New & Updated Items in This Issue of Newsnotes
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Franklin District NewsNotes 6-15-2017 Many links are included in this publication. If you have trouble with the blue link….hold the Ctrl key down and click on the link.
New & Updated items in this issue of NewsNotes: Camping & Retreat Initiative – Pg 1 Parenting Teens Seminar – Pg 6 Annual Conference Wrap-up – Pg 1 Laity Sunday – Pg 7 Scripture Superheroes VBS – Pg 2 Cokesbury Christian Fiction Sale – Pg 9 Maker Fun Factory VBS – Pg 3 Keystone UM Federal Credit Union – Pg 10 Annual Conference Offerings thru 6-30 – Pg 3 Visitors from the Past – Pg 10 Faith in Action – Pg 3 Volunteers in Missions – Pg 10 Kidz2Kamp Golf Fundraiser – Pg 5 Eastbrook Mission Barn – Pg 10 Deaf Ministry Workshop– Pg 6 Katie Peterson at the Mission Barn – Pg 10 June Anniversaries this week: June Birthdays this week: 15 Rev. & Mrs. Jim Kimmel 16 Mrs. Joanna Hastings 17 Rev. & Mrs. Dan Grimes 19 Mrs. Ann Allaman 18 Rev. & Mrs. David Evans 20 Rev. & Mrs. Jim Eaton
Prayer Concerns: -Rev. Ken Hughes in rehab recovering from a stroke -Rev. Joe Yurko in rehab with a severe infection -Nathan Storms, son of Rev. Tim & Eileen Storms (retired) has pancreatic cancer -Rev. Betsy Cooper, (retired), health issues -Melanie Myers, health issues. -Tammy Hay, Connellsville District Administrative Assistant -Rev. Tim and Eileen Storms (retired) and their family -Nancy Funka (Rev. Tom Funka, retired), health issues -Pastors and churches receiving new appointments to begin July 1st -Our Cabinet -The Commission on a Way Forward New- Camping & Retreat Ministry Initiative Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi announced at the 2017 Annual Conference that the conference is being called to raise $5 million in four years for our Western PA Camps and Olmsted Retreat Center. (That is double what we raised for Imagine No Malaria!) In a spontaneous offering, $9,251 was collected after she made the announcement preceded by her rappelling from the balcony to the conference floor-in high heels! The Youth added $1,985. Sunday’s offering added $9,171 making a total of $18,422 to kick off the initiative. Watch for more details as this initiative unfolds. (Photo from New- Missed Annual Conference? Watch 2017 Annual Conference videos to see Ordination, Commissioning, Bible study, State of the Church, Minister’s Chorus and more. View the Daily Proceedings for the Daily Journals. Annual Conference Wrap-Up: Read it. Photos: on Flickr . Conference Evangelist: Our mission in Western PA is to “Equip and encourage the local church to engage their community with the reconciling and transforming love of Jesus Christ. Our specialty is getting people
1 OUT of the church! John Zimmerman - About Face Church Outreach Consultants 642 Coleman Station Rd, Friedens, PA 15541 [email protected] Unstoppable 2017 will be held at Olmsted Manor, 17 East Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333. Registration at 1:00 on Friday, June 16 and it will last until Sunday, June 18. Find us at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter by searching @umwunstoppable.
