Operational Competencies Worksheet

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Operational Competencies Worksheet


Competency Competency Definition Link to Class Spec Task Assessment Tools Cluster  Communica Oral Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview tions Communicati communicate 1 42 3 4 ons ideas, 7 7 7 6 thoughts, and 8 8 8 7 facts orally. 9 9 15 13 16 Speaking using 17 correct 21 grammar, 22 appropriate 23 body language, 24 proper tone 25 and inflection, recognizing non –verbal cues, and respecting the audience to effectively communicate ideas Written Ability to 104 10 104 104  Suppleme Communicati communicate 1 42 3 4 ntal ons ideas, 7 7 7 6 Question thoughts, and 10 11 11 7 naire facts in writing. 13 15  Writing 19 Ability/skill in Exercise 22  Applicatio using correct n Review grammar,  Work correct Samples spelling, sentence and document structure, and accepted document formatting. Reading Ability to 104 10 104 104  Performa 1 42 3 4 Comprehensi understand 4 4 4 4 nce on and learn from 10 11 11 12 Exercise written 19  Suppleme materials by ntal discerning Question naire essential facts, main ideas, and or the essential message. Interprets written materials including rules, instructions, reports, charts, tables, articles, and technical/profe ssional publications. Infers and applies information from written materials in situations related to the job Listening Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview understand 1 42 3 4  Performa and derive 7 7 7 7 nce meaning from 8 8 8 15 exercise spoken 9 9 16 13 17 material. Requires the ability to remain attentive. Presentation The ability to 104 10 104 104  Performa Skills make clear, 1 42 3 4 nce organized 9 9 17 exercise presentations  Interview of ideas or facts, given time for preparation; presents ideas and facts in a confident, assured manner; makes important points forcefully, capturing the attention and interests of the audience.  Personal Flexibility Degree to 104 10 104 104  Interview Effectivenes which an 1 42 3 4  Suppleme s individual All All All All ntal accepts change questionn in job aire requirements, schedules, or work environments Learning Desire and 104 10 104 104  Interview effort to 1 42 3 4  Suppleme acquire new All All All All ntal knowledge and questionn skills for work. aire Concern for the acquisition of new job knowledge. Integrity/Ho Operates in an 104 10 104 104  Interview nesty ethical 1 42 3 4  Reference manner, All All All All checks/pe Consideration rformanc is given for the e history knowledge one has of the impact and consequences when making a decision or taking action.  Relating to Interpersonal Extent to 104 10 104 104  Interview People Sensitivity which an 1 42 3 4  Reference individual gets 7 7 7 6 checks/pe along and 8 8 8 7 rformanc interacts 9 9 15 e history 13 16 positively with 17 co-workers. 21 Degree and 22 style of 23 understanding 24 and relating to 25 others. Customer Degree to 104 10 104 104  Interview Service which an 1 42 3 4  Suppleme employee 7 7 7 6 ntal attempts to, or 8 8 8 7 questionn meets 9 9 15 aire 13 16 customer 17 expectations. Concern with performing work to a level, which satisfies customer needs. Includes appropriately reacting to customer demands. Negotiation Gaining 104 10 104 104  Interview and cooperation, 1 42 3 4  Suppleme Influence support, and 8 8 8 1 ntal buy-in from 13 16 questionn others. The aire ability to facilitate positive dialog between others with the goal of resolving differences and reaching compromises. Working cooperatively with other to resolve issues, which impede organizational or personal success. Conflict Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview Resolution effectively 1 42 3 4  Suppleme resolve 7 7 7 6 ntal disputes 8 8 8 7 questionn among others. 15 aire 16 Ability to 21 develop 22 convincing 23 alternative 24 solutions to 25 disputes which incorporate collaborative, win/win strategies. Is able to convince others to accept a certain position or view; to draw on information and persuade others to accept decision that may not be theirs. Foresees the consequences of various alternatives and selects the best alternative.

Diversity Ability to work 104 10 104 104  Interview Awareness harmoniously 1 42 3 4  Suppleme with others in All All All All ntal an questionn environment aire where diverse cultures, genders, and races exist. Teamwork Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview effectively 1 42 3 4  Suppleme work and All All All All ntal complete questionn assignments in aire group settings.  Action and Effort and Level of 104 10 104 104  Interview Results Initiative concern for 1 42 3 4  Suppleme own effort and All All All All ntal initiatives. questionn Refers to effort aire an employee is expected to display during a particular task or set of tasks. Also refers to the extent an individual will work and take action without specific direction and without being monitored. Decision Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview making/Judg develop 1 42 3 4  Suppleme ement alternative 4 1 1 1 ntal solutions to 7 2 2 2 questionn problems, 3 3 3 aire 4 4 4  Performa evaluate 7 7 5 nce courses of 10 10 9 Exercise action and 12 12 10 reach logical 13 11 decisions; 12 15 knows when 18 sufficient 20 information is 21 available to 22 make a 23 decision; 24 foresees the 25 consequences of various alternatives and successfully selects the best alternative. Ability to make good judgment to tactfully share information as appropriate to the audience and circumstance. Application The effective 104 10 104 104  Interview of use of 1 42 3 4  Suppleme Technology technology in All All All All ntal to Tasks the questionn performance of aire one’s job. Includes the integration and acceptance of new technology. Accountabilit Takes 104 10 104 104  Interview y responsibility, 1 42 3 4  Suppleme All All All All ntal defines roles questionn and aire responsibilities for self and others; holds others to their roles and responsibilities .

