GU Institutional Review Board

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GU Institutional Review Board

Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

Georgetown University Institutional Review Board Application (Protocol) for Committee C Social and Behavioral Sciences IRB Review (C-1)

Section One: Application Information

Principal Investigator: Tanya T. Gassenheimer Department: Sociology Title: Student Phone/Pager: 617 584 0161 Fax: N/A E-mail address: [email protected] Mailing Address: 1414 36th NW

Co-Investigator: N/A Department: N/A Title: N/A Phone/Pager: N/A Fax: N/A E-mail address: N/A Mailing Address: N/A

Responsible Participant (member of faculty Sam Marullo or official or administrative unit) Title: Professor, Sociology Department Phone/Pager: 73582 E-mail address: [email protected]

Is this research for your thesis/dissertation?  Yes  No

Title of Project Purpose of Project (one or two sentences) The purpose of my project is threefold: the first part Measuring Poverty and Community Transformation involves researching when data on poverty rates come out, how often they come out, and how the definition of “poverty rate” changes over time in this data; the second part involves researching other related data and statistics that may be more easily accessed and more specified, so they can be applied to smaller communities (at the Census Tract level, for example); and finally the third part of my project involves measuring the impact of the Perry School for lowering the amount of poverty in its community.

Additional Co-Investigators/Consultants, if any Department or Institution

Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 1 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

Estimated duration of total project Until May, 2010 Estimated total number of subjects N/A (including control subjects) Age range of subjects N/A Sex of subjects N/A Where will study be conducted? At home and at the Perry School Community Services, Inc location. Source of subjects N/A Experience of Principal Investigator: Introduction to Sociology, Women and Development, Social Brief summary (also attach a CV or Inequality, Methods of Social Research, Sociological Theory, biosketch,) Probability and Statistics

Source of Funding/Grant Support for Project (if any) Commercial Support for Project (if any) N/A N/A

Section Two: Additional Georgetown University Regulatory Information

Please answer each specific question and use additional sheets as needed. A response of “See attached project description or grant application” is not sufficient.

2.1 Background. Provide a brief historical background of the project with reference to the investigator’s personal experience and to pertinent scientific literature. Use additional sheets as needed.

The Perry School Community Services, Inc. began in 1991 and is now a nonprofit organization that attempts to eradicate the causes and consequences poverty in the community it serves through youth development, economic empowerment, and social service programs. The community it serves includes 9 census tracts around the North Capitol St. area; its borders are 7th St. NW on the west, Florida and Rhode Island Avenues on the north, 2nd St. NE and the railroad tracks on the east, and Louisiana, Constitution, and Pennsylvania Avenues on the south. In 2000, this area had a population of about 20,000.

The problem I will be concerned with is researching data on poverty and using that research to attempt to measure the impact the Perry School has had in this community it serves. The problem has three parts: the first, researching when/how often/from where data on the poverty rate come out and how the definition of the poverty rate has changed over time; second, using other related data (other than just the poverty rate) that are perhaps more easily accessed and specified to smaller areas/communities, hopefully then making it easier to follow the progress of a particular community over time; and third, using this research to try to find an accurate measure of impact, specifically Perry School’s impact in its community, an important aspect that will help the Perry School’s success in publicizing results and also in applying for funding.

Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 2 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

As previously touched on, this research, if successful, will have a profound importance in the future success of Perry School and other organizations like it. The goal is to be able to measure the impact the organization is having on the community it serves. If an appropriate measure were to be found, Perry School could then utilize this method for future measurements; other organizations could employ the measure for measuring their own successes; the organizations could publicize their successes to the community, which could serve as a powerful advertising and recruitment tool; and organizations could use this way of measuring impact in applications for funding, something critical to any organization’s success.

While of course hoping for success, I must also remain aware of the limitations of my data sources. One of my primary sources, the U.S. Census Bureau, is a difficult source, since not only does it not produce population and housing census data yearly, but it also produces data in various areas on a varying schedule: population and housing census data come out every 10 years; economic census data every 5 years; and the “American Community Survey” comes out every year. This does not include the data involving economic indicators and other surveys, since in those realms, the frequency of data varies from statistic to statistic. This issue might cause difficulty for me, since a lot of the data in these various branches of the Census data will include poverty-related statistics. So I may not be able to rely exclusively on such data, since I may not be able to obtain enough statistical data for short periods of time. Another limitation is that the Census Bureau lacks sufficient data at the tract level, which is the level on which I will be focusing.

