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Thompson School District Organizational Systems Alignment Project Definition Document
Project: Professional Development Practices Phase: Detail Design and Development
Project Leads: Kellie Bashor, Maria Gabriel
Revision History The following revisions have been made to this document: Date Name Versio Revisions Made
3/15/10 Judy, Maria, Kellie, Annette, 1.0 Created initial version of detail design Stuart and development phase 3/23/10 PD Practices Phase I team 2.0 Emphasis on infrastructure section of new process map
4/22/10 Kellie 3.0 Added some clarity and information as determined from preparation for cabinet presentation
Background 1. Historically, licensed staff received significant PD while classified and APT staff have received very little or no PD. 2. There was a Director of Professional Development who oversaw the majority of the licensed PD 3. For licensed staff, Learning Services takes the lead and HR provides new employee staff development (orientation, induction and mentoring). No district-wide lead for classified or APT training 4. There is a District-wide Classified trainer (.5 FTE) (Shelley Amicone) who administers most of the classified training 5. Licensed staff receive some incentives for PD. APT and classified staff do not receive incentives for PD. 6. The old model asked, “What are you interested in?” The new model will ask, “What skills do we need to carry out the mission of the organization?” 7. Curriculum and Instruction oversees PD for the District 8. The HR Department leads the Mentor Training and Induction for licensed staff. Roger and Paul lead Admin induction 9. Some departments do some of their own training (e.g., transportation) 10. Currently, Courseware software is used by licensed staff to register and track internal courses taken 11. Systemic planning for individual professional development is limited. 12. Issues around PD include: 1) access to PD, 2) incentives and rewards for PD, 3) quality of PD, 4) difficult to find skill sets required, and 5) is there any PD that we need to let go 13. In the Fall ’09 semester, the PD Team researched best practices, identified top organizational skills, developed a high-level PD process map and identified numerous areas for improvement. 14. From a budget perspective, the Fall ’09 PD Team found that current tracking of PD expenditures was very difficult to track (i.e., PD expenditures was not consistently coded
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from an accounting perspective). For example, licensed staff had a budget of $600 thousand (acct 0850 / not including subs, mileage, etc.) across the District. 15. The Fall ’09 Team interfaced with Licensed PET, Differentiated Instruction, and PCC. During the semester, this team clarified its focus on APT and Classified within the scope of a District-wide PD system. At the same time, it is anticipated that the overall PD process will accommodate all employee groups. In addition, new APT and Classified Pet Teams (A-Pet and C-Pet) have been initiated. 16. In Fall ’09, HR assumed responsibility for the induction and mentoring processes for licensed staff. This was previously maintained by the Professional Development Department.
Problem to be Solved: Developing a system that will support all employee groups for PD – culture & processes & infrastructure Targeting Classified and APT staff Matching PD to all employee group needs to meet the District mission and vision. Improve student achievement results
Guiding Question: 1. How will the skill development needs of APT and Classified personnel be met? 2. What is the professional development culture and process? 3. How will we know if PD efforts are effective?
Objectives: 1. Create a system to support District-wide professional development practices 2. Create and maintain coherence between PD and the L-Pet and Differentiated Instruction efforts 3. Increase the coherence between the PD offered and what skills the employee needs to meet the District vision and mission 4. Increase clarity of the skills desired of the APT and Classified employee groups 5. Increase demonstration of linkage between education investment and payoff and benefits achieved (i.e., How will we know if the $1MM invested paid off?) 6. Increase employee growth and satisfaction 7. Reinforce and model 21st Century Skills 8. Improve alignment of monetary and non-monetary incentives with the mission and vision of the District (recommendations only)
Scope The scope of this project includes: 1. Infrastructure- a. Establish culture – mission statement, defining, inclusive b. Write pd policies – communication, clarify expectations and processes, time
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c. Processes – tracking, articulated, linked, evaluation i. Sources of PD 1. Catalogued internal instruction 2. Major external sources of PD (including universities) d. Budgeting for PD i. Object keys ii. Subs, mileage, other e. Provide PD Technologies i. Courseware (or other application) – tracking software for courses taken ii. Consideration of PD delivery systems f. Job specific, dept and district orientation materials (remaining current & staying legal) g. Career paths / career planning (limited) scope of L-PET and CPET/APET i. Competencies --This project includes definition of the competencies of the employee groups in scope and identification of PD to achieve these competencies (see nutritional services example NFSMI h. Professional development plans (individuals) scope of L-PET and CPET/APET i. Process for consistency 2. Employee groups a. All groups (Licensed, APT and Classified) for the overall system b. APT and Classified for creating and preparing to implement detailed PD practices
