Weight Training Study Guide

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Weight Training Study Guide

Weight Training Study Guide i) Rules (1) Always have a spotter (a) Safety (b) Success (2) Cleaning up when finished (3) Breathing (a) Always breath out when exerting energy (4) Positive and Negative Aspects of the Lift (a) Positive is the contraction of the muscle (b) Negative is the elongating of the muscle (c) Both movements should be controlled (5) Range of Motion (a) Use of full range of motion is used in all lifts with the exception of a few such as the tricep pushdown. (b) Range of motion is the most amount of movement possible by a joint. (6) Complimentary Lifts (a) Chest and Triceps (Pectorals and Triceps) (b) Back and Biceps (Latissimus Dorsi and Biceps) (c) Legs and Shoulders (Thigh-Quadriceps; Hamstrings-Bicep Femoris; Calves- Gastrocnemius; Shoulders-Deltoids) ii) Basics of a Workout (1) Warm-up (a) Stretching (i) Reduces the chance of injury (ii) Increase of flexibility (iii) Stretch before, during and after a workout (b) Start with a lighter weight to warm up the muscles (c) Warming up will pump fresh oxygenated blood to the muscles (d) Prepares the muscle to work (2) Workout (a) Frequency - 3-4 days a week (b) Intensity – Hard enough to fatigue your muscles (c) Time – must be regular, intense, and 20-30 minutes in duration. (3) Cooldown (a) Do a light activity to bring down body temperature and heart rate (b) Stretch (4) Set – Completion of the predetermined # of reps (5) Rep (Repetitions) – One full range of motion (6) Max – The most amount of weight you can move for 1 rep iii) Types of Weight Training Programs (1) Strength Program (75% of Max) (a) Designed to build bulk (b) Use heavy weight (c) 5 sets of 6-8 reps (2) Definition Program (50% of Max) (d) Designed to sculpt body (e) Use lightweight (f) 3 sets with 10-12 reps

(3) Anaerobic (a) Any activity in which the body produces energy without the use of oxygen (4) Aerobic (a) Any activity in which the body uses oxygen to produce energy

SHOULDERS Shoulders (deltoids) - Comprised of three muscles. One in the front, one on the side, and one in the back.

Shoulders can be worked by any exercise pushing weight away from the shoulders or by raising weight from your waist to shoulder height.

EXERCISES FOR SHOULDERS 1. Standing Dumbbell or Bar Press 2. Seated Dumbbell Press 3. Seated Shoulder Press 4. Front Deltoid Alternating Raise 5. Seated Rear Deltoid Raise 6. Seated or Standing Lateral Deltoid Raise 7. Rear Deltoid Raise 8. Lying Rear Deltoid Raise

LEGS Legs (Quadriceps, Bicep Femoris, Gastrocnemius) - Comprised of numerous muscles. Those that are listed are the main focus of our weight training.

Legs can be worked by any exercises pushing or pulling of weight with the extension or flexion of the knee. The Calf muscles can be worked by raised of the heel off of the floor.

EXERCISES FOR LEGS 1. Dumbbell or bar lunges 2. Seated Heel Raises 3. Leg Press 4. Seated Leg Curl 5. Seated Leg Extension 6. Standing Heel Raises

BACK Back (Latissimus Dorsi) - Comprised of numerous large and small muscles.

The back can be worked by pulling weight toward the shoulders, or by pulling weight toward the chest.

EXERCISES FOR BACK 1. Wide Grip Pull-down 2. Angled Wide Grip Pull-Down 3. Seated Row 4. High Lat Pull 5. Dumbbell or Bar Bent Over Row 6. Back Extension 7. Wide Grip Pull-Ups 8. Good Morning Back Extensions

BICEPS Biceps - Comprised of two muscles (Bicep Brachii and Bicep Brachialis).

The biceps can be worked by pulling weight with the flexion of the elbow.

EXERCISES FOR BICEPS 1. Standing Alternating Curls 2. Concentration Curls 3. Seated Bench Curls 4. Standing Curl 5. Seated Incline Alternating Curl 6. Standing Reverse Curl

CHEST Chest (Pectoralis Major and Minor) - Comprised of two muscles. The chest can be worked by pushing weight away from the chest

EXERCISES FOR CHEST 1. Push-Ups 2. Bench Press 3. Dumbbell Bench Press 4. Iso Lateral Bench Press 5. Incline Bench Press 6. Bench Fly 7. Supine Pullover 8. Incline Bench Fly 9. Pec Deck

TRICEPS Triceps- Comprised of three muscles (Medial, Long, and Lateral Head ).

The triceps can be worked by pushing weight with the extension of the elbow

EXERCISES FOR TRICEPS 1. Parallel Dip 2. Seated Tricep Machine 3. Bent Over Kick Backs 4. Rope Grip Extensions 5. Push Down Extensions 6. Standing One Arm Extension 7. Standing Two Arm Extension 8. Supine Two Arm Extensions 9. Bench Dips

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