 Analytical Information Manner by 104 10 104 104  Interview and Organization which an 1 42 3 4  Suppleme Conceptual individual 1 1 1 1 ntal addresses and 2 2 2 2 questionn handles the 3 3 3 4 aire 8 8 8 5 flow of 10 9 9 9 information. 11 11 10 Ability to 11 identify, 16 systematically 17 collect, and 19 organize 22 information for 23 use by self and 24 others in an 25 organization. Information may be new or updated procedures and policies, etc. Reasoning Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview breakdown 1 42 3 4  Suppleme complex items 3 3 3 1 ntal or problems 6 6 6 4 questionn into their 7 7 7 5 aire 8 8 8 7 component 9 10 10 11 parts. Analyzes 10 11 11 14 and uses 11 12 12 15 information in 13 16 order to gain 18 understand or 19 solve 20 problems. Uses 21 information to 22 gain insight 23 into time 24 sequences, 25 causality, varying contingencies, etc. Planning, The degree to 104 10 104 104  Interview Monitoring, which an 1 42 3 4  Suppleme and individual is 1 1 1 1 ntal Evaluating able to work 2 2 2 3 questionn concurrently 3 3 3 5 aire 4 4 4 8 on projects, to 9 10 10 9 set time limes, 11 12 12 10 and identify 13 11 other 14 12 resources 18 necessary to 20 complete 21 projects; and 22 the ability to 23 prioritize, set 24 goals, and 25 coordinate work with respect to outcomes and objectives. The ability to create and follow a set path in order to achieve a goal – ability to determine the effectiveness of a given path. Creative Ability to look 104 10 104 104  Interview Thinking at situations 1 42 3 4  Suppleme from multiple 1 1 1 1 ntal perspectives. 2 2 2 5 questionn Tendency or 3 3 3 7 aire ability of the 7 7 7 9  Performa individual to do 8 8 8 10 nce something or 9 10 10 11 exercise create 11 12 12 15 something 13 16 18 new. Creates 20 solutions to 21 problems using 23 novel methods 24 and processes. 25

Problem The 104 10 104 104  Interview Identification identification 1 42 3 4  Suppleme of various 3 3 3 1 ntal types of 6 6 6 5 questionn problems along 7 7 7 6 aire 8 8 8 7 with creating 9 10 10 11 workable 11 12 12 14 solutions. 13 15 Requires the 14 16 identification, 18 analysis, and 20 understanding 21 of problems. 23 24 25

Problem Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview Solving develop 1 42 3 4  Suppleme alternative 3 3 3 1 ntal solutions to 6 6 6 5 questionn problems, 7 7 7 6 aire 8 8 8 7 evaluate  Performa 9 10 10 11 nce courses of 11 12 12 14 exercise action and 13 15 reach logical 14 16 decisions; 18 knows when 20 sufficient 21 information is 23 available to 24 make a 25 decision; foresees the consequences of various alternatives and selects the best alternative. Arithmetic Applies 104 10 104 104  Interview and mathematical 1 42 3 4  Suppleme Mathematica techniques, 1 1 1 1 ntal l Reasoning processes, and 6 6 6 3 questionn concepts to 5 aire 9 understand  Performa nce and solve exercise problems. Able to perform computations, apply mathematical processes of utilize tools, analyze problems, identify or specify patterns or trends and draw reasonable conclusions. Resource Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview Management appropriately 1 42 3 4  Suppleme and 1 1 1 3 ntal responsibly 2 2 2 21 questionn allocate a 23 aire 24 variety of 25 resources that may include materials, money, facilities, and equipment. Requires the ability to assess needs and track progress.

 Managing Supervision The ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview and Leading identify 1 42 3 4  Suppleme ineffective 21 ntal practices, 22 questionn methods and 23 aire 24 systems in use  Reference 25 checks/pe or proposed rformanc for use; to e history effectively redirect and guide subordinates as necessary for the good of the organization; to deal effectively with issues related to employee performance, organizational structure and employee accountability; to avoid solutions to problems which are appealing in the short-run but which have long-term negative consequences. Team Ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview Leadership effectively 1 42 3 4  Suppleme manage and 21 ntal guide group 22 questionn efforts. 23 aire 24 Includes 25 providing appropriate level of feedback concerning group progress. Budget Knowledge of 104 10 104 104  Interview Administrati the principles 1 42 3 4  Suppleme on and practices 3 ntal of budget questionn administration aire and analysis; including preparing, justifying, reporting on, and executing the budget; and the relationships among program, budget, accounting and reporting systems. Teaching and The ability to 104 10 104 104  Interview Coaching asses skill 1 42 3 4  Suppleme development 9 9 21 ntal needs, resolve 22 questionn performance 23 aire 24 problems, help 25 others to grow and develop; recognize and effect actions designed to maintain and improve professional competence of self and others; is creative to offer new and different approaches to issues, willingness to be innovative. Ability to identify and adapt to different needs/learning and communicatio n styles of employees to help them perform effectively. Change Ensures that 104 10 104 104  Interview Management planned 1 42 3 4  Suppleme 13 1 ntal changes are 10 questionn thoroughly, 24 aire smoothly, and 25 effectively implemented and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved; understands the necessity of communicating change intentions and engaging those affected by the change

Workplace Adheres to and 104 10 104 104  Interview 1 42 3 4 Safety promotes an All All All All  Suppleme environment of ntal questionn care and aire workplace safety practices by identifying and reporting hazards and related injuries and illnesses, using equipment safely and correctly, addressing malfunctions, and using proper techniques and precautions.

Organization Knows the 104 10 104 104  Interview al Awareness organization's 1 42 3 4  Suppleme All All All All ntal mission and questionn functions, and aire how its social, political, and technological systems work and operates effectively within them; this includes the programs, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the organization.

Risk Knowledge of 10 1042 104 10  Interview Management the principles, 41 3 44  Suppleme 9 10 10 18 ntal methods, and 11 12 12 20 questionn tools used for 13 aire risk assessment and mitigation, including assessment of failures and their consequences.

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