Dewson, S., Miller, L., Johnson, C., Newton, B., Bates, P. and Page, R. (2008). Activity and Learning Agreements pilot. Process evaluation: year one report. London: DCSF. [online]. Available: [January, 2008]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

Youth support Godden, N. (2007). Regional young people and Youth Allowance: access to tertiary education. Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt University. [online]. Available: %20people.pdf [January, 2008]. Website: Charles Sturt University - Australia

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