June 18: Father’s Day
JAM: A week-long camp June 18-25 at Jumonville that allows youth and adults with cognitive impairments to experience a Christian summer event. Activities include the adventure center, archery; ropes challenge course, white water rafting (Middle Youth, class 1-2 rapids, some 3’s), swimming, cookouts, and more. Volunteers are needed to assist with crafts, music, sports, and more. One day or stay the week: meals and room are included. This is a great opportunity for teachers, students and retirees to enjoy the ‘great outdoors’ and to give back! Training provided. All volunteers must have or be willing to obtain clearances. Call Bev Roscoe with any questions 724-466-2102 or email [email protected]. New- Scripture Superheroes VBS Program from Monday, June 19 – Thursday, June 22 from 6:15 – 8:30 pm at East Grove UMC, 1167 Belmar Rd, Franklin. Completed K-6th. Games, snacks and music. Bus service available. -Evergreen Arbors, Pickup 5:45 pm Return at 8:50 pm -Former Uni-Mart, Pickup 5:55 pm Return 9:00 pm -Sandycreek Elementary, Pickup 6:05 Return 8:40 pm Checkout our East Grove Facebook page for more information or to ask questions! 21st Annual Refuge Golf Tournament: This annual tournament to benefit EUMA’s The Refuge is slated for Monday, June 19, 1 p.m., at Riverside Golf Course and will again feature the chance to win a car (donated by Bonnell’s Auto Sales) with our featured hole-in-one contest on a selected par three hole! Register online
Youth Zim Camp: The dates are June 20- July 5, 2017. Learn more Increase Your Compassion – Examine Your Racial Implicit Bias: Thursday, June 22 from 10am – 3pm Registration begins at 9:30am at Oakland United Methodist Church, 1504 Bedford St, Johnstown, PA 15902. One of the 5 areas of focus of our Annual Conference is Dismantling Racism. This workshop will help us become more aware of areas we may not be aware of where our implicit bias makes us less inclusive and thus less able to embrace all people regardless of race. Cost: $7 per person. (.5 CEU for those who attend) Register Worship in the Park: Join Franklin Christ and First UM Churches for an evening of worship in the Franklin Bandstand Park on Liberty Street on Sunday, June 25 at 7 pm. Bring a chair and a friend! “Maker Fun Factory – Created by God, Built for a Purpose” Vacation Bible School 2017 from June 25-29 from 6 pm – 8:10 pm at Christ UM Church, 1135 Buffalo Street, Franklin. Children are invited to participate in an exciting week where they will explore Bible stories, do fun activities, sing inspirational songs, play games, and eat delicious snacks! 2017 VBS Registration Form Music and Worship Workshop at Olmsted Manor June 25-29, 2017: For those who lead or participate in church music programs. On Wednesday, join in an evening of music at First UMC Kane. Traditional cabaret after the service – a fun time to appreciate each other’s gifts and talents. Continuing Education Units: 1
2 New- “Maker Fun Factory – Created by God, Built for a Purpose” Vacation Bible School 2017 from June 26 – June 30 from 5:30-8:00 pm at Rocky Grove Grace UMC, 350 Front Street, Franklin, PA. Children: Age 4- completed 5th grade are invited to participate in an exciting week where they will explore Bible stories, do fun activities, sing inspirational songs, play games, and eat delicious snacks! A light supper will be provided at 5:30 pm. Activities begin at 6:00 pm. Phone: 814-432-8664
The First 12 with Paul Nixon: Church planters or leaders who are launching something new are invited to a two-day learning event focusing on vision and team-building. It leads to a year of group coaching. Led by Discipleship Ministries’ Path 1, on June 27-28 at Crossroad’s UMC’s North Fayette campus. Get details. New- Online donations for special 2017 Annual Conference Offerings will be available through Friday, June 30, 2017. Click on the “Make a Special Offering Donation” button at to give online to the Camping Ministries or the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund.
Fifth Annual Shoe Drive - Now through June 30, EUMA and All God’s Children Ministries are holding our Fifth Annual Shoe Drive to benefit our missions to those who are homeless or affected by a disability. How it works: • Gather your old, unwanted shoes (condition: gently-used) • Rubber band pairs together, packaged 25 pairs per bag • Drop off sites For questions or packaging supplies, contact: Debbie Hills at [email protected] or 440-812-4624. EUMA administrative office at (814) 456-8073 or [email protected]. EUMA
Worship, Baseball and Fireworks! Join Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and the Erie-Meadville District for UM Night at UPMC Park, home of the Erie SeaWolves, on Sunday, July 2. Bishop Cynthia will preach from atop the third- base dugout during a community worship experience at 4:30 p.m. Then she’ll throw out a ceremonial first pitch before the start of the baseball game. Info at Facebook event page or email [email protected].
Life-Changing Men’s Gathering for workshops, worship, service and fellowship at the National Gathering of United Methodist Men on July 7- 8. Held at St. Luke’s UM Church in Indianapolis, the event will inspire attendees to embrace new possibilities for ministry and discipleship. Learn more. Go to UMM event website New- Faith in Action: The UMC Board of Church and Society has a new useful and user-friendly website. Check out Summer Concert Series at State Line UMC, 263 West State Road, Jamestown, PA 16134. For directions, call 724-932-3561. July 9….....Tom and Ruth Herrick (Husband & Wife Inspirational singers) July 30….Penn-Ohio Singers August 13….The Devine Inspirations
Church Office Professionals’ Retreat at Olmsted Manor July 9-11, 2016: This retreat is designed for those brave souls who serve our churches and ministries in administrative roles. Spend time away from the office!
