Technical Activities Committee Charter

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Technical Activities Committee Charter

Technical Activities Committee Charter

Table of Contents

I. Technical Activities Committee (TAC)

A. Introduction

B. Organization

C. Operation

II. TAC Subcommittees

A. Technical Activities Executive Steering Subcommittee

B. New Initiatives Subcommittee

C. TAC Ethical Standards Subcommittee

III. Technical Committees

A. Introduction

B. Organization

C. Operation

IV. Program Committees

A. Introduction

B. Organization

C. Operation

V. Additional TAC Information and Resources (links to other online resources)

1. AIAA Constitution and Bylaws

2. Policies and Processes

a) TAC Publication Ethics and Expectations

b) TC formation process

c) TC Chair Handbook (1) Duties Of AIAA Technical Committee Chairs

(2) TC/PC/TAC Calendar

(3) TC Membership

(4) Structuring the Technical Committee

(5) Subcommittees

(6) Other TC Activities

(7) Meetings

(8) Reporting Requirements

(9) Sample TC Charter

(10) TC Metrics

(11) TC Account Procedures

(12) TAC/TC/PC Funding

(13) Points of Contact (AIAA Staff)

d) Complimentary Registration Process for Chairs, Speakers

e) PC formation process

f) PC Processes

g) TC membership nomination process

h) Position Paper Development Process

B. TAC Forms

1. Conference Workshop Request Form and Process

2. Meeting Minutes Template

3. TC Annual Report Template

4. TC Funds Request Form

5. TC Nomination Form

6. PC Annual Report C. Training and Reference Materials

1. Director/Deputy Director Training

2. TC Chair Training Charts

3. TC Overview

4. Working Group Lessons Learned

5. Value of AIAA Membership

D. Appendix A. Organization of AIAA Technical Meetings and Conferences

E. Appendix B. TAC Honors and Awards Process and Procedures

I. Technical Activities Committee

A. Introduction

1. The Technical Activities Committee (TAC) supervises all technical activities of the institute, including technical conferences, and technical inputs to all other Institute activities. Its purpose is to verify that all such activities are appropriate to and in the best interest of the AIAA membership, and to suggest the generation of new activities in the same vein. An assigned AIAA staff member supports the day-by-day activities of the technical activities committee. Specific Policies, Processes, and Training Materials are found below.

2. The Technical Committees (TC) and Program Committees (PC) are the heart and muscle of AIAA’s technical activities. These committees cover all technical interests of the Institute. TACs role is to help organize and coordinate the efforts of the various TCs and PCs to facilitate technical activities.

3. TAC has the overall responsibilities (subject to Board of Director approvals) for management of TC/PC activities including development and recommendations for policies and procedures relating to matters concerning technical and professional activities, recommendations for the formation or dissolution of technical and program committees, and establishment of technical working groups. 4. Return to Table of Contents

B. Organization

1. See the TAC Organizational Chart .

2. The Vice President-Technical Activities is the Chairperson of the Technical Activities Committee. This position serves as TAC’s representative to the Board of Directors and reports for TAC at Board meetings. The Vice President-Technical is also elected by the membership for a one-year term as “Vice President elect” and a single, three-year term as Vice President- Technical.

3. TAC membership is composed of seven Technical Groups (populated by technically-aligned TCs) led by Technical Directors who are elected by the membership for a term of three years. Technical Directors can run for a second consecutive term. These Directors also sit on the AIAA Board of Directors. Deputy Directors for the Technical Groups are appointed by the Director on a yearly basis, approved by the Vice President-Technical and presented as an information item to the Board of Directors. Specific Director and Deputy Director Roles and Responsibilities are defined in the Director/Deputy Director Training. Group Directors and Deputy Directors are voting members in TAC.

4. The Vice-President-Technical Activities may, at his/her discretion, assign one of the group directors to serve in the capacity Deputy Vice President-Technical Activities. In this capacity, the Deputy Vice President- Technical will assist the Vice President-Technical in performing his/her responsibilities as needed.

