The Ohio Senate

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The Ohio Senate

The Ohio House of The Ohio Senate Representatives Keith Faber, President William G. Batchelder, Speaker Eric Kearney, Minority Leader Armond Budish, Minority Leader


Records Retention Schedule Series Title Description Retention Period Number Retain until superseded, obsolete, or Publications produced by an agency detailing Directives, Manuals and replaced, then transfer to State GAR-PP-01 operations, regulations, and/or procedures of an Handbooks Archives for their possible retention or agency. destruction. Retain until superseded, obsolete or Departmental Policies Includes published reports, unpublished substantive replaced, then transfer to State GAR-PP-02 and Procedures reports and policy studies. Archives for their possible retention or destruction. Instructions issued by the Governor as the Chief Executive Orders and Retain until superseded, obsolete, or GAR-PP-03 Executive of State Government (Original on file Proclamations replaced, then destroy. permanently with Secretary of State). Retain until audited by Auditor of State Reports created by state agency staff or outside and audit report is released and all Management and GAR-PP-04 consultants concerning the management or discrepancies are resolved, then Operations Reports operations of a state agency. transfer to State Archives for their possible retention or destruction. Upon publication, fulfill the GAR-RPM- also includes other published periodic reports on requirements of O.R.C. 149.11. Destroy Annual Reports 01 agency activities. excess copies when no longer of administrative value. Upon publication, fulfill the GAR-RPM- Printed matter published by state agencies for requirements of O.R.C. 149.11. Destroy Publications, State 02 distribution to the public. excess copies when no longer of administrative value. Retain in agency until no longer of GAR-RPM- Printed or recorded copies of public speeches given administrative value, then transfer to Speeches 03 by representatives of state agencies. state archives for their possible retention or destruction. Retain in agency until no longer of GAR-RPM- Newspaper Releases and Includes news/press releases and bulletins issued administrative value, then transfer to 04 News Bulletins by an agency. state archives for their possible retention or destruction. Retain until information is no longer GAR-RPM- Includes negatives, prints, slides, transparencies, Photo File current then to State Archives for 05 and related items. possible retention or destruction. GAR-RPM- Includes exhibits, movies, and videotape Retain until information is no longer Audiovisual Materials 06 productions. current, then to State Archives. GAR-RPM- Monthly & Weekly Documents status of on-going projects and issues; Retain 1 year, then destroy. 07 Reports advises supervisors of various events and issues. Retain 2 years, then transfer to State GAR-RPM- Minutes of Agency Staff Minutes and supporting records documenting Archives for their possible retention or 08 Meetings internal policy decisions. destruction. Retain 2 years, then transfer to State GAR-RPM- Minutes of Official Public Official minutes, orders and decisions of a state Archives for their possible retention or 09 Meetings agency, commission, board, or council. destruction. Records documenting the entry and departure of GAR-RPM- Visitors' Log employees and visitors into a State office building Retain 1 year, then destroy. 10 during and/or after office hours. Correspondence of the head of an agency dealing with significant aspects of the administration of their Correspondence, Retain 2 years then transfer to State GAR-CM-01 offices. Correspondence includes information Executive Archives. concerning agency policies, procedures, program, fiscal and personnel matters. Includes internal correspondence (letters, memos); also, correspondence from various individuals, companies, and organizations requesting Correspondence, GAR-CM-02 information pertaining to agency and legal Retain 6 months, then destroy. General interpretations and other miscellaneous inquiries. This correspondence is informative (it does not attempt to influence agency policy). Includes Mailing lists, directories, rosters, and Retain until superseded, obsolete, or GAR-CM-04 Lists/Directories registers compiled by an agency. replaced, then destroy. Includes telephone messages, post-it-notes, drafts and other limited documents which serve to convey Retain until no longer of administrative GAR-CM-05 Transient Documents information of temporary importance in lieu of oral value, then destroy. communication. Retain until superseded by a revised Records Retention A form used to identify the length of time a record retention schedule, or until record GAR-RR-01 Schedule must be retained before final disposition. series is no longer maintained, then destroy. Used for conducting an inventory of an agency's Retain until superseded by an updated Records Inventory & record series. Requests vital information to be used GAR-RR-02 inventory or until record series is no Analysis Worksheet in determining the retention period and disposition longer created, then destroy. of a record. For deposits, destructions and returns, retain 2 years after transaction is Records Storage Service A form that is used to deposit, retrieve, return and completed then destroy. For retrievals GAR-RR-03 Request destroy records stored off-site. only, retain until transaction is completed (e.g.. Return to storage), then destroy. Form used to certify the destruction or transfer of Certificate of Records GAR-RR-04 records according to an approved