Uth 4 Mission: Monday, July 10, 2017 to Friday, July 14, 2017 at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, 450 Schoolhouse Rd, Johnstown, PA 15904. Register Contact: [email protected] Wesbury’s 5K Chicken Run: 5K Run/Walk/1 Mile Walk on Saturday, July 15th. Info: 814-332-9022
3 Wesbury’s 28th Annual Chicken BBQ & Craft Fair on Sunday, July 16th from 11 am to 5 pm on Wesbury’s campus. Call The Wesbury Foundation for more information at 814-332-9712. Older Adult Retreat at Olmsted Manor: July 17-21, 2017 (Monday dinner – Friday lunch). “Stained Glass Windows: Letting God’s Holy Spirit Shine!” is the theme. Deans: Mrs. Lois Hiles and Mrs. Glenda Merritt. Bible Teacher: Rev. Bruce K. Merritt and Music Director: Robin Swank. Camperships for first time attenders!
Olmsted Manor Glenda and Bruce Merritt P.O. Box 8, Ludlow, PA 16333 1268 Fells Church Rd, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 814-945-6512 or [email protected] 724-379-4502 or [email protected] Awaken 2017: July 24-27 in Little Rock, Ark – The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts will explore what it means to engage in transformative worship in communities full of complexity and conflict. Youth Mission u 2017: July 25-30 at California University of PA. Register at District Superintendency Committee will meet on Thursday, July 27 at 7 pm at Mercer UMC, 250 E Butler St, Mercer, PA 16137. Mission u 2017: July 27-30 at California University of PA is for Adults and Kids. New this year: Mission u in Action hands-on mission projects for men and women 18 and older. Register at Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor: Single persons in ministry face a unique set of challenges around maintaining boundaries, privacy, and social connections, particularly if they serve in a congregation that has only been served in the past by married clergy. “To the Point: Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor” describes how congregations and pastors can work together on the “tender balance” between being supportive and allowing privacy. Read now and download free. Cherry Run Camp Meeting is Saturday, July 29-Sunday, August 6, 2017. Save by registering by June 30th! Special Events: Clergy Day- Wednesday, August 2: All Clergy receive free lunch Children’s Special Music- Wednesday, August 2: Evening service Missionary Day-Thursday, August 3: Mission Marathon at 2 pm & Water slide & balloon toss at 4 pm Talent Show- Thursday, August 3: After evening service Chicken BBQ Dinner-Sunday, August 6 at 4:30 pm Support your Franklin District Camp: Cherry Run Camp needs groups or individuals to work one day or many. The camp especially needs volunteers to help the week prior to camp to clean and prepare the grounds and buildings for camp meeting. Kitchen volunteers are needed to serve and assist the cook in the kitchen and dining room. Individual volunteers or a team of four are needed each day to assist the cook. To volunteer, contact Judy McQueen, Cherry Run Camp Meeting Board Member at 724-846-7565 or [email protected]. Algonquin Canoe Trip – Monday, July 31, 2017 to Wednesday, August 9, 2017. Space is limited. Register.
Writing Workshop with Maureen Ryan Griffin, Friday, August 4 – Sunday, August 6, 2017 at Olmsted Manor, 17 East Main Street Ludlow, PA 16333. Beginners as well as seasoned writers. More information and brochure.
