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Local Team Testimonials

Local Team Testimonials

Heather Davis, McKinney, Tx

I took this picture on Feb. 28 3mths after having my baby. As of today I feel better than I have in all my adult life! I have always been tired (ask Chris J. Davis or Shelia Morgan) I would be tired when I woke up. I would sleep after getting home from work on Fridays. Then take naps Saturday and Sunday. I went to the Dr to find out what was causing my tiredness, and she didn't see anything wrong with me. Since starting Plexus, I now can wake up and get started without too much grumbling. I have energy all day! I can run around like a chicken with its head cut off and not complain or need a nap. I am in a better mood and mind set. My hubby likes this nicer person. I like who I am! I hated being tired! I hated telling my oldest that I was tired! I just wish I could have found Plexus sooner!

Jackie Mac

Just recently celebrated my one year anniversary with Plexus. I started out fast, losing pounds and inches and then plateaued. But I felt better than I had in years. I had made a commitment to use the products for a year and it was a year of challenges, home life changed drastically.. But I kept on. My team grew, my team shrank, and it grew some more. I am excited to say that I have lost 76 pounds and 114 inches. I look 20 years younger. I've gained friends, confidence and a great income from trusting the product and sticking to it. Plexus works y'all. Local Team Testimonials

Jon Taylor, Boise ID

This is the most important Plexus post that I have ever done. I have been mulling over this all day...trying to find the words, so bear with me!

When Cathy and I started Plexus back in January and decided to make a business out of the opportunity, I was focused on three main personal goals, which seemed like legitimate, positive goals:

1. Lose Weight and Get Healthy 2. Help Our Family and Friends Re-Gain Their Health 3. Gain the "Financial Freedom" That Other Ambassadors Were Talking About

As I paused and reflected this morning, Goal #1 was represented by my 37.6 pounds lost (as registered on the scale this morning)! CHECK! Goal #3 continues to bring a smile to our faces each month as we have been financially blessed with the opportunity to save for our future goals and to be in the situation to help out others financially like we have never been able to before. CHECK!

Goal #2 has been (and continues to be) one of the most rewarding aspects of this job. I have seen several people - my parents, uncle, cousins, past co-workers, old friends, and new friends alike - all have life-changing experiences with these Plexus products. It's been awesome!

However, when Cathy and I first got started and were hearing testimonial after testimonial of people that had lost weight, reduced medications, overcome soda and sugar addictions, find fibromyalgia relief, eliminated PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) symptoms, etc...the focus on Goal #2 became much more targeted. I told her that any success that we had personally would be amazing, but if these TWO specific goals (a) and (b) were to take place...it would be worth it and everything else would be icing on the cake.

Goal 2a. To find a product that would FINALLY allow my mother-in-law to experience a level of success with her weight loss/health journey that was effective and sustainable. Back in January, after counting EVERY calorie and walking for exercise on pretty much a daily basis, she GAINED 10 pounds and was completely frustrated! She had tried pretty much every weight loss program, fad diet, etc. out there, only to have it be a temporary fix. Plexus entered the picture in February. Last I heard, she was down over 11 pounds and 30+ inches and wearing clothes Local Team Testimonials that hadn't fit in A WHILE! CHECK!

Goal 2b. My sister had tried for YEARS to add to their family. Due to PCOS, it had made it extremely difficult. She tells her story much better than I could though, so enjoy...

"Many of my family and friends on here know of my struggles with fertility and having PCOS. After having my daughter 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS a common condition many women struggle with. We tried several fertility treatments over several years and lots of money but had no success. We had decided about 4 years ago to stop the fertility treatments. In January of this year my parents and brother and sister in law introduced me to Plexus Slim. It is a great, natural product to help with losing weight and getting healthy. Since PCOS can cause weight gain and makes it hard to lose that weight, I decided that it was worth a try. It is an amazing product! I started losing weight and getting some of my energy back. After 6 months, I was down 25 lbs and felt amazing. Then one day I started feeling sick every day. I decided to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong. Guess what? I am PREGNANT!!!! Now, I am not saying that Plexus is the only reason I am pregnant. Everything happens according to God's plan and on His timeline. But I do know that Plexus was working to help me lose weight and get healthier. Maybe that is the avenue God was waiting for to give us His miracle!"