records retention Retain 2 years, then destroy. Disposal schedule. Formal opinions and informal opinions issued to Attorney General's Retain until no longer of administrative GAR-LL-01 state agencies with all pertinent materials attached Opinions or legal value to agency, then destroy. thereto. Copies of state and federal legislation of interest to Retain until no longer of use, then GAR-LL-02 Legislation an agency. destroy. Includes worksheets and information used to draft Retain 1 year after rule published, then GAR-LL-03 Administrative Rules rules, JCARR proceedings, transcripts of public destroy. hearings etc. Retain 2 years after case is closed and no further appeals can be filed, then Claims and Litigation GAR-LL-04 destroy. If case is dismissed without Records prejudice, retain one year after statute of limitations runs, then destroy. Used by state agencies to request that the Attorney Retain until no longer of administrative GAR-LL-05 Delinquent Claim General pursue collection of dollars owed to them value, then destroy. that they have not been able to collect. Retain 1 years after final expiration, Licenses, Permits, All documents relating to application and grant or GAR-LL-06 including all renewals, or 1 year after Certifications denial of an administrative license, permit, etc. denial, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used to request installation or modification of any GAR-OES- Office Equipment Service and audit report is released and all equipment or service provided by telephone, 01 Request discrepancies are resolved, then computer, copier companies, etc. destroy. Original computer printout, instructions and work GAR-OES- Equipment Inventory and sheets used to complete equipment inventory Retain until superseded, then destroy. 02 Assignment Sheets reports for pagers, laptops, cellular phones, etc. GAR-OES- Delivery Slips and Retain until no longer of administrative 03 Packing Lists value, then destroy. Direct Purchase Orders, Retain until audited by Auditor of State Requisitions and Other GAR-OES- and audit report is released and all Documents Related to 04 discrepancies are resolved, then Purchase of Goods or destroy. Services Retain until audited by Auditor of State Authorizes payment to another state agency for GAR-OES- Intra-State Transfer and audit report is released and all goods and/or services received and serves as the 05 Voucher discrepancies are resolved, then basis for disbursing funds. destroy. GAR-OES- Invoices (Accounts Bill for goods shipped or services rendered. They Retain until audited by Auditor of State and audit report is released and all are matched with purchase orders and receiving 06 Payable Invoices) discrepancies are resolved, then reports, and attached to vouchers for payment. destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used to make emergency purchases of all GAR-OES- Release and Permit to and audit report is released and all materials, supplies and equipment and to make 07 Make Direct Purchases discrepancies are resolved, then direct purchases or engage in contract of services. destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State GAR-OES- Used to order supplies, forms, food, etc., from a and audit report is released and all Requisitions for Supplies 08 storeroom. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Postal Records, GAR-OES- Registered Mail, Insured Retain 1 year, then destroy. 09 Mail Logs, and Metered Records GAR-OES- Postal Reports, Stamp Retain 1 year, then destroy. 10 Requisitions Retain until audited by Auditor of State GAR-OES- Release for Abandoned Used for the salvage of equipment or property of the and audit report is released and all 11 Property State of Ohio. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used to submit specification for a printing job to GAR-OES- and audit report is released and all Printing Orders State Printing and to encumber the dollars needed 12 discrepancies are resolved, then for the job. destroy. All Bidding Documents, RFP's, RFQ's or Similar For sale of gods, retain five years then GAR-C-01 Documents (Purchasing, destroy. For services, retain 16 years, construction, personnel then destroy. servic Retain until audited by Auditor of State Vender Master Input Used to establish descriptive information about a and audit report is released and all GAR-C-02 Document vendor or update previously entered vendor data. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Fulfill the requirements of O.R.C. GAR-BLM- Lease Records of Lands 117.49. Retain 2 years after expiration 01 or Buildings of lease, then destroy. GAR-BLM- Maintenance and Repair Retain 2 years, then destroy. 02 of Building Appraisals, encumbrances, fund transfers, plans, Retain permanently with the original resolutions, Attorney General's opinions, contracts GAR-BLM- Purchase of Land instrument filed pursuant to O.R.C. and any other original documents related to the 03 Records 117.49. Retain photocopies in agency acquisition of real property by the State of Ohio until property conveyed, then destroy. through O.R.C. 127.13 or other O.R.C. sections. Retain for 1 year after permanently GAR-BLM- Deed Records, Real recorded with county auditor, then 04 Property destroy. GAR-BLM- Retain 2 years after asset is sold, then Capital Asset Records 05 destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used to establish descriptive information for each GAR-BLM- and audit report is released and all Capital Projects Master capital project and to update previously entered 06 discrepancies are resolved, then capital projects data. destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Out-of-State Travel Internal form used to obtain authorization for out-of- and audit report is released and all GAR-VT-01 Request state travel for a state employee. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used for claiming reimbursement for in-state and and audit report is released and all GAR-VT-02 Travel Expense Report out of state travel. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Includes service records, compilation sheets, operation maintenance reports of licensed vehicles, Retain during ownership of vehicle, GAR-VT-03 Vehicle Operations File warranty and guaranty statements, operating then destroy. manual, reports and shop-work orders, accident reports, repair records, mileage and usage logs etc. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Form initiated when salvaging a state vehicle. Vehicle to Salvage and audit report is released and all GAR-VT-04 Describes condition of vehicle, lists accessories Information Sheet discrepancies are resolved, then installed on vehicle. destroy. Retain until superseded. The current GP-O-01 Organizational Charts chart will be audited by Auditor of State. DAS to retain 3 years; all other agencies retain until superseded by a List of all positions within an agency by position Employee Position new roster, then destroy, provided GP-O-02 control number, including both filled and vacant Control Rosters audited by Auditor of State and audit positions. Used for budget and personnel purposes. report is released and all discrepancies are resolved. **A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF WHAT MUST BE Retain 7 years after employee leaves MAINTAINED IN AN EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL employment, then transfer to DAS to GP-O-03 Employee Personnel File FILE IS BEING COMPILED BY DAS AND WILL BE keep permanently. PLEASE DELAY DISTRIBUTED WHEN COMPLETED. THIS PAGE ANY TRANSFERS UNTIL YOU WILL BE UPDATED AT THAT TIME. RECEIVE DAS NOTIFICATION. Vacancy postings and applications, resumes, civil Retain 7 years after position filled or GP-O-04 Hiring Materials service applications and interview questions from decision not to fill the position is made. applicants not hired. Employee FMLA, EAP, Retain 7 years after employee GP-O-05 Disability and Workers separation, then destroy. Compensation Records Civil Service Exam Announcements, Cover Retain until superseded, replaced or GP-O-06 Sheet Position obsolete, then destroy. (DAS keeps for Descriptions and Position 7 years.) Descriptions Retain 7 years after case is closed, Employee Discipline and then destroy. (Be aware that some GP-O-07 Grievance Records collective contracts specify where such documents can be kept.) Manuals produced by an agency for internal Retain until superseded, obsolete, or GP-O-08 Training Manuals personnel training. replaced, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State and audit report is released and all GP-PAY-01 Attendance Records Timesheets, leave requests, etc. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State and audit report is released and all Payroll Warrant Records discrepancies are resolved, then GP-PAY-02 and Payroll Disbursement destroy. If Federal funds are involved, Records retain according to appropriate Federal schedules. Retain 7 years after the expiration of contracts, then destroy provided Temporary Personnel GP-PAY-03 audited by Auditor of State and audit Contracts report is released and all discrepancies are resolved. Requests for outside agency (ex. Highway Patrol, Auditor, EOD…) to investigate an employee. Retain 1 year after completion of Requests for GP-M-01 Includes request, referral, and any attached investigation or decision not to Investigations documentation including preliminary investigation investigate, then destroy. before the referral. GP-M-02 Internal Investigations Employee investigations file. Retain 3 years, then destroy. GP-M-03 Telephone Logs, Bills Listing of long distance calls made by agency Retain until audited by Auditor of State and Call Records personnel for a particular time period. and audit report is released and all discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Financial Disclosure Statements & Joint GP-M-04 Legislative and Ethics Retain 2 years, then destroy. Commission "JLEC" Statements Employee Training Records, Workforce GP-M-05 Development, Tuition Retain 2 years, then destroy. Reimbursement and Other Education Assistan Civil Rights and Title VII GP-M-06 Contains complaints and hearing information. Retain 7 years, then destroy. Files Retain 2 years, then transfer to State GP-M-07 Affirmative Action Plans Archives for their possible retention or destruction. Accident, Health & Safety Records, Incident GP-M-08 Retain 5 years, then destroy. Reports, OSHA Reports, etc. Application, Affidavit and Retain until audited by Auditor of State Related Documents for and audit report is released and all GF-WV-01 Replacement Warrants discrepancies are resolved, then Never Received, Lost, destroy. Stolen, Form used to change the address or other Retain until no longer of administrative GF-WV-02 Auditor of State Rewrite information on a warrant. use, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Request for Stop, and audit report is released and all GF-WV-03 Release or Cancellation discrepancies are resolved, then of Warrant destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Vouchers and Voucher and audit report is released and all GF-WV-04 Journals discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Employee Tuition and audit report is released and all GF-WV-05 Reimbursement Records discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Retain