Scholarships for Generosity and Stewardship Conference: The UM Foundation of WPA offers eight scholarships for laity to attend at Lakeside Chautauqua in Ohio from August 6-9. It’s for clergy and laity involved in stewardship, finance or development. Scholarship information at 800-743-2128. Get details. 4 Encounter with Christ UMVIM Mission to Colombia August 15-23, 2017. Location Brisas del Mar, Colombia. For a form contact the Mission Team Leader, Dr. David Stains, at 518 Fronheiser Street, Johnstown, PA 15902, 814-539-0044 or 539-0532. Email at [email protected]. 5th Annual Faith Night on Thursday, August 17. Discounted tickets for the Pirates-Cardinals game at 7:05 pm. Stay after the game to hear Pirates Players and Coaches discuss how faith has impacted their lives, both on and off the field. Approx. 45 minutes. Contact Chad Glover: 412-325-4756 or [email protected]. At the Lord’s Table School of Congregational Development Thursday, August 17 – Sunday, August 20 in Atlanta, Georgia. Register at Scholarships for racial-ethnic leaders and small-church leaders are available. Pre-conference Session: $25 Seminary Student: $175 by July 15 Regular: $375 by July 15 Book your hotel before July 5, 2017 Late/on-site: $425 New- 15th Annual Kidz2Kamp Golf Fundraiser on Friday, August 18, 2017 at Cedarbrook Golf Course, intersection of Route 51 & Interstate 70. Cost: $110 per golfer includes dinner + lunch on the turn. Register and pay by July 15th and save $10 per golfer. More info online at Franklin District Committee on Ministry (DCOM) Training Session on Saturday, September 9th at 9 am at Grace UMC, 210 South Broad Street, Grove City. This will include a time of Questions and Answers. New- Deaf Ministry Workshop on Friday, September 15 – Saturday, September 16 at First UMC, 504 Jackson Street, Reynoldsville, PA 15851. Presented by Rev. Leo Yates Jr. of The United Methodist Committee on deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Ministries and Author of “Deaf Ministry: Ministry Models for Expanding the Kingdom of God”. With its various models, Deaf ministry offers faith communities ways to grow and make disciples. Join us as we learn more about how to start or expand the Deaf Ministries in our churches and communities. Session 1- Friday, September 15: from 6:30 – 8:30 pm Session 2- Saturday, September 16: from 9 – 11:30 am Session 3- Saturday, September 16: from 12:30 – 3 pm (Lunch provided on Saturday for registrants of both sessions) $10 per session or $25 for all three sessions. Contact Rev. Tom Carr at 814-653-8593 (voice) or [email protected] or Jenny Gordon at 814-590-6097 (voice or text) or [email protected].
Installation service for Rev. Bob Zilhaver, Connellsville District Superintendent on Sunday, September 17. Details to be announced. WPA Conference Minister’s Chorus on September 21, 2017 at Linesville/Harmonsburg UMC. Contact Don & Shirley Bloomster (814-927-8692), Pat Cleary (254-241-0680, [email protected]) or Lola Turnbull (814-787- 5891, [email protected]) with any questions. To be added to the Chorus’ e-mail distribution list, send an e- mail to Deb Rogosky ( [email protected] ).
Family Autism Retreat at Jumonville Camp – September 22-24, 2017. This weekend retreat allows families of children living with autism to enjoy a mountaintop experience that will combine coveted parental free time with an opportunity for quality family time. Hope is provided through time for worship, rest and relaxation in a safe Christian setting capable of caring for children with Autism. All ages are welcome! Registration deadline September 15, 2017. Brochure/registration form or Register online 5
Annual Franklin District UMW Meeting on Saturday, September 23 at Sharon First UMC, 237 West Silver Street, Sharon. Registration begins at 9:00 am. Program at 9:30 am.
New- Parenting Teens Seminar with Duffy Robbins on Saturday, September 23, 2017 from 1:30 – 4:30 pm in the Ingomar UMC Fellowship Hall, 1501 W Ingomar Rd, Pittsburgh. Join us for this brand new event! Duffy will be sharing with us about how to be intentional about parenting our teens. He will help us understand teenage development in 2017 as well as how we can pass on our legacy of faith to them. For more information, contact Amanda Gilligan at [email protected] or 724-776-2300 ext 224. New- Youth Leader? Like us on Facebook for updates and info: Western Pa UMC Youth Leaders.
Installation service for Rev. Jodie Smith, Franklin District Superintendent on Sunday, September 24. Details to be announced. Leadership Institute for clergy, church staff and volunteers: Wednesday-Friday, September 27-29, 2017. It’s at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS and is one of the largest mainline training events in the country. Get details. Come and Experience: • Expanded Pre-Institute Sessions, featuring workshops covering a wide variety of ministry topics, led by Resurrection staff and guest speakers • Inspiring worship • Connection and fellowship with church leaders serving a variety of church settings and sizes across the nation • A line-up of well-known General Session speakers bringing a three-day infusion of practical tools, leadership growth strategies and a renewed vision for ministry For details and registration, visit: Register today for the best rates and availability! Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 913-232-4139.
