Glad All Over

Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner Choreographer: Lesley Stewart (Clark), Scotland - Sept 2016 Music: Glad All Over by The Dave Clark Five

Intro: 8 counts from what sounds like a trumpet …..ha ha ha

RIGHT VINE, LEFT VINE ¼ TURN 1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right 3-4 Step right to right side, touch left beside right 5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left 7-8 ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, touch right next to left

WALK FORWARD, KICK, WALK BACK, TOUCH 1-2 Walk forward right, left 3-4 Walk forward right, kick left 5-6 Walk back left, right 7-8 Walk back left, touch right next to left

STEP, TWIST, STEP, TWIST 1-2 Step forward right, twist left heel towards right foot 3-4 Twist left toe, twist left heel 5-6 Step forward on left, twist right heel towards left foot 7-8 Twist right toe, twist right heel

STEP, TOUCH, X4 (just like pas de bas ha ha ha) have fun with it and do sixty’s style arms ☺ 1&2 Step right, touch left, step right…..back 3&4 Step left, touch right, step left……back 5&6 Step right, touch left, step right….back 7&8 Step left, touch right step left……back

Start Again………………………………….Happy Dancing…