1. A Program Committee Coordinator, appointed by the Vice President – Technical Activities, also is a member TAC. The Program Committee Coordinator assists the Vice President-Technical Activities in policy matters relating to the Institute and maintains liaison between the Technical Activities Committee and the Program Committees. A Deputy Director for the Program Committees is appointed by the PC Coordinator on a yearly basis, approved by the Vice President-Technical and presented as an information item to the Board of Directors. Specific PC Coordinator and Deputy Director Roles and Responsibilities are defined in the Director/Deputy Director Training .

5. PC Coordinator and Deputy Director are voting members in TAC. 2. TAC maintains Regional Deputy Directors for Technical activities as interfaces with each region. Regional Deputy Directors are appointed by the Vice President-Technical on a yearly basis, and presented as an information item to the Board of Directors. Specific Regional Deputy Director Roles and Responsibilities are defined in the Director/Deputy Director Training .

6. Regional Deputy Directors are voting members in TAC.

7. TAC maintains Subcommittees to execute various aspects of technical activities work. These Subcommittees include: TAC Executive Steering, Ethical Standards, New Initiatives. The chair for each subcommittee is a voting member in TAC.

8. TAC maintains Liaisons with the various AIAA standing committees. Liaisons serve to coordinate conduct of institute business between TAC and other AIAA standing committees. The current liaison for each AIAA standing committee is shown on the TAC Organizational Chart

9. The Vice-President-Technical Activities may, at his/her discretion, assign special duties to a TAC member for coordination or development of new activities or initiatives. These assignments are shown as “Special Initiatives/Coordination” on the TAC Organizational Chart.

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C. Operation

1. TAC meets three times per year. Technical activities are coordinated and administered via the staff at AIAA Headquarters. Chairs of the Technical Committees and Program Committees are invited to attend TAC meetings.

2. Technical Meetings and Conferences

a) AIAA plans, organizes, and operates technical meetings, some in cooperation with other technical and professional societies or government agencies. TC members are responsible for the technical program content.

(1) Appendix A contains additional details and procedures required to plan and organize technical meetings.

3. Honors and Awards a) Technical awards honor significant achievement in specific fields of aerospace technical expertise. Because the respective AIAA technical committee for each field conducts the award and selection process, the most current and appropriate candidates are identified.

b) Approval of the technical awards resides at AIAA Headquarters, under the auspices of the Honors and Awards Committee (HAC).

c) Responsibility for administration of technical awards resides with one or more specific AIAA Technical Committees (TCs) as defined in the award description. TCs are charged with actively maintaining the award in terms of nominations, currency of award scope, award process, etc.

(1) Appendix B provides detailed expectations, processes and procedures for TAC awards.

4. Return to Table of Contents II. TAC Subcommittees

A. TAC Executive Steering Subcommittee

1. Introduction

a) The TAC Executive Steering Committee provides key guidance and continuity of activity for TAC through the year.

2. Organization

a) The committee is chaired by the Vice President-Technical. Members of the committee include the Group Directors, PC Coordinator, subcommittee chairs, Special Assignment/Coordinators, and the AIAA staff members supporting TAC.

3. Operation

a) TAC Executive Steering Subcommittee meets routinely throughout the year during conferences and via telephone conferences at the discretion of the chair. Activities are coordinated and administered via the staff at AIAA Headquarters.

b) The TAC Executive Steering Subcommittee performs TAC business during periods when the whole of TAC are not convened. This includes oversight of technical activities of the institute, including technical conferences, and technical inputs to all other Institute activities.

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B. New Initiatives Subcommittee

1. Introduction

a) New Initiatives Subcommittee (NIS) provides a forum for the generation, evaluation, and conceptual planning of initiatives that will improve the Technical Activities of AIAA. Specific details about NIS can be found in the NIS Charter.

b) Direction and Scope

(1) NIS cultivates and facilitates the establishment of new technical activities that expand the Institute’s activities. This may include, but is not limited to, working with the Emerging Technologies Committee and/or recommending to TAC new Technical or Program Committees, new working groups, alliances with other societies, and new product areas.

(2) Reviews TAC policies and procedures, and recommends required changes (e.g., the conference approval process).

(3) Reviews TAC organization, including group composition, TC and PC charters, and recommends changes.