Not included in this phase (but maybe later) Compensation – observations and recommendations only (e.g., TIC credits) Content & comfort (current teaching practices like PBS)
Linkages/interfaces with other projects: 1. Hiring process team 2. Staffing Model process team – done 3. Mentoring process team—doesn’t exist 4. Performance Evaluation process teams 5. Differentiated instruction – PD to support differentiated instruction
6. Elevate and recognize excellence 7. Race to the Top – (Obama) – staffing models – recognition of innovation (research piece)
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This project will be performed in phases. At this time, phases include: 1. Phase I – Preliminary Analysis Phase – Fall ’09 and 1st half of Spring ‘10 2. Phase II - Design and Development - 3. Phase III – Pilot or full rollout (TBD)
The following activities will be performed to complete the project and produce the deliverables identified later in this document. They include: align with work plan 1.Organize Project 2.Document Detail Requirements 3.Evaluate and Select Software Tools 4.Design and Develop Components 5.Develop Pilot Approach 6.Develop Cost / Benefit Analysis and Plan for Next Phase 7.Review with Cabinet and other Groups
These activities are illustrated in the bar chart below.
Insert Chart
Milestones / Project Timing 1. Phase II leadership and new team in place by August ‘10 2. Phase II completed by May ‘11
Assumptions 1. We are assuming that the monetary incentives may not be the only incentive system implemented in the District 2. One process is appropriate to be used by all groups 3. Ongoing licensed PD will maintain alignment and will remain coherent with this process 4. HR will update job descriptions for positions that are in-scope with this project or as supervisors, employees or mandate changes
Deliverables—check these against the changed scope wording Deliverables that will be produced as a result of performing this project include: 1. Leadership identified, engaged and motivated to sponsor and lead PD in both APT and Classified groups 2. Policies for PD for APT and Classified groups 3. A target culture to support new PD practices. This can be integrated into hiring, performance evaluation and other HR processes.
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4. Definitions of competencies for in-scope employee groups—move to PETs? 5. Supporting PD curriculum for in-scope employee groups 6. Tools to implement Professional Development Plans (PDP) for all in-scope personnel 7. A centralized and shared catalogue of internal instruction available 8. Linkages established with major external sources of PD (e.g., universities) 9. Detailed PD process to support all employee groups. These process will include linkages to other HR processes as-well-as continuous improvement processes embedded (i.e., PDCA) 10. Technology to support scheduling, delivery and tracking of PD 11. Suggested PD budgets for APT and Classified personnel 12. District-wide system for tracking PD expenditures 13. Plan to integrate Licensed PD, L-Pet and Differentiated Instruction with the new PD process 14. Workplan and budgets for the Pilot Phase
Benefits Benefits that may result from this and subsequent phases projects include: 1. Effective and satisfied employees 2. Fiscal responsibility for spending on professional development 3. Closing the achievement gap and increasing student achievement 4. Holistic learning and growth of the organization supporting learning and growth 5. Increase PD efficiency and effectiveness 6. Increased desired retention 7. Modeled lifelong learning for our community 8. Systemic and access for all employee groups
Key Success Factors (KSF) Factors that are important to project success include: 1. The right leadership is in place for project success 2. Staff the project with the right people (i.e., right skills + right access to data + adequate time to commit to the project) 3. Scope management and clarity of purpose – we need to remain focused and be clear on direction/outcome for this phase
Staffing Needs Project sponsors – TBD – LIST ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND TIME REQUIREMENTS HERE Project leads – – TBD – LIST ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND TIME REQUIREMENTS HERE District Departments 1. Financial Services –
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2. HR – 3. Learning Services – 4. Operations – 5. ISTS – 6. Nutrition 7. Facilities – 8. Transportation – 9. Material and Procurement – 10. TEA Building Personnel 1. Principal – 2. Support staff (paraprofessional, secretaries, nurses aids, faculty assistants, custodial staff, kitchen, __) 3. Teachers – Skill sets- APT and Classified awareness Supervisors / directors – know needs (federal concepts, skills sets, ) Tech awareness Employees – time change for meeting