Assessment of 4Th FP Projects
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Framework Program: 5th
Project number : IST- Project officer:
Acronym: Unit: eInclusion (INFSO-H3)
Total budget: EU funding:
Start Date: End Date:
Description of the project (max. 4 lines)
Contractual Obligations Met? Yes/No (If No what are the Financial implications)
1. Facts (qualitative analysis)
Goals: have the goals been reached? (2 lines max)
Targets: have the targets been achieved? (max 2 lines)
Results: have the results expected been or likely to be achieved? (max 2 lines)
2. Tangible outputs (summary)
MoU: are there any? (how many?, names of the MoUs? With whom?, follow-up?)
Standards: are there any? (how many?, domain concerned?, reference?)
3. Socio/economic impact analysis
Products or services: in which market? national, european, world-wide?
Companies created: how many? size at creation? size now?
Employment : was there job creation or reduction? How many? What was the potential gain to be expected (number of live saved, amount of reduction of pollution, etc.)?
18/05/18 New PO Assessment Fiches for 4th and 5th FP projects page 1 of 3 What is the real gain to be expected from the implementation of the project results?
4. Synthesis
Value for money (PO opinion) (max 4 lines)
EU added value (max 3 lines)
5. Is it a potential success story1 Yes/No (plus free text, max 5 lines)
6. Conclusion (free text, max 5 lines)
7. Main contact names for the follow-up of the next 5 years ? (co-ordinator and key partners)
Name : Surname : Position : Address : Fax : Telephone : e-mail :
Name : Surname : Position : Address : Fax : Telephone : e-mail :
Name : Surname : Position : Address : Fax : Telephone :
1 Success in these terms is defined as projects having demonstrated, either directly or potentially, an impact beyond that of the immediate project partners: examples might include the creating of European or global standards, the registering of patents or the development of a significant market with corresponding sales.
18/05/18 New PO Assessment Fiches for 4th and 5th FP projects page 2 of 3 e-mail :
Annex: Partner table showing2:
Role (3) Full name Country EU funding Type (4)
Project Officer
2 can be a new table or a compilation of standard tables from the final cost claim – provided all specified data is included. 3 Role: Co-ordinator (Scientific or Administrative) - Principal Contractor - Associated Contractor - Member … 4 Type (Type of Organisation): SME: SME Enterprise - LE: Large Enterprise - HE: Higher Education establishment - IO: International Organisation - RC: Research Centre - JRC: Joint Research Centre - NRPNP: Non-Research Private non-profit - NRPS: non-research Public sector - OTH: other
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