Save the Date! If the Shoe Fits, Wear it… on Thursday, October 12th at 7 pm at Sharon First UMC, 237 West Silver Street, Sharon, PA 16146. Ladies, please join us for an evening filled with love, laughter and praise to our Lord. Lisa Allen, from Proverbs 31 Ministries, will give us fresh insight into why God made us the way He did, as she illustrates our different “shoe” personality styles. More information to come.
New- Laity Sunday 2017: “Therefore, Go! with HOPE Through Hospitality” on Sunday, October 15, 2017. Often when we think of hospitality, we think of it through the lens of how we receive guests in our midst. But the reality is, we practice hospitality wherever we are, even when we are outside our home or church. Resources
Ruck the Bay is a 15K Military-Style Ruck March/Walk in honor of our local fallen heroes and to end Veteran homelessness. It will take place on Sunday, Oct. 15, 2017 with Registration at 1 pm with the Ruck starting at 2 pm at Presque Isle State Park, Beach 11, Erie. Online registration will begin July 1. Proceeds from the event will benefit Erie United Methodist Alliance’s (EUMA) Liberty House, the only transitional housing program in Erie County specifically for homeless Veterans. The house is a safe haven for the men who protected our freedom and are now in need of a new beginning. 6 Ruck the Bay participants will complete the 15K (or optional 5K) carrying a loaded rucksack/backpack, and will observe memorials at every kilometer honoring those who have lost their lives in service to our country. Participants are encouraged to fill their rucksack with items to donate to Liberty House (such as men’s hygiene products, paper products, laundry and cleaning supplies, linens and blankets, towels, etc.) Drop-off boxes to unload your donations will be located at the finish line. Pre-registration until Sept. 15: Individual: $30; Team of 4+: $25; * includes Ruck the Bay official t-shirt Registration Sept. 15 through day of event: Individual: $35; Team of 4+: $30 For more information, contact the EUMA office at (814) 456-8073 or SGT Kelly Whitney at 814-602-3602.
WPA Conference Minister’s Chorus on October 19, 2017 at Mount Hope UMC. Contact Don & Shirley Bloomster (814-927-8692), Pat Cleary (254-241-0680, [email protected]) or Lola Turnbull (814-787-5891, [email protected]) with any questions. Next concert: November 16, 2017 at Brookville First UMC.
Conference United Methodist Women (UMW) Annual Fall Meeting on Saturday, October 28 at Faith Delmont UMC, 305 Freeport Street, Delmont, PA 15626 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Speaker: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. All women welcome! Contact Diane Miller at [email protected]
2017 Conference VIM Teams Mission Opportunities: Check the “Teams with Openings” grid at Contact Rev. Stephanie Gottschalk at [email protected] or 724-776-2300 ext 241
Uth4Mission – Summer 2017: UM A.R.M.Y. – Eastbrook Mission Barn – Mission u – July 2017:
2018 & 2019 Save the dates! Spark 2018 – January 19-21, 2018 at Sheraton Station Square, Pittsburgh. A retreat for youth grades 6-12 and their leaders.
UMW Gears Up for Assembly: The Power of Bold is the theme for the 19th quadrennial Assembly of United Methodist Women, set for May 18-20, 2018, in Columbus. A promotional video and other resources are already available. Learn more Watch video 2018 Annual Conference: Wednesday, June 6 – Saturday, June 9, 2018. (Not on Sunday) YOUTH 2019: The next national gathering of UM Youth will be July 10-14, 2019, in Kansas City, Missouri. Plan now for your youth to attend. The national gathering for UM Youth takes place every four years.
Summer Camps: The summer schedules and registration forms are available for our three Conference camps – Camp Allegheny, Jumonville and Wesley Woods.
Apply now for Summer VIM teams! Teams for Zimbabwe and Fiji are full, with Colombia close behind. But there are still plenty of spaces for most of our US-based Volunteers in Mission teams. You can see the list and apply for all of these online at 7 Digital Transitions When Pastors Change: Will Rice explains how with a little planning, websites, emails, data storage, and other digital platforms can be maintained with integrity through the change of clergy leadership. Share the Path to Well-Being! Wespath’s Center for Health offers newsletters and bulletin inserts with useful personal wellness information. Learn more . Get the April-June 2017 issue
#SeeAllThePeople: Discipleship Ministries is in the midst of a shift as they orient to their stategic priorites. They are inviting church leaders to join in an initiative called #SeeAllThePeople. They invite church leaders to shift their thinking away from “fixing churches” and move toward making and growing disciples. This initiative invites us to see the people Christ calls us to reach in our communities. Download booklet: “Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Congregations” . Volunteers Needed – Erie United Methodist Alliance (EUMA) has a number of active volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups – including maintenance projects such as painting, yard work, minor window and wall repairs, organizing and cleaning. If you can donate some time, please contact the EUMA office for more information at (814) 456-8073. Intentional Discipleship: A new resource to help congregations develop an intentional discipleship system includes WPAUMC’s Road to Discipleship map and an article by Rev. Chris Kindle, our director of discipleship. Get free Intentional Discipleship guide . See WPAUMC Discipleship Map.