for 1 year after grant is awarded and complete, or audits conducted and Grant Applications and GF-G-01 closeout documents are received, then Related Documents transfer to State Archives for their possible retention or destruction. Retain until state and federal audits All records concerning federal grants to state have been conducted, audit reports GF-G-02 Federal Grant Files agencies which document the expenditure and use released, and audit resolutions issued of federal monies. or resolved, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used to establish a grant master plan in CAS. and audit report is released and all GF-G-03 Grant Master Information Provides a profile of the grant. Enables the system discrepancies are resolved, then to collect financial totals for a grant. destroy. Allotment and Plan Worksheets used for proposed budgets, legislative Retain until budget is in effect, then GF-BA-01 Adjustment testimony and related documents. destroy. Executive Budget Retain until the end of biennium, then GF-BA-02 Proposal destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Fund Appropriation Allows state agencies to establish or increase and audit report is released and all GF-BA-03 Request appropriation authority in special funds. discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Used to transfer appropriations at the Spending Retain until audited by Auditor of State Authority Code (SAC) level on the Central Spending Authority and audit report is released and all GF-BA-04 Accounting System between quarters of the fiscal Adjustment discrepancies are resolved, then year if they are within the same appropriation line destroy. item of an appropriation bill. Request for Transfer of Retain until audited by Auditor of State General Appropriation Allows state agencies to transfer funds between and audit report is released and all GF-BA-05 and Re-allotment of appropriation line items. O.R.C. 127.13. discrepancies are resolved, then Quarters destroy. Used to record receipts or repayment where the Retain until audited by Auditor of State Refund of Expenditure original payment was in error, duplicated, or made and audit report is released and all GF-BA-06 Within the Biennium for illegally. This is done within the biennium for the discrepancies are resolved, then Prior Year prior year. destroy. To request Controlling Board approval of emergency expenditures for Capital Improvement Controlling Board GF-BA-07 Projects, purchases made without competitive Retain 2 years, then destroy. General Request selection, and transfer of Capital Improvement Funds. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Audit reports and work papers created by an and audit report is released and all GF-M-01 Internal Audit Reports agency's internal audit unit or similar functioning discrepancies are resolved, then unit. destroy. Federal or State Audit Copies of audit reports issued by the Auditor of GF-M-02 Retain 2 years, then destroy. Reports State or federal government. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Bonds & Bond Coupons, and audit report is released and all GF-M-03 Redeemed discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Retain 10 years after final call date, GF-M-04 Bond Registers then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State and audit report is released and all GF-M-05 Petty Cash Records discrepancies are resolved, then destroy. Cash in Treasury Detail Retain until audited by Auditor of State Ledger, Cash Receipt and audit report is released and all GF-M-06 Records & Cash discrepancies are resolved, then Transfer, Register of destroy. Intra-Treasury Accounting Entity Retain until audited by Auditor of State Description, Accounts and audit report is released and all GF-M-07 Payable Ledger and discrepancies are resolved, then Accounts Receivable destroy. Ledger GF-M-08 Balance Sheets Retain 2 years, then destroy. Bank Deposit Slips, Retain until audited by Auditor of State Ledgers, Bank and audit report is released and all GF-M-09 Statements, Cancelled discrepancies are resolved, then Checks and Related destroy. Documents Used by agency to maintain a log of batches Retain until batches are verified, then GF-M-10 CAS Batch Control Sheet submitted to CAS. destroy. Continuation Sheet for CAS documents (Formerly Retain as long as attached CAS GF-M-11 CAS Coding Attachment Encumbrance Coding Traveler). document, then destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State CAS Reports and Various computer generated reports distributed by and audit report is released and all GF-M-12 Inquiries by Data OBM to various state agencies discrepancies are resolved, then Classification destroy. Retain until audited by Auditor of State Used by OBM to define allocation units and be OBM Allocation Unit/SAC and audit report is released and all GF-M-13 agencies to define their Spending Authority Codes Definition discrepancies are resolved, then (SAC's). destroy. Used to deposit and record revenue receipts from any known revenue source and to hold unknown receipts for redistribution. Also used by agencies Retain until audited by Auditor of State Revenue Receipts and which have established a departmental holding fund and audit report is released and all GF-M-14 Holding Account from which revenue is redistributed or by any discrepancies are resolved, then Redistribution agency which receives revenue from an unknown destroy. source and deposits it to a fund using the revenue source hold. Used by State Accounting to indicate errors on Retain until error is corrected, then GF-M-15 Correction Notice documents returned to an agency