2. Organization

a) The Chair of the NIS shall be appointed by the Vice President - Technical, to serve at his, or her, pleasure until the end of the Vice President’s term. At that time, it is understood that the NIS Chair’s term has ended but may be renewed by the incoming Vice President, -Technical.

b) Members of NIS include all Technical Group Deputy Directors, the PC Deputy Director, and all Regional Deputy Directors.

c) A Deputy Chair shall be named by the NIS Chair to assist in NIS operations. The Deputy shall act on behalf of the chair at the Chair’s request.

d) The NIS Chair may establish subcommittees to conduct NIS business.

3. Operation

a) Principal Activities and Responsibilities

(1) Collect and cultivate ideas to improve AIAA technical activities.

(2) TAC Health

(a) Assist the VP TAC , Directors, and PC Coordinator in working issues and processes related to the oversight and general health of existing Technical and Program Committees.

(b) Aid in establishing new TCs and PCs from working groups. (c) Help ailing TCs and PCs at the request of the cognizant Group Director or PC Coordinator.

(d) Recommend dissolution of TCs and PCs to TAC when appropriate

(3) Assure annual roles and responsibilities training for the Directors and Deputy Directors for the Technical Committee and Program Coordinator leadership is conducted.

(4) Provide documentation of TAC processes and procedures (with Staff support).

(5) Plan and execute annual TAC workshops, typically at the Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Supporting activities may include development of the objective(s) and process, coordination with TAC and the AIAA TAC Staff Liaison, logistical and personnel support for the execution of the workshop, capture and distribution of workshop products, development of lessons learned, and implementation of corrective actions.

(6) Special Projects

(a) Perform special projects, as requested by the Vice President-Technical.

(7) Reporting

(a) The NIS Chair shall make a brief report at each TAC meeting.

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C. Ethical Standards Subcommittee

1. Introduction

a) The TAC Ethical Standards Subcommittee (TESS) developed and maintains TAC Publication Ethics and Expectations and acts as necessary to address ethical issues as they arise in association with TAC conferences, events, and products.

2. Organization a) The TESS shall be chaired by the Vice President of TAC, and its members shall include the Vice President Elect of TAC, the Chairman of the New Initiatives Subcommittee, one of the Technical Directors, and one of the Regional Deputy Directors for Technical Activities, the Program Committee Coordinator, and additional members at the discretion of the TESS Chair.

3. Operation

a) The TESS shall develop and maintain guidelines to assist participants in the Institute’s technical activities in identifying and addressing ethical issues and communicating these back to the TESS.

b) The TESS shall act as necessary to address ethical issues as they arise in association with TAC conferences, events, and products.

c) The TESS will work to resolve ethical issues directly, and may make recommendations to AIAA’s ECP (Ethical Conduct Panel), but shall not impose sanctions.

d) TESS will meet at the discretion of the Vice President-Technical to address issues.

4. Return to Table of Contents III. Technical Committees

A. Introduction

1. Technical Committees (TC) cover the major areas of professional interests of the Institute. They function to assist the Institute in developing programs for meetings and other technical communications in specialized areas of professional interest and to provide the Institute with authoritative opinion on specialized subjects in their prescribed areas of concern. Committees are responsible for the scope, organization, and technical content of the meetings within their specific areas of competence. For an overview of TCs, see TC Overview.

2. TC’s strive to serve the AIAA members who have a special interest or professional stake in the TC’s scope of technology or systems. TC members are volunteer agents from their professional sector, and see to it that progressive projects and meetings are held in their discipline. The TC leaders must resolve openly whom they are serving, in what firms, agencies, and universities their discipline is most active, and then how to draw out that international group in meaningful technical exchange.

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B. Organization

1. The Board of Directors, upon recommendation by the Technical Activities Committee, can authorize the formation of new committees or the demise of existing ones whenever such actions are appropriate. New Technical Committees must have their scope approved by other committees who feel there may be an infringement upon their existing scopes.

a) The process to establish a technical committee can be found at TC Formation Process. The TAC NIS subcommittee serves TAC to facilitate the process for formation and approval of new TCs.

b) TAC Directors have the responsibility to monitor the overall health and viability of existing TCs. If a TC is struggling to fulfill its chartered role, the Director will work with the TC chair and existing membership to attempt to reinvigorate the TC. Should this prove unsuccessful, or if the chartered role of the TC is no longer viable, the Director may recommend to TAC that the TC be dissolved. Approved TAC recommendations for dissolution of a TC are forwarded to the AIAA Board of Directors for final approvals. The TAC NIS subcommittee serves TAC to facilitate review and approvals of TC dissolution.

