The Celebration of Worshipof Worip

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The Celebration of Worshipof Worip

All: we confess that we continue to live in fear. We speak of your great love THE CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP but our own hearts condemn us. We express concern for the poor but our own actions betray us. Forgive us, God of grace. Loving God, restore our souls and lead us in right paths for your name’s sake; through Jesus Gathering Around the Word Christ our Lord. Amen. *Assurance of Grace *Gloria Patri #579 Prelude and Chiming of the Hour Becky Carlisle *Passing of the Peace Welcome and Announcements Visitors, we are glad you are worshiping with us today and appreciate your filling out the Hearing the Word visitor's card found in the pew rack. Please place it in the offering plate. Prayer request cards are in the pew racks if you wish to use them and bring them to the Communion Table during Prayer of Illumination …We receive the Grace of God. the Passing the Peace. Time With the Children Minute for Mission Michael Whitman, Elephant Rock Bike Ride to benefit the ZMP (Children ages 5-13 may now go downstairs for Junior Church)

*Call to Worship Scripture and Sermon Letters to a Church Old and New Youth Group One: The world belongs to God, All: The earth and all its people. One: How good it is, how wonderful, All: To live together in unity. Responding to the Word One: Love and faith come together, All: Justice and peace join hands. *Hymn #333 Seek Ye First One: If Christ’s disciples keep silent *Affirmation of Faith All: These stones would shout aloud. One: With the whole church One: Open our lips, O God, All: we affirm All: And our mouths shall proclaim your praise. that we are made in God’s image, One: Let us worship God! befriended by Christ, empowered by the Spirit.

*Opening Hymn #2088 Lord, I Lift Your Name on High One: With people everywhere *Call to Confession All: we affirm *Prayer of Confession (Unison) God’s goodness at the heart of humanity, Silent Prayers planted more deeply than all that is wrong. One: God of all hope and joy One: With all creation All: we celebrate Postlude the miracle and wonder of life; *Those who are able please stand the unfolding purposes of God, forever at work in ourselves and the world. Everyone is invited downstairs in Fellowship Hall following worship for coffee or punch and light refreshments. Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will ______be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive _ us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but PASTOR: Rev. Bill Davis DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Becky Carlisle deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Offering ______Invitation to Give Offertory

*Doxology (#592)

*Prayer of Thanksgiving

Being Sent by the Word

*Closing Hymn #2279 The Trees of the Field *Charge and Benediction One: This is the day that God has made; All: We will rejoice and be glad in it. One: We will not offer to God All: Offerings that cost us nothing. One: Go in peace to love and to serve; All: We will seek peace and pursue it. One: In the name of the Trinity of Love, All: God in community, Holy and one.

*Benediction Response Verse 4 from #2241 The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve Tune: Land of Rest Then let us go to serve in peace, the gospel to proclaim. God’s spirit has empowered us; we go in Jesus’ name. 4th Sunday of Easter CALENDAR

TODAY Youth Sunday Deadline for Flower Sale Orders Christian Ed Workgroup 11:15 a.m. Shepherds’ Hall Rental 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. No Evening Youth Group

MONDAY SNAP-ED Classes for Food Bank clients (SH) 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. Classroom Reserved (FH) (Spanish GED) 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

TUESDAY Church Women United (FH) 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Classroom Reserved (FH) (Spanish GED) 9:00 a.m. – noon Regular Session Meeting (FH) 6:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY Classroom Reserved (FH) (Spanish GED) 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Bible Study 3:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY Classroom Reserved (FH) (Spanish GED) 9:00 a.m. - noon Sometime Circle (FH) – Rescheduled from the 16th 1:00 p.m. Shepherds’ Hall Rental 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.

SATURDAY Growing Home Hosting at Northglenn UMC 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Rental