site. destroy. Referral letters, requests for routine information or GAR-CM-03 Correspondence, Routine publications provided to the public by an agency Retain 6 months, then destroy. which are answered by standard form letters. Contract Encumbrances, Procurements, For sale of goods, retain five years after GAR-C-03 Complaints to Vendors, contract expires, then destroy. For and Related Contract services, retain 16 years, then destroy. Documents Agency IT plans, data processing services plans, Information Resources Retain until superseded, obsolete or strategic plans, and related records used to plan for Management and Data replaced, then transfer to State IT-AD-01 information systems development, technology Processing Services Archives for their possible retention or acquisitions, data processing services provision, or Plans destruction. See GAR-PP-02 related areas. Records of data processing policies including those Retain until superseded, obsolete or covering access and security, systems replaced, then transfer to State IT-AD-02 Data Processing Policies development, data retention and disposition, and Archives for their possible retention or data ownership. destruction. See GAR-PP-02 Data Processing Retain until audited by Auditor of State Product/Vendor and Information on data processing equipment, and audit report is released and all IT-AD-03 State Contracts software, and other products and their vendors. discrepancies are resolved, then Reference Files destroy. See GAR-C-02 Reports and other records from OGS detailing Retain until audited by Auditor of State OGS Data Center Time charges for use of the Office of General Services and audit report is released and all IT-AD-04 Billing Records computer services including monthly billing reports, discrepancies are resolved, then copies of vouchers and bills. destroy. See GAR-WV-04 Copies of records created to initiate the purchasing Copies of Purchase process, authorize and provide funds for, or satisfy Retain until audited by Auditor of State Requisitions, Orders, and claims and expedite payments for private service and audit report is released and all IT-AD-05 Billing Records for Data providers including copies of purchase orders, discrepancies are resolved, then Processing Services invoice requests, receipts, agency vouchers, service destroy. See GAR-OES-04 reports, and other supporting documentation. Electronic and manual records used to document, calculate costs and bill program units for computer Retain until audited by Auditor of State Records of Chargebacks usage and data processing services. These records and audit report is released and all IT-AD-06 to Data Processing are also used for cost recovery, budgeting, or discrepancies are resolved, then Services Users administrative purposes. Records Not Covered: destroy. See GAR-OES-05 Chargeback records subject to Federal audit requirements should be scheduled separately. Retain for 3 years after discontinuance Records necessary for using the system: user of system and until all system data is guides, system or sub-system definitions, system destroyed or transferred to new Data Systems flowcharts, program descriptions and operating environment, then destroy. If IT-SD-01 Specifications documentation, job control or work flow records, all data is not destroyed or transferred, system specifications, and input and output transfer specifications to State Archives specifications. for their possible retention or destruction. Retain 3 years after discontinuance of Records generally created during development or system or application and until system’s modification and necessary to access, retrieve, or application’s data is destroyed or Data manipulate and interpret data in an automated transferred to a new structure or format, IT-SD-02 Documentation/Data system including data element dictionary, file layout, then destroy. If all data is not destroyed Dictionary Records code book or table, and other records that explain or transferred, transfer records to State the meaning, purpose, structure, logical Archives for their possible retention or relationships, and origin of the data elements. destruction. Automated program code which generates the Retain for 3 system update cycles after Automated Program IT-SD-03 machine-language instructions used to operate an code is superseded or replaced, then Listing/Source Code automated information system. destroy. Routine or benchmark data sets, related Retain until no longer of administrative IT-SD-06 Test Database/Files documentation, and test results constructed or used value to agency, then destroy. to test or develop a system. Records of procedures for data entry, the operation Retain until superseded, obsolete or Data Processing of computer equipment, production control, tape replaced, then transfer to State IT-OP-01 Operating Procedures library, system backup, and other aspects of a data Archives for their possible retention or processing operation. destruction. See GAR-PP-02 For sale of goods, retain five years after Maintenance contracts for data processing Maintenance Contracts contract expires, then destroy. For IT-OP-03 equipment, and related records including copies of Files services, retain 16 years, then destroy. contracts, service histories, and work orders. See GAR-C-03 Operating System and Records relating to the replacement of equipment or Retain 1 year after successful IT-OP-04 Hardware Conversion computer operating systems. conversion, then destroy. Plans Copy of program code, program flowcharts, Retain until all data in system has been program maintenance log, system change notices, migrated or destroyed. If all data is