2. Technical Committee Chairpersons are elected from the Technical Committees and approved by the Vice President-Technical and the Board of Directors on a yearly basis. Their term of office is limited to two years.

3. Technical Committee Membership

a) TC chairs and the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) must work diligently to maintain a reasonable balance in (1) appropriate representation to the field from industry, research, education, and government; (2) the specialties covered in the specific TC scopes; and (3) geographical distribution relative to the area’s technical activity.

b) Membership of a Technical Committee shall be limited to a maximum of 35 U.S. members and 50 total members (including alumni, international and associate members) unless an increase is approved by the Technical Activities Committee.

c) TC Membership categories

(1) Regular Members: Active AIAA members who are United States citizens.

(a) Regular members have full voting privileges on the TC.

(2) Alumni Members: Alumni members represent prior regular or international TC members that have rotated off the TC. These former full time members may have significant experience and knowledge that can be used in select instances by the TC to increase effectiveness.

(a) Alumni members may attend TC or subcommittee meetings and will assist in carrying out committee work at the discretion of the TC chair.

(b) Alumni membership is restricted to current AIAA members.

(c) Alumni members will have no voting privileges on the TC. (d) There is no specific term associated with Alumni membership in a TC.

(3) Associate Members: TCs are encouraged include young professionals as part of Technical Committees.

(a) Associate membership is restricted to active AIAA members who have not yet reached their 35th birthday.

(b) Selection to associate membership is based on technical merit. The associate members should show promise within the field of the technical committee.

(c) Associate members may attend TC or subcommittee meetings and will assist in carrying out committee work.

(d) At the discretion of the TC, associate members may be assigned a volunteer full member as counselor. The counselor will advise and guide the associate member on TC procedures and activities.

(e) Associate members will have no voting privileges on the TC, but may (with consent) act as a substitute for their counselor.

(f) At the discretion of the TC chairperson, Associate members may be upgraded to full membership at any time.

(g) Associate members will not count toward the regular member TC limit (35), however they do count in the total membership limit. No specific maximum number of associate members is mandated provided the total TC membership count (50) is maintained.

(4) International Members: TC’s are encouraged to broaden their membership by recruiting non-U.S. citizen AIAA members.

(a) International members are selected using the same processes as regular AIAA members. (b) Associate membership is restricted to current AIAA members.

(c) International members have full voting rights and expectations for activity as regular TC members.

(d) International members will not count toward the regular member TC limit (35), however they do count in the total membership limit. No specific maximum number of international members is mandated provided the total TC membership count (50) is maintained. d) Technical Committee members are appointed for a yearly term, approved by the Technical Committee Chairperson, Technical Director, Vice President-Technical and presented as an information item to the Board of Directors. Members can serve three consecutive one year terms. TC members may be carried over on special assignment beyond the three-year term of membership at the discretion of the TC Chair and with the approval of the Deputy Director. This approach may be used when

(1) The individual possesses a particular expertise critical to the TC’s operation;

(2) The individual is working on a committee assignment that requires this knowledge and/or background;

(3) The individual is serving as Chair-elect after three years of service on the TC, and/or is serving as TC Chair.

It is important that TC membership remain vibrant with normal rotation of members per the guidelines. e) Membership in AIAA is mandatory for all TC members and if they are not currently members of AIAA when they are accepted for TC membership, they have 45 days to join after they are notified of their acceptance. If they do not join within 45 days, they must be removed from the TC. If they are AIAA members already, their membership must be in good standing. f) Technical Committee membership period starts annually on the first day of May each year. 4. Each TC is assigned to a Technical Group led by a Director. See the TAC Organizational Chart for details.

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C. Operation

1. TCs should have at least two meetings during the AIAA year. These meetings can be conducted in conjunction with an AIAA-sponsored conference, at AIAA Headquarters in Reston, Virginia, or at alternate facilities provided by the TC.

b) TCs must maintain a charter describing the overall objective for the TC, membership and organization, and operational expectations. Charters must be reviewed annually to assure they are consistent with current organization and operation of the TC. See the TC Chair Handbook for a sample charter.