THIS is why Cathy and I do what we do and are so passionate about these products! They WORK! I have PERSONALLY seen so many transformations by those around me...it is downright ridiculous! Coming into Plexus as a bit of a skeptic, you couldn't convince me NOW that these products don't work. I have seen it! I have experienced it! I am LIVING it! These products are an amazing tool to help people re-gain their health! They have helped bring families closer together and make healthy life changes. They have helped families to overcome devastating financial hardships. They have allowed people to accomplish their dreams of working from home to be with their kids and families more. They have helped dreams come true of welcoming new members to a family! I have truly witnessed my Heavenly Father's hand in the lives that these products have touched and I will be forever grateful for the impact that this opportunity has had in my life in just 8 short months!

I am grateful for Susan Knechtel Stern for introducing these products to us! I am grateful to Rozalyn White Payne, Celeste Nevil Gwynn, Jenn Stanley Hawkins and others for their roles in helping us to experience and witness these miracles on a daily basis. God's plan and His timing are PERFECT and always will be! MANY prayers have been answered and continue to be. I am so grateful for those answered prayers. I am so grateful for these products and this opportunity coming into our lives at the right time. I am so grateful for all that we have been blessed with and am so grateful for our AMAZING team and support system...you guys ROCK! There is nowhere else that I would want to be! Local Team Testimonials

Hillary Thompson, Rochester, MN Local Team Testimonials

Misty Flynn, Canada

I am very excited to share with you my moms hands and the results of taking the slim, probio5 and the Cleanse in just a few short weeks! This is a very small benefit she has seen I could go on and on ..... Local Team Testimonials

Christine Snyder, Allegan, MI

I have not been able to wear these jeans for 2yrs! I kept them hoping one day I would be able to wear them again but not really believing I would... Thank u to just one Pink drink a day I can wear them and even have to put a belt on cause they are a little loose!!! This is June 7th, 2014 to September 9th, 2014. Yeah!!

Kris Wiench-Stephens, Whitehall WI

I've decided to be brave and share a very personal step in my journey toward health & wellness. I posted this on my Plexus page this morning: HEY! I just realized something - I haven't taken my antidepressant meds in nearly 2 weeks! Normally, I can tell within a day if I miss them, as I would get very irritable, and soon depressed. For me, I have always called them "even-keel" meds, as they kept me from being too depressed, but also seemed to keep me from really feeling, even the good things. I am an emotional person, but knowing me in the past ten years, you would never know that. I accepted that as a necessary side effect to the meds, as I wouldn't get really happy, but I wouldn't get really sad either. The change has come with Plexus. I've been feeling so good, with lots of energy, and a positive outlook! I used to be easily overwhelmed, but I don't feel that way anymore! Now I just feel like I can jump in without worrying so much about all that needs to be done! I am writing this with the most wonderful feeling...the feel of tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks, feeling blessed that I am finally starting on a path to where I want to be. Local Team Testimonials

