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May 19, 2003 Henry News…

The Henry United Methodist Women met on Tuesday evening at the home of Diane Kludt. The Community Calendar was discussed and ads were assigned for the coming calendar. Health items for the health kits were gathered. Bath soap bars will be collected at the June meeting. The next meeting will be June 11th at the church with Bonita Sharp as hostess.

Brian and Kathy DeJong and family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Terry Kos home.

Donna Kittelson attended the music concert at the IC School in Watertown on Wednesday evening in which Kayla Burchatz participated.

Lynn, Barb, Adam and Lori Hartley hosted a graduation reception for their daughter and sister, Jenna Hartley, at the Adam Hartley home on Saturday following commencement exercises.

Glen and Connie Wilson recently talked to their son, DJ Church, who is presently aboard ship docked at Bahrain. DJ recently underwent surgery on a finger tendon that was cut at his work.

Doris Coyle called on Mildred McLaughlin and Lola Alexander at Wookey’s Assistant Living in Clark on Friday afternoon. Doris helped Mildred observe her 94th birthday.

Donna Kittelson called on Harriet Kittelson at Prairie Lakes Nursing Home on Wednesday afternoon. Later Donna visited Rose Edwards at the Jenkins Nursing Home. Floyd Kittelson called on his mother on Sunday afternoon.

Arlen, Joan, John and Stephanie Boehnke attended graduation exercises and several receptions for Henry graduates Saturday afternoon. Later on in the evening, they attended the shop-warming party at the Adam Hartley home.

Mike and Lola Nelson were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Tim and Diane Nelson.

Rose McElroy called on Anna Valberg Sunday afternoon. National Guardsman, Ben Hoffman returned to South Dakota on Friday after spending several weeks at Fort Sills, OK.

Donna Kittelson attended the play, Tops and Bottoms, presented by members of the 5th grade class of Clark Grade School on Thursday afternoon. Stephanie Wookey was a cast member.

Former Henry resident and Henry High School graduate of the class of 1929, Lloyd Aldous of Webster passed away on Friday, May 16th.

Harold and Jeanette Hansen visited with Mary Helen Aldous at Webster on Saturday evening.

Jack and Nora Davis, Watertown and Raymond and Cleo Biberdorf attended visitation for Lloyd Aldous in Webster Monday afternoon.

Tierra Rhody of Clear Lake returned to her home after spending overnight on Saturday and a Sunday afternoon of fishing with her grandparents, Fain and Roxanne Geiger.

Troy and Nicky Watson were Friday evening supper guests at the Danny and Bonita Sharp home.

Fifteen members attended the regular meeting of the Henry Senior Citizens on Monday night. Hostesses were Marie Hanson and Harold and Jeanette Hansen. The next meeting will be a picnic at the Henry Park on June 9th at 6 o’clock p.m.

Vickie Burchatz and children visited at the Floyd Kittelson home on Thursday evening.

Barb and Jenna Hartley attended the graduation ceremony in Clark Sunday afternoon. Lynn joined them for the reception honoring Angie Stern at the Delmer and Lynda Stern home at Garden City.

Ilene Paulsen of Watertown accompanied the Harold Hansens to Clark to attend the graduation reception for their niece Michele Severson on Sunday afternoon.

Lindy and Lesa Swedeen and boys attended the graduation reception for Amanda Mack at Kranzburg on Saturday evening.

Toni Benck was honored at a graduation celebration hosted by her dad and step mom, Allen and Gwen Benck on Saturday afternoon. Her reception was held at the Shaina Wynett residence with serving done by her grandmother, Lola Nelson and great aunt, Diane Nelson both of Henry. Guests were friends and family from the local area as well as Minnesota. Toni is considering a career in nursing. Sunday afternoon, Joan and Stephanie Boehnke attended commencement exercises at Clark.

Donna Kittelson attended the graduation reception for Dustin Olson in Watertown on Saturday afternoon. Donna also attended receptions in Henry for Kendra Cotten and Jennifer Boyd.

Raymond and Cleo Biberdorf called on Jack and Nora Davis at their Watertown home Sunday afternoon.

Norma Law of Watertown was a Monday afternoon caller at the Anna Valberg home.

Terry Kos attended the 50th year celebration of KELO-TV at Sioux Falls on Monday.

Clay Bastian returned to his Kansas City, Missouri home after spending the weekend at the home of his parents, Ron and Peggy Bastian and attending the graduation exercises for his brother, Eric Bastian.

Donna Kittelson was a Saturday evening supper guest at the Mike and Cheryl Hovde rural Vienna home. Zachery Hovde was honored on his 10th birthday.

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Reproduced with permission from Judy Kos, Secretary for Town of Henry © 2003