2. TCs should be active in a wide range of activities including such things as:

a) Technical Process, Best Practices and Standards

b) Conferences

c) Honors and Awards

d) Publications

e) Standards

f) Education

g) Public Policy

c) Additional Organizational processes and procedures for TC’s can be found in the TC Chair Handbook .

3. Return to Table of Contents IV. Program Committees

A. Introduction

1. AIAA’s Program Committees (PCs) bring together experts on specific programs. These committees serve as focal points for leading edge or emerging programs in the aerospace industry, and keep AIAA informed of progress and new developments. The PCs integrate related Technical Committees (TCs) to ensure that all of the program areas are represented. Program Committees have a finite life, related to their particular program, which could range from one year to twenty or more. PC activities are similar to those of Technical Committees, and include all aspects of the AIAA, including conferences, public policy, education, standards, and international activities.

2. Program Committees (PC) are established to serve as a focal point for leading-edge/current/new and emerging programs within the aerospace industry. Program Committees assist the Institute, through its Technical Committees, in developing programs for meetings and other technical communications, and provide the Institute with authoritative opinion on program-related subjects in their chartered areas of concern. To best serve our AIAA members, each PC builds its program and activities around two main objectives:

a) to keep the AIAA clearly informed as to key developments in its particular programmatic area, and

b) to work closely with the relevant TCs. The purpose is to develop and implement an integrated program of activities that will provide the AIAA membership with both a programmatic as well as a technical point of view.

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B. Organization

1. Program Committees are aligned in TAC under the leadership of the Program Committee Coordinator. See the TAC Organizational Chart for details.

2. Chairpersons of Program Committees are appointed by the Vice President-Technical Activities, and serve for 3 years, or until their successors are selected and qualified. Program Committee chairpersons shall be members of the Institute, and shall be approved by the Vice President- Technical Activities.

3. The Board of Directors, upon recommendation by the TAC, can authorize the formation of new committees or the demise of existing ones whenever such actions are appropriate. New Program Committees must have their scope reviewed by related Technical Committees who feel there may be an infringement upon their existing scopes.

a) The process for formation of a new Program Committee is described in the PC Formation Processes. The TAC NIS subcommittee serves TAC to facilitate review and approvals of PC formation.

4. By their very nature, PCs are aligned with major programs and initiatives and will have a finite lifespan. Each PC will be reviewed by the New Initiatives Subcommittee at a minimum of once every three years to determine if the PC should continue forward. The PC Chair, with the assistance of the Program Committee Coordinator and PC Deputy Director will arrange these reviews. NIS will forward its recommendation for continuation or dissolution to TAC for approval.

5. Membership in a Program Committee does not require active AIAA membership. However, PC members are encouraged to join AIAA as soon as possible.

6. PC members are solicited from the community based upon their expertise and interests.

7. Members of Programs Committees serve for 1 year and may serve a total of 3 successive terms on the same Committee. With the approval of the PC Coordinator, the Vice President-Technical Activities may appoint a Chairperson or members for additional successive terms. The total membership of any Program Committee shall be unlimited at the discretion of the Chairperson but in no case will exceed 50 members.

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C. Operation

1. PCs should have at least two meetings during the AIAA year. These meetings can be conducted in conjunction with an AIAA-sponsored conference, at AIAA Headquarters in Reston, Virginia, or at alternate facilities provided by the PC.

2. PCs must maintain a charter describing the overall objective for the TC, membership and organization, and operational expectations. Charters must be reviewed annually to assure they are consistent with current organization and operation of the PC. See the PC Processes for additional information.

3. PCs should be active in a wide range of activities including such things as:

a) Technical Integration of program related activities with appropriate technical committees

b) Conferences

c) Publications

d) Public Policy

4. Additional Organizational processes and procedures for PC’s can be found in the PC Processes.

D. Return to Table of Contents Appendix A. Organization of AIAA Technical Meetings and Conferences

I. Technical Meetings and Conferences

A. AIAA plans, organizes, and operates technical meetings, some in cooperation with other technical and professional societies or government agencies. TC members are responsible for the technical program content.