Early Response Team (ERT) Re-certification Training: Anyone who has not completed their ERT Re- certification since 2014 needs to do so as soon as possible. There will be a class on Saturday July 15th at Heritage UMC, South Market Street, Ligonier, PA starting at 8:30 am until 12:30 pm. Participants are asked to be at the church by 8 am for ID pictures. The fee is $20 and can be paid the day of the class. On street parking is available at $.25 per hour. It is suggested that you park in one of the municipal lots as the meters there are for 5 hours, the street meters are only 2 hours. You can register by contacting Rich Ziegenfus at 724-238-5780, [email protected] or the Heritage office at 724-238-2627. A Prayer before you pack: If you or someone you love is about to begin a journey, this reflection shares words and images to inspire you and remind you that God watches over our every step. View the Video Seven sites every United Methodist should see: World travelers may seek out pyramids, cathedrals and safari parks but United Methodists have destinations across the globe that hold their own allure. Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor: Single persons in ministry face a unique set of challenges. “To the Point: Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor” describes how congregations and pastors can work together on the “tender balance” between being supportive and allowing privacy. Download for free
WPA Prison Outreach Ministry 2017 Summer Newsletter . Download the newsletter from our new website New- Christian Fiction Sale: Choose your adventure and save 40% off select Christian Fiction books! Fill your summer with Adventure, Discovery and Mystery. Whether you are planning your summer beach reads or adding to the stack on your nightstand, for a limited time only, score some choice Christian fiction titles from Cokesbury. FREE SHIPPING everyday with purchases of $35 or more of eligible items! New- Keystone United Methodist Federal Credit Union – We are your credit union. People helping people! Many services offered. Phone: 888-972-0797
8 New- Visitors from the Past: Returning to ministry September 1, 2017. Available for church services, revivals, Christian schools, and more. For bookings, contact Luella Krieger at 814-590-1937 or [email protected] New- WPAUMC Volunteers in Mission – United Methodists voluntarily serving people outside the church – locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. How to Connect: 1. What teams can I join? 2. How do I learn about leading a team? 3. Once we have a team planned, what do we do? a. Register your team►► b. Get VIM Insurance►► 4. Once our team returns, what do I do? 5. Where can I find local church resources? a. b. Contact Stephanie Gottschalk at [email protected] or 724-776-2300 ext 241 6. How do I get involved in Disaster Response? a. Take UMCOR training►► b. Make sure your local church has a local disaster plan c. Volunteer at Eastbrook Mission Bar or one of its satellites 7. What if there is a disaster in my church’s community? a. Local pastor reports damage to church and their community to their District Superintendent b. Local pastor reports damage to church and their community to Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, Rev. Calvin Cook at 814-442-5899 New- Eastbrook Mission Barn Magnet and T-shirt Sale: Show your support by purchasing a magnet for the suggested donation of $5 each or $15 each for a T-shirt. To place an order, call the Mission Barn at 724-856- 8241. Make checks payable to: Eastbrook Mission Barn, 226 Church Lane, New Castle, PA 16101. New- Katie Peterson, Deaconess, Church & Community Worker. Katie coordinates the donations and distribution of UMCOR relief supply kits. She assists New Castle UM Churches to enhance ministries in poverty alleviation. This includes building handicap ramps. How to support Katie: 1. Pray – Our prayers are welcome and strengthen her ministry 2. Stay in contact – Ask to receive her newsletter and follow her website or Facebook site 3. Seek to participate in the ministry Katie serves. Ask about ways to help with missionary support 4. Donate to Katie’s Advance #98242 – 100% of your gifts are used to support missionaries and they powerfully contribute to the continued health and vitality of United Methodist missionary outreach Contribute through your local church, online at or by calling 888-252-6174.