Selected Scriptures

Reaching the Next Generation Discipleship Lifestyle Group Study Questions 10.08.17

Overview: Seeing the next generation of Christ Followers up in front is encouraging in so many ways. Not only for the future of God’s Kingdom that they represent, but for the generation of disciples that will follow after them. Recently I watched an old TV show that first aired 40 years ago this month. It made me think, in 40 years, what has been my impact on this world? In 40 years what will it still be?

As a church, we have the incredible opportunity to invest in the work of God on this earth. How will we respond? In reading through Paul’s encouragement to Timothy he ends his first letter with a very blunt statement. Remember, Paul is passing on truth from his generation to Timothy’s. That is our call as well, the passing on of truth. Let’s take a look at what Paul wanted Timothy to know.

Begin your time together with prayer Spend 25% in prayer during your time together.  Ask God to show you how to reach the next generation for His glory.

Get to know you Who was your favorite teacher or coach and why?

Discussion Questions:

1. What was your biggest takeaway from this week’s message? Check your sermon notes. 2. Now, let’s look at another section of scripture. Look up 1 Timothy 6:17-19. What is the point that Paul is making to Timothy? A you dig it out, look past the dollar sign to see what Paul really is getting at.

3. Take a look at the following scripture to get a clearer picture of what God has to say on this issue. How do they relate to Paul’s command to Timothy?

a. Matthew 6:1,3-4

b. Matthew 6:19-21

4. What are some tangible ways that you can invest in the next generation of Christ followers?

a. In your family?

b. In your work?

c. In your church?

d. Where else?

Personal Application Paul passed on what he knew to be true about Jesus to Timothy. Timothy was a faithful steward of this truth and passed it on to the next generation. They in turn passed it on, and eventually it made its way to us. What’s next?