Margie Gilman, Viroqua, WI

The July 2012 picture was when I was at my heaviest, The scale was tipping at 279 at this time. I had a herniated disk in my back and the bulging disk was pinching a nerve causing my right leg to go numb very frequently and was even giving out on me. I would take a step and hit the ground, I even fell down the stairs one time, it terrified my 12 year old niece, and me as well. I had back surgery on Halloween in 2012. I needed a walker to get up and down for the first week or so, and I was off work for 3 months. It was during this time that I realized I needed to make some life changes. I weaned my self off Mountain Dew and began to drink coffee. I reduced my portion sizes and did the only exercise I could, I began walking everyday. I lost 60 pounds by July of 2013. The back surgery repaired the disk in my back, but I was still plagued with residual nerve pain that caused muscle spasms in the big muscles of the backs of my legs, standing on cement all day at my job irritated my muscles and nerves to the point that I was taking muscle relaxers and 800 mg of Advil 3 times a day, even while at work. I run a 110 ton Blank and Form press, very much considered "Big Machinery" The muscle spasms wore on me so bad that I was exhausted every day, so I quit walking and gained back 20 pounds. I started placed an order for the Plexus/Accelerator combo on January 27th of this year. The first week I noticed I had more energy and I was sleeping better, by the second week I began to realize that I wasn't having as much nerve pain or muscle spasms, by the third week, all nerve pain and muscle spasms had ceased completely. Now, after two months on Plexus, I have lost 12 pounds and 13 total inches. I sleep well at night and I have wonderful energy and optimism. I didn't take body pictures before I started, I know I should have, but I think you can clearly see the difference in my face. I take the Slim, Xfactor, Accelerator, ProBio5, and Bio Cleanse. I just started the Probio5 and Bio Cleanse about three weeks ago, and I have not lost any weight since .....but, I have lost 4 more inches ....I can't wait to see where my Plexus journey takes me next! Local Team Testimonials

Becky Larson, Hokah, MN

Hi, my name is Becky and I am the most skeptical person in the world. Here is my 2 week update. For years I have been having swelling and extreme pain in my lower back. At times it would be so bad that it caused a fever throughout my entire body. The pain would increase with activity and get to the point that I couldn't ride in the car (I recall a trip home from MI where I was on my knees leaning against the seat in tears). I had X-rays, MRI, numerous exams, I did years of chiropractic, every therapy they had, inversion, electric stimulation, heat, ultrasound, ice, massage, etc. Physical Therapy, I saw neurologists, rheumatologist, back specialists, pain doctors and was finally told to just come in for cortisone injections and learn to live with the pain. I CAN'T accept that this is my future. I am too young and have kids to take care of! Surgery to implant something into my SI Joint is the next step, but I've heard split reviews about that, so it's very scary. I started the Slim and Accelerator 2.5 weeks ago and on day 3 I was able to mow the grass using our 4 wheeler and I wasn't sore the next day. In fact, I went and sat on a wooden chair and talked to Sharon for 3 hours (or was it 4?) and was able to get up and walk away with no pain. I started the Pain Relief capsules and cream 2 weeks ago and I was curious how the cream would work on my radiating leg pain (neuropathy) and realized after 2 weeks that I hadn't HAD to use it because I wasn't having radiating pain! We went canoeing and hiking. I was mildly sore, but a 3 or 4 on a scale of 10 instead of a 9 or 10. I finally did have a night with some radiating pain, but it was about a 3 and only Local Team Testimonials radiated about 6 inches down my leg and the cream was a really nice reprieve! I rub the cream on my SI joint area each night, but am now finding that I don't have pain there anymore, so I'm not sure I need to continue rubbing the cream on it at night. I was so happy with the way I was feeling from the pain relief; I decided to add the nerve repair since I have confidence in this system. One week into the nerve repair and I am HAPPY. Last night I noticed something really weird. I wasn't aware of my back feeling. I couldn't feel any twinges, tightness, ache, pain. It was just normal and it hasn't been in years! I am only 2 weeks into this so I don't expect to be perfect yet, but holy moly am I optimistic. I haven't taken Ibuprofen since I started and I was taking up to 10 tablets a day. I'm not using my prescriptions either- only the plexus products and I am so so excited that this might be my answer to living without pain finally and not needing the other meds that have so many side effects and don't really work either. Maybe I can push my daughter on the swings without it killing my back that night. Maybe I can bake cookies without crying in pain at night. Maybe I'll be able to sit on the bleachers without my old lady chair. Perhaps going grocery shopping and pushing the cart through the store without needing to stick an ice pack down my back for 2 hours at night. There are SO many things that I've learned to live without doing and I am so excited to think I can actually start doing things again that used to cause me so much pain. What I have, it is called SI Joint Dysfunction and the options are pretty bleak, until now with Plexus! And it's NATURAL! We CAN heal our bodies without chemicals!