As not to rely too heavily on the Census Bureau, I also intend to research New York’s recently changed method of researching poverty. This method follows the National Academy of Science’s recommendations. There is also another approach that follows the suggestions of the National Academy of Sciences while also addressing the criticism of those suggestions. That approach is the Measuring American Poverty Act, an Act introduced by Representative Jim McDermott (D-WA) in the House and Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) in the Senate. This Act is in the very beginning legislative stages; it has been reviewed by a few committees but has yet to be put up for a vote. The Act would encourage the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (another source I could look into) to modernize their measurements of poverty, seeing as the current poverty measure dates back to the 1960s when the cost of living and the general economic standards were much different from what they are today. (Greenberg 2-7)

The experience I have that will be appropriate to this project involves two classes in particular, Methods of Social Research and Probability and Statistics. I will be employing many of the concepts and ideas I learned in these two classes for this research I intend to conduct. Perry School Community Services, Inc obviously has had plenty of experience in the area, since they have been around for many years and have had a consistent goal throughout that time.

Works Cited Greenberg, Mark. “It’s Time for a Better Poverty Measure,” Center for American Progress. Retrieved 10/23/09 (

Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 3 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

2.2 The plan of study. State the hypothesis or research question you intend to answer. Describe the research design, methods, interventions, and procedures (including standard or commonly used interventions or procedures) to be used in the research. Specifically, identify any interventions, procedures, or equipment that are innovative, unusual, or experimental. Where appropriate, provide statistical justification or power analysis for the number of subjects to be studied. Use additional sheets as needed.

The research question I intend to answer is does the Perry School lower poverty in the NW-1 community, and if it does, how much? Answering this question will involve some related questions, such as when, how often, and from where do data on poverty rates come out, and how has the definition of “poverty rate” changed in recent years? Do these data show an effect of the Perry School on the NW-1 community’s poverty rate? What other data can be used to measure poverty that may be more easily accessed and more easily specified to a particular community? Do these data show the same/a similar/a different effect of the Perry School on the community’s level of poverty? Also, since the Perry School targets three areas of improvement—youth development, economic empowerment, and social service programs—do certain aspect and statistics in the poverty data pertain more to each of these areas? Can they and should they be measured independently in terms of the Perry School’s effect?

The research design is primarily data compilation with some program evaluation. To answer the previously stated questions, I will compile data from multiple sources, such as national Census data and local sources (including the Perry School itself)—primarily the D.C. government—all of which are public data sources. These data are collected and gathered on different intervals. They reflect different dimensions and correlates of poverty, such as unemployment, household income, educational attainment, and receipt of services and government subsidies. I intend to compile as many of these indicators as I can identify and track them over the time period of 1980 to the present. Once I have compiled these data, I intend to examine them for patterns of relationships among the indicators and for trends over time. To the extent possible, I will compile and examine the variables called for in the “Measuring American Poverty Act.” I will confer with Perry School staff and Executive Director to determine whether and to what extent these indicators can be seen as a reflection of the Perry Schools intervention in the community.

2.3 Risks. Indicate what you consider to be the risks to subjects and indicate the precautions to be taken to minimize or eliminate these risks. If any data monitoring procedures are needed to ensure the safety of subjects, describe them. Use additional sheets as needed.

I do not plan to do any research on live subjects or conduct any interviews. My research design is secondary data analysis of previously gathered public data, explore alternative definitions of poverty, and seek new data sources or variables; but nothing involving contact with subjects. Since the data I will be researching are all publicly distributed, I foresee no risks involved.

Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 4 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

Section Three: Selection of Subjects and the Informed Consent Process

3.1 Indicate whether this project involves any of the following subject populations? Children (Children are defined by local law as anyone under age 18.) Prisoners Pregnant women Cognitively impaired or mentally disabled subjects Economically or educationally disadvantaged subjects

If you indicated any of the above, in the space below please describe what additional safeguards will be in place to protect these populations from coercion or undue influence to participate. (Use additional sheets as needed.)


3.2 Recruitment: Describe how subjects will be recruited and how informed consent will be sought from subjects or from the subjects’ legally authorized representative. If children are subjects, discuss whether their assent will be sought and how the permission of their parents will be obtained. Use additional sheets as needed.


Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 5 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

Compensation: Will subjects receive any compensation for participation in cash or in kind?

Yes No

If subjects receive any compensation, please describe amount or kind of compensation in the space below.


3.3 Fees: Will any finder’s fees be paid to others?

Yes If so, please describe the amount below. No


Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 6 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

Section Four: Privacy and Confidentiality of Data and Records

4.1 Sensitive Information. Will identifiable, private, or sensitive information be obtained about the subjects or other living individuals? Whether or not such information is obtained, describe the provisions to protect the privacy of subjects and to maintain the confidentiality of data. Use additional sheets as needed.

I will not be collecting identifiable, private, or sensitive information. All my data will come from public data sources, from which private information cannot be obtained.

Section Five: Conflict of Interest

5.1 Conflict of Interest: Do any investigators or co-investigators have a conflict of interest as defined in the Georgetown University Faculty handbook?

 Yes. If so, please explain below.  No.

Note: A copy of each investigator’s and co-investigator’s current Georgetown University Financial Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form must be attached to this application (original plus one copy)

Each “investigator” must submit a Georgetown University Study Specific Disclosure Form as part of this protocol application. “Investigator” includes the principal investigator and any other person who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research.

The Georgetown University Study Specific Disclosure Form is available for downloading from the IRB website:

Questions about the Georgetown University Study Specific Disclosure Form can be directed to the Office of Regulatory Affairs, Conflicts Regulation Office at 202-784-5313 or [email protected]

Guidance for Conflicts Disclosure in Publications and Presentations Financial and/or Intellectual property interests (e.g. patents or patent applications) must also be disclosed in all related press releases, publications and presentations.

Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 7 Georgetown University Social & Behavioral IRB IRB Number: ______

I certify that the information furnished concerning the procedures to be taken for the protection of human subjects is correct. I will seek and obtain prior approval for any modification in the protocol or informed consent document and will report promptly any unexpected or otherwise significant adverse effects encountered in the course of this study.

I certify that all individuals named as consultants or co-investigators have agreed to participate in this study. N/A

I assure that the protected health information identified on the “Medical Records Release and General Authorization to Use and Disclose Health Information for Research” and the persons and entities that may use, give and receive protected health information is accurate and reflective of the known use and disclosure for this human clinical study. N/A

____Tanya T. Gassenheimer______617 584 0161______Printed/Typed Name of Investigator Telephone number

______10/14/09______Signature of Investigator Date Department Chair: Approved Disapproved ______Printed/Typed Name ______Telephone Number ______Signature of Department Chair Date

If more than one department or administrative unit is participating in the research and/or if the facilities or support of another unit, e.g., nursing, pharmacy, or radiation therapy, are needed, then the chair or administrative official of each unit must also sign this application.

______Approved Authorized Signature Disapproved

______Title and Department Date

______Approved Authorized Signature and Title Disapproved

______Title and Department Date

______Approved Authorized Signature and Title Disapproved

______Title and Department Date

Form C-1 (revised 2008/01/02) 8 Section Six: Attachments

Please attach the following items in order for the IRB-C to review your research:

Note: provide the original plus 15 copies of all materials for FULL REVIEW (ONLY). Provide the original only (of all materials) for EXEMPT and EXPEDITED reviews.

IRB-C Application forms (all forms are available on the IRB-C website at:

 Form C-1 (always required)  Request for Expedited Review (Form C-3) and/or Request for Exemption (Form C-4) Note: One or both, depending on nature of the research  Study Specific Disclosure Forms for all Investigators  Certificate of completion of education in the protection of human research subjects (required)  Informed consent document  Any recruitment notices or advertisements  Any survey instruments, psychological tests (other than standard, commercially available instruments), interview forms, or scripts to be used in the research  Investigator’s qualifications (CV, biosketch, or Form 1572, if available)  Formal research protocol, if available.  Grant application, if applicable.

IRB-C forms may be delivered to the Social & Behavioral IRB drop-box location on the Main Campus located in the Graduate School of Arts and Science ICC302


IRB-C forms may be mailed or delivered to the following address:

Social & Behavioral Sciences IRB-C Attention: Brandon Edmonds, Project Coordinator Georgetown University Med-Dent SW 104, 3900 Reservoir Road NW Washington, DC 20057-1005 Fax: (202) 687-4847 Email: [email protected]

For questions, please call the IRB office at (202) 687-6553

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