NEXT SUNDAY Communion Worship & Music Work Group (Library) 11:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School Classes 8:30 a.m. The Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Children’s Sunday School Classes 8:45 a.m. Youth Group 6:30 p.m. 10785 Melody Drive - Northglenn CO 80234 (303) 452-5478 Website – UPCOMING EVENTS: E-mail – [email protected] Flower Sale Pick-up – Sat., May 9 – 10:00 a.m. to noon – Church Narthex Children’s “Parent’s Day” Program – During Worship - May 10 Last Day of Sunday School – May 17 April 26, 2015 Honoring of Grads, Teachers, and Promotion Sunday – May 17 End of Year Youth Group Party – Sun., May 17 – 6:30 p.m. Pinwheels are $5 each. They will be "planted" in our Pinwheel Garden under the sign in Good Shepherd's front yard as soon as possible after 4/26 and will then be available for you to take home Bill can be reached on the church office phone at 303-452-5478 or on May 31st. on his church cell phone at 720-626-6428. His e-mail is [email protected]. OUR NEXT GROWING HOME HOSTING DATE IS MAY 2 ND . Sign-up sheets for bringing THE WEEKLY NEWS food and dinner hosting will be in the narthex on April 19 and 26. April 26, 2015 ITEMS NEEDED FOR THE FOOD BANK FOR APRIL: Canned chicken, mac & cheese, toilet paper and bar soap. Please place items in the bench in the Narthex or bring to the Food Bank. Thank you! During March the Food Bank gave out 152 orders to 118 households serving 389 people, including 137 children. Thank you WELCOME friends, new and old! May God’s presence bring warmth, enlightenment and joy as for your continued support for this important mission. we worship together. We invite everyone to join us downstairs following worship for a coffee/punch and light refreshments. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE PLANNING A “PARENTS’ DAY” PROGRAM ON MAY 10, MOTHER’S DAY. Rehearsals will be at 8:45 each Sunday morning (before A nursery is available downstairs for children ages birth to 5 years. heading to their Sunday School classes) starting April 12th and they will also be rehearsing during Junior Church on Apr. 19 & 26. Please plan on having your children here so they can participate in The flowers this morning are in celebration of Maxine Killion’s birthday. this special program. Thank you! ******************************************************************************* THE APRIL ISSUE OF THE SHEPHERD’S CROOK is available in your e-mail and on the GOOD NEWS FOR THE PRESBYTERY FAMILY An old adage suggests that youth is wasted website. For those who do not have internet access, copies are available in the Narthex. on the young. In his book Like a Child, Rev. Tim Mooney argues that adults can reclaim some of childhood’s best qualities to deepen our spiritual lives. Find out how to do that at the Denver YOUTH MISSION TRIP SHARES ON SALE! You have the opportunity once again to support Presbytery’s “Staycation” at Highlands Camp on August 7 and 8. Bring the whole family! There our youth on an upcoming mission trip. This year we are traveling to Ghost Ranch in New Mexico will be camp activities as well as learning exercises for all ages. Register now at participating in the Youth Service Corps June 15th – 21st! For $10 you can be a shareholder in this trip and truly invest in the lives of our youth and others they touch. You can follow along with the work we’re doing throughout the week with posts on As a shareholder you will be invited to dinner with a pre-screening of the video from our week at Ghost Ranch later in FINANCIAL UPDATE Income from pledges and contributions only is $38,854.80 through the the summer after we return. The date of the dinner will be announced in May. Invest as God calls end of March 2015. This is 27% of the amount projected in our budget for the first quarter. you and show these youth that they are loved and supported by the people of this church. We are Expenses totaled $50,599.93 for the same period of time. This was also 27% of the budgeted incredibly grateful for your support! expenses. Our income is not just from pledges and contributions. It also includes rental income, per capita payments, etc. START PLANNING THOSE GARDENS! Now is the time to start thinking "SPRING"! It's also time to remember our Annual Flower Sale! Order forms are FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGRAM Colorado older adults have a wealth of love, available in the Narthex and in the bulletins---plan to take some forms for your knowledge, and wisdom to share. Volunteers of America’s Foster Grandparents are bridging the friends & neighbors as well! Pickup will take place in the Narthex on Saturday, gap between our most valuable assets - seniors and youth - with amazing results. If you or May 9, from 10 a.m. - noon., right before Mother's Day, so plan for Mom, too! someone you know has a love for children, are over the age of 55, have a lower income, and Money earned goes directly to camperships and to the Youth Mission Trip! What the ability to volunteer 15 or more hours per week, we would love to talk with you more. wonderful causes! Orders must be turned in by Sunday, April 26. Volunteers are paid a small stipend and are reimbursed for transportation. We are currently interviewing potential volunteers. Call 303 297-0408 and ask for the Foster Grandparent Program. THE SALE OF PINWHEELS TO SUPPORT RALSTON HOUSE FAMILY Thank you, The Volunteers of America Foster Grandparent Program (303) 297-0408 ADVOCACY CENTER will take place today, April 26, before and after worship. Flock Notes

Birthdays April 29 to May 15 Apr. 29 Maxine Killion May 6 Harmen van der Vegt May 5 Sean Regan May 9 Claire Hammack May 6 Gwen Thompson May 15 Jordan Hood

Here’s What’s Happening----Please keep in your thoughts and prayers----Jerry & Jacque Noland, as Jerry continues his struggle with health issues----All those fighting cancer: Carrie Boardman, Daniel Leieritz, Sue Coleman, Tom McConnell, Betty Casady, Donna Cadwallader----Janett Rafferty, Joan Moore’s sister-in-law, recovering from cancer surgery and facing chemo treatments----Tom McConnell and the rest of the family as Tom’s Uncle Howard is in critical condition at North Suburban Hospital----Those seeking employment----Congratulations to Joyce Matthews who was honored on Wednesday evening for volunteering over 10,000 hours over the past 20 years to the Denver Museum of Natural History! ----Each week we include a request for prayers for one of our church’s mission projects: This week pray for clients and volunteers at the Ralston House---As a member of Denver Presbytery, let us be in prayer this week for: Thornton Presbyterian Church, Trinity Presbyterian Church, and the Nakai Task Force ---Let us know what’s happening….drop off your news in the Church Office or call/e-mail it to us.

GINGERSNAP: Faith is caught….not taught.

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