Katie Skolos, Viroqua, WI

After much prodding here is my 1st Testimonial......

I have been a Plexus Ambassador/Customer for 5 weeks (going on 6) and I have lost a total of 12 pounds and 13.75 inches so far! My pants are loose & I have been able to go in notches on my bra for the 1st time in years. The main thing that I noticed was my upper body (which I hate) has been getting smaller. This has helped my get through my long days at work (10 hour days at work & an hour drive each way). I am now only 16 pounds from my goal weight & am thinking that I might need to lower it. I really didn’t think that this would work so good for me as I really haven’t changed anything. I have PCOS & have been trying to conceive for 3 years. I am hoping that I can be another Plexus baby story. I will post a picture in the future. I hope that this can help you decide on changing your life the way I have chosen to change mine. Erick Berling, Onalaska, WI

I just wanted to let everyone know that as of this weekend I have lost 18 lbs using Plexus!!! I have only been taking the product for 5 weeks and have had AMAZING results! If you are looking to lose weight or help with other medical issues by doing all-naturally please get a hold of me so we can help. This product has not only helped my physically but also financially too! Don't pass up this opportunity to change your life forever!!!!! I LOVE me Plexus!!!!!!!! (Update, Erick is now down 24 pounds!) Local Team Testimonials

Becky Berling, Onalaska, WI

I am so ecstatic! My weight may be wobbly yet, but my labs are beyond words. I don’t remember the last time I got my cholesterol below 200. Prior to 1999 for sure. The only thing I have changed is taking Plexus and fish oil again to get my triglycerides down again. OMG, OMG, Holy crap!!

Gabby Myers, Trempealeau, WI

Gotta share this little tid bit for you. Yesterday I went for a doctor's checkup which is something I do about every three months thanks to the Lyme. Anyway, my doctor came into the room and called me the incredible shrinking woman. She was so excited. According to her notes I lost 8 pounds since I last weighed in at the beginning of May. AND I was bloated from my period yesterday! "Eight pounds is huge to lose in such a short time! I'm excited when people lose 2 in a month!" So... anyway, she asked me what I was doing and I showed her a three day pack and she was very excited and OK'ed all the ingredients and wrote the company down. I was relaying stories of me taking only one bite of a cookie, because I love them, and not eating anymore or spitting it out... and my pain on humid days was next to nothing. She was flabbergasted! It was by far the best appointment I've had in a long time.

An update provided 9/25/13: Finally posting my before and after shot! I started Plexus Slim and one Accelerator pill at the end of June. A month later I added the BioCleanse and ProBio5. (2 BioCleanse twice a day, 3 ProBio5 at night) As of now, I've lost 13 lbs and 17 inches. My energy is through the roof and my mood is so much better. No longer do I feel anxious... just calm and happier in general. My sugar cravings and my preoccupation with food is gone. I take in 1/2 the calories I did before. Also, I have dealt with Lyme Disease for the past decade and now experience no pain. NONE! Candida test was positive, but I already knew that since I'd been on antibiotics for years. Adding the BioCleanse and ProBio5 has made a HUGE difference in the way I feel!! Huge I am so thankful to Tonya Stuart for introducing me to Plexus. For the first time in years I have great hope for a happy and healthy life! I LOVE PLEXUS! Local Team Testimonials

UPDATE FOR GABBY YEHLE: Good morning everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to share something. I am taking a product called Nerve Support from Plexus that has been clinically proven to stimulate nerve healing and regeneration. I have had a terrible time in the past 10 years with Lyme Disease attacking my nervous system doing big time damage. Although I've only been on it for 10 days, I'm amazed to say that the number of "shocks" and muscle spasms have decreased. I know it may be a long road, but it is a very exciting journey with a lot of HOPE! Tonya Stuart, Galesville, WI