B. Before a meeting is listed in the AIAA Bulletin Meetings Schedule as an official technical meeting, TAC must approve it. Not until such approval has been granted can AIAA staff time be authorized to plan and operate the meeting. Technical meetings are approved on an individual basis by the Technical Activities Committee, which subsequently informs the Board of Directors. Meeting proposals coming to TAC must have reports on the previous meetings (attendance, profit and loss statement). If a meeting is marginal on producing attendees and possibly a financial burden to AIAA, TAC may instruct the group to consider joining with other compatible groups. LINK TO Conference FORM/Process?

C. Proposals to conduct meetings traditionally originate within the TC structure by a single TC or group of TCs. Before presentation for approval by TAC, the appropriate Group Director must approve the meeting proposal, and the AIAA staff should be involved in the identification of potential locations and dates to negotiate date conflicts. Only AIAA staff is authorized to commit the Institute and sign contracts with hotels and other providers of goods and services for meetings.

D. Meeting proposals should be approved by TAC 18-24 months prior to the actual meeting. This lead-time is important so that all necessary information can be distributed and physical arrangements (hotel rooms, meeting space, etc.) can be obtained.

II. Cosponsored Meetings

A. AIAA encourages joint ventures (AIAA cosponsored meetings administered by other societies) when they are advantageous to a substantial number of AIAA members. Such cosponsored meetings are normally administered by the “lead society” in that area/discipline, and when it would be difficult for AIAA to conduct a meeting because of competition. B. Each society has its own operating policies and procedures. Therefore, each joint venture must be treated separately. Any proposed joint venture must be discussed with the appropriate Group Director and an AIAA staff member before any commitment in the name of AIAA is made. In AIAA cosponsored meetings, the administrative society assumes all financial gain or loss. The extent of AIAA responsibilities in such meetings is as follows: 1) providing representatives on the meeting planning committee, 2) including the meeting in the AIAA Bulletin Meeting Schedule, 3) publishing the Call for Papers in the AIAA Bulletin at cost and, at the time of the meeting, permitting the sale of an appropriate set of AIAA mailing labels to the administrative society. See Cosponsored Event process and approval form.

C. Return to Table of Contents Appendix B. TAC Honors and Awards Process and Procedures

I. Honors and Awards

A. Technical awards honor significant achievement in specific fields of aerospace technical expertise. Because the respective AIAA technical committee for each field conducts the award and selection process, the most current and appropriate candidates are identified.

B. Approval of the technical awards resides at AIAA Headquarters, under the auspices of the Honors and Awards Committee (HAC).

C. Responsibility for administration of technical awards resides with one or more specific AIAA Technical Committees (TCs) as defined in the award description. TCs are charged with actively maintaining the award in terms of nominations, currency of award scope, award process, etc.

D. In general, for technical awards, the nominee must not have been a member of the AIAA Technical Committee(s) responsible for that particular technical award for the past two years. Under extraordinary circumstances, however, individuals who are or have been members of the responsible TC(s) during the preceding two years may be considered for the award provided the procedures contained in this document and the following additional process and conditions are adhered to:

E. if the nominee is a current member or has been a member of the responsible TC(s) during the preceding two years, AIAA Honors and Awards will contact the VP TAC. (FORM?) The VP TAC must approve this nomination in advance of submission to the selection committee, and add a letter of justification that will be submitted to the Honors and Awards Committee if the nominee is recommended for selection. (This letter will not be released to the selection committee or to the appropriate Group Director.)

1. If the VP TAC does not approve the nomination, AIAA Honors and Awards will notify the nominator. If necessary to maintain a pool of at least three eligible nominees, and with the concurrence of the VP TAC, the nomination deadline may be extended by AIAA Honors and Awards.

F. Once approved by the appropriate Group Director, a process that culminates in the selection of a current or recent member of a responsible TC must be validated by the Honors and Awards Committee. 1. If the nominee is not validated by the Honors and Awards Committee, the award will not be presented.

G. The TC(s) must have a demonstrated history of selecting non-TC member awardees, only considering current members when truly deserving. Selection of current TC members or those who have been members of the responsible TC(s) during the preceding two years should be the exception and not the rule. The individual must be superior as compared to other eligible nominees as determined by the award selection criteria.

H. When the responsible TC(s) are aware that one or more of the nominations is for an individual who is or has been a member of the responsible TC(s) during the preceding two years, additional effort should be made to ensure that more than the mandatory minimum number of three nominations are on file.

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