not Technical Program original design documents, specifications, IT-SD-04 destroyed or transferred, transfer Documentation requirements, acceptance tests, and other records documentation to State Archives for that document computer programs and the their possible retention or destruction. modifications made to computer programs. Records used in the procurement of system hardware and software including request for proposals, proposals, quotations and bids, For sale of goods, retain five years then Data Processing benchmark/acceptance testing information, IT-SD-05 destroy. For services, retain 16 years, Procurement Files correspondence, duplicate copies of contracts, then destroy. See GAR-C-01 purchase orders, technical reviews, and vendor information including references and literature on the firm or product line. Records documenting the use, operation, and Retain until the agency no longer uses maintenance of an agency's data processing Data Processing related hardware and all data is IT-OP-02 equipment including operating manuals, Hardware Documentation transferred to and made useable in new hardware/operating system requirements, hardware hardware environment, then destroy. configurations, and equipment control systems. Records related to the protection and Data Processing Disaster reestablishment of data processing services, Retain until superseded by revised IT-OP-05 Preparedness and equipment and data (back-up files) in case of a plan, then destroy. Recovery Plans disaster. Copies of master files or databases, application software, logs, directories, and other records Retain for a minimum of 12 backup IT-OP-06 System Backup Files needed to restore a system in case of a disaster or cycles, then destroy. inadvertent destruction. Electronic or textual records created to control or monitor individual access to a system and its data System Users Access Retain until no longer of administrative IT-OP-07 created for security purposes, including but not Records value to agency, then destroy. limited to user account records, security logs, and password files. Electronic files or automated logs created to monitor computer system usage including but not limited to Retain until no longer of administrative IT-OP-08 Computer Usage Files log-in files, system usage files, data entry logs, and value to agency, then destroy. records of individual computer program usage. Summary Computer Summary reports and other paper records created Retain until no longer of administrative IT-OP-09 Usage Reports to document computer usage. value to agency, then destroy. Records used to schedule computer runs including Computer Run daily schedules, run reports, run requests, and other Retain until no longer of administrative IT-OP-10 Scheduling Records records documenting the successful completion of a or fiscal value to agency, then destroy. run. IT-OP-11 Input Documents Copies of records or forms designed and used Retain until all data has been entered solely for data input and control when the data into the system and, if required, processing unit provides centralized data input verified, then destroy. services and original records are retained by the program unit. Data generated during the creation of a master file Retain for a minimum of 12 IT-OP-12 Audit Trail Files or database used to validate a master file or database/master file backup cycles, database during a processing cycle. then destroy. Automated records used to control the location, Retain until related records or media Automated Tape Library IT-OP-13 maintenance, and disposition of magnetic media in are destroyed or withdrawn from the System Files a tape library. tape library, then destroy. Records used to control the location, maintenance, and disposition of magnetic media in a tape library Tape Library Control IT-OP-14 including list of holdings, control logs, and "scratch Retain until superseded, then destroy. Records reports" regarding the destruction of tape library electronic files. Retain site visit reports, problem and Records documenting support services provided to equipment service reports, and routine specific data processing equipment or installations correspondence and memoranda until Site/Equipment Support including site visit reports, program and equipment warranty or guarantee of service has IT-AS-01 Files service reports, service histories, and expired, then destroy. Retain service correspondence and memoranda. For service histories and other summary records contracts, see IT-OP-03. until the related equipment is no longer in use, then destroy. Records used to document requests for technical assistance and responses to these requests as well Help Desk Telephone Retain until no longer of administrative IT-AS-02 as to collect information on the use of computer Logs and Reports value, then destroy. equipment for program delivery, security, or other purposes. Memoranda, flyers, catalogues, registration forms, Training Course rosters, and other records relating to training Retain until superseded, obsolete, or IT-AS-03 Information courses run by a data processing user support or replaced, then destroy. See GP-O-08 office automation support unit. Summary reports and other records created to Retain until no longer of administrative IT-CS-01 Network Usage Reports document computer usage for reporting or other value to agency, then destroy. purposes.

Nothing in this schedule supersedes the records retention schedule of the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Senate for the legislative members of the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission.

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