Ahhhh. Where do I begin? My story combines a great change to me and my son in the area of health, and a lifestyle change for the whole family when it comes to our finances. I was introduced to Plexus at 40 years old! I had a very trying time in my 30's while dealing with a nasty medical diagnosis, that it turns out was a very dangerous issue from birth. I spent four years flying back and forth to CO for treatments, when I live in WI. It was gruelling emotionally as much as it was physically. I cried each and every time they rolled me down to the operating table by myself. Knowing the rest of my family was in WI, and I may or may not come back out of those doors alive, was the scariest thing I hope to ever face. The years of treatments also filled me with loads of toxic medicine and added about 10-13 pounds of weight. I came out of the treatments depressed and sunk. My marriage was on the brink of disaster from the financial pressures we faced during this time. We lost our home, our vehicles and virtually every asset we had. By the grace of God, literally, we pulled our marriage back together over the next 3-4 years. Besides praying for my marriage, I prayed for a difference. I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to have a different outcome. I no longer wanted to go back to the same humdrum way of Local Team Testimonials life with a J.O.B. that provides you with financial stability if and only if you can show up every day. I wanted to know that given so much of my life was spent doing a job, that that job was changing the world around me in a profound way. And, I wanted to know that if I got sick again I wouldn't lose everything I had worked so hard to achieve. My greatest interest lies in organic foods and our food system. My prayers for God to send something that matched these desires were answered June 15th, 2013, with Plexus. I was introduced to it through the testimonials and I was blown away by what it did to change people. I was sold nearly instantly and began sharing with everyone I could immediately! I also started taking the products. I have many "thank god" moments and one was definitely what the product did to change my level of energy, my happiness levels, and my weight loss. I had not been able to take back off those 10-13 pounds to save my life. With Plexus they were gone in 6 weeks. Yeah me! Much to my surprise I had a couple of other wonderful changes as well. Nearing my 40's I began to be bed bound due to cramping at my monthly cycle. Not sure why as I had never had trouble before. After two full months on the product, I had no pain whatsoever, and it has remained that way every since. So happy! The other thing that occured was clear bowel movements. I didn't realize just how abnormal they were until Plexus, when I became regular. It has been fantastic! No more bloating and feeling disgusting. I have no doubt that my intestines are very happy with me! Recognizing from other people that this product also helps with ADHD, I decided to try it on my son. I have never had him formally diagnosed but he has some pretty severe symptoms. We started every 3rd day, and saw pretty good change. Finally, I said, just take it every day. I can't show you, but I can tell you that my son has become the most loving, considerate, caring, non-angry child ever since. I am so proud of him and love, love, love the difference plexus has made for him. He wouldn't be without it ever again. He'll tell you that himself! Fast forward one year and I can tell you that my marriage is as strong as ever! Literally ever! My husband has been able to retire from his job and I am fulfilling the dreams I have always had. They aren't huge, but they are my dreams, and I love that I can make them possible through Plexus. My biggest one is to move south where the weather is not so extreme, as I am a big outdoors person, and would appreciate more time to hike without having my eyes freeze open or shut! We will move next week, into a beautiful home, in the town of our choice! I am super excited! As our pocket books thicken, my sister and I will be able to hone in on just what we want to give back to the world. What changes can we make? We can not just dream about this, we can make it happen. Finally, the life I have always envisioned. Not just getting by, but making a difference all day long and extending my blessings to those around me with the monetary blessings of Plexus! Who could want for more? Oh, and yeah, if I get sick, I can work from my bed. I can easily train an assistant, and of course, my husband knows the biz as he is an ambassador as well. And, at death, my biz can be willed to my family. Thank you Plexus! BTW, I am the one on the left in the 1st pic.

