INGREDIENTS 1 egg 2 c. flour 3/4 c. milk 1 tsp. salt 1/2 c. vegetable oil 1 Tbsp. baking powder 1/3 c. sugar

INSTRUCTIONS Heat the oven to 400 ยบ F. Grease only the bottoms of 12 medium muffin cups or 24 tiny muffin cups. Sift the dry ingredients together into a mixing bowl. Beat together the egg, milk, and oil. Pour the liquid ingredients into a well made in the center of the dry ingredients. Mix only enough to dampen the flour (stir about 10 to 12 times). Fill the cups half-full. Bake about 20 minutes for medium muffins and 10-12 minutes for tiny muffins.

VARIATIONS BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Fold in 1/3 c. blueberries before putting the batter in muffin cups.

BANANA MUFFINS Decrease the milk to 1/3 cup. Stir in 1 c. mashed bananas into the milk. Substitute packed brown sugar for the sugar.

SURPRISE MUFFINS Fill muffin cups about half-full. Spoon 1 tsp. strawberry jam onto the batter in each cup. Top with enough batter to fill cups about 3/4 full.