Brooke Tesar

So here it goes. I began my plexus journey on May 15th. I have always struggled with weight. Along with migraines, pop addict, junk food addict, mood swings, sleepless nights, IBS. My Dr told me 5 months ago that my glucose and cholesterol levels were creeping up there and that I needed to do something about it!!! When I started Plexus I was Local Team Testimonials at my heaviest weight of 228. I'm embarrassed to say that but there's no looking back now because I'm feeling the best that I ever have!¡!! I started out right away by becoming an ambassador. Within the first week I was noticing results. Pop tasted yucky, food portions smaller and I was eating better. I was hooked!! I started out with Slim/2 accelerator, 4 bio cleanse, 2 pro bio 5 at bedtime. I'm not going to lie the first 2 weeks I had headaches bad. Die off of Candida. I talked with my up line and I stuck it out!!!! Results show the product works!!! You have to give it time!! ¡ the first photo on the left is start of plexus, 2nd one is at 5 weeks and the third one is 8 weeks! I'm now 9 weeks on my journey and I am so grateful that I was introduced to Plexus!!!!

Greg Larson, Hokah, MN

For those of you who know Greg, you know he isn’t quick to jump on a bandwagon to endorse a new product, but he’s all over this one. When he was a teen, he rolled his vehicle in an accident when someone pulled in front of him. He broke a bone in his hand and has always had some throbbing/radiating pain from that. About a year and a half ago, he had a shrapnel type wound to his hand that required a pretty extensive surgery and repairing a major nerve between his thumb and pointer finger. It was 95% severed and the surgeon was able to save the nerve, but not without some long term damage. Since then his pointer has been completely numb and he has bouts of shooting pain up into his arm. His muscle between his thumb and pointer aches on a regular basis, but he just lives with it. When I started using the Pain Relief Cream for my back, I offered that he use it where his hand hurt. He’s been applying a very small amount on his hand and fingers each night for about 2 weeks and then pain is reduced so much, but the most incredible thing is, that he said he has FEELING in his finger for the first time in years! It is really repairing that nerve damage! He is astonished that the small amount he has been using has had such a huge impact, but he told me I need to order samples and start getting this stuff out to people. I’m on it!! Katie Beschta, Appleton WI

My story started many years ago after I had my second child. I gained a lot of extra weight with my first child but I was able to lose most of it by the time he was 3 yrs old. Then I became pregnant with my second child and I gained Local Team Testimonials a fair amount with that one too. The difference between the two was that after my second, I wasn't able to lose much and I started to have other problems. I had extreme fatigue, headaches, and gained 15 lbs in only a month. I went to my doctor and she didn't do anything except put me on Prozac because OBVIOUSLY I was depressed...... right....like my symptoms couldn't be caused from something different?? I had to go back and TELL them to take my blood and check my thyroid. I ended up having hypothyroidism and so they put me on thyroid replacement medication. For the past 10 years I've been dealing with the symptoms of an underactive thyroid. I've had trouble losing weight, plagued with daily migraines, fatigue, stomach issues, you name it. I was angry.....all the time....angry because I didn't feel good....angry because I didn't enjoy life. One day a friend of mine messaged me about Plexus. I had put up a cranky facebook post about how my youngest daughter was jiggling my arm fat. She approached me because she knew I wanted to lose weight. Little did she know that Plexus would improve my LIFE, not just my looks. After 6 months on Plexus, I'm down 14 lbs and 20 inches. My thyroid is coming under control and they have lowered my med dosage twice now, from .150 to .137 to .125. I've been completely off my migraine medication since February. I used to take a daily preventative and an acute medication for severe headaches at least twice per week. My stomach troubles are under control with the use of the "Bio-brothers". My energy level is amazing and I can make it through the day without feeling fatigued. I started Plexus for the weight loss but I will continue Plexus for all the other AMAZING health benefits. I cannot go back to a life where I felt like a slug and I had to drag myself through every day. I cannot go back to a life where I had no energy. It's not normal to feel like that and too many people miss out on life because of it. Plexus has also blessed me financially. The compensation plan is amazing and if feels rewarding when I can helps others get healthy and wealthy at the same time!! PS: I take the Slim, Accelerator, XFactor, ProBio, and BioCleanse


Jasmine Guttierez, Vero Beach, FL Local Team Testimonials

Down 41 pounds since July, AND she had candida! Went from 201 to 160. "Before starting plexus, I believe I had tried every diet and exercise routine known to man, at one point even tried becoming a vegetarian. The results had always been disappointing and this had been something I struggled with since I was ...about 8 years old. As I got older carrying around all the excess weight had become overwhelming which had led me to constantly be tired. Coming home to take care of my son seemed impossible when I wanted to sleep all the time. I came to believe I was an unfit mother because of this, and spiraled into a depression that no matter how hard I tried could not pull myself out of. I was on 2 different types of antidepressants which had had altering effects on my personality. Today I feel very healthy, happy, and more than capable of being the mother I want to be and have done so without my medications. I love plexus and highly recommend it!"

Lorena Fuss, Vero Beach, FL

About 3 years ago I began suffering hemorrhagic strokes. Each of those strokes affected a different part of my brain. The last stroke was 3 months ago and affected the hippocampus which affects the consolidation of information from short term to long term memory and spatial navigation. I was told this was the most minor stroke I had suffered to date, but it felt like the worst. I was unable to remember the simplest information and was not retaining most of the new information. I was told I should go back to work immediately to get my brain working so I did, but had a difficult time remembering anything which made my job incredibly difficult since I work as a server. Shortly after the stroke I was introduced to Plexus Slim. The first thing I noticed was my energy level, prior to taking Plexus I had a hard time making it through the day without taking naps, now I not only do not need naps, I wake up at 4 or 5 am on my own without an alarm. I work 8-9 hours on my feet all day and then most days I come home to care for my 3 year old grandson while his mother is at work and let me tell you he is a bundle of energy. Not only do I have a ton of energy, but my brain function has improved dramatically. I still have minor memory problems but tthey are improving daily. I no longer take my blood Local Team Testimonials pressure medicine and I feel better than I have in years. I think God that I was introduced to Plexus and I intend to use some their other products. Right now, I am taking the Nerve Health for the neuropathy in my left foot and so far the tingling sensation in my foot is lessening. Before taking the nerve health, the tingling in my foot was painful and I was unable to walk on wood floors or tile floors without suffering pain. Now I can walk barefoot with minimal pain. I will keep you posted on the neuropathy. I think everybody could benefit from taking Plexus and can’t wait to see where this will take me! Oh yeah I almost forgot I also lost over 20” and 12 pounds. Gretchen Johnson, Seneca, WI

Personally, I suffer from frequent headaches and minor arthritis pain in my fingers. Since starting on Plexus just over two weeks ago, I have had no headaches or joint pain! Oh, and as a side-effect, I’ve lost 9.8 pounds without changing my eating habits!

UPDATE: 1st pic is last June, 2nd pic is Jan. 29th. Be sure to click the pic's for full body view. Lose weight and keep it off! The new and improved (fill in the blank)! Cabbage soup diet; Atkins diet; Weight Watchers; GASTRIC BYPASS! I’ve tried them all. The two biggest pieces of advice I recall before and after my gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago was that the surgery was on your stomach, not your brain; and the bypass was a ‘tool’ that I should utilize. Being an emotional eater, this presented a problem. I was doing fairly well until 4 years ago when my dad passed away. The weight steadily came on until I found myself wearing a tight size 16 again. My cousins, Becky Berling, and her mom, Vicki Kilen, started sending me Facebook messages about this awesomely wonderful new product called Plexus and I just HAD to try it. I ignored them diligently for a couple of months. In the meantime, I was watching Becky’s Facebook page and seeing all the wonderful comments and postings. I caved in August ordered a 3-day trial, fully believing I’d try it and that would be the end of it. I quickly realized after those three days that I had felt much better, and maybe even lost a little weight. I started my real Plexus journey on September 14, 2013. Since then, I’ve lost 27 pounds and two pant sizes. I no longer have arthritis pain in my fingers, and have not had a migraine. I’m more confident in myself and enjoy life so much more!

Five days after starting my Plexus journey, I signed as an Ambassador on September 19, 2013. I figured if I could just find three customers, I’d be set. I am now a Silver Ambassador with eight Ambassadors in my downline. I’m so excited to share the Plexus way of life! Local Team Testimonials

Becky Kachel Roden, La Crosse, WI

I need a drum roll. I got my shipment Monday afternoon, so I tried it before supper. Since then, I've lost 10 pounds!!!!! I didn't tell my sister Bonnie yet. Hehehe She's been pesting to find out!!! lol I'm so happy with my pink drink!! Ashley Bentzen, Alma Center, WI

I've lost a total of 5 lbs and down 1 1/2 inches from my abdomen in 2 weeks!!

Day 8 of my boyfriend being on plexus....he has lost 6 lbs and 4 1/2 inches from his waist!

Heather B, Onalaska, WI

MY 21 day results on Plexus Slim/Accelerator down 10lbs Local Team Testimonials chest 1 in ( no more muffin top around my bra - ladies I know you understand that) arm .75in waist 2.25 in abs 4 in hips 1.5 in thighs .5 in

Energetic accomplishing things everyday, moods are more positive, still snacking less, overeating less, 1-2 pops a week compared to 7, no longer waking up congested in the morning, feeling less pain in my neck/back - chiropractor was surprised yesterday I had not been experiencing pain versus how much of an adjustment was needed, sleeping well...I could go on...

Theresa Hummel Bender, Galesville, WI

Look at this UNBELIEVABLE testimony from Galesville, WI - Theresa Hummel Bender- You all asked for it....here goes nothing... July, 2013 – I was feeling the heaviest I had ever been. My belt didn't have any further out to go; it was on the ...last notch. I was even bigger than my heaviest weight when pregnant with an almost 10 Local Team Testimonials pound baby. Type 2 Diabetic with blood sugars way too high and facing yet another increase in Insulin; after already being maxed out on oral glucose medications, no energy, depressed and getting ready to live permanently on my couch. I saw a post on Facebook about drinking pink and wondered; what the heck was that? Inquired and learned about Plexus products mid-July 2013 but drug my feet because it was way to “good to be true” I had already tried everything there was out there. August, 2013 - Decided to start Plexus Slim and Accelerator Combo - even signed up for the recurring shipment because I was impressed with the ALL NATURAL ingredients. 1 pink ALL NATURAL “mix in drink” (CLEAR not clumpy like other products) with water before my first meal of the day (no meal skipping, no meal replacement, no eating lettuce for the remainder of my life) and 1 ALL NATURAL Accelerator capsule about 30 minutes after breakfast. November, 2013 - Feeling better with more energy, refreshed, got off the couch, didn't feel like raiding the cookie jar every night and walked the dog with my husband. Shouldn't of but still ate some of the crud. Hemoglobin A1C (3 month measure of blood sugar) was 7.3 % down to 6.4 %. My doctor gave me a high five. My weight has dropped from 190 lbs. to 170 lbs. Not considered OBESE anymore by those darn BMI tables. December 13, 2013 - continue to "drink the pink" - down 25 pounds!

Stacey Alexander Van Wormer, Sparta, WI

I have been encouraged to post my “before” and “after” pictures so here they are! The picture on the left was taken September 14th (a few weeks before I started Plexus) and the picture on the right was taken January Local Team Testimonials

23rd. I have lost 31 ½ inches and 14 pounds! PLUS, I was able to go off